The Greatest Showman

Chapter 506: Exclaimed again and again

On the big screen, tit-for-tat, tense, and volatile, the tight and strong smell of gunpowder slowly spread throughout the theater. Even James Bernard, a senior film critic of "Village Voice", could bear it. I couldn't help holding my breath, keeping my eyes intent, lest I miss any detail.

Hobbs stood firmly in front of Dominic, his eyes that seemed calm but contained the stormy sea, stared at Dominic piercingly and sharply, without leaving him any way back, with a turbulent and powerful aura. The raw earth pressed all the surrounding breath into the deep throat, and the air was so tight that it was about to burst.

This was the first time that Dominic and Hobbs faced the king against the king, but the imaginary sparks did not happen, because Dominic was completely defeated.

Standing in front of Hobbes, Dominic seemed to be a little shorter. From the physical height distance to the mental and psychological gap, he was completely suppressed. His pretentiously calm and strong eyes appeared to be stern, obviously lacking in confidence. It looks exaggerated and messy, which makes Dominic fall into a passive position.

Upon seeing this, Brian hurriedly stepped forward, stood side by side with Dominic, and the two joined forces to confront Hobbes. Hobbs's gaze swept across Brian lightly, and he faced the contest openly and upright. As the law enforcement officers were equal and fair to the former law enforcement officers, they were equal and fair, but lethal with one easy blow. Brian subconsciously pressed the corners of his mouth. The shaking pupils revealed his inner tension.

The long-awaited "Wang See King" was finally staged, but it was not the scene at all. It's not that it was worse or disappointing; to be precise, it was overjoyed, but because the surprise was so turbulent and surging, it was jaw-dropping.

James considers himself an "old driver", but before his head can react, the exclamation has rushed out, this...this is simply shocking!

Objectively speaking, James thinks that "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" is very good. The plot is still simple and rude. It completely follows the basic template of commercial movies. The direction of the story can be expected: Brian finally learned that Mia was pregnant, and he and Dominic discussed and decided to wash his hands in the Golden Basin, but before retiring to the arena, the two planned to make a fortune.

The target is not difficult to choose. They are now being wanted and hunted down by Rio de Janeiro's gangster Reyes, so now that an endless confrontation has formed, it is better to push the boat along the river and cast a vote on the godfather of the gang. The big one, and then retreat.

As a result, all the following plots are clear. Assemble the entire team, and all the outstanding characters in the previous four series of movies have returned; emphasizing the difficulty of the task, Reyes put his entire underground vault in the police/prosecution bureau, and the bio-code is protected by layers; the team division of labor and cooperation , Break the puzzles one by one, and start preparing tools for the final task.

Later, they found Hobbes's pursuit. Instead of being passively beaten, it is better to attack actively. They decided to set up a trap and actively attracted Hobbes over, and then used absolute force to deter them, allowing Hobbes to settle down for a period of time and win the window to commit the crime. When Hobbs chased up again, they were already far away.

There are no surprises in all these beginnings, successes, and turns. The routines are all routines.

However, James doesn’t mind. The director Justin has shown a good commercial sense in the rhythm control of the plot, the interspersed humor and the style of the characters. The whole movie watching is very smooth, and the constant laughter in the theater is the best. Good proof.

But that's it. It may be a bit better to maintain the qualified level of popcorn commercial movies, but it is nothing more than that. Not to mention that it is compared with classic commercial works such as "Inception" and "Batman: The Dark Knight". Compared with works like "Iron Man" and "Spiderman", this is still slightly inferior.

The reason is very simple. The film has almost no ink on the protagonist’s thought changes, personality shaping, etc., so forget it, even the plot's beginnings and transitions do not have a clear core theme, and everything is simple and rude to the extreme.

"Iron Man" thought about the relationship between war and weapons, and then achieved the awakening of personal thought; "Spiderman" thought about the relationship between ability and responsibility, and witnessed the process of boy turning into man. However, "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" is just stimulation, stimulation, and re-stimulation. The whole movie is full of sensory stimulation and pleasure. During the viewing process, all five senses can experience an enjoyment. There is nothing left.

Such "speed and excitement/emotion 5", it is really difficult to compete with the ambitious second-step plan "Thor" of Marvel Universe.

But at this moment, Hobbs appeared again!

The movie has been playing for more than seventy minutes. This is only the fourth appearance of Hobbes, but every appearance makes people shine.

It is not only a tough and straightforward style, not only a wise and cunning strategy, but also the incredible ability to still have the upper hand with one enemy and two, but also the strong aura of gestures, which can easily make the character image full

James couldn't help but began to speculate that Hobbes should have been a soldier before, and it seems that he should be a think tank who does not obey discipline, but why did he transfer to the FBI and leave the battlefield? Hobbs has a cunning and changeable style, taking the initiative in everything but not reckless and impulsive. According to the script, Hobbs led a team to the parking lot to surround Dominic and Paul, which seemed sloppy. The performance is out of touch. Such small details are actually the shortcomings of the script, and the actors have given more vitality to the characters. If the screenwriter is willing to spend a little more brains, then the overall quality of the film can be improved.

Everyone knows that the power of performance is extremely important, but it ignores the requirements of commercial films for performance. In the scene before him, James saw a sharp gap. No, even a layman can see that something is wrong.

Fan’s performance was too stiff and exaggerated. The entire expression and movements were full of "pretending" rigidity, but lacked enough confidence to be completely crushed; Paul’s performance was too thin, with almost facial expressions. There is no change, the emotions revealed by the eyes are full enough, but they show straight lines, without hierarchy, strength, and change, which wastes the great atmosphere of the scene.

The direct result is that Fan and Paul are still half a head short in front of Lan Li.

The Hobbes portrayed by Lan Li can't see the traces of performance at all. The emotions and styles are clear between gestures and eyebrows. At the same time, in terms of habitual movements and eye contact details, they give the character more connotation in a simple way , So that the role of "Luke Hobbs" suddenly became full and vivid.

Although it’s not fair to say that, the fact is that after only four appearances, and less than ten minutes in total, the image of Hobbs has been more than Dominic, Brian, Mia, etc. throughout the five series. The role of the work should be fuller.

Dominic's bluff was supported by the arms of the entire parking lot. Now it is not two people fighting against one person, but hundreds of people in the audience against Hobbs alone. But even so, Hobbs still did not fall apart, and even after he finally retreated, Hobbs still maintained a strong threat and suppression.

When James saw Hobbes' last pull of the trigger, the adrenaline burst for the first time.

Pure drag racing, pure fighting, pure gunfight, for professional film critics like James, it actually brings very little enjoyment, because they are too familiar with this routine, unless it is technical like "Avatar" Revolution/Mingming, or "Inception Space" is an unimaginative unreliable imagination, otherwise their viewing of movies will always be so peaceful.

But at this moment, Hobbs's evil, enchanting, bloodthirsty and tough demonstrations made James once again see a clown-like classic role. This description may be somewhat incorrect. After all, the Joker in "Batman" is the villain, and Hobbes is the law enforcement officer representing justice; but the fact is that James became curious and curious about the story behind Hobbes. What made such a charming character?

James is obviously not Eli Murphy stood up abruptly, the exclamation in the theater came after another, one after another, in just three minutes, it happened at least four times in a dense manner. , Especially the last time, you can even hear a few sudden whistles, followed by joyful laughter and breaths of wonder.

what happened? What happened to this?

This is not over yet, "Wow!" The exclamation sounded again, and Eli looked at the other companions at the door excitedly, "Racing? Is it starting to drag inside?"

At this time, there were about 20 or 30 people standing at the door. None of them were able to get tickets for the premiere. In other words, they were more concerned about the reaction after the film was over than the movie itself. It is very important for the opening battle. But now, their curiosity couldn't help but boil, and the exclamation after the exclamation, faint but clear, seemed to herald a huge success for the premiere tonight.

Suddenly, there was a sharp scream from inside the theater, "Ah!" The screams were uneven and could be heard. It should be more than a dozen people, and a large number of people all made it at the same time. There was a scream, but only for an instant, after the sparkle, the scream disappeared, quiet, a dead silence.

Eli looked at the others around him blankly, "What's the matter? What's the matter?" That scream, that silence, everything was too abnormal, what happened in the Chinese Theater?

However, no one could answer Eli. Everyone stood up, looking at the gate of the theater expectantly, and the same thought came to mind again: Why didn't they enter the venue stupidly?

This is really suffering.

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