The Greatest Showman

Chapter 289: Life is hanging by a thread

Storms and showers, this is the real storms and showers.

First, Fan’s combination of punches continued to strike, and Lan Li was almost unable to fight back. The crisis of life hanging by a thread made the palms of his hands sweaty; but just a momentary respite, Lan Li successfully reversed the situation. After regaining the supreme territory, a few simple, bold and domineering moves directly blasted the fan.

The exciting rallying process is completely intriguing. In the trance, people actually forgot, which part is the design of martial arts instructor, which part is the instinct/instinct reaction of two people, Dominic and Hobbs duel, derived When it came to Fan and Lan Li, both of them were blood flowing. Lan Li’s cheekbones and Fan’s brow bones. The hot blood smeared on the cheeks. The viscous liquid gave off a nauseating smell. It was hot and hot. The brilliant spark seemed to be enough to burn both of them to death.

Fan only felt that the strength of his body was taken away bit by bit. When the center of gravity of his feet was not stable, the strength of the waist and abdomen did not come out. The strength of the upper limbs was like rootless duckweed, and there was no place to stay. But Fan won't give up, never give up easily, Lan Li-Hall, this handsome butter boy, looks like a flashy vase, how could he lose to the other side? How could he be so embarrassed? How could he be powerless to resist?

Before the anger burned, Fan struggled to stand up and subconsciously swiped his right fist, but it was soft like noodles, without any strength at all. Lan Li just flashed back, raising his left foot sharply and fiercely. Kicked towards Fan's right leg behind the knee.

The calf with the momentum of thunder slammed into Fan's bones, and there was a crisp sound, and then Fan knelt on his knees in embarrassment. The severe pain swept through and pinched Fan tightly. His throat suffocated instantly, and his face was flushed to his knees on the ground. Even though the cells in his body were all sounding an alarm, he still couldn't move, and he couldn't even move a finger.

He is like a fish on a chopping board, to be slaughtered.

This kind of fear made Fan Jui burst into tears, his pupils began to vibrate violently, the timidity of injury and the fear of death attacked his heart, the whole brain could not respond effectively, and the strong sense of suffocation was as if his hands and feet were tied. It was like sinking into the bottom of the lake, and there was a huge boulder in his arms, even if he struggled hard, it would not help.

Fan has lost his resistance, Lan Li walked forward, locked Fan's throat with his left hand, and then began to exert force!

The instinct to survive awakened the last energy in Fan's body. He raised his hands, grabbed Lan Li's arm, and tried to break it apart, hoping to regain the disadvantage with his dominant power. But after losing the first opportunity, Lan Li had taken the absolute initiative. No matter how hard Fan worked, his well-proportioned and strong arm was like a rock, completely unable to break apart.

The scorching nose was spraying chaotically, Lan Li’s arms could clearly feel the rapid breathing that was like a wave, and it was so hot that he was about to ignite his skin. At this moment, Lan Li felt that his hands were holding a life. , It seems that as long as he twists it gently, this life will end at his fingertips, even more fragile than an ant.

The feeling of being high above, the feeling of mastering the power of life and death, rushed in the chest, making the whole person fly into the air, as if standing on the top of the world, even **** Christ was crawling under his feet. However, the fear and loss of "Eugene Sledge" was like a cold current, pulsing in the blood vessels, and the fingertips of both hands began to be penetrated by blood little by little, as if the whole person was being eaten away.

This is not him.

Lan Li still gritted his teeth, but his brutal and raging eyes recovered a hint of clarity. He is Hobbes, he can be the fbi agent, he can be the boss who protects his brothers, he can be a law enforcement officer who has no mercy in fighting crime, but he is not an executioner, let alone a killer. It is not his duty to try and execute sentences, but to arrest criminals, no more, no less.

His eyes became firm again.

Looking up, he saw the other fbi agents occupying the base. Mia and Brian were already surrounded. He knew that the situation had fallen under control. This time, he will not repeat the same mistakes again, he will not let the tiger go back to the mountain like he did in the parking lot before!

But at this moment of distraction, Fan found a gap where his strength was loosening, kicked his legs on the ground, rammed backwards, stubbornly pushing Lan Li back, and finally hit the wall. One more time, another time, Lan Li’s arm was forced to let go, Fan immediately broke free, turned around, concentrated his fire and started attacking.

Right fist, right elbow, left fist, right fist, left elbow, right knee, left fist... a series of continuous blows once again plunged Lan Li into a dizzy despair.

However, just now Fan suffocated for two seconds, his strength had not been fully recovered, and his striking power was far worse than before. Lan Li quickly gained a foothold, rushed up, hugged Fan's waist, and rushed forward bravely. The two broke through the glass window and slammed into the tool table. The scene was messed up.

These are special props made by the props group. They are not as hard as the actual items, but even so, the materials are still real, just loose the nails and screws at the joints. Lan Li felt as if he had been beaten three hundred and sixty-five punches all over his body. After the soreness and bruises made the painful nerves reach the extreme, they lost contact and did not respond.

"Dom!" Mia rushed up and shouted loudly. All the fbi agents rushed up and aimed at Dominic with the barrel, but Hobbes sat upright and occupied the commanding heights with a hoarse voice. He screamed, "Get back! Leave it to me!" Then, his fist slammed down like a storm, once and again.

His powerful fist made Fan dizzy, and his split eyebrows drenched with blood, and even blurred the entire face. It looked really terrifying, and the sound of "Puff, Puff, Puff" reverberated in his mind, just like a watermelon being quilted. It's cracking, crisp but dull, and the sense of conflict makes people feel that something is cracking.

Fan held his breath, gritted his teeth, raised his hands and pressed Lan Li's fist. In the frontal confrontation, Fan still had the upper hand. Even with Lan Li's condescending fist, it was only a tie, but after Lan Li's momentum was hindered, the rhythm suddenly stagnated.

It was this short moment.

Fan pushed back with both hands and successfully overturned Lan Li. He flipped to the top and threw his fist down, but he was not strong enough; Lan Li avoided again, and the fist of his left hand hit Fan's abdomen with a blow and rolled over. , Regained the upper hand, there was no time to open his fist, so he slammed it directly. Although it hit Fan’s cheek accurately, the strength was far from enough. Instead, Fan grabbed his right hand and broke it with force. The pain was almost broken. Gritting his teeth couldn't bear it; once again, Fan flipped to the top.

But Lan Li didn't wait for Fan to do anything this time. His legs curled up, as if compressed to the extreme spring, and kicked towards Fan's lower abdomen, separating the fight between the two and rolling out.

Touching an iron wrench in his hand, Lan Li didn't have time to think about it, so he picked it up and smashed it down at Fan's head. However, at a critical juncture, Lan Li kept a trace of reason, aimed at the wrong position, and swung it down. However, between the electric light and flint, the reaction was not timely at all. The slight deviation in his mind was actually completely derailed, far away from Fan's head. There was at least two palms away, hitting the iron plate.

The anti-shock force of the iron plate made Lan Li's wrist a little numb, his body lost his center of gravity, and he fell directly to the ground.

Taking advantage of this gap, Fan used both hands and feet to climb onto Lan Li's body again, and slammed a fist down. Although Lan Li blocked with both hands, both hands were already out of force at this time, and he couldn't stop Fan's powerful momentum. After leaving, Fan slammed down again, hitting Lan Li's cheek vigorously, and the violent sound of the collision of teeth and bones made his whole body tremble.

Fan Sui picked up the iron wrench next to him, but his palm hurt so much and his fingertips kept trembling. Embarrassed, ashamed, humiliated, countless emotions rushed across his chest, and the voice in his brain roared, "Smash it! Smash it! Smash it!" His eyes were aimed at Lan Li's temple and he couldn't move.

As long as you smash it down, things will be over!

"Smash! Smash! Smash!" The shouts in his mind became louder and fiercer, Fan's eyes began to turn red, and his reason was burned out. Starting from Telluride he didn't like the face in front of him, it was disgusting, and now he would never resist anymore, as long as he smashed it down, everything would be over. "Kill! Kill! Kill!"


All the hairs on Lan Li's body stood up, and he really smelled the breath of death. At this moment, it was not fear, but calmness that spontaneously arose in the depths of his heart. He has already died once, and he knows what the scene is at the end of death, so he will not be afraid, let alone timid.

Lan Li turned his head, blood flowed into his eyes, and his cheeks were slightly swollen. He knew he was embarrassed now, but when he looked at Fan in front of him, he knew that Fan was even more embarrassed. The bald head was stained with blood, the opening at the end of the eyebrows was already cracked, the pink tender flesh was turned over, big and big blood dripped directly down, and the dust and blood on the face mixed together. Looks like a bereaved dog.

Regardless of the pain in his eyes, Lan Li rounded his pupils and stared at Fan firmly.

At this moment, he felt the breath of death, but he also felt the fear of Fan. He knew that Fan didn't dare to start. Killing is not that simple. It's like "Eugene Sledge" killing for the first time on the battlefield. No matter whether his hands are stained with blood or not, the after killing is not pleasure, but nausea, and fear.

Seeing Fan's stern voice, Lan Li only found it ridiculous, as if Fan holding a wrench and controlling the power of life and death at this time was like a clown. Self-proclaimed tough, self-proclaimed strong, self-proclaimed domineering, but deep down, Fan is nothing but a little girl in a pink tutu. Thus, the corner of Lan Li's mouth outlines a shallow arc.

It was this shallow, small, slight arc, reflected in Fan's eyes, and the shame instantly rushed from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head, burning all his senses, and then he dropped the wrench. 8

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