The Greatest Showman

Chapter 285: Punch to the flesh

Lan Li twisted Fan's right arm and pressed him firmly against the abandoned hood, but with both hands he could feel the powerful force of Fan's arm muscles, like a mad bull. The turbulent power almost When he couldn’t suppress it, Lan Li had to press down hard, buckle the small arm, clenched his right hand into a fist, and pressed it down towards Fan’s back bit by bit, even the upper body’s strength was reduced. Leaning over, the muscles of his whole body are tightened to the extreme, and they seem to burst at any time.

Fan gritted his teeth, the sharp pain from his wrist made his teeth almost crushed, and his shoulders seemed to be torn apart. The twisting of his right hand caused the entire right body to lose its strength and was unable to exert any strength at all, but he He didn't shrink back, supporting the hood with his left hand, and using the strength of the waist and abdomen to support the whole person little by little.

In the confrontation of absolute power, he has never been afraid of anyone.

Both muscles began to tremble slightly, but Lan Li's absolute strength was still suppressed by Fan, his advantage began to be eroded bit by bit, and finally the whole person was pryed, the power of both feet was relieved, and the center of gravity suddenly became unstable. , Fan leaned back and knocked Lan Li directly into the air.

The huge inertia caused Lan Li to fly out, and his back slammed into the door of the jeep behind. Accompanied by a muffled "bang", the entire back muscles began to numb, and the severe pain was like an axe. , Smashed it down. But before Lan Li had time to react, Fan's left elbow rushed over with the breaking wind.

Lan Li closed his pupils and tried to lift his hands, but Fan's right hand was pressed too hard, and he clasped Lan Li's fingertips. With a "whoop", the strong elbow smashed over. , Hit hard under the cheekbones, the tearing pain made Lan Li gritted his teeth, his eyes were concentrated, the whole person greeted him, compressed the space between the two to the extreme, and then slammed his shoulder against Fan's shoulders.

But the horses of the two people were extremely solid, their shoulders smashed into each other, making a dull sound, and both of them resisted abruptly.

Justin Lin, Paul Walker, Gal Gadot and others who stood by and watched could not help holding their breath, and their hearts almost stopped beating. At this moment, Lan Li and Fan are intensively filming. They are shooting a scene in which Hobbes and Dominic are fighting head-on. This is also the only scene where the two directly confronted each other. All fancy moves and weapons were abandoned. The blessing of, return to the most primitive fighting design, direct confrontation from fist to fist.

The original design of this scene was Dawn Johnson vs. Van Diesel. Although the highlight of the "Speed ​​and Excitement/Affection" series has never been higher than the fighting scenes, drag racing is king; but the two muscle kings The confrontation is undoubtedly sparkling and exciting.

After replacing Lan Li, Justin once considered deleting the scene. On the one hand, he was worried that Lan Li would not be able to form an effective confrontation. On the other hand, he was worried that the martial arts scene would not be as effective as desired. More importantly, Justin worried about Fan's revenge.

Before in the crew, Fan had already had various hatreds of Lan Li. Later, he experienced the "buried alive" incident. On the surface, it was calm, but the turbulent atmosphere permeated the entire crew.

Now, shooting Fan and Lan Li's confrontation scene, and it was originally a real sword and gun confrontation, if Fan deliberately increases force, deliberately misses, and really beats Lan Li, then Lan Li is the real dumb eating huanglian. , I can't tell if there is suffering.

You can take a step back and think. In "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5", Hobbs is the identity of confrontation with Dominic and Brian. If it is just a "brain confrontation", the physical confrontation of the hormonal explosion will be dug out, and the whole part The works will be eclipsed.

Therefore, Justin first asked the martial arts instructor for his opinion, and then asked the opinion of Lan Li himself. He decided to keep the scene, but the way of confrontation needs to be adjusted slightly. I hope to be able to shoot the feeling of adrenaline bursts, but minimize the possibility of accidents.

However, talking on paper will always only exist in the imagination of the brain. After the real shooting, the situation immediately went out of control.

Originally, such fighting scenes must be reduced, and the martial arts design routines should be completed within the appropriate strength as much as possible. Especially for an experienced action actor like Fan, the control of force, rhythm, strength, etc. can't be more familiar. .

However, now the two of them are clearly exerting their strength, the confrontation with all-out attacks even rubbed sparks in the air, the muffled fist and muscle collision, and a faintly painful moan, it seems that even the bones are in danger of breaking at any time. . But neither of them had any plans to reduce their strength, and the bloodshot eyes made people look a little shuddering.

Fan raised his big left fist and slammed it directly at Lan Li’s cheek. Lan Li was a little embarrassed before he had had time to relieve himself from the impact just now. He did not dodge in time, so he barely lifted his right hand to cover it. After receiving a fist from Fan alive, the arm of his right hand suddenly became numb, and the pain fainted like ripples, and he could not even feel the right shoulder.

But Lan Li didn’t have time to pay attention to his right shoulder. His reaction was slow for a while, knowing that he could not hide, so he gritted his teeth and directly took it down. At the same time, he adjusted his center of gravity and raised his knees. He slammed towards Fan's lower abdomen, regardless of whether the force of his knees could reach the goal, he immediately raised his left elbow and aimed at Fan's chin and attacked.

Between the lightning and flint, Fan did not expect Lan Li to take his own punch. The solid texture made his blood boil, but before he had time to expand his advantage, he immediately noticed the impact from his lower body. Vigorously sinking, there was a sound of wind, the muscles below the chest were tightened to the extreme, and Lan Li's knee was avoided reflexively.

Immediately, before the reaction nerves had time to make further movements, his jaw ate a elbow, and the violent impact almost overturned the center of gravity of his whole person, and the joints of his mouth made a crackling sound, as if he could hear it. The sound of broken teeth, even the brain shook violently, and he staggered back a few steps.

After retreating again and again, Fan finally managed to control his steps. There was a dizziness in his head, but the blood continued to rush toward his heart and head. The adrenaline stimulus exploded completely, and his clenched teeth almost stopped. Unable to support it, the sharp and prolonged pain spread, which made him choppy. He couldn't believe what had happened just now, his hands clenched into fists, as if the whole person was on the verge of an explosion.

However, Lan Li did not show any weakness, pressing down slightly, standing firm, raising his fist, and getting ready for a new round of fighting.

Fan grinds his teeth and rushes forward without any hesitation. Lan Li also slammed into it, raising his fist and hitting Fan's body, but he didn't expect that Fan was short and avoided. past.

Lan Li noticed that Fan was pushing up with his shoulder, so his empty fist changed course and hit Fan's back directly without any retraction. He concentrated all his power on his fist and made a muffled noise. Thought the spine was about to be interrupted.

However, Fan gritted his teeth and made no sound. He pressed Lan Li's body and sprinted like a bull, and then slammed Lan Li's whole body against the wire fence. At the same time, his left hand kept moving. It struck Lan Li's waist weakness-that piece was one of the most obvious parts of the body pain.

Lan Li felt as if he had been run over by an eighteen-wheeled truck. The pain in his abdomen spread to every corner of his body. He couldn't even gather energy to exert force. Then there was a tingling pain in his back and his internal organs. They all started to roll, and even the gallbladder and kidneys could feel the sharp pain like an electric drill, and drilled hard.

The left elbow hit hard, and the right knee immediately lifted up. The first hit the iron plate. Lan Li knew that it should be Fan's abdominal muscles, so he adjusted the angle in the second time. It accurately hit Fan's soft underbelly, and the soft muscular texture caused all the power of the lower body to burst out, one more time.

Two people, one with their fists and the other with their knees, were tortured and tortured in the fierce hammering. But in the end, Fan's whole person was curled up together, his fists couldn't draw on the strength of his waist and abdomen. After all, he fell in the wind and his strength was slightly loosened.

Lan Li immediately caught the opportunity keenly, grabbing Fan's left arm with both hands, and then turned it outwards and twisted it with force. The force was so strong that Fan's entire upper body became distorted, as if it would be torn at any time. Split into two halves.

In the pain, Fan screamed and hit Lan Li twice again with the last strength of his shoulder and then ran against Lan Li against the wall next to him, once, and again.

Lan Li only felt that every organ in his abdomen was placed under the roller. The thickness and hardness of the wall swelled throughout his chest, his lungs surged, and an impulse of vomiting blood surged up. He tried his best to suppress it. He went down, and then he twisted Fan's arm with both hands and squeezed.


The utter sound almost made people think that Lan Li broke Fan's arm, but it was a pity that he didn't.

Despite this, Fan loosened his hands because of the huge pain, and immediately after Lan Li pushed Fan into the wall, the shelf beside him was suddenly torn apart.

However, Lan Li’s center of gravity was not grasped firmly. Fan Qiang endured the pain and pushed Lan Li away forcefully. At the same time, a hidden hook on his left foot tripped Lan Li’s right ankle directly—Lan Li fell backward. After hitting two steps, he fell to the ground without any cushion.

Lan Li's vision could catch Fan's red eyes, revealing the bloodthirsty ferocity and determination, and the sense of crisis made all the hairs on his body stand up, raising his legs, his waist and abdomen were strong. People jump in the air and stand up again!

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