The Greatest Showman

Chapter 280: Red across the board

Even the most daring prophet dare not predict the current situation. From the midnight craze, to media feedback, to audience attention, then to the Internet focus, and finally settled in the participation of film critics, "Buried alive" actually leads the way. In "Ling Dong: Ghost Record 2", this is simply...A Fantastic Night!

In 2009, a pseudo-documentary horror film shot with a camera, "Smart: Ghost Record", became the biggest dark horse of the year. With an ultra-low investment of $15,000, it relied on excellent marketing and clever layout to make it in North America. Reaping 107 million US dollars, it became the film with the highest profit ratio in film history second only to "Blair the Witch".

A year later, the sequel debuted, with a cost of 2.75 million yuan, which can be said to be a radical change compared to the previous one. Before the release, it was aggressive and overwhelmingly publicized, and it is believed that it will join forces with "Chain Saw 3D" to dominate this year's Halloween schedule-at least before the release of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1.

As a result, he encountered a powerful sniper "buried alive", which was definitely not expected by the issuing company Paramount. Although "Buried Alive" was only screened in eleven theaters, there was naturally no competition in the box office. The weekend box office champion of "Smart: Ghost Record 2" was still stable, but the momentum of the premiere weekend was blocked. , This is obviously not good news for the follow-up box office trend.

As for Focus Pictures, it was overwhelmingly happy, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, but got a pleasant surprise. Not only can the next "buried alive" distribution strategy be slightly adjusted, with high hopes; but the PR strategy for the next awards season can also be changed correspondingly, once again adding a choice for them.

Judging from the feedback from all parties, Focus Films spent 4.5 million US dollars in Toronto to buy the "buried" North American distribution rights, which seems to be more cost-effective than Weinstein Pictures-"Blue Valentine's Day" "For $6 million, it became the standard king of the Toronto Film Festival this year, but this film does not seem to be so "friendly" to the general public.

In terms of authoritative media reviews, "Buried Alive" received comments from 29 media, including 21 positive reviews, five moderate reviews, and three negative reviews, which continued the media trend in Toronto with an overwhelming advantage. This also proved that the cheers of Toronto and Telluride were not caused by the atmosphere of the film festival. Critics and audiences expressed their support for the film. The call for an extra show in Toronto seemed to be taken for granted. The more viewers expressed their expectations for this work that is currently being screened.

"Buried Alive" scored 69 points in the media review. Horizontally, the media review of "The Shining" was 61 points, and the media review of "Sixth Sense of Spirit" was 64 points.

From this set of data alone, it can be seen that the film critics’ enthusiastic pursuit of the work "Buried Alive", especially Lan Li, who is the only actor, has received undifferentiated praise, even those criticizing the film as a whole. The quality media, even the demanding New York film critics, did not hesitate to give words of praise to Lan Li.

As a newcomer, Lan Li has broken out of his own world with absolute strength in just a few months. The previous "Pacific War" successfully won an Emmy trophy for Lan Li. People can't help but start to look forward to whether "buried alive" can make a difference in this year's awards season?

In the U.S. film scoring system, media reviews are only a part of it, representing the views of professional media. They are often professional film critics, even film professionals, who have in-depth research on movies, so their tastes tend to be More tricky and colder.

In addition to the media review, Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB and theater scores are the best supplements to feedback the quality of the film.

Rotten Tomatoes represents the views of the mass media. Comprehensive magazines, online media, authoritative bloggers, cinema film critics, etc. are included, which also means that their tastes will be closer to the public, but they still retain the critics’ profession. If the number of reviews of media reviews generally hovered around 30, and no more than 45 at most, then the mass media of Rotten Tomatoes started from 150, and large-scale commercial films could even attract two hundred and five. Comments from ten media.

IMDB naturally does not need to be repeated, this is the website that fully feedbacks the viewer's preferences. However, IMDB’s scoring system is very complicated. It will classify users based on multiple data such as the number of movies and the quality of the movies, and the ratings of senior users will take up a larger proportion, which, to some extent, curbs a large number of users. The navy conducts the act of scoring points. This is also an important reason why IMDB scores are so authoritative.

The final theater score is the feedback word-of-mouth of the statistics theaters, and the reaction is completely the taste of the general public. Generally speaking, the scores of commercial popcorn movies are "A-" take-offs. Anything lower than this score is difficult to satisfy; The thriller horror movie is hovering around "B", reaching this score is worth celebrating; the score of art movies will be relatively low, and some works are only shown in art theaters, and this data is not even counted.

The four items of data respectively represent the feedback information of different groups, which are provided for reference by a broad audience.

However, watching a movie is always a very personal matter. Others clap a good movie, but I don’t feel it at all; or it’s normal for others to spurn the work and enjoy it completely. Therefore, different audiences choose the movies they want to watch according to different indicators. This is the kingly way.

Following the score of 69 points in the media review, the “buried alive” Rotten Tomatoes Index reached 87%. The mass media showed unprecedented enthusiasm and gave the highest praise to the film, and the score was scored at 10%. In the scoring system, Rotten Tomatoes scores at 7.6, which is nothing better for a thriller and suspense movie!

It can be seen that both professional film critics and public film critics gave their own praises without hesitation. From Toronto to Telluride, and then to North America, the upward momentum of "buried alive" is not only not there. Showing a declining trend, but still faintly continuing to rise, setting off a storm of word-of-mouth!

So, what about the audience?

IMDB scores are currently limited in data and cannot be counted yet, but the enthusiasm of 8.5 can already see the first reaction of the audience at the midnight show; as for the theater scores, there is no.

This work is only shown in eleven art theaters, and there is no way to count the theater scores, so this reference data is currently blank. However, people can find the answers they want from indirect reference data.

"Smart: Ghost Record 2".

This work, released on the same day, is also a thriller and suspense film. It was also produced at a low cost. It also received a lot of feedback at the first time. This is undoubtedly the best reference for people.

In the "Smart: Ghost Record 2" screened in more than 3,200 theaters, the four evaluation data were released immediately.

The comprehensive evaluation results of 23 media outlets only scored 53 points, which is disappointing. Compared with the 68 points of the previous game, it has dropped by two grades!

The Rotten Tomatoes Index is only 58%, and the average score of 131 mass media is only six, which is consistent with professional film critics, and the score has dropped across the board.

The IMDB score actually called more than 14,000 users to vote. Obviously, the number of viewers who walked into the movie theater easily exceeded the "buried alive", but the score was disappointing, only 5.5 points, compared with the previous work. At 6:30, there was once again a cliff-like decline.

As for the theater score, the "B" score finally saved a bit of face and reached the average level of thriller horror movies-but it was only a pass, without losing the panties.

It is no exaggeration to say that the quality of "Smart: Ghost Record 2" completely collapsed. The audience and the film critics maintained a high degree of agreement, and they were disappointed with this work.

In comparison, the word-of-mouth of "buried alive" is absolutely leading. Almost every piece of data is easily crushed, and it is even comparable to the miraculous "Smart: Ghost Record", which also means "buried alive". The lowest and lowest estimate of the theater score is also "B"-at least the same as "Smart: Ghost Record 2". As for whether there can be a "B+" or even "A-" performance, it can only be judged after entering the movie theater to watch Up.

What's more, the popularity of Yahoo community, photo wall, Facebook and other networks, and the overall popularity of feedback information, coupled with the overall popularity of the media reviews and Rotten Tomatoes Index, it is not difficult to conclude: this is a movie worth watching. the film.

The so-called Halloween schedule is a festival for those who like to watch horror movies and thriller movies But this year, "Smart: Ghost Record 2" obviously disappointed everyone. Waiting for the next week Before "Saw Horror 3D" appeared on the stage, the injured hearts of the audience urgently needed some care, so "Buried alive" entered the public's attention.

At this moment, people in the industry marveled at the cunning of Focus Films and arranged the "buried alive" in this schedule. On the surface, the head-on collision of the same type of subject matter is bound to come to a work like "buried alive" without resources. Said it is unfavorable; but on the other hand, it also provides another option for those who like "Smart: Ghost Record 2" genre movies.

Of course, this is just an afterthought. "Buried alive" can win attention. This is the result of a favorable time and place and a joint effect. Without any link, the current situation will not be like this. The schedule arranged by Focus Pictures only provides the final catalyst.

Unbelievably, the "buried alive" weekend spot market showed unprecedented prosperity. Some people are because of the effects of Toronto and Telluride, some people are curious about the true strength of Lan Li, and some people are because of the overwhelming. Praise, some people are disappointed because of "Smart: Ghost Record 2"...

But no matter what the reason, the audience went into the cinema one after another and bought tickets for "buried alive". This is the result.

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