The Greatest Showman

Chapter 263: Start to fight back

The atmosphere of the crew of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" was so tight that people could not breathe. Everyone returned to their jobs and devoted themselves to work-at least pretending to be attentive, but the line of sight was out of sight. Feeling the undercurrent in the air, everyone seems to be forced to stand in line, either Van Diesel or Paul Walker.

The two pillars of the crew suddenly quarreled, and no one knew how to develop next. The crew of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" is really ill-fated. After filming started, it first encountered Dawn Johnson's farce, and then faced the difficulties of filming in Rio de Janeiro. Finally, it was officially launched. The core is torn apart, so what will happen to the shooting in the next few months? Can the movie be finished as planned?

The chiefs of the crew arrived at the scene. Before the conflict intensified, they succeeded in calming everyone down. The crew’s work was back on track, but the tense atmosphere just now did not dissipate.

Jordana Brewster, Tyrese Gibson, Chengkang, Gal Gadot and others did not move their positions. They were still sitting in the rest area. They looked like they were just standing still, but in fact, they all sat with Paul. Together; Fan returned to the makeup area impulsively. Dacris hesitated for a moment, followed in his footsteps, and kept talking to Fan Gili, trying to calm Fan’s emotions, but apparently, Fan didn’t. Buy it.

"I heard that Lanly had offended Fan. It was when he was in Telluride."

"How did I hear that it was because Lanly and Paul had an old friendship. Paul wanted to give Lanly more roles, but Fan opposed it, and the talk fell apart."

"Holy shit, Lan Li is obviously the parachute assigned directly above, and his connections are strong, don't you know? Even Spielberg sells his face."

"The version I heard was not like this. In Telluride, Fan fell in love with a woman in a bar, but was snatched by Lan Li. The two had a big fight, and then they settled their grievances."

"Really? Why did I hear that Fan planned to punish Lan Li today and teach him a little lesson. Paul saw it through, and Fan felt ashamed of face, and then started a quarrel."

"How could this be true? It's just a prank. It's not so serious. Tell me, I'm pretty sure that Lan Li is the third protagonist of the crew this time. In fact, the main company intends to use Lan Li to form an iron triangle and cut Paul and Paul. Fan's role. Paul didn't care and nodded readily and agreed, but Fan was unwilling to delegate power, so the fight started."

"What is the background of this Lan Li? Why does it sound so powerful? I don't remember any big Hollywood guy with the last name Hall."

"Why, can't he change his name? Only those who really understand the insider know his family background, I guess it must be a big man. Maybe it's another Kennedy."

"Really nonsense. But what do you think Lan Li should do?"

This last question immediately ended all the gossip discussions.

In the brief dispute between Paul and Fan just now, although Lan Li’s name was not directly mentioned, the meaning and meaning of the words could not be better understood. Everyone with a discerning eye knew that it was related to Lan Li. In a blink of an eye, the entire crew began to privately. Whispering underneath, the discussion was full of joy.

But these gossips are not important. The important thing is, what should Lan Li do next? Fan can be said to be full of anger now. There is no outlet for his anger. This afternoon is the first scene of Lan Li, and it is also the scene of confrontation with Dominic and Bryan. If Fan took advantage of the situation to fight, then Lan Li would really suffer.

Lan Li has a height advantage, he is half a head taller than Fan, but Lan Li's figure looks solid... thin. In front of Fan Na's bulging muscles like a rock, Lan Li is like a fragile paper man. , Let alone confrontation with Fan, it seems that as long as Fan breathes out, Lan Li will be fragmented. This is completely a confrontation between lightweight and heavyweight, and there is a middleweight with four small levels in the middle.

To make matters worse, Hobbs is a character who confronts Dominic head-on, and there is even a big fight behind him. Moreover, when writing the script, in order to highlight the protagonist's strength, Dominic won the final victory-this It is also a consistent method of commercial films.

But imagine that Hobbs was played by Dawn before, a head taller than Fan, two laps bigger, and three grades stronger Dawn. In other words, even for Dawn, the confrontation in the movie is still inferior, and now it is replaced by Lan Li...

The scene was too **** and unimaginable.

This afternoon, in the face of Fan in anger, how should Lan Li respond? Can he see the sun tomorrow?

Justin Lin was also worried about this. He couldn't help but feel a headache, but he couldn't help but face it. It’s not about Lanly’s situation, but about the shooting after the film. If Lanly is injured, the crew’s shooting will definitely be affected. Now it’s already on schedule. In this way, will it be able to catch up with next year’s The summer file is even more a big question mark.

Justin and Lan Li have never had a private one-to-one conversation. He has no right to intervene in the role selection. Moreover, for the "speed and excitement/love" series, other characters besides Fan and Paul All can be replaced. Justin doesn't have any special feelings or dislikes for Lan Li, he just hopes to complete the filming smoothly.

Looking at Lan Li in front of him, Justin couldn't help but feel a faint pain in his temple, "... Are you okay? Are you ready?"

Lan Li looked at Justin in front of him, and couldn't help feeling a touch of kindness.

The struggle of Asians in North America is always extremely difficult. Even for the staff who are hidden behind the scenes, Asians are also the most vulnerable group; they are not as good as Hispanics, Africans, etc., and among Asians, Chinese are the most vulnerable group. The situation is even more difficult than that of Indians, Koreans, and Japanese. Therefore, people like Ann Li, Justin Lin, and James Wen (jas-wan, Wen\/Zi\/Ren) who rely on their own abilities to struggle to create a world, Lan Li is extremely admired.

In the depths of this skin, Lan Li is still a Chinese.

"Yes, I'm ready." Lan Li smiled and nodded, and said politely.

Justin was stunned, not expecting such a friendly welcome. He is of Chinese descent, and he understands the discrimination here more clearly than anyone else. At present, in the list of his director’s works, the only work that can be drawn is "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 4"-the third He is on the street. To win the respect of these white actors, he still needs to work harder and deliver more excellent works.

Just like Fan, he never had enough respect for Justin, always giving orders in a condescending manner. But Fan also shoulders the title of producer, and Justin can't put on the air of a director-this is why Justin started with Lan Li.

Justin's words rushing to his mouth could not help but pause, and finally just nodded, "Well, the next shooting...maybe, it will be a bit more intense. You'd better prepare, and then...yes, it's best to prepare. . "Justin didn't know what to say, so he could only ask repeatedly.

When he turned to leave, Justin couldn't help but glance at Lan Li, but after hesitating, he turned and left. What can he do? This is Hollywood, where the underprivileged have no say. Even Ann Lee, as the top Chinese director in Hollywood now, his right to speak is still very limited, let alone him?

Justin deep in my heart, silently wishing Lanli good luck.

What I will be shooting this afternoon is a big scene, divided into multiple small scenes.

Dominic and Brian decided to rob the local gang boss’s vault, but they found out that they were wanted. FBI agent Hobbs was looking for them. In order to avoid the plan from leaking, they decided to take the initiative and set a trap to lead \ \/ Lure Hobbs to the bait, make a head-on contact, and then use Rio de Janeiro's local advantages to temporarily deter Hobbs, which can buy them some time to complete the task of the robbery.

In the afternoon, we filmed the scene where Dominic and Brian and Hobbs were facing each other. Donimic and Brian chose to expose their position in an underground racing circuit. Hobbs really found it along the way, just as fbi explorers. When the agents wanted to show off their power, they found that the agents were trapped in a circle instead. At the end of the strong confrontation, Hobbs chose a temporary compromise and left the scene.

In the "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love" series, Dominic and Brian are undoubtedly the absolute core protagonists, no matter whether they are crime or justice, they are the ones who win in the end. Even the fbi agent must become a foil.

In other words In today's scene, Hobbs is the one who is at the disadvantage, but he cannot be completely crushed by Dominic, otherwise the introduction of this new role in the fifth part will be meaningless. .

In the movie, the story takes place in Rio de Janeiro, but the crew set up a scene in the Universal Studios studio and will complete the shooting here. Although it's a bit more troublesome, it's easier than when the entire crew was surrounded by gangsters when shooting on the spot in Rio de Janeiro.

The scenes are all ready, all the staff are in place, the extras are also in place, and the main actors are on the stage.

Fan methodically twisted his shoulders and shook his fingers. The crisp sound of joints made the calm and calm smile on his chest look full of danger at the corners of his mouth. At this time, he had completely removed his burden, and there was nothing in it. The idea of ​​concealing one's own intentions was revealed naked, and the line of sight was firmly locked on Lan Li, who was standing twenty yards away, as if a hunter was looking at his prey, showing sharpness. The sharp claws, the **** breath lingers between his lips and teeth.

He is a natural hunter, and he will never miss his prey. Even if Dawn comes over, he has no fear at all, let alone Lan Li? He wanted this kid to really understand what is meant by an action actor, what is called absolute strength, and what is called respect and humility. Also, what is the cruelty of reality.

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