It was a fierce collision, sweat splashing around, shoveled mud with turf flying in the air...

Sun Wu, who was hit and flew, made a very difficult turning movement in the air, and then rolled for four consecutive times... This is unloading and not a fall, anyway, Sun Wu thinks so.


A sharp whistle sounded, and home fans at the Veltins Arena shouted at the **** Bayern 17 in unison.

"The referee, this is a malicious foul. He doesn't want to play, he just wants to play!"

"Fall, absolute fall, the referee you should know Best's reputation!"

Westman pushed away his teammates and glanced at Van Bommel who just fouled. This is the first foreign captain in Bayern history and the most criticized player of Bayern fans in recent years...

"Sir, I just want to remind you of the history of the confrontation between the Dutch and Best. He is a loser every time, and he will be anxious every time. Last year he also sent Best to the hospital with a red card, sir. Sexual movements don’t have to be in one game.”

Westman's words made Van Bommel angry, and if he wasn't stopped by Ram, he would have to move forward.

"Beep beep!" The referee had to blow the whistle again to separate the two. "Well, Mark, pay attention to your movements. This is the second time!"

Sun Wu slowly climbed up with the help of Farfan, tried to turn his ankle, shook his head to the anxious Magath on the sidelines, and signaled that the team doctor Gintel Pfeiler did not need to enter the field.

"Hi Mark, fouling is the responsibility of the lower back, but you seem to only foul..." Before the game, Sun Wu will not give up every opportunity to stimulate the opponent.

"Best!" Cross stopped in the middle, but he couldn't stop Sun Wu's provocative look.

Van Bommel, who had an angry face and blue muscles, was stopped by Van Beaten and Gomez, cursing curtly in his mouth.

"Beep!" In just two minutes, the referee whistled for the third time...

"In the opening fifteen minutes, this was Bayern's sixth foul. Among them, Best was knocked down three times. Van Bommel's second foul was all on Best." Adam Simpson shook his head and said: "Mark is 33 years old this year. , Best is only 21 years old, but it looks like Mark is more of a hairy kid!"

The head referee stepped aside and signaled Van Bommel and Sun Wu to come alone.

"Best, I hope you converge a little..."

"I'm sorry sir, I will control it." Sun Wu said with a smile: "You have whistle after being overturned, so I should not complain."

The head referee was choked by Sun Wu's obscure words, and then suddenly turned around to explain Van Bommel.

In this game, Schalke's o4 did its best. Basically, it did not meet the expectations of the outside media. The most suspicious left-wing partner is composed of Holtby and Hevedes, who is more defensive.

The biggest problem for Bayern Munich is Robben’s injury. Van Gaal chose the Olić guest right-winger. The left-back chose the teenager Contento. The midfield is still the triangle partner of Van Bommel, Schweinsteiger and Kross. .

Sun Wu did not expect Van Gaal to trust Van Bommel so much. He lost his opponent four times in a row and actually chose his compatriots. In fact, Van Gaal has other options.

Sun Wu did not expect that Van Gaal had put a lot of effort into the intensity of the game. Bayern Munich players have made a lot of fights. Although there are many fouls and Conttento received a yellow card, Schalke was suppressed in momentum. o4.

However, Bayern Munich's aggressive fight does not mean that it is under heavy pressure. Except Conttento's foul, the other five fouls were born in the midfield, which means that this game, the midfield is the key area for the two sides to compete.

Sun Wu kicked the ball to Rakitic and the latter returned. Sun Wu did not try to play fire in this dangerous position and kept sending the ball to Hevedes on the left.

While changing running to pass and catch the ball, Sun Wu turned his head and carefully observed the formation of Bayern Munich. Although he had done his homework before the game, after all, he watched the fire from the other side. The observation in the game was more direct and thorough.

It must be said that Van Gaal's transformation of Bayern Munich was successful. Schweinsteiger and Van Bommel made up for each other's weaknesses. The former controlled the rhythm and organized the attack, while the latter acted as an umbrella and checked for gaps.

Van Bommel is very good. This is a standing midfielder. He rarely loses his position. To break through, he must be in a high offensive and defensive conversion.

After failing to get a yellow card for two consecutive fouls, Van Bommel was encouraged. Although the next move was not big but more unscrupulous, Sun Wu did not have the anger to break through but chose to pass horizontally to try to pull out the gap, but the Dutch did not Be fooled, only guard in key areas.

However, the weakness of this Bayern Munich is still obvious, Sun Wu is bound to win this game.

The key area for the two sides to fight is the midfield, which is the starting point for sending the ball. Everyone knows Sun Wu’s ability in this field, so Van Bommel’s foul will not hesitate. Sun Wu is prepared for this Here.

However, the fight in the midfield is fierce, the key breakthrough is still on the wing, whether it is Bayern Munich or Schalke o4.

After watching for a few more minutes, Sun Wu suddenly shouted at Holtby.

Magath looked far away from here, and there was also the right road near this side, No. 17 of Schalke o4.

This roar... Although Bayern players don't understand it, they are secretly vigilant.

Hey, Sun Wu has commanded his teammates in Chinese to have been exposed by the media, and the newspapers have said that in the future, Schalke o4 will go to China for training. Every player should be able to pass the Chinese...

Rakitic gave the ball to Sun Wu, and Bayern players stared at Sun Wu with their spirits.

But Sun Wu's foot bow pushed back and sent the ball back to Rakitic, then added a forward, and Van Bommel posted it immediately.

"Sun Wu came in, this is a signal of Schalke's o4 attack." The Tao Committee in Kyoto has a strong spirit. Although the game was fierce in the first 20 minutes, both sides did not pose a threat. Sun Wu was stared at. .

But Rakitic gave Matip the ball.

At the moment when Sun Wu intervened, Hevedus on the left side suddenly also ran across the center line. Sun Wu ran to Holtby, and Holtby moved closer to the middle.

Rakitic catches the ball again.

Watching his friend keep running through the left rib, Cross came back to defend and turned to look in the other direction, shouting: "Diego, be careful!"

Rakitic sent a long pass before the words fell, and the ball went straight to the right.

Falvango, who had already waited impatiently, inserted forward and grabbed a header before Diego Contento, adding a breakthrough!

"Falfan's breakthrough!"

"Rush! Jefferson!"

When Rakitic sent a long pass, Sun Wu suddenly turned back and rushed into the penalty area to go straight to the front point, and Holt Bymech chose the back point, leaving the center to the station center Kuranyi.

The crowd that had just been intentionally gathered by Sun Wu suddenly dispersed, but with no intention of thinking, Sun Wu obtained a short time, although Van Bommel still did not give up and followed behind.

After breaking through Contento, Farfan did not pass the ball for the first time, but went straight to the penalty area and forced a pass again under Van Bitten's personal defense.

"Best!" the fans shouted in the stands.

Beautiful pass! Sun Wu secretly praised, his left hand slammed away and pulled him Van Bommel, aimed at the ball and swept the right foot!


A dull voice came to his feet.

Sun Wu had no time to see who was blocking it, aiming at the rebounded ball, stepping on the lawn with his right foot, and sweeping his left foot again...


See clearly, this time Van Bommel blocked the shot with his butt.

The ball rebounded again, but Sun Wu failed to touch the ball again, and Schweinsteiger kicked the ball back out of the bounds.


Sun Wu regretted with a But he turned to Rakitic who sent a precise long pass, demonstrating his personal ability to send a fanfal applause.

This is the detail of the tactical routine discussed by Sun Wu and Rakitic last night. After all, no matter who Van Gaal chooses, Bayern's left back is always the weakest link. This is a breakthrough.

It was a pity that the interception was blocked in the last shot, and two consecutive shots were blocked. Sun Wu remembered the reminder of the roar just now. Looking down, it was indeed Cross that was lying on the ground.

"Tony, do you need any help?" Sun Wu squatted down and looked at Cross strangely.

Cross embraced his crotch with both hands, staring at his friend with his teeth clenched, "You did it on purpose!"


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