Hearing the speech, Ye Feng didn't mind at all. He walked easily and stepped on the platform.

Today, there seem to be more students in the auditorium, full of people.

However, seeing Ye Feng on the stage, everyone didn't cheer and scream as they did yesterday. Instead, they were all whispering and their faces were a little obscure.

Ye Feng didn't know, so he was about to start his lecture with a smile.

But Annie, who was on stage, suddenly raised her hand and stood up.

"Annie, what's the matter?" Ye Feng asked with a smile.

"Doctor ye, do you see it? On the Internet, there is an indecent photo about you! To be honest, what the students are talking about now is this problem! " Said Anne bluntly.

The students under the stage were silent for a moment.

Ye Feng is asked Leng.

Seeing Ye Feng's blank and ignorant look, Annie quickly stepped on the stage and put her mobile phone in front of Ye Feng: "Dr. ye, you see, this picture of you and Sarah has caused an uproar in the United States and China, and the number of hits has exceeded 3 billion!"

Ye Feng, however, in a wave of national entertainment, the splash of this article has been negligible.

"I can't panic, I still have a chance, yes, I still have a chance! Ye Feng, you will be defeated by me Zhang zuozhou was neurotic in general. He stood up, grabbed his hair, and kept spinning.

Finally, a few minutes later, he recovered a little bit of reason, quickly packed up his belongings, and wanted to run away as usual, hiding first.

Who knows, at the moment when he was out of his mind and opened the door, a pretty face came into his eyes.

Ye Feng, long body Yuli, has arrived at his door!

"Ah..." Zhang zuozhou's mouth widened rapidly. Obviously, he never thought of this scene.

But the next moment, Ye Feng has no words, stepped into his room, and raised his hand, tightly closed the door.

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