
In front of the villa.

Koya turned her head, somewhat surprised.

This is a beautiful girl of about seventeen years old.

It seems that because his health is not very good, he rarely goes out to move, and his complexion is somewhat pale.

She had short shoulder-length hair, pale blonde hair combed in midpoint, and wore a pale blue dress with a khaki coat.

Looking at Usopp, who was her friend and was inexplicably hostile to Alan and the others, she blinked her big brown eyes and asked incomprehensibly, “What’s wrong with you?” ”

“He’s Mr. Allen, don’t you know him?”

Two years ago, if it weren’t for the young magician passing by.

Exposing the hidden identity of the “Hundred Schemes” Chloe, infiltrating his own home not only plotted to kill his parents, but also tried to continue to kill his own plot to seize his family property, and took advantage of the situation to eliminate the entire Black Cat Pirate Regiment.

She really couldn’t imagine what it was like now.

Yes, Koya has 100% respect and gratitude for the Ellen in front of her.

“Don’t do this, Usopp…”

With a smile on her face, Koya happily introduced herself, “These are his friends, and they have come to ask Mellie to help build a ship!” ”

“But, Koya, he is already a pirate, and more ferocious than Captain Crowe, and has been rewarded by the Navy for 30 million Baileys…”

Fine sweat was bubbling up on his forehead.

Usopp suppressed the fear in his heart.

Summoning up the courage to keep pulling the slingshot, aiming at Alan in front of him.

He said loudly there: “I saw in the newspaper the other day that even the straw hat boy was a pirate with a bounty of 15 million baileys, and the pirate hunter was also rewarded with 10 million baileys!” ”


Alan looked at the trembling Usopp and chuckled, “Has my bounty increased?” ”

But he didn’t really care.

This was entirely to his expectation.

After all, from the perspective of the Navy, his degree of danger is indeed much greater than that of Lu Fei, who has just gone to sea.

If it weren’t for the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, he would have defeated Chloe on the execution ground in the town of Sherz.

I’m just afraid that Luffy has not been rewarded or two words.

“Aare? Have I also been rewarded? ”

Luffy, who was looking at Usopp, was even more surprised.

“If what he said is true, then it looks like I’ve been rewarded too!”

Sauron shrugged.

He didn’t expect that he had actually been rewarded with 10 million Baileys.

“I guess you went too far in The Town of Shelds and were taken seriously by the Navy!”

Nami said helplessly.

Unlike those pirates who wish their bounties were higher, thought it was a symbol of strength and status, and became a glory-like showaway.

Forced to get on the “thief ship”, she did not want to be rewarded by the Navy.

“Usopp, I already knew this…”

Koya was no surprise.

And he took out a few reward orders from his pocket and waved them at him.

She looked at Alan and the others again, where she smiled and said, “But I believe Mr. Alan, they are not the same as pirates like Captain Crowe!” ”

With that, Koya said to Usopp a little angrily, “They are all my honored guests now, so hurry up and put away the slingshot, or I’ll be angry!” ”


Usopp heard the words.

I’m afraid Koya is really angry.

I could only put away the slingshot in frustration.

“Usopp, don’t worry, Mr. Allen, they should have no ill will, they just wanted to ask me to build a ship…”

Behind Koya, Mellie’s butler, dressed in a suit and leather shoes and with a sheep-shaped tiara, smiled and said, “Besides, with Mr. Allen’s strength, if we want to do something, we can’t stop it!” ”

“To tell the truth, if he had really set his sights on Miss Koya’s family property, he would have quietly killed us two years ago and then married Captain Crowe!”

Even the current “magician” Alan is already a notorious pirate.

But he didn’t think Alan and his party were bad people.

In particular, the other party is also Miss Koya’s benefactor.

And the purpose of coming here is just to help build a ship.

At this point, Mellie did not feel that there was any problem, but was happy to have the opportunity to repay the kindness of the other party.

“Okay, you kid wouldn’t be naïve enough to think that such a toy could threaten me, would he?”

Ellen glanced at him and said, “If I had to do anything, your boy’s head would have landed on the ground!” ”

As he spoke, a playing card appeared in his hand.

Flick there gently.


In an instant.

A shadow that could not be seen by the naked eye flew by.

A few meters away, a large branch with a thick bowl mouth was directly cut off and fell down violently.

Moreover, the playing card swirled at an incredible angle.

It was back in Allen’s hands again.

Seeing this, Usopp’s face was “brushed” white.

I couldn’t help but shiver there, cold sweat.

“You’re still that good, Mr. Allen!” Koya said with a smile.

But for Alan’s powerful strength, it was already strange.

After all, the monster-like power of the other party, she and Mellie and others had already seen it deeply two years ago.

“It’s just an ugly offering…” As if doing nothing, he magically put away the playing card, and Alan said humbly, “Make you laugh!” ”

“Is this our bounty order?” Let me see…”

In the stunned and inexplicable eyes of Koya, Usopp, Meli Butler and others.

Somewhat curious Luffy, with his right hand extended, took the reward in Koya’s hand.

“Hahaha…” Looking at the picture of himself above, and the bounty of 15 million Bailey, he grinned with his teeth: “Great! Really rewarded! ”

He waved his hands excitedly and confidently said to Alan, “Although I am not as tall as You, but sooner or later I will surpass you!” ”

“10 million Pele, so-so!”

Sauron looked over his reward and smiled softly.

Finally, looking at Alan’s handsome reward list, he sighed: “But Alan is really powerful, and he was actually rewarded with 30 million Baileys…”

“After all, in the eyes of the Navy, Luffy is just an unknown newcomer, and Alan is a real person, making a series of big moves, notorious sea thieves!”

Nami said there.

Took Alan’s bounty list.

Looking at the handsome figure above, a touch of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Sure enough, the guy was so handsome even the photos on the bounty list.

To her delight, there is no bounty list of its own.

In other words, he should not have been noticed by the Navy and has not been rewarded.

“Are you Usopp?”

Pressing the straw hat, Luffy stepped forward to look at Usopp, who was trembling there, grinned and said, “It looks a lot like your father Jesus!” ”

“Jesus Cloth? Do you know my dad? ”

Usopp’s eyes widened.

Surprised and inexplicably, he looked at Luffy.

He didn’t expect the other person to know his father.

“Yeah, he’s a very good sharpshooter, and he often talks to me about you…”

Luffy nodded.

Looking at him, he smiled and asked, “So, do you want to be our partner?” ”

“If you boy wants to go out to sea as a pirate, you can join us…”

Alan smiled and said, “Although your strength is a little worse, and you are still very reckless, it is still commendable that you have just plucked up the courage to raise your weapon at a pirate like me for the sake of your friend!” ”

“Rest assured, we are not those low-level pirates who only know how to burn and loot…”

“The purpose of our going to sea is more to take risks, and to sharpen ourselves and become stronger!”


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