Chapter 150 Blackbeard!!

On the seclusion, Gretel and Sauron sit together, with Robin at his side.

Anyway, after Robin got on the boat, it was the most special to Gretel.

The boat of eight people, of course, also has its own small circle.

For example, Luffy Usopp Joba’s sand sculpture trio, Usopp Choba Nami’s “timid” trio.

Sauron and Yamaji’s yellow-green CP group, Sauron and Gretel’s love-to-kill drunk duo!

There’s also Robin and Gretel’s “OldEr Man” duo.

While fighting with Sauron, Gretel also talked to Robin and laughed and the group began to discuss the next journey.

When Nami picked up the record pointer, she was surprised: “Is my record pointer broken?” ”

“Huh? What a record pointer made by unscrupulous people! ”

“It only took so long to break!”

Gretel shook his head, “It’s not bad at all, isn’t it pointing in a direction?” ”

“The direction it’s pointing?”

Nami raised the record pointer and looked at it carefully, “This is clearly broken! ”

“Where is the island in the sky?”

Nami muttered.

“Why not?”

Gretel asked rhetorically.

“Not only is there an empty island, but there is also a fishman island with 10,000 meters under the sea!”


“Empty Island!”

“Fishman Island!”

As soon as they heard these two words, Luffy and Yamaji’s eyes instantly lit up!

“Empty Island, I’m going to Empty Island!”

Luffy shouted.

The boss at the next booth and the bar listened to this, and although he wanted to laugh, he still couldn’t bear to laugh out loud!

Here is the dead end of a great voyage.

The reason why so many pirates gather here is because the place this route refers to is an empty island.

But they did not know the existence of the empty island, and could only wait here to change the other two routes.


Yamaji looked a little dazed and asked Gretel, “Is there really a Fishman Island?” ”

“Is there a beautiful Miss Fishman on Fishman Island?”

Asking this question, Yamaji’s lips and hands couldn’t help but shake!

It’s too important, it’s too important!

“Of course there are mermaids on Mermaid Island, and there are many of them!”

“There lives a land of fishmen.”

“The Land of the Fishmen!”


At this moment, even Usop Nami and others couldn’t help but yearn for it!

Mermaid, who wouldn’t want to take a look!

A whole country is full of fish and mermaids, how happy it is!

“Miss Mermaids!”

“Wait for me, I’ll definitely go find you!”

Yamaji clenched his fists and said his ambition.

“Although the mermaid is good, our purpose is still empty island!”

“The empty island is seven thousand meters above our heads, called the White Sea!”

“Ten thousand meters above your head, you will reach the White Sea, where there are empty islanders, and it is said that there are gods who listen to What Gretel said so reasonably, and the people of the Straw Hat Regiment can’t help but be convinced.”

But after these words were heard by the tavern people, they finally couldn’t hold back!

“Kuhaha Empty Island!?”

“Why should we believe even such rumors?”

“Are hundreds of millions of pirates so naïve?”

A few pirates finally laughed.

Gretel turned his head, death eyes staring at them.

In an instant, the scene returned to silence again.

Can’t hold back, have to hold back!

Otherwise, that look will really kill people!

In this town, without strength, you can only hold back!

“Foolish people have never seen the world, don’t learn from them, you can’t have a bounty of more than 100 million berry in your lifetime.”

“Fifty million is not possible.”

Gretel turned around and stopped caring about them.

Subsequently, he took out a record pointer directly.

“It’s something I’ve had a hard time finding in Alabastan.”

“The record pointer of the Top of the West Heaven, with it, you can drive all the way to the White Sea of ten thousand meters in the Meili.”

“Of course, we can also use Nami’s skills,… The whole staff is directly teleported to a height of 10,000 meters, directly to the White Sea! But in this case, you have to put the Mernie here for the time being. ”

Gretel threw out two options and let them choose.

“Of course it went up from the top of the Western Heavens!” How can we abandon Merlie??”

Usopp was the first to stand up and say.

“As a navigator, I must not abandon my ship.”

“Me too!”

“Of course!”

Almost without consultation, everyone unanimously chose to go to the top of the Western Heavens.

“Well, you should be able to go in a little while, and by the pointer of the record, you should be able to reach it soon!”

Gretel said.


Luffy can’t wait to go to the empty island!

The crowd was full of morale.

When you’re done drinking this wine, you’re ready to go!

Gretel gently patted Robin’s shoulder and whispered to her, “Actually, there is also a piece of historical text on empty island.”

Robin, who was originally calm, heard the four words “historical text” and immediately came to the spirit!

“I think we’ll be able to leave in a moment,” Robin smiled.

Then he said thank you to Gretel.

The main text of history, unveiling the blank history of a hundred years, is her dream!

Therefore, she absolutely cannot let go of every piece of historical text!

“Why do you know so much?”

Robin asked.

“Have you ever been to Empty Island?”

Gretel shook his head, “I haven’t been there, but I just know!” ”

“On the empty island, there is a god with extremely powerful abilities that can even monitor the words and deeds of anyone on the island!”

“As long as someone says something unfavorable, he will immediately send down a lightning penalty!”

“Oh,” Luffy grinned, “God! Thunder Penalty! ”

“Sounds so awesome!”

“Empty island must be interesting!”

“I can’t wait anymore!”

Luffy’s eyes lit up, and his body trembled!

Others are also rubbing their hands and are very much looking forward to it!

In response, Gretel said a little helplessly: “When you go, maybe you won’t think so!” ”

The strength of Aniru is completely plot killing.

He hadn’t thought of a perfect coping plan until now!

The super strong and large range has surpassed most of the strong!

At present, the only things known are the awakened god Usopp’s ultra-long-distance sighting and smelling, Katakuri’s foreknowledge of the future, and the special sighting and smelling of the voice of the heart.

Of the four plates, Ani Road is one of the ceilings!

Plus lightning speed, and powerful lightning attacks!

That kind of high pressure of several hundred million volts, except for Luffy, no one can withstand it at all!

Inside the tavern, the Straw Hat Pirates were fleeing to the empty island, but they didn’t know what to do outside the tavern, a man wrapped in a black turban and missing several teeth looked at the pirate flag at the port and gave an exaggerated smile!


“Straw Hat Pirates!”

“Just take you as a gift!”

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