Chapter 108 Harvest the Friendship of giants, the choice of two permanent pointers!!!

I really didn’t expect that a simple little pirate group that had just entered the great passage was so strong!

His own ultimate killer candle champion was destroyed by his two shots!

You know, at that time, he cooperated with Golden Week and defeated more than 40 million pirates with a reward!

“The Navy’s bounty kills people!”

Number Three couldn’t help but sigh.

How to deal with them, Gretel did not care, just give it to Robin.

He came to Luffy’s side and ripped off the clothes in front of Luffy’s body, and the ability to laugh yellow disappeared with it.

“Huh? What was I doing? ”

Luffy asked curiously.

“What about the enemy? Where is the enemy! ”

He clenched his fists and looked around.

Usopp, Nami, Vivi:… Is this kind of person really suitable for being a captain?

After Freeing Luffy, Gretel took out the fire oil he had prepared in advance from his system backpack, poured it on the ground, and then picked up some wood and put it on.

Finally the pile of wood was lit, and usopp and the three men came over to roast the candle shackles at their feet.

In fact, there is no need to light a candle, as long as the temperature is slightly higher, it will automatically soften.

Finally, everyone was rescued.

At this time, Yamaji in the jungle was leisurely drinking coffee!

“In this kind of jungle, there is actually a small house, you can drink coffee and read the newspaper with peace of mind, it is really leisurely!”

“Anyway, the prey has been hit, and I don’t believe that the stinky swordsman will be bigger than my prey.”

Yamaji continued to drink coffee leisurely until one o’clock in the evening and then went back.

“Blue Blue Blue~”

Suddenly, the phone worm on the desk rang.

Yamaji picked up the phone bug with some surprise, “Hey, how did the Mr.3 mission get done?” ”

“Huh? Who are you?” ”

Yamaji replied.

“Mr.3? Does it seem that the mission failed? Even the phone bug is missing! ”

“Listen, little devil, I don’t care who you are, but you’re going to be finished soon!”

On the other end of the phone, after saying this, I hung up.

“The one who sent the mission to Number Three?” Could it be Zero, Seven Arms Hecklockal? ”

Yamaji shook his head, then stopped worrying about it and continued to drink coffee.

It’s rare to have such a leisurely time.

In the dense forest on the other side.

Sauron had already decapitated an unknown dinosaur, but twice as large as the Golden Merry.

He was triumphantly rushing back.

But they all walked for an hour, why haven’t they arrived yet?

“What the hell is going on?”

“Is there terrible magic in this dense forest that makes people unable to escape?”

Sauron slashed a velociraptor who had come to disturb his way, and his mood was very irritable!

Just then, a loud sound came from afar!


It turned out that the volcano had erupted again!

With the eruption of the volcano, the green and red ghosts who had been drunk and sleeping gradually woke up.

And slowly regain consciousness!

“Kula la la la la, I haven’t drunk this spirit in a long time!” It was so cool! ”

The green ghost said, he was going to get up and grab the sword and shield next to him!

On the other side, the red ghost also woke up, heard the volcanic eruption, and quickly grabbed his giant axe.

A decisive battle signaled by a volcano!

Seventy-three thousand four hundred and sixty-seven battles are about to begin!

But just as they were about to fight, Gretel stopped them.

“Didn’t you say that you would divide the winner by drinking?”

“Donlly fell to the ground drunk three seconds later than Brockie, and the winner was already divided!”

“Are you drunk and drunk, and you can’t remember!?”

As soon as these words were uttered, the two giants immediately fell into memories!

Looking at the barrels below that had been drunk and thrown everywhere, and the barrels that were neatly arranged and had not yet been opened, the two giants finally remembered!

“Kula la la la la la

“I am the one who has been sheltered by the warrior god of Elbaf!”

The green ghost Dongli laughed.

“Hahahahaha, I remember, Donley, when I lost consciousness, you were still drinking the last sip, right?”

“It was three seconds off, but I still lost!”

The Red Ghost Brockie simply conceded defeat.

“But thank you very much, little devil!”

“Then the next time, we will make you some barbecue to eat!”

Dongli said.

“You’ll have to stay a year, Kula la-la-

“A year?”

Hearing this, Luffy Nami and the others looked sideways.

“We just have to wait until the record pointer has stored the magnetic force and can go to the next island, we’re going to leave,” Nami said.

“Yes, it’s a year!”

Akagi explains, “The magnetic storage of this island takes a year. ”

“–a year!”

Nami Usopuvi and the others covered their faces and screamed!

Why is there such an outrageous island!

It takes a year to store the magnetism!

The three of them turned their heads at the same time, and looked pitifully at Robin.

Robin stood in front of Gretel helplessly, then smiled and said, “That’s it.”

Her words were very calm, and she couldn’t find the slightest emotion and waves from the inside, “Grunt ~” Nami swallowed a little, and then said with a crying voice: “At that time, Robin said, even if she didn’t shoot, we couldn’t get to Arabastan. ”

“At first I thought it was a terrifying island!”

“It turns out that the horror of this island is here!”


Usopp looked at Gretel and said, “Wasn’t Robin’s permanent pointer taken by Gretel at that time?” ”

“Yes, Gretel!”

Vivi said, “Isn’t the permanent pointer pointer pointing to the path next to Alabastan in your place?” ”

“Alas, I was given a back hand.”

Gretel sighed, then pulled out the permanent pointer.

He turned to Luffy and asked, “Luffy, are you going to use this permanent pointer to go to Alabastan?” ”

“Or are you going to be here for a year?”

Luffy grinned, “Of course it’s impossible to stay for a year!” ”

“By the way, I actually got one of this from Golden Week just now!”

Robin spoke at this time.

Then he pulled out a permanent pointer that was similar to that in Gretel’s hand.

Robin’s permanent pointer goes directly to Alabastan, and Gretel goes to an uninhabited island next to it.

“How’s it going, Captain, which one do you want to choose?”

Robin asked.

Luffy looked at the permanent pointer in the hands of the two people, it was exactly the same!

He stretched out his hands and grabbed the hands of the two men violently.

Then, under an operation that even he could not understand, he confused the two pointers.

Then “Boom” a bang!

Luffy pinched one of them, and said with a straight face, “So you don’t have to choose?” ”

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