Chapter 0134 – Defeat the Black Tiger Fleet!!

Iron ship duel space.

The red and blue sides are already ready.

I have to say that this black tiger is also a small overlord-level fleet.

There are more than 5,000 ironclad ships and thousands of heavy ironclad ships, and their combat effectiveness is really strong.

“In the Endless Sea, arrogance is okay, but it must be supported by strength! Otherwise, it’s not a fart, just laughing ears! ”

Black Tiger sneered, not taking Chen Yang as a threat in his eyes at all.

Although there are many rumors about this newcomer, it is said that the last duel with the human iron ship defeated an ironclad fleet.

But Black Tiger is not worried at all, because he is also a man with killer skills

On the other side, Chen Yang did not have any nonsense in the face of the provocation of the black tiger, and directly began to summon his own fleet.

He glanced at the restrictions set by the duel space, and he was not allowed to summon foreign aid? Chen Yang smiled, this is restricting him? This is restricting this black tiger himself.


Chen Yang gave an order, without any nonsense, and one huge battleship after another appeared out of thin air and was summoned from the base island.


When the Kongo-class super-dreadnought battleship 8 356-mm naval guns began to slowly turn.

The fleet began to seize the T-head battle line.

The black tiger was instantly stunned, what the hell are these battleships on the other side? Those horrible pillars don’t tell me it’s naval guns?

“Wait, wait!”

The black tiger panicked all of a sudden.

Not to mention the tonnage and naval guns of these terrorist warships, the constantly rotating 150mm secondary guns alone are about to catch up with the main guns of their own light ironclad ships.


A whole hundred Kongo-class ships began to fire at full strength.

After upgrading the range and rate of fire of the gun, the combat effectiveness of the battleship has increased by far more than 10%!

This 10 percent improvement is like a generational difference.

The 800-kilogram shell easily crossed a distance of 30 kilometers and began to fall into the Black Tiger’s fleet cluster.

The maximum effective range of the 356-mm naval gun is 35 km, and a single shot can completely reimburse an ironclad ship.

When the piercing and shrill cannon sound pierced the sky, the black tiger was frightened and feces flew everywhere.

“Aaaa What is it? ”

The range of their own battleships was not as good as one-third that of the opponent, and the opponent’s warships began to cover the attack in a large area far beyond the distant firing range.

There is no need for accuracy at all, and completely covering the entire battlefield with absolute firepower can greatly reduce the number of ironclad ships of the Black Tiger Fleet, which is completely a dimensionality reduction strike.

The Black Tiger collapsed, and he saw his fleet being blown into the sky by cannonballs at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although his fleet is also firing, even his heavy ironclad ships have a maximum shooting distance of only about 13 kilometers, which is completely out of reach.

“Spread out, spread out, let the torpedo boat on”! ”

Black Tiger did not give up because he found that Chen Yang only had 100 such super warships.

As long as he could get close, he believed that even such a giant ship could not withstand the attack of his torpedo boat.

With a wave of his hand, hundreds of high-speed torpedo boats rushed out at a high speed of 27 knots, scattered left and right, and Chen Yang’s naval guns were difficult to hit these boats of several hundred tons.

As long as he was close to the torpedo boat with a range of 8 kilometers, Black Tiger believed that these secret cards of his could make Chen Yang drink a pot.

The fleet behind them spread out as much as possible to avoid being fired.

“Regiment commander, Black Tiger sent high-speed torpedo boats, and the fleet began to disperse!”

Orff immediately received observational information.

Chen Yang snorted coldly: “Let the Hawkins cruisers deal with these torpedo boats, just to test the power of these cruisers.” ”


Orff directly applied for permission to summon Hawkins-class cruisers from the Azur City.

“Apply for 50 Hawkins-class cruisers!”

“Application approved!”

The blue and cold voice sounded.

As soon as the words fell, 50 Hawkins-class cruisers rushed out, and although these 10,000-ton heavy cruisers were slower than light cruisers, they were more powerful in firepower and more combat-effective.

50 cruisers went forward, and the cruisers with the bonus received a terrifying high speed of nearly 37 knots.

The 190mm main guns were a few guns when facing enemy destroyers, not to mention these small torpedo boats of several hundred tons.

The Black Tiger’s torpedo boat had no more than a 40mm gun, which was about the same as nothing.

Who could have imagined that a torpedo boat of several hundred tons would be crushed by a cruiser of 10,000 tons?

As soon as they approached 15 kilometers, the Hawkins cruisers began to fire wildly, and the main and secondary guns opened fire at the same time.

Low caliber means a high rate of fire, faster reloading and firing times.

It may be uncomfortable to use these torpedo boats against these torpedo boats with cannons, but the full-time job of the cruiser is what it does.

Repellent mosquitoes in general, destroy all torpedo boats that wanted to approach the battleship fleet.

Behind, the black tiger watched as its torpedo boats exploded one by one like targets.

The opponent’s high-rate artillery chased the torpedo boats to bomb, not giving these torpedo boats the possibility of snakeskin disposition at all.

“This guy… This guy… Who is it, exactly? ”

Black Tiger finally understood why Mu Baifeng, who had always been higher than the sky, wanted to befriend a new person.

Where is this cute new white rabbit, which is obviously the East China Sea monster!

“I surrender, I surrender!”

Black Tiger shouted in fear.

[Duel space is the rule of deathmatch, refuse to surrender! ] 】

The administrator’s icy voice made the black tiger feel cold like falling into an ice cellar.

“Quick, play the white flag, play the white flag!!”

He knew that in this case, if Chen Yang agreed to his surrender, the deathmatch rule could also be lifted.

“Brother Chen Yang, no, Chen Yang’s father, Chen Yang’s grandfather… The little black tiger has eyes that do not know the height of the sky and the thick of the earth, offended grandpa, begged grandpa to let me live, I am willing to offer everything to the black tiger fleet! ”

Facing Black Tiger’s plea for mercy, Chen Yang just sneered.

“I’m not an old grandson like you, if I switch roles, will you let me go?”

The black tiger on the other side was stunned, not knowing how to answer.

“Since that’s the case, let’s die!”

With Chen Yang’s order, more fleets were summoned.

This time it was 100 Iron Duke-class super-dreadnought battleships.

Two hundred super-fearless chased thousands of ironclad ship hammers, almost one-sided slaughter.

“Ah, ah, Chen Yang, you are a bastard, you don’t let Lao Tzu live, Lao Tzu fought with you!”

The black tiger roared angrily and commanded all the warships to launch a decisive charge against Chen Yang.

“Good to go, sink my tether!”

Boom… The cannon roared constantly.

Fleet shells are fired like money.

Two hours later, when the last ironclad ship was destroyed, only one flagship of the Black Tiger remained, and it completely lost power because of an armor-piercing bullet in the engine room.

Like an iron coffin floating on the sea.

The entire surrounding sea was covered with smoke-soaking ironclad ships.

The fleet of 5,000 ironclad ships was wiped out in a blink of an eye.

On Chen Yang’s side, except for a Hawkins torpedo that needed to be repaired because he was chasing too closely, there was no other damage.

The black tiger knelt in front of the deck like a dead gray face, and his heart was extremely regretful.

Looking up at Chen Yang’s super battleship rolling in, the two finally met, but in this situation.

“Chen Yang, don’t think that if you win, Brother Pingyang will avenge me!”

Boom tail!

The ironclad ship exploded directly, and this guy actually chose to be martyred with his body, which was a bit of a backbone.

“Zhang Pingyang? Very good, I’m waiting! ”

Chen Yang’s face was still grim, and he couldn’t help but move…

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