“My hometown is called O’Hara, and it used to be…”

With his back leaning against Bing Ge’s chest, feeling the temperature behind him, Robin’s tense heart gradually eased and began to slowly tell his story.

Just as Robin is very measured and does not ask too much why Bing Ge suddenly became extremely powerful, Bing Ge did not force to explore the other party’s past after accepting Robin.

Only now, with Kuzan appearing in the field of vision again, and most importantly, with the backer of Bing Ge, Robin, who has been suppressed for many years, has undoubtedly reached his limit and began to open his heart.

In Robin, she tells not only her life in O’Hara as a child, but also the experience of the scholars of O’Hara exploring a blank hundred years of history and being targeted by the world government until its eventual destruction.

Bing Ge listened very carefully.

Although the memories of his past life made him know this history, he knew that Robin needed to talk at this time, and all he had to do was become a quiet listener.

So did Nifi Pete on the side.

In the entire pirate group, her closest person besides Bing Ge is Robin.

So when she found that Robin’s performance was abnormal, she was also very keen and sat quietly on the side.

“In this way, with the help of Sauro and also under the kindness of Kuzan, I survived by luck, and at the same time became the so-called son of the devil, and could only live incognito continuously.”

Confiding to the end, Robin showed a bitter self-deprecation on his face.

“Well, the past is gone, don’t get too entangled, and there is a saying that killing me will eventually make me strong.”

“As long as you are alive, then it means that O’Hara’s will has not been extinguished, and you will pass it on.”

Bing Ge said softly, and at the same time hugged the woman in his arms harder, comforting the other party in this way.

“If you can’t kill me, you will eventually make me strong…”

Feeling the tightening of the man’s arm behind him, Robin not only did not feel uncomfortable, but felt steady, and also chanted the words of Bing Ge in his mouth.

“Yes, if you can’t kill us, it will eventually make us strong, just like this time the navy dispatched Kuzan to fight me in the future, not only you, my ambition is also destined to make me and the world government against sooner or later, so let’s use this pressure together to become stronger in the future until the dream is fulfilled.”

Bing Ge laughed heroically.

Robin couldn’t help but turn his head to look at Bingge.

In the heroic laughter, she could not see from the face of Bing Ge that she would have to face the fear and nervousness of the world government in the future, but was as ambitious as ever.

His mind was in a trance for a moment, but then, Robin was also infected and smiled.

“That’s right, let’s become stronger and fulfill our dreams together!”

The voice changed from small to loud, and finally, Robin hugged Bing Ge’s neck hard in shouting laughter and kissed Bing Ge’s mouth fiercely.


“Hahaha, Lao Tzu’s reward has finally exceeded 100 million, and I am now also a pirate with a reward of more than 100 million.”

“It’s okay, it’s barely met the requirements of my heart.”

“Hey, you actually gave me such a reward, it must be because of the first bounty, so I was depressed by the amount.”

“One, two, three, four, a total of four, in this way, our pirate group has offered a reward of more than 100 million people, including the captain.”

“It’s so powerful, the captain’s bounty was suddenly raised to 350 million, such a bounty amount, not to mention the West Sea, even in the Great Passage is estimated to be not much.”


Although there were some episodes, as Bing Ge appeased Robin, what happened in the previous month, in addition to the Navy’s crusade team, is actually about the change in bounty.

No, when Bing Ge announced the new reward of the Pirate Group, it immediately aroused the onlookers of everyone.

On the deck, looking at the bounty orders posted on the walls of the cabins, the onlookers were either cheering happily or reservedly.

Bingge – Captain of the War Pirate Regiment – Reward of 350 million Beri – Life or death!

Brute bones – cadres of the war pirate regiment – a reward of 120 million berry – life or death!

Robin – War Pirate Cadre – Reward of 110 million Berry – Life or death!

Sandi – War Pirate Cadre – Reward of 15 Million Berry – Life or death!

Nifie Pete – War Pirate Regiment cadre – 100 million berry reward – life or death!

Trafalgaro – Cadre of the War Pirates – Reward of 100 Million Beri – Life or death!

Lafayette – the cadre of the war pirate regiment – a reward of 80 million berry – life or death!

The new bounty was released just days after the Battle of the Kingdom of San Lorenzo.

From here it is enough to see that the new bounty mainly comes from the impact of this battle.

The fall of the capital of the allied country and even the destruction of the royal family are absolutely humiliating to the world government, and it also makes the war pirate group very harmful in the eyes of the world government.

For this reason, even though they had only changed their bounty once not long ago, the world government issued a new bounty again in order to defend its majesty.

On the new reward, not only the reward of Bing Ge and Robin, who were originally rewarded, was greatly increased, but also Niphi Pitt, Rowe, Lafayette and others were added.

Even not only cadre-level personnel, but even some of the captains who participated in the campaign were honored to board the bounty towel.

No way, the battle in the capital of the Kingdom of San Lorenzo was not only huge, but also very conspicuous.

Whether it is during the battle or the looting afterwards, there are many witnesses, and it is also the follow-up statistics of the world government to collect a lot of personnel intelligence of the war pirate group.

“Lafayette, you have to come on, now among the cadres, you are the only one who has not yet reached 100 million rewards.”

Bing Ge, who was holding Robin, watched everyone’s performance, and finally his eyes fell on Lafayette, who looked depressed, and couldn’t help but laugh at each other.

But no, on the new bounty, Robin, Brute and these cadres, only Lafayette is a tens of millions of rewards, and the rest have broken through to 100 million berry.


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