The Great Villain of Comprehensive Man

The Big Villain Chapter 510

The soldiers in Wano are not weak. Those soldiers are mostly wearing hats and rough robes, armed with swords, spears, shields, bows and arrows. Weapons such as muskets and artillery are quite rare, but their individual strength is Quite well, swordsmen of the rock and iron levels accounted for one-third of the number. For example, there are two swordsmen who can fly and slash at the border port. Looking at the new world, they can't be regarded as weak defense.

However, under the bombardment of hundreds of secondary artillery pieces from more than a dozen cruisers, the assembled Jiegang garrison was directly hit by a devastating blow. The entire Jiegang pier and one-third of the area were covered by artillery fire. The cruisers were enough. It took five minutes of bombardment before the violent fire bombardment stopped.

At this time, the docks and adjacent areas of Jiegang were in ruins, and thousands of guards of Jiegang were wiped out. A few powerful and alert swordsmen and two swordsmen were deducted, those weak guards and Most swordsmen became victims, with civilian casualties that exceeded the number of casualties of the guards by several times, proving the powerful firepower of the new battleship of the Blood Group.

Now, the observation posts on the battleships have used telescopes to detect the docks and urban areas of Jiegang, confirming that, except for the occasional individual, there is no gathering of people at the quay and nearby urban areas of Jiegang. In the outer city area, there has been a large number of refugees who hurriedly escaped from the port...Of course, not many people care about this. Even the good-natured Nami and Monet did not speak to prevent the cruiser from attacking. They knew this. It's a battlefield, dead people are nothing more than normal.

Seeing the result of this shelling, Maureen thought it was pretty good, waved directly to the communicators around him, and let the cruiser formation in front begin to release the landing craft of the Marine Corps!


Compared with twenty years ago, the various equipment of the expeditionary fleet has obviously improved a lot. The specialized personnel landing craft are directly assigned to the first class of cruisers, and more than ten cruisers carry nearly fifty dedicated landing craft.

With an order from Maureen, the first landing forces that had been prepared for a long time set off directly, and the 100-ton landing craft directly started the engine. The speed of the landing craft exceeded 30 knots per hour on the sea, mounted on the landing craft. The 20MM machine gun and the 12.7MM machine gun are on alert at all times. One of the soldiers in charge is seriously glaring at the still burning Jiegang Wharf, ready to open fire at any place with resistance to fire.

"All personnel check equipment and prepare to land!"

"Remember, there should not be any mercy on the battlefield. Everyone should not form a battle formation to move forward. When encountering an enemy, they can open fire directly!"

"Ten seconds before landing!"...

On a landing craft, among the Marine Corps soldiers behind the bulletproof baffle, the non-commissioned officers and officers began to remind their subordinates of the key points of landing, and at the same time checked the weapons and equipment of each one for the last time.

As one of the combat troops of the Blood Group’s attack on Wano Country, all the Marines are not new rookies. At least they are true fighters who have experienced more than three battles. Of course, they are in danger of participating in this landing operation. I understand it very well, but no one showed the nervousness of a rookie. After checking their guns and equipment in an orderly manner, they carefully looked at the fast approaching pier and the splashing water on both sides.


The first landing craft rushed directly onto the pier, and the bulletproof baffle directly popped forward and fell down, forming a steel landing deck.

The marine soldiers who had experienced many battles did not stay in the landing craft. Almost the moment the bulletproof baffle fell, the assault soldiers armed with imitated SKS and imitated AKM (both are enlarged versions of 12.7 caliber) rushed out. A warrior wearing camouflage uniforms and sea king leather armor also followed into the dock and the beach, searching and quickly forming a five-man battle team.

On the whole, the weapons and equipment of the blood group are among the best in the world of "One Piece". Only a few elite troops of the Navy and the secret forces of the world government can compete. The fully refitted SKS and AKM series of automatic weapons can be called murder A sharp weapon is not a person with strong physical skills or a person with special devil fruit ability. It is really impossible to use flesh and blood to resist the blast of automatic weapons. Moreover, the landing soldiers are not only assault soldiers with automatic weapons. Soldiers with Type 81 light machine guns, sniper rifles, and mortars followed closely, looking for suitable firepower installation locations, and at the same time ready to use firepower to support the rapidly advancing offensive forces ahead.

Of course, the soldiers of the Blood Corps who landed quickly proved with their actual performance that they were not only very sophisticated in their weapons and equipment, but their overall combat literacy and strength were also quite strong!

"Da da da------"

A landing soldier armed with AKM watched the surroundings vigilantly and found that a black shadow flashed past the ruins next to him. What he didn't want was that he raised his gun and hit the opponent.


He only heard a screaming scream, the figure holding the long knife thumped and fell to the ground, and blood flowed directly across the ground.

The swordsman who was still wearing the broken costumes of Jiegang soldiers and with more than half of his hair burned was obviously good. At least he was a swordsman, but he didn't even have the opportunity to get close to his opponent. He was caught tens of meters away. The 12.7mm caliber bullet was killed.

Seeing that the swordsman who had been hit with one arm fell to the ground, the landing soldier did not hesitate at all. He raised the gun and pulled the trigger again, turning the swordsman's head into a bursting watermelon. Then he raised his hand to signal other comrades to follow, and continued to explore in depth towards the city of Jiegang.

In the ensuing time, short-term battles between the landed Marines and Wano-kuni soldiers frequently occurred. Wano-kuni, where the martial style prevails, has many kendo schools. Although the garrison of the port has been destroyed before most, but two Swordsmen and a few elite swordsmen have survived, and there are many [Zhanyan] and [Zhantie] swordsmen in the civil dojo of Jiegang. They don’t dare to gather to get shots, but they are mixed. Hiding in the ruins and houses, while the Marine Corps soldiers of the Blood Corps passed by, suddenly rushed out and attacked, which indeed caused a lot of trouble for the landing Marines.

Especially the two swordsmen who can fly and slash. They were educated by the artillery shells before, but they became acquainted. Like the old tortoise, they didn’t show up in public at all. They chose to lurch and raid the Marine Corps soldiers of those squads, whether they succeeded or not. It retreats with one blow, and the Marine Corps soldiers are not given any chance to fight back.

But for those swordsmen who are at least skilled in mastering the two-color domineering, and at least initially mastered the armed color domineering or the seen and heard of the domineering swordsman, their individual strength is more than that of ordinary Marine soldiers, especially in Jiegang, a place they are familiar with, is too convenient to hide one by one, and the intelligence personnel of the blood group have been to Jiegang before, and the map summary given is not as familiar as the original residents living here all year round. Soldiers of the Marine Corps squad advancing in search quickly encountered a surprise attack, and the staggering of swords, screams, and gunfire quickly increased.

This method of close-range raids caused hundreds of casualties in the Marine Corps. However, the Marine Corps who became vigilant no longer gave the opponent a chance to get close. Mortars and snipers quickly controlled the commanding heights of the ruins. The walkie-talkie was called by the squad correspondent at any time, and found that a little movement was a few mortar shells bombarding the past. Otherwise, several soldiers staggered and fired together and beat up multiple [slashing iron]-level swordsmen. Hornet's nest.

As for the two sword tyrants who have turned into wretched styles?

As one of the four emperors of the new world, the most indispensable under the Blood Group is the strong. Among the more than 2,000 Marines soldiers laid down by dozens of landing craft, the officers who mastered the domineering or the domineering of the armed forces or seen and heard do not say everything. All the members are, but there is no problem with making up a platoon.

Discovering the multiple casualties caused by the two sword tyrants, the several elite squads of the Marine Corps that had landed quickly rushed over. The snipers cooperated with the assault elite squads and began to lock in the battle zone. The two sword tyrants who had been slightly injured before It was quickly discovered, and then the elite squad directly stepped forward to carry out a siege, and the attached snipers even aimed at Jianhao from time to time to make psychological threats, and prepared to block the possible escape route of the two Jianhao.

As a result, one swordsman died directly in the siege of the elite team, and the other swordsman was lucky enough to be interrupted by a sniper rifle bullet and fled directly outside the boundary!


"Well, it seems that the Marine Corps has done a good job of cleaning up. Order the transport ship to prepare for landing!"

Seeing the overall situation in Jiegang, standing in the upper command room of the flagship, Maureen nodded and said to the people around him.

"My lord, if we win Jiegang, are we directly attacking the country of Wano?"

Seeing that the messenger should retreat, the communications sergeant in the command room began to convey Maureen’s order to the fleet. Thrawn, who was standing next to Maureen, frowned and reminded his boss in a vague way: “In this case, we might face That's right, the army and many powerful people of the country of Wano, and the country of Wano has at least five top powers of the great swordsman level..."

More than ten years ago, Thrawn’s dress and temperament were not what it used to be. A pure black cloak was worn on him, which was more like the German III style black-gray military uniform. It made him more energetic. The portable saber that looks like a ceremonial sword hides its edge. People who don’t know can hardly associate Thrawn with the first core cadre of the blood group [Reaper], let alone perceive the seemingly ordinary but ordinary Thrawn's powerful strength belongs to the top powerhouse.

However, Thrawn reminded himself that the Boss came from good intentions, and the country of Wano is a real hard bone in the new world, otherwise the navy or the pirate regiment would have invaded each other long ago, instead of facing the baptism of the era of the great pirates, Wano is still closed. You know how deep the water in Wano Country is!

"Now, Thrawn, our goal this time is not to completely destroy the country of peace. To achieve the goal of training troops is to complete the basic goal, and the rest is what we need to work hard on..." Hearing the core As the team reminded, Maureen raised his head to look at Thrawn who was persuading him. After thinking about it, he still didn't give out his intelligence immediately, and mentioned the general plan goals that he had formulated before.

"Thorong, your lord's meaning is obvious. The destruction of Wano Country will unite the other party, but if you just select a few targets, there may be someone secretly applauding in Wano Country. Those big names and generals are not of one mind... …"

Seeing Sorong seemed a little puzzled, his wife Kobayakawa Miyuki, who was standing next to him, was a bit speechless and explained to her husband.

As a person from the country of Wano, Miyuki Kobayakawa was born in an authentic samurai family, and the rough experience of her birth and growth made her understand the internal situation of Wano country, far from the feeling of outsiders such as Sorong like looking at flowers in the mist .

To put it simply, the situation in the country of Wano is comparable to that of the Tokugawa shogunate. The supreme ruler of the country of Wano is the general of Wano country. Then there are the names of Wano country who are divided into various places. It is true that the world of "One Piece" In the high-level world, force is the biggest cornerstone of the high-level rule of Wano Country. General Wano Country can’t control the situation of other big names and cronies becoming sword tyrants or great sword lords. The dangerous new world is the best for the strong. In the birth zone, becoming a strong Wano country swordsman or great swordsman, naturally created a variety of swordsmanship schools and dojos, and then made the internal competition of Wano country more complicated.

Anyway, what Miyuki Kobayakawa knows is that General Wano-kuni has long been jealous of other daimyos in the country. Other daimyos are also dissatisfied with Wano-kuni’s strategy of shutting down the country, and even ambitious people are looking at Wano-kuni’s generals. Position, I really want to sit down and become a general by myself!


When Maureen was talking with Thrawn, the Marine Corps had already taken the entire frontier port. The Wano country soldiers who resisted desperately were killed and wounded, and the remaining few defeated generals, like the wounded swordsman, mixed into those who fled. Civilian sequence.

However, Maureen, who had received the good news, didn't even think about leaving the civilians who fled. He also didn't care about the few defeated generals and civilians in Jiegang who escaped. Instead, he felt that he saved the effort to clean up. Regarding the situation of Wano Country, whether it is the confidential information given by Miyuki Kobayakawa or the relevant information collected by intelligence personnel in Wano Country, Maureen knows that Shinsekai, a country known for its force and isolation, is not so good. The best adjective is to conquer, fearing power and not fearing virtue. It is useless to make Wazoku, who is conceited by its own force, lower its proud head and hit a small port , The civilians and captured soldiers in Jiegang are not of much use. Even if they take refuge in the blood group, there are many hidden dangers. It is better to expel them completely from Jiegang!

Under Maureen’s order, the Marine Corps quickly cleared the entire boundary port. A multi-functional logistics support ship came directly to the dilapidated wharf, and then the specialized steel components and parts were assembled by the engineers. It became a special tool for steel trestle bridges and piers for hoisting and transportation. Then a transport ship quickly approached the trestle bridge. The landing troops quickly boarded the pier and under the command of the officer, they began to clear the boundary port and proceeded. Prepared for action, and Serka, who had followed Maureen, also walked onto the dock, and then used his ability to start to change the landscape of the port.

At noon, the Jiegang and several key places around it have become strong fortresses and defensive positions where the blood regiment’s landing troops are stationed. The walls and buildings constructed entirely of basalt are extremely strong, almost The scene rising from the ground made the soldiers of the blood group cheer, but Serka, who displayed a wide range of [Stone Fruit] abilities, was not flushed and breathless. For him, who had already reached the stage of demon fruit awakening. This level of physical exertion is not a burden, but the castle and defense line shaped by its fruit ability have achieved strategic significance, allowing the blood group to easily build a solid bridgehead in the country of Wazaki, not to mention it. The line of defense will not dissipate with the effects of sea towers or sea water. It can be said to have a strategically significant ability.

Of course, Morin did not have the idea of ​​using his confidant Serka as a construction worker. He determined that the border port and the surrounding area had completely formed a line of defense, leaving about half of the army and fleet stationed at the border port fortress, and the remaining 50,000 The expeditionary force immediately took off at noon and sprinted all the way towards the capital of Wano Country-the capital of flowers, which was less than 150 kilometers away from the border port!

(Today’s update is ~! I don’t know why, after a few years of use, the laptop started to appear flickering and became more and more serious. Consider whether to change to a new desktop computer╮(╯▽╰)╭)

#160-Chapter 160

The blood group’s surprise march was completely beyond the expectations of the country. The general of the country has just received the bad news that the foreign enemy has invaded the border port and the garrison is almost wiped out. The general of the country is negotiating with the same gang. I couldn't sit still immediately.

Just kidding, if the "pirates" only invade the port, the generals of Wano will not care: For hundreds of years, Wano has not been invaded by powerful enemies, and even the castle towers of several daimyo realms have been lost. According to the record, in the 20 years of the great pirate era, many pirate groups have visited the country of Wano. Whether it is generals of Wano country, daimyo or ordinary civilians, the so-called invasion of the "pirates" has been It's not surprising.

However, the invaders landed on the border port and rushed all the way to the flower capital of the country. That is a completely different event!

As the capital of the country of Wano, the status and importance of the city of flowers are unquestionable. The generals of the country of Wano of past dynasties were seated in the capital of flowers and the surrounding large fertile territories, which suppressed other famous forces of Wano.

In other words, the enemy has come to the capital of Wano country, which is aimed at the foundation of the general Wano country. As long as the general Wano country is not a fool, he must prevent the enemy’s neighboring capital from happening. Otherwise, If there is an enemy's arrival in the Flower City or the capture of the Flower City, even if the general Wazokuni has successfully repelled the enemy, is his general seat on the throne?You know, there are many daimyo entrusted by the country of Wano, and several of the strongest daimyos are not too impressed with the rule of the general of Wano. If there is any major mistake in the general of Wano, they will be robbed by others. The probability is close to 100%.

The current general of Hezhi Country, Heitan Orochi, learned that tens of thousands of enemy troops had rushed all the way from Jiegang, and could no longer maintain the previous calm posture. He did not hesitate to interrupt the raging meeting and ordered the flower All the troops directly under the capital were assembled, and all the strong and excellent swordsmen of all schools and dojos in the city were recruited, ready to annihilate the incoming enemy with the momentum of thunder, and establish themselves and the country with the enemy’s blood The majesty of the general.

Similarly, those family elders and high-ranking officials who knew the seriousness of the problem did not have any objections to the decision of the generals of Wano Country at this time. Those who are prepared to use the blood of the enemy to win their merits.

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