The Great Villain of Comprehensive Man

The Big Villain Chapter 347

Chapter 20 Changes in Fuyuki City


Early the next morning, ordinary people in Dongmu City, located around Liudong Temple, were preparing to go to work or school, and suddenly felt that the ground was shaking for no reason.


Different from other countries, the citizens of Fuyuki City in Japan, located on the Pacific Volcanic Earthquake Belt, had an earthquake first in their minds, and then a busy evacuation operation.

No way, it is a bit exaggerated to say that there are earthquakes every day in Japan, but there are several earthquakes every month (the earthquake level is different, some have only a small impact, and I am talking about an earthquake that requires official notification). It is not an exaggeration that Fuyuki City also has public drills on earthquakes every year, and this is when it comes into play.

However, what surprised many citizens of Fuyuki City was that when they shouted to their families to run out to find a shelter, the shaking of the ground stopped, and soon the public relations department of Fuyuki City sent text messages and The TV broadcast showed that this was just an earthquake with a relatively small magnitude. The public need not worry too much about the news. After waiting for the whole morning, the citizens of Fuyuki City temporarily let go of their worry and continue their own affairs. work and life.

However, for those groups in Fuyuki City who were preparing for the Holy Grail War, this so-called "earthquake" quickly made them feel the strange situation!


"What's the matter?? Wait, it's the underground spirit vein..."

The Tosaka family that has activated the magic enchantment, the shock centered at Liudong Temple has just subsided. Tosaka Tokimi stood in the basement of his home with a grim expression, looking at the people in the basement of the Tosaka family in shock. The magic foundation for underground spiritual vein detection.

As the guardian of the spiritual veins of Fuyuki City and the magician family, the Tosaka family is undoubtedly the most important to the underground spiritual veins and the Great Holy Grail system that they rely on. However, Tosaka Toshimi is now seeing the situation of detecting the underground spiritual veins. The intensity of the magic base plate was reduced from the bright brilliance to the degree of dullness.

Upon discovering this abnormality, the expression of Tosaka Tokimi, who knew what it meant, changed. However, before he thought about what happened to the underground spiritual veins, a crisp sound of glass breaking around made Tosaka Tokimi's expression change. Got to freeze.

Tosaka Tosaka turned his head slowly, and he saw a European mural left by the ancestors of the Tosaka family on the wall of the basement, a rare combination of the Father, the Virgin, and the Son. Inside, the inlaid gem "Holy Grail" placed on the table is already broken. On the gem used by the Tosaka family for self-destruction of the Great Holy Grail ceremony, the self-destructing gem that only the head of the three families knows is shattered. The magic array of murals spilled on the ground.

Upon discovering this situation, Tosaka Tokimi only felt that the blood from his whole body surged into his head, and the expression of his whole person instantly became hideous, and the graceful posture that he had retained in the past was thrown away.


Tosaka Tokimi naturally recognized what happened!

This is clearly and clearly that there is a problem with the Great Holy Grail...

"Tosaka Toshimi, what happened?"

Before Tosaka Tokimi reacted from the horrified emotions, a golden figure appeared beside him, and then the heroic King Gilgamesh looked at Tosaka Tokimi with uneasy expression.

I was about to go out during the day to stroll around Jin Shining in modern society. I also discovered something wrong with the so-called earthquake situation. Then I found my nominal master (servant) directly, and found that Tosaka Tokimi's expression was not right. , I asked in a more gentle tone!

"Wang... this... probably the Holy Grail..."

Hearing Gilgamesh’s unceremonious question, it was Tosaka Tokimi who finally came back to his senses. His face was a little stiff and tried to explain. However, before he could come up with a reasonable explanation, he suddenly realized that he was talking with his disciple. The magic props linked by Yanfeng Qili shined.

"Kiri? Is there anything wrong?"

Seeing the contact signal that was extremely urgent, Tosaka Tokimi suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart, and he condemned the hero King Gilgamesh, opened the contact magic prop and asked quickly.

To Tosaka Tokimi, his hunch was quite bad. The magic base plate monitoring the underground spirit veins of Fuyuki City in his home showed that the situation was very bad. The gems related to the self-destructing procedure of the Great Holy Grail were directly shattered. It even made him feel dizzy and a little wobbly, and for a while, he couldn't accept the fact that there was an accident in his hand.

If it weren't for Tosaka Tokichen's good health, no medical history of congenital heart disease, and no bad news that he can't accept, it is estimated that something has gone wrong.

But when he heard the still meticulous words of Yanfeng Kirei in the magic props, Tosaka Tokichen finally couldn't bear the qi and blood, and he fainted immediately before his eyes suddenly became dark:

"Teacher! Assassin's clone found Liudong Temple disappeared, and even a huge pothole appeared around...Hello? Teacher, are you still listening..."


On the other side, the affiliated airport of Fuyuki City.

As the only airport in Fuyuki City and the surrounding cities that can stop at international flights, the Fuyuki City Airport is undoubtedly a lot of passengers, and there are no more passengers from various countries.

Today, looking at a pair of foreigners who have just stepped off the private jet, all the surrounding passengers and airport staff can't help but breathe: the door of the jet just opened, and what came out was a handsome black suit. As a teenager, his height is not too high, but it makes people feel a little inexplicably depressing, but his handsome face and blond hair make many passengers pay special attention to him, and then the one who walked out of the cabin door The beauty with long silver hair attracted everyone's attention without any suspense. A silver-white hair was draped over the coat. She was dressed more like a fur coat in the snow that could not conceal this beauty. , With beautiful eyes like rubies and a slightly excited smile, more like a beautiful portrait of a person!

There is no doubt that this is the story of "FATE ZERO" in the original plot. Arthur King Altria, who came with [Saber], and Alice Phil, who is not a master but more like a master, are ridiculed as "Knights" A beautiful combination with the princess!

"Is this the country where Kirishu was born?"

Just stepping out of Einzbern's special plane, Alice Phil couldn't help but look at the airport and the surrounding scenery, her pretty face with a hint of curiosity.

For Alice Phil, she is now the only time in her life to walk out of the Einsbelen’s barrier and witness the real other places, even if she risked her life for this, Alice Phil is still If you want to follow in the footsteps of your lover, let alone the daughter of Kirishu Uemiya and her, you must join this Holy Grail war!

"Alice Phil, pay attention to safety issues!"

Seeing Alice Phil’s very curious expression when she walked out of the castle for the first time, Altria, who was in harmony with her, raised her brows slightly, and directly persuaded, “After all, Keith Uemiya said this time. The battle is a bit special. It seems that heroic servants have already arrived and may monitor the airport..."

Before Altria finished speaking, the airport buildings and the ground suddenly shook slightly, causing Altria’s face to change, and she flashed directly to Alice Phil’s side, hugged her and jumped directly to the ground, doing Well ready to fight at any time.

However, what makes Altria strange is that no enemy appeared and took the opportunity to attack. On the contrary, after a brief panic, the surrounding airport passengers and staff discovered that it was not an earthquake and they were evacuated. When they were evacuated by an earthquake, a few passengers and the airport were close to work. The personnel clearly saw the scene of Altria that jumped off the elevator holding Alice Phil directly, and many people looked at the petite Altria, who made such difficult movements with a surprised expression. .

Altria obviously did not pay attention to the thoughts of the people around her. She watched the surrounding situation vigilantly. The intuition skills up to [A] level made her always feel a little strange, and the feeling in the dark was particularly weird. The feeling that the depressed boulder moves away with it, or the illusion that everything seems to be in chaos?

However, Alice Phil, who had just stood next to her, quickly reached out and pinched a magic item in the earlobe, and then looked at Altria in surprise, and said in disbelief:

"Saber? That, Liudong Temple in Fuyuki City, seems to be missing?!"


Undoubtedly, whether it is the first time to notice the abnormal Tosaka family and the temple church, Kenneth who has just arrived at the only five-star hotel in Fuyuki City, or the combination of Conquest King Iskandall and Weber who discovered something wrong , And Eomiya Kiritsugu and Hisa Umai, who arrived a day earlier, both discovered that the situation in Fuyuki City was not right.

In the first three Holy Grail Wars, Liudong Temple was used by [Caster] class heroes. This time, the body of the Great Holy Grail along with Liudong Temple and the Earth Vein was knocked off by the pot. It was originally a good spot. Liudong Temple has now completely turned into a tiankeng wonder. From the top of the mountain to the ground below, tens of thousands of rocks, buildings and the main body of the Great Holy Grail have disappeared without a trace, leaving only the original Liudong Temple. The monks lay in a coma.

If it is said that ordinary people in the world, whether it is the city government and ordinary people of Fuyuki City, are still trying to find an excuse or are busy avoiding the "earthquake" disaster, Tosaka Tokimi and Ei, who discovered that the main body of the Great Holy Grail ceremony has disappeared The masters such as Miyakisi and others are all blank and confused. I don’t know what is the point of their gathering in Fuyuki City now—whether it is Tosaka Tosaka who is looking for the roots, or Eomiya who wants to obtain the Holy Grail. Kiriji, or Weber and other masters who want to prove themselves, have never thought about what to do when the main body of the Great Holy Grail suddenly disappears!

However, the Lingshu connection on the back of the hand tells all the masters that the body of the Great Holy Grail has appeared in a quite distant place, and the few masters who have not yet reacted have not had time to confirm that Liudong Temple has happened. What happened, and why the body of the Great Holy Grail disappeared in Fuyuki City.

Soon, before the troubles in Fuyuki City calmed down, the Great Holy Grail War that Maureen had carefully prepared for a long time was about to kick off!

(Today’s update, the welfare chapter will be posted in the group tomorrow night? (???)?)

Chapter 21-The Holy Grail War

Not to mention the trivial incidents in Fuyuki City, Maureen and his party and Liudong Temple have already appeared at the main spiritual vein node of Mount Fuji, and then they were given by the elite magicians who gathered in the main spiritual vein in Japan without any suspense. Noticed it.

no way!Unless you are blind or deaf, you will not be able to find the sky of Mount Fuji, the floating Liudong Temple and a whole small mountain range, and the conspicuous cross-tailed dragon, and those who are qualified to gather in Mount Fuji The practice of the main spiritual vein node can be said to be the most elite group of people in the world in Japan. There are also various detection and protection magic enchantments densely located around the spiritual vein node. It can be said that the sudden discovery was the first time. abnormal situation.

Regarding this situation, Maureen did not feel surprised, and gave a few words about the consumption of a lot of Kongming, and then Gen Raiguang and the many shadow assault soldiers were directly transmitted, and then they were directed to the world in Japan. The magician elites have carried out a unilateral slaughter-the magicians of the world in Japan are not weak, but they are basically hovering at the peak of [Bronze] or even [Black Iron]. The magic that they master depends on the source. It’s not enough for this enhanced top hero. The shadow assault soldier uses technological weapons to educate those Japanese magicians who are still holding magical weapons (commonly known as magic attire in Japan) and tell them The so-called magic is completely behind the times. It is completely repaired by scientific and technological weapons, and they are told this painful fact with the lessons of blood and drenching!

The elite magicians of the world in Japan were defeated. The surviving people saw that they were almost one-sided and wanted to activate the many great magics set by the main spiritual vein node. Unfortunately, they waited for them to burn with jade. When I was about to start the great magic, I was shocked to find that I couldn’t start all the great magic prepared in advance. Even the last few crazy magicians who wanted to destroy the main spiritual vein node directly did useless work and were killed. The shadow assault soldiers were broken into pieces.

In just less than ten minutes, the Mt. Fuji spiritual vein node, the largest underground main spiritual vein in Japan, fell under the control of Maureen!


"Mauren, it has been confirmed that everyone has been completely eliminated, and the main body of the Great Holy Grail Ceremony can be lowered!"

In front of the shrine square of Liudong Temple, Medea stood at the gate of Liudong Temple, looking down at the scene of the battle at the spiritual vein node of Mt. Fuji below, watching the subtle sparks and light disappear, and learning about the source of Laiguang’s After the call, he looked directly at Maureen who was standing on the side.

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