The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 652 Super High Explosion Rate

Lu Li was particularly insistent on this. Although everyone felt that this persistence was meaningless, they didn't want to continue to struggle. Anyway, if they had to give it to them, they wouldn't dare to ask for it.

It's just that this time there was a little more lava essence. With Lu Li's current financial situation, he simply couldn't afford it, so he had to pay for it first.

Azure Sea Breeze felt that this bitch Lu Li was too pretentious.

However, Wu Ai Fei Yu and Ji Weika, who were newly teamed up with Lu Li this time, and even those who had briefly collaborated before, did not say anything, but in fact they felt relieved.

This leader is reliable!

It's not that they don't want to part with these materials, they're just afraid that the guild's senior leaders are the kind of short-sighted people who are selfish for some profit.

Now that Lu Li has behaved so fairly, it is not a big deal to get the gold coins. The most important thing is that in the past few years of his gaming career, he can work hard under his leadership with confidence. When working hard for the guild, he has to guard against the organization cheating him. That is all A plot that only killer movies like.

I'll go, this guy has two hands, You Xingtianxia screamed when he finally encountered the tentacle monster with two tentacles, and was almost dragged away.

Fortunately, several of his teammates had good sense and went up to hold him in time.

The monster with two tentacles was stronger and its arms had higher attack power. Lu Li had to spend a lot of effort to kill it.

But now it's a squad mode, more people are more powerful, and there are T and treatment, so you don't have to worry about battery life.

After a lot of trouble, they successfully killed the monster.

Two lava essences!

There is also a silver gauntlet, a level 40 fire magic weapon. The special effect has enhanced the burning effect by 30%. It looks very good, You Xingtianxia shouted.

I want... sun... I want... Fat Monkey screamed.

He is a violent fire spell, and his attack power is much higher than that of ordinary mage. If the burning as the main attack method is strengthened by 30%, then he will be unparalleled.

Just a silver pretense?

Don't worry, even if it's just bronze equipment, as long as it has this special effect, he is willing to throw away his level 30 gold gauntlet.

Everything is for high output, and Fat Monkey’s equipment strategy is so crude.

Holy shit, Monkey, your voice is so fucking awesome. Forget it, I won't compete with you. Nuoyu also has a fire spell, but he and Fat Monkey are old friends, so it doesn't matter if he gives it to Fat Monkey. Anyway, he can use it whenever he wants. Borrow it and use it.

Come on everyone, don't let a monster go. This is a secret realm, and there are a lot of good things, Lu Li encouraged.

I dug a piece of hematite. Let me go and you can actually mine here, someone shouted in surprise before the harvest had cooled down.


Yes, it was said on the outer island that there was no grass growing, so why did you forget to mine and collect herbs when you entered the secret realm? However, it is still early and there is absolutely no time.

Hematite is a volcanic specialty. Only in places where volcanoes have erupted, the iron ore is exposed to high temperatures and other substances in the magma. Only trace amounts of iron ore will be formed over a long period of time. This thing has a very special effect and can be used for repairs. The price of the damaged high-end equipment is hard to say, but it is definitely not the ordinary stuff that can be seen everywhere on the road.

Those who can dig ore, those who can collect medicinal herbs - to be honest, there is really nothing that can be harvested here, only some mosses, ferns and high-temperature-resistant plants.

Making medicine requires drawings and formulas, and no one yet knows how these plants can be used as medicine.

After killing hundreds of tentacle monsters, there are no more such monsters coming out to die in the magma river, and it is impossible for everyone to jump into the river to find them, so they can only leave here in anger.

After killing the tentacle monster, kill the Abyss Corpse Worm to obtain the Corpse Worm Carapace, which is also a relatively good material.

In fact, by this time, the monsters in the secret realm have almost been cleared away, and the harvest is very huge, including experience, materials, strengthening stones, synthetic stones, and occasionally skill books. The harvest in a few hours can keep up with the outside world. a few days.

Okay, even if there are still mobs, we don't have time. We must leave enough time to deal with the BOSS, Lu Li said.

With just over twenty of us, can we deal with the BOSS? You Xingtianxia was a little worried.

It should be about the same. The BOSS's level will not exceed level 50, and it is only a demon guard. Lu Li was quite confident. His confidence came from the identity of the BOSS.

Demon Guard, a powerful demon with high armor, strong output, and high health, is similar to a warrior. When Dawn introduced this race, it described them as huge monsters from hell, holding flaming blades. Use cold magic to burn all attackers to ashes.

In fact, the Fel Guard is only one of the lowest-level units of the Burning Legion, and their role is not only reflected in combat.

As the low-end combat power of the Burning Legion, they have an extremely large number. Some of them are responsible for training military dogs as a counter-intelligence method for the Burning Legion.

Of course, but if you despise them, there is only one consequence - being split in half by their double-headed spears.

This small world is very small, perhaps just a fragment of a larger world that was destroyed by Sargeras. The remaining scraps cannot be very powerful at all.

Even the demon guards of the big world are the easiest type of Burning Legion unit to deal with.

This type of monster has some magic skills and good physical attacks. According to Dawn's fairness, since it is good at magic and good at physical attacks, the result can only be that both attack methods are powerful.

Lu Li had encountered Demon Guard bosses several times in his previous life, and had certain insights into how to fight such monsters.

The demon guard I saw last time was still under the dead tree.

Fuck, such a big tree, it can't be the Tree of the World, anyone who comes here will pay attention to this dead uncle.

It feels at least no smaller than Teldrassil. I wonder if there are any good things. The harvest from the secret realm is really too great, much more powerful than the dungeon. The saliva flowed wantonly, and everyone who witnessed the miracle began to imagine the next harvest. They Being brought into this secret realm by Lu Li, I have already witnessed too many good things.

It should be said that these twenty or so people are very lucky. When other players - even the senior leaders of other guilds did not know what the secret realm was, they not only knew about the secret realm, but also came in to experience it themselves.

Wipe your saliva, the premise of everything is that we kill the guarding boss, Lu Li interrupted them.

Damn it, I will crush anyone who dares to stop me, his eyes were glowing red, and the blue sea breeze said eagerly as he hit the shield with his axe.

Start cleaning up the monsters on the outside. Don't pull too many monsters, just beard monsters, Lu Li ordered.

Happy New Year everyone, may all your wishes come true in the Year of the Monkey (I feel that although this blessing is ordinary, it is particularly powerful. What I hope most is that whatever I want will come true, money, girl...)

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