Eat slowly, don't choke, her expression changed, and finally she sighed. The woman sat down beside Lu Xin's bed, her attitude was surprisingly kind.

Lu Li had actually already guessed the identity of the person arriving.

Appearing in this place with the surname Mei...

Lu Li never thought of contacting the donor girl's family at this time. It was neither emotionally nor rationally appropriate.

They are in a state of deep sorrow and do not need your gratitude. The more eager Lu Li is, the more he feels like he is cursing the donor girl to die soon. The donor's parents may change their minds temporarily.

Unlike other organ transplants, the heart must be removed when there is a heartbeat, that is, when the heart is still beating after brain death. Only such a heart can be transplanted. If the heart has stopped beating, the heart cannot be transplanted.

In a sense, a person whose heart is still beating is not completely dead.

Taking out the heart at this time would be equivalent to killing one's own daughter. Therefore, for the family members of organ donors, many people still cannot accept heart donation conceptually.

When such a donor appeared, Lu Li was not only grateful, but also grateful.

I am Mei Wu's father, and this is her mother. I just heard that you guys are here, the middle-aged man sat down on the chair and was silent for a while before speaking.

Thank you, Lu Li actually wanted to say sorry, but it felt too pretentious.

She is only twenty-one years old, Mr. Mei wiped his face and did not shy away from crying in front of strangers. I always feel that she is rebellious and always asks her to do this and that. It turns out that she is only twenty-one. One year old...

It was obvious that he was showing his true feelings, so Lu Li couldn't say anything and could only listen carefully.

I didn't expect something like this to happen. After raising it for more than 20 years, it suddenly disappeared, Mr. Mei said in a very good manner, and his tone did not sound resentful.

Mrs. Mei was peeling an apple for Lu Xin, then cut the peeled apple into small pieces and fed it to Lu Xin.

Her hands were beautiful and showed good parentage.

Lu Xin was a little scared and felt guilty, so she ate the apple with an embarrassed face. Her illness had not affected her health yet. Her face was as red as a porcelain doll, very cute.

Lu Li couldn't figure out the other party's purpose. While listening to Mr. Mei's speech, he paid attention to his sister.

Frankly speaking, when Mrs. Mei picked up the knife, his entire nerves were tense, lest the shocked mother would do something irrational.

Fortunately, Mrs. Mei only peeled the apples, and put down the knife after peeling the apples skillfully.

I heard that you are the only two brothers and sisters left in your family? After talking for a while, Mr. Mei suddenly asked about this matter.

Yes, my father passed away when I was very young, and we lived together, Lu Li then remembered that he had never asked the old doctor how much he needed to pay the donor's family. Life is priceless, and he said The transaction was a bit far-fetched, but he really didn't understand whether he would be paid for organ donation.

In fact, organ donation is free, and paid donation has always been illegal.

All expenses incurred are borne by the hospital.

Are there no other relatives? Mr. Mei was a little surprised. When Dr. Dong persuaded them to donate organs, he said that they were a brother and sister who had lost their parents. He originally thought that the brother and sister were adopted by relatives or some other family.

No, even if they had, they hadn't been in contact for many years. Lu Li couldn't even remember any relatives on either side of his parents.

Things like warmth and warmth cannot be forced. Maybe those poor relatives are unable to adopt them. If they don't care, there will naturally be no resentment, and now there is no possibility of contacting them.

You brought him up since he was a child. You are only a few years older than her. Mr. Mei actually had no special purpose.

They just want to see what the person who will continue to live with their daughter's heart will look like, whether he will be as beautiful as his daughter, whether he has a warm family, and whether he can afford the huge cost of the operation, so as not to let down his daughter's life. heart.

What they saw in front of them moved the couple.

The little girl is very beautiful, very cute, as pure as a little angel, and she will not insult their daughter.

The two brothers and sister also get along very well. It can be seen from some subtle movements and expressions that their relationship is very close.

I just didn’t expect that they were orphans since they were young.

My brother raised me since I was a child. He is willing to do anything for me, including making a living and doing hard labor. He now plays games and is a professional gamer. He has tens of thousands of people under his command, Lu Xin said proudly.

No one can question her brother. In the eyes of the little girl, his brother is the greatest person.

When I was in school, the teacher asked who was the greatest person. Some said the head of state, some said scientists. Only Lu Xin said brother. The person he loved the most, the person he admired the most... he was all his brother.

Okay, good job, Mr. Mei breathed a sigh of relief.

Excuse me, is there anything I can help you with? Lu Li couldn't help but ask.

He really didn't understand the purpose of these two people coming here. Shouldn't they be with their daughter at this time? After all, they could completely pass away at any time.

Mr. and Mrs. Mei looked at each other, Mrs. Mei wiped her eyes and nodded, and then Mr. Mei said: Originally, I wanted to see if you need help. If the money is not enough, we can lend it to you first. If you don't need it, then come here I’m notifying you to prepare for surgery.”

Mrs. Mei continued: I hope you will be well and don't let my daughter's heart...

Lu Li frowned, but he could understand the parents who had lost their daughter. At this time, he could only say firmly: I will take good care of my sister. She will never have a chance to be sad in her life.

With the cooperation of the donor's family, the operation began quickly.

Two months after Lu Li was reborn, Lu Xin was pushed into the operating room. A team of experts headed by Helen Swaft, the world's most famous cardiac surgeon, was responsible for the operation.

After more than an hour of anxious waiting, the operation was successfully completed.

The operation was very successful, but the patient will have a period of weakness. I personally recommend that she be kept in isolation for a long time and follow the follow-up treatment plans strictly. I don't want to ruin my brand, said a tired Helen Swa. Dr. Ford said to Lu Li, the patient's family member.

The old doctor accompanied me throughout the whole process, and he was very tired despite his age.

His conclusion was similar to that of the surgeon. As far as surgery was concerned, nothing could be better.

However, the most important thing about organ transplantation is never the surgery. Future observation, maintenance, and rejection will require a lot of expenses. I hope Lu Li can be prepared.

Moreover, he suggested that Lu Li had better live in Jinling for a while, and Lu Xin's follow-up treatment should still be left to the experts here in Jinling.

Thank you AKng, Tears of the Soul Redeemer, Fleshless Man, Seven Eight Fifty-Seven, I Love My Home..., Black and White 1986, Big Fat Bun, 18933396386, Telling the Soldiers, Flowing Shadow Lonely Wind, Lazy Ink on the Tree, ★Ink Monthly tickets for Mo, Love Ramen, Qianjian Qianjian, Dream Fat Dragon, Du Shu Bu Tire, Cassi Duoduo, Wanglehao, Song Family Akai, Cynical Fantasy, Yefutu Tower, Crazy Sky Fighting Dragon, and Swordsman Feitian.

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