The Great Tao Chronicle

Vol 2 Chapter 526: new world coordinates

"How did you cut Russell?"

The three-hearted blue soul boy turned into a blue streamer and looked around An Qisheng, as if he had seen a monster.

To this day, it still can't believe that Russell was beheaded in this low-level civilization with a history of only 10,000 years.

Nine heads are nine lives, and it is also potential.

With one head cut off, Russell will no longer be recognized by the Nightmare Hydra clan, because he has lost the potential to be promoted to the Immortal Seed, unless he gets a great opportunity to make up for the cut off head.

And just because it is so important, the physique of the Nightmare Hydra family is extremely amazing, even if it is the same level of magic weapon, it is very unlikely to hurt them.

Not to mention that Russell has become a 'Little Witch' body.

Even if it is the center of the explosion of the stars, it may not be able to break his head.

In theory, nothing on this planet could harm Russell.

But now...

"Born to grow, born to be extraordinary, it is naturally the starting point that countless people envy and can't get..."

An Qi grew up and stepped down to the Pacific Ocean: "But there is no end to the road, looking at it from a high place, what is the so-called longevity seed?"

Compared with the stars, people are like ants. Compared with the Milky Way, the stars are also dust. Compared with the universe, the Milky Way is only a tiny particle.

Either the short-lived species or the long-lived species.

In front of the vast universe, what is the difference?


The aftermath of yesterday's turbulence has not yet dissipated. Undercurrents in the vast Pacific Ocean are turbulent, and sometimes tornadoes and whirlpools appear. No ships dare to go out to sea.

In the previous battle, half of the Pacific Ocean evaporated, and the sea level dropped by hundreds of meters. At this time, because the giant snake fell into it, the entire sea level was much higher than before.

The piers of the coastal countries have been flooded, and the sea water has spread for dozens of miles. The Fusang Islands, which were nearly half-sunk, were almost completely submerged in the sea water.

The heavy casualties caused Fusang to initiate international aid for the second time after a lapse of decades, begging the world for rescue.

For humanitarian reasons, all countries have dispatched rescue teams.

But everyone knows that after this wave, Fusang will completely fall out of the ranks of world powers, or even cease to exist.

The island is precarious, and the terror of being almost submerged twice is enough to make people crazy. If an inland continent opens its mouth, it may only be an instant to annex Fusang.


Around the huge snake body, there are densely packed various types of marine fish, ranging from whales to small tarpon, all madly gathered here.

But it was attracted by Russell's blood, crowded crazily, and even dozens of sharks were biting frantically under the seabed, trying to tear off a piece of meat.

But there was no fish that could bite Russell's body. Instead, the countless sea fish that devoured his blood were all turned into dead bones in an instant.

"You can't eat anything indiscriminately."

Standing on the gigantic snake body that was as huge as a mountain and still jutting out of the sea for hundreds of meters, An Qisheng slowly stretched out his palm.


The sea surface with a radius of thousands of miles suddenly seemed to be boiling, and countless blood and water visible to the naked eye were stripped from the sea water, wrapped by an invisible force, and gathered towards An Qisheng's palm.

Russell's physique is strong and his blood is strong. Every drop of blood contains his breath. For ordinary people or sea fish, it is more terrifying than high-concentration nuclear radiation.

All the sea fish that were attracted and devoured his blood all died violently and melted, and Russell poured the blood into the sea like the Yangtze River.

Not even a drop has disappeared!


Soon, a blood cell with a diameter of over a thousand meters was held by An Qisheng in the palm of his hand.

These countless blood have been separated from the body for a long time and have not solidified. They are as hot as magma, and it is more like some living creature is squirming in it, emitting bursts of violent aura.

Like a hideous monster.

"The flesh and blood of the descendants of the Nightmare Hydra is a rare good thing."

The three-hearted blue soul boy also landed on the snake's body, looking at the blood that was still gathering, his eyes lit up: "You can use its blood to wash the blood, although it is not enough for you to have the blood of the Nightmare Hydra, But it can also improve your physique, bloodline, increase strength and longevity!"

The blood of a longevity species can be regarded as a treasure in the great world of Youlin. Such a huge amount of flesh and blood is enough to exchange for countless good things.

Hearing this, An Qisheng shook his head:


Tao is more valuable than pure oneness.

This is what he learned from Lao Dan's preaching.

Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives rise to all things. Even if one cannot be grasped, how can one control the 'ten thousand'?

It cannot be said that his way of gathering all dharmas and becoming his own way is wrong. Without the methods and Dao of his predecessors, he would not have achieved what he has achieved today.

But when there is no way, you can follow all methods. Once the foundation of Dao is established, it needs to be completely widened and consolidated. Only in this way can it carry more.

The bloodline of the Nightmare Hydra is naturally tyrannical, but because of its strength, he will not let it touch his body.


Lan Lingtong's mouth twitched.

It was the first time he heard someone dislike the blood of an immortal seed, and it was also an immortal seed with the blood of the eternal seed.

"You can also refine it into a 'drug' medicine."

Lan Lingtong suggested again.

"I have a better usage."

An Qisheng replied and slowly closed his eyes.

In the depths of his perspective, a light blue spiritual imprint slowly took shape.

Russell is in possession of the bloodline witchcraft 'Nightmare Hydra's Asylum', and it is extremely difficult to spy on and collect brand marks.

Before this battle, even though his 'Qi field' had already filled the mysterious stars, replacing the magnetic field of the stars, he could not find the slightest spiritual imprint of him.

Even in the countless tortures in the dream, because Russell forcibly suppressed his spirit, he did not collect much.

It was not until he slashed his head with a sword that the divine will that he had been suppressed to death poured out.

In just over a day, it is already close to taking shape.


At this time, all the blood dissipated in the Pacific Ocean had already formed a huge blood cell with a diameter of several kilometers in the air.

The blood cells were swirling in the air, bubbling like boiling water, and it seemed like some monster was struggling and squirming.

"Even if my qi field replaces the magnetic field of the stars, it will not change the essence of the mysterious star, except for all the power of alien species attached to my qi field, it will still dissipate, and even dissipate because of the repulsion of my qi field. quick......"

Feeling the quick disappearance of the aura in the blood cells, An Qisheng thought in his heart.

The land of absolute spirit is still immortal, it will not disappear just because his qi field is filled, and his qi field has not yet exceeded the atmosphere.

Its total amount is far from being comparable to the essence of heaven and earth in the long-floating world, not to mention the human world.

However, the magnetic field is omnipresent, not only the stars, his Qi field may have a limit, but that limit is the entire Absolute Spirit Universe.

However, even if his Qi field pervades the entire universe, the only 'extraordinary' that can exist must be the 'Qi practitioners' who are attached to him!

Any other alien powers entering will be suppressed by the essence of the land of absolute spirit and the double suppression of his Qi species!


Just as An Qisheng's thoughts were turning.

In Tianlian Mountain, in Yixin Taoist Temple, the silent altar on the other side suddenly trembled and rose from the ground in the sudden gust of wind.

Break through the air in the direction of the Pacific Ocean!

The many people who were waiting outside the Taoist temple in shock turned pale and backed away.

"Zong, Zombie King..."

Li Qingyuan was also startled, but after the shock, he was relieved.

Except for An Qisheng, there is no one in this world who can do such incredible things.

It's just that he was still a little unbelievable.

Did that young man really "become an immortal"?

"Master, then, is that the altar in the Mu Feng incident?"

A young and beautiful female reporter with her eyes glowing, grabbed Li Qingyuan and asked.

"Daoist Li Qingyuan, I heard that Mr. An once discussed Taoism with Tanxuan. I don't know what you said? Immortals? Gods? Buddhas?"

"Mr. An was able to kill the 'Destruction Serpent' in the atmosphere. Is it related to the dreamer, or..."

"Wang Quanjian! Daoist Li Qingyuan, do you know how Mr. An got the Wang Quanjian? What power does Wang Quanjian have?"


"Mr. An, he..."

Immediately, the atmosphere was detonated. Suddenly, I don't know how many reporters, even anchors, Internet celebrities, and ordinary people in the vicinity flocked to Li Qingyuan.

The flashing lights made Li Qingyuan's eyes blank.

The battle of An Qisheng beheading the 'world-destroying giant snake' with one sword, the governments of various countries that were mistaken for the doomsday were exposed in front of the vast majority of Xuanxing's eyes in the last few minutes in an almost live broadcast.

This decision, which makes all countries in the world regret, has once again detonated the Internet, setting off an unimaginable huge storm on countless posts and forums!

The sword fairy of the East, the fairy.

Western demigods, gods.

Even many religions originated from the worship of transcendence.

In the bones of human beings, there is an unimaginable enthusiasm for transcending the commonplace, immortal, immortal, and powerful, traveling towards the North Sea and twilight...

All kinds of myths and legends in ancient and modern times, all prove this point.

Now, the legend has really appeared, the myth has really appeared, how can it not cause huge waves?


Facing the siege of countless long guns and short cannons, Li Qingyuan finally couldn't calm down and fled.

Although he lived nearly eighty years, how did he endure this?


Russell's body is huge, lying down, bigger than the Himalayas, of course An Qisheng will not drag it to the mainland.

It’s okay to say that it’s time-consuming and labor-intensive.

The government has just experienced ups and downs, but the people can't stand the excitement.

So An Qisheng's thoughts moved, and he had already aroused the Qi field, and he would come to the altar in response to his needs.

Qi species merged with the stars, An Qi was born on the mysterious star, and he was almost omnipotent, which naturally didn't cost him any effort.

After a few hours.

In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, in front of the body that stood like a mountain, the altar of responsiveness had already burst out with bright red light, turning into countless tentacles, wrapping the thousands of meters of blood globules.

Pulled towards the altar.

"This, this is?!"

Inside the altar, the zombie king Zhushang, who was awakened by the huge movement, turned pale in horror. Of course, he was locked in the altar and could not perceive the previous battle.

But he could feel the blood **** and the terrifying aura contained in the huge snake body.

That monster was planted so quickly? !

Zhu Shang was horrified, his body trembled like a dead bone, and he almost collapsed as he watched the blood cell being pulled into the altar: "What do you want to do?!"


Zhu Shang was really afraid.

The terrifying sacrifices of life and death made him completely collapse, and he no longer had the courage to resist.

He even gave up his last dignity and begged him for mercy.

But what made him desperate was that from beginning to end, An Qisheng didn't even look at him, and closed his eyes the moment the blood ball was swallowed by the altar.

In the angle of view, the light blue spiritual brand is slowly rotating, and there are many scattered pictures flickering and flowing.

An Qisheng thought to himself:

"Dayan Tiantong, deduce the world coordinates contained in the spiritual imprint..."

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