The Great Genetic Era

Chapter 259: 1 point 5 times improvement and limitation

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Randomly dealt with Luo Murong a few words, Xu Tui returned to his room with uneasy feelings.

After turning on all the seventy-two gene base points of the genetic miracle and forming a large chain of genetic ability, this improvement seems to be very large.

I won't say if my mental power is doubled directly.

Only when Xu Tui met Luo Murong, he was able to sense Luo Murong's thoughts in advance.

This is terrifying.

Although it is far from predictable.

But it can sense the other person's thoughts a little bit in advance.

Is it well-intentioned or malicious?

These should all help Xu Tui.

At first glance, it looks amazing.

But after thinking about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be unique.

For example, An Xiaoxue, when Xu Tui injected the gene liberation drug, he even saw through Xu Tui's idea of ​​seeing through.

More fierce than Xu retreat.

Another example is Wen Shao, who spoke out his classmates' thoughts in advance many times in class.

Therefore, this kind of anticipation is not a unique ability.

It seems that there are people with stronger mental powers.

Of course, for the relevant details, I have to ask An Xiaoxue well tomorrow before Xu Tui can know.

After that, Xu Tu was ready to test how much his mental power was improved through practice.

After the completion of the "Spirit Sea Concentration Base Training Method 4.9", Xu Tui suddenly felt that his goal was achieved.

Starting to cultivate again, with so many chains of genetic ability opened, Xu Tui didn't even know the sense of dazedness at the beginning of the cultivation.

However, this feeling was just a short moment, and Xu Tui immediately had a choice.

It took a while, Xu Tui opened one of the general physical ability gene ability chain, and opened one of the underwater survivability gene ability chain. The rest of the time was spent fully cultivating the genetic base points related to the second layer of the Diamond Tide Force Field.

The second layer of the Diamond Tide force field requires a total of 18 gene base points to be opened, mainly concentrated in the lower limbs and trunk.

If you imagine the state of the diamond hood, the eighteen gene base points on the second layer of the diamond tide force field, and the position of each point is just right.

Putting it together with the 21 gene base points on the first layer, we found that the distance between each gene base point is very similar.

These opened gene base points are like propping up a skeleton first, which is convenient for the energy field to form a diamond shield.

With the training experience of the large gene ability chain of "Spirit Sea Concentration, Sense Foundation Training and Consciousness Method 4.9", Xu Tui has discovered that the more gene base points that make up the gene ability chain, the more the whole gene ability chain is connected, the harvest will be achieved. Bigger.

There are a total of 72 gene base points in the "Spirit Sea Concentration Sense Foundation Training Method 4.9". After the whole line was completed, Xu Tui achieved an amazing improvement.

What about the Diamond Tide Force Field?

It is unclear how many gene basis points there are in the third, fourth, and fifth levels of the Diamond Tide force field. There are 21 gene basis points in the first level, 18 gene basis points in the second level.

But the first two levels already had 39 gene base points. If the fifth level were all turned on, the number of gene base points opened would definitely be more than 60, which might have greatly improved Xu Tui.

It may even bring some additional capabilities.

It's like this ability of sensing and predicting after the seventy-two gene base points in the three layers of the "Spirit Sea Concentration Base Training Method 4.9" have been fully penetrated.

Xu Tui looked forward to it.

There are a total of 18 gene bases in the second layer of the Diamond Tide Force Field, of which six gene bases coincide with the Great Zhoutian Transport gene chain.

In fact, it only needs to open twelve gene base points to open it.

According to the senior brother Meng Sixi, the genetic basis of this diamond tide force field is more difficult to open one level higher than the next level.

In their gene ancient martial arts, within one year, they can open the second layer of the 18 gene base points of the diamond tide field, and they are all relatively fast geniuses.

Xu Tui has actually opened the first gene base of the second layer of the Diamond Tide Force Field these days.

It is indeed a bit difficult to open.

It took two days to open the first one, and it took about two bottles of D-class energy supplement potions to open one.

The difficulty of opening is because the gene base point of the Diamond Tide force field forms a secondary gene ability chain with the large and small moving gene chain every day.

This secondary genetic ability chain has to divide a portion of energy each time you practice, and the gene ability chain of the first layer of the Diamond Tide force field also divides energy. This is still when Xu Tui's illusory inner vision is turned on.

Only about 50% of the energy can be concentrated to the basic point of the gene that needs to be turned on.

If it is replaced by someone else, the opening time will naturally be longer.

However, Xu Tui also understands that the energy divided by the related genetic ability chain is actually not wasted.

The energy that is distributed is also strengthening the chain of related genetic capabilities.

Under silent practice, one day it might directly upgrade the entire chain of related gene abilities to second-level silver.

This is probably what Mr. Shen Jiushuang said.

When Xu Tui's chain of 72 gene bases and great gene abilities was completed today, Xu Tui's mental power was directly restored to its full state because of a large amount of energy.

Before the breakthrough, Xu Tui could consume a total of two bottles of D-level energy replenishment potions plus seven bottles of E-level energy replenishment potions when he was full of energy.

Xu Tui predicted that his breakthrough and improvement this time could directly double the efficiency of his cultivation under the state of full mental capacity.

In the past, it took forty-five minutes to consume a Yan D-class energy supplement potion, and a training cycle was about two and a half hours.

After the breakthrough, it takes thirty minutes to consume a bottle of D-class energy supplement potion.

However, in this training cycle, it took Xu Tui's seven bottles of D-level energy replenishment potions to drain his mental power to the bottom.

This time the breakthrough, Xu Tui's mental strength increased greatly, which can be seen from this.

The mental power should be increased by more than 1.5 times on the original basis.

Although the breakthrough rate was large, the time spent in a training cycle increased to three and a half hours.

Time doesn't matter.

The main thing is consumption.

Seven bottles of D-class energy replenishment potions in a training cycle, at 50,000 yuan a bottle, one night, that is 350,000 yuan.

If this is a month of cultivation, it will cost more than tens of millions of cultivation.

This made Xu Tui, who had just approached half a billion, suddenly felt a beeping dog.

I just felt like a little rich man, after all, he was worth half a billion.

However, if you calculate it based on the consumption of cultivation, the net worth of retiring half a billion will not last long.

Xu Tui, who just felt that he didn't have to worry about money, suddenly became a little unhappy.

If calculated like this, without a net worth of hundreds of millions or even more than a billion, Xu Tui felt insecure at all.

The only thing that made Xu Tui feel at ease was that he still had a huge amount of personal function points to make the base.

In this way, Xu Tui's improvement in one practice cycle is very impressive!

For example, for the first gene base point of the second layer of the Diamond Tide Force Field, Xu Tui consumed a bottle of D-class energy supplement potion for it every day, and opened one in two days.

However, this evening, after Xu Tui consumed seven bottles of D-class energy supplement potions, the second and third gene base points of the second layer of the Diamond Tide Force Field were directly opened. Not to mention, the fourth gene base point was also fast. Up.

This speed made Xu Tui very surprised.

At this rate, there are nine remaining gene base points that need to be opened in the second layer of the Diamond Tide Force Field.

What is a genius to open in one year, Xu Tui only takes five or six days at most to open it all.

Practice the second layer of the coveted Diamond Tide Field-Diamond Cover!

This made Xu Tui very happy.

After this breakthrough and improvement, Xu Tui's cultivation speed increased exponentially again.

In the future, Xu Tui's combat power will definitely increase faster.

However, this overhead is also getting bigger and bigger.

There is no sense of security for half a billion net worth.

Of course, no worries.

With Xu's current ability, it shouldn't be difficult to make money for self-cultivation.

Among various thoughts, Xu Tui fell asleep directly from meditation as usual.

Set the alarm for six hours and fifteen minutes later.

According to the usual experience, after six hours of sleep, Xu Tui's mental energy can be completely restored.

Xu Tui now wants to know the last question. After his mental power has been doubled, can he fully recover his mental power after sleeping for six hours?

If so, that would be great!

Last night, I was tossing about three o'clock in the morning before going to bed at four o'clock in the morning. When Xu Tui was woken up by the alarm clock, it was already ten ten in the morning.

When he woke up, just opening his eyes, Xu Tui felt a bad feeling.

I don't have the feeling of being more energetic when I wake up in the past.

I woke up today and felt that I didn't sleep enough and didn't have enough energy.

Subconsciously, Xu Tui entered meditation, switched to an introspective state, and began to realize his mental power state.

As a result, Xu Tui was a little stunned.

Sixty and a half times too.

After six hours of high-quality sleep, only six and a half percent of the mental energy was recovered.

Calculating according to this data, when the mental power bottomed out, Xu Tui took about nine to ten hours to fully recover his mental power.

If this were the case, overall, Xu Tui's mental power had increased by 1.5 times, but in fact, his cultivation efficiency had not increased by 1.5 times. UU Reading

Because the time spent in the practice cycle has increased, so has the recovery time of mental power.

Previously, if Xu Tui was practicing in full condition and using his time to the utmost, he could barely carry out three training cycles a day.

That is, it consumes eight and a half bottles of Class D energy supplement potions.

Now, Xu Tuiquan practiced, using his time to the extreme, and he could carry out two training cycles in one day.

That is, fourteen bottles of D-class energy replenishment potions are consumed.

According to this conversion, after the breakthrough, Xu Tui's cultivation efficiency has increased by about 75%, and has not doubled.

Xu Tui understood that this could be regarded as another restriction on the cultivation efficiency of people with strong mental power.

The stronger the mental power, the longer it takes to recover.

Under this restriction, Xu Tui's perverted cultivation speed was limited, but the consumption was not so scary.

Xu Tui was a little dazed by this discovery.

Is this a good thing for him?

Or is it a bad thing?

But regardless of the good or the bad, Xu Tui tidied up and went out to the 14th Research Institute.

The next direction of cultivation, and many doubts after the formation of the large gene ability chain, all need An Xiaoxue's guidance!

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