I traveled back and forth between the crossroads and the jungle. The Orc warriors who marched and resisted the small troops shouted for joy as I passed by and wiped out the horses.

“Backbone! Wipe it all out! ”

Standing still, I saw a swarm of viettas flying from the east sky and frowned. They were flying things that were only large bats, and although they were not physically strong, their unique vampire habits were extremely dangerous.

Vieta will poison anyone who receives blood and die.

I yell at everyone as they take a deep dive toward the approaching direction.

“Vieta Tei! Concentrate your firepower on the east sky! ”

The nearby Orc Warriors are furious, pointing their weapons and Mage Launchers to the east in unison. Vieta was a very common magic potion even before the time of destruction, and the Orcs knew the risks.

As the magical bullets that fire together embroider the sky, a myriad of viettas drop to the ground. Some have come close to the advance of the troops evading some of the shell casings, but all have been burned by the flamethrowers.

That's when the fairly heavy magic rushed towards me.

He looks very threatening with a long horn on either side of his forehead, and squeezes through the gap as hard as he can to clash with the side of the glove cart.

It was Burom.

With both sharp horns and a unique burst of force, he was one of the most powerful magical creatures in the 30th degree.

But that's it. A two-handed hammer held by an Orc warrior brushes his head and rolls around the ground.

I checked around to see if Burrows' breathing was broken.

‘Really, there's an endless crowd. ’

Mushroom clouds from giant chaos eruptions are rising from everywhere. Above his head, a floating fleet blazes the Mana Beam into the nearby jungle and into the air, and the chariots roam through the hordes of horses, firing cannons and artillery.

But the magical creatures flock to them, killing them or killing them.

A large horsepower fighter flew in from the south. After an urgent call from the front, they rushed to the outskirts of the airborne horses, which seemed to peel off the apples, they were dedicated to reducing their numbers.

As this hectic battle continues, countless piles of straw have fallen into the western plywood.

Loran's poison, loaded with bombers.

Immediately, the dark poison that bloomed from the dry straw was caught in the western plywood by the wind, and numerous magical objects began to race and collapse.

‘Now I feel a little light-headed. ’

As the number of spikes entering from the west diminished, humanity's progress was more stable. We were able to focus our firepower north and east.

In the meantime, a human force led by Azzai Zambe has swiftly entered the area and joined Grolmog's forces.

Surprisingly, I went through the forest of witches to see Zambe.

“Hey! Miss Zenbee? ”

Zambe's mouth is full of teasing orders to the entire army. As I stared at the ashtray for a moment, I scratched my nose.

Based on the communication between Jaejae and the general of each unit, it doesn't look like he came to save us.

In fact, Zambe was also kicked out. It was just that the Orc personality suddenly chose a quick advance while engaging with the overall operation.

But it turned out to be a good thing. It is because Grolmog and Zenbe have been able to engage back and forth to maintain a strong defense line.

Azerbaijan looks at me with full command to deploy troops.

“Humans. Why are you here? ”

I rolled my eyes.

“Uh. I came to thank you for your assistance, but apparently you've been kicked out. ”

Zambe shouts, "It was offensive."

“We're moving forward with the plan! We're just stuck with Grolmog's army and we can't move on. What the hell is this frightened old man doing here? ”

“Let's do it right. ”

Zambe coughs.

“Hmmm. Anyway, I never ran away. ”

I approached Zambe, who was pouting.

“Yes. What's the situation? ”

Zambe shakes her head with a serious face.

“It's not good. Fortunately, the firepower of the Humanity is concentrated here, so it should be fine, but it's not the back side where I was. ”

“This isn't good either. The front lines are so violent with the witches. ”

“That's why I'm here to help. ”

I narrowed my eyes.

“When did you hear Grolmog got in the way? ”

“It's a double.”

Zenbe was a twisted horse. I didn't intend to push any further, but I looked at the map on the field table.

“Oh, by the way, how do you think we're going to fix this? ”

“Well, it's worth a shot if they're here, but the magic behind them is the problem. He must be after the Coast Guard. ”

“Don't worry about you. We have forts. We have naval firepower. ”

Zambe frowns.

“The supply is down. ”

“You still have ten days to live, right? ”

“It's only ten days. ”

I opened my gaze.

“Are you trying to stay here for ten days? ”

“I don't think so. Well, if we're going to move forward, don't we need supplies? ”

“Don't worry. This battle won't last more than ten days. ”

“How can I be sure? ”

The reason was simple. I'll end it. If this battle lasted more than ten days, it meant that progress was difficult, and I had no reason to spare Infinitus' gaze and strength.

“I believe in our humanity. I don't think it's going to collapse this hard. ”

“Anyway, one confidence remains. ”

“Goodbye, then. I'm busy. ”

I shook my hand and left Zambe. The front is in a hurry. I'm glad to see Zambe's salvation, but I don't have much time to hang around here.

I had to clear a lot of magic so the Humanity could operate comfortably.


The massive nugget of islands that I flew split into countless pieces and pierced through the flying things. They struck their weaknesses without making a mistake, as if they were sharing my experience.

Sabondia approaches me, with a mass of frozen islands spreading constantly embroidering the sky.

Immediately, she leans against her back and shouts out in a loud voice.

“To the east is a large freshwater lake with several waterfalls. ”


“A freshwater lake situated at high altitudes, almost blocked by cliffs and has low flow downstream. ”

It looked like the landscape of a naturally formed dam structure. At that moment, I felt a veil in my eye.

“Destroy the cliffs, drain the lake downstream? ”

“Yes, but my strength is not enough. ”


“It's seven miles north-northeast. ”

As I examined the terrain by focusing on my consciousness, I grabbed my hand. It was because I saw a pretty big lake blocked by a high cliff.

Of course, it is unlikely that we will be able to wipe out all the objects that are attacking us by blowing up there, but it seems that we can still delay the foot of the objects that are coming from behind quite a while.

And if you drop a giant chaos bomb into a stagnant section of hydrostatic water, you can effectively eliminate a large amount of magic.

I immediately blew myself up.

“Okay, here we go! ”

A copy of Bondia that follows behind me. When I arrived on site in an instant, I took a deep dive to find the weakest cliff.

As the cliff reaches tens of meters and vanishes, an enormous amount of watermelon spills downstream like a bomb.

The black gray waterway scrapes the surrounding dirt at a rapid flow rate and is pushed downstream roughly, swallowing up monstrous objects.

The result was great satisfaction. A single blow swept away the large amount of magic, and as expected, their movements became heavily stagnant.

“Savondia! Tell them to drop chaos bombs where the horses are stalling!" ”

“Got it.”

Not long after Savondia left, dozens of buoyancies were escorted by magical fighters and Valkyries, dropping chaos bombs into stagnant stages.

‘Okay, we've blocked the east too. ’

Now my face is turning white. Lauren's poison to the west is less aggressive for witches and the rough flow to the east, so for now you don't have to worry about the attack on witches.

Then the allied Grolmog and Zen Bae forces are only as good as the horses coming back and forth.

* * *

Starting from the front, the battle expanded to the front line over time and spread to the coastal fortress, a humanitarian military supply base, as you feared.

However, by the third day, he had recovered some stability. Despite the persistent aggression of the magic, the volume has decreased noticeably.

Massive bombings and poison attacks were very effective.

And the army that is marching now is less than half the force. The rest of the troops were still landing. Of course, the power replenishment they generate from landing was never negligible.

‘Phew! I need to sigh. ’

I returned to Siam Nidas with a weary body. I fought with the magical objects all night, and I was out of my mind. The armor is completely fouled by the blood of the devil, and the limbs are so old that they sag.

“Welcome, Grand Duke. ”

Esther found me on the bridge. I was told I'd be back in advance, but I couldn't leave because the battle was still on.

I said, hairing my head in blood.

“Did you come up here to check on the situation? ”

“Yes, there are several. ”

“Really? Tell me. ”

“The coastal fortress is now said to have almost eliminated the horses. ”

I opened my eyes. The coastal fortress was attacked the most later.

“No, already? ”

“Fortresses have defensive facilities and strong coastal power. Moreover, a troop that landed in a hurry later came out to be saved, and the Valkyrie headquarters led by Prosia also participated in the battle. ”

With Kronos destroyed last night, both Prosia and the Valkyries following her have lost their bounty. So now they were running a separate Valkyrie unit, which was pretty strong. With a bunch of horseshoes, she was the only one who could take it easy.

“Well, that's a lot of work. ”

I passed Esther and checked the battlefield. Units on the coast line up and are still advancing quickly to rescue the heavily fortified vanguard.

On the other hand, the number of things was significantly reduced. Weapons of mass destruction, such as giant chaos bombs and Lauren's poison, were extremely effective. Moreover, I brazenly roamed the front lines slaughtering countless magical objects, and the advanced weapons systems of the human army were not strong enough.

As time went on, the victory of this battle would eventually return to the human army.

I smiled bitterly.

‘Looks like you gave him a good shot. ’

The battle was a classic example of overcoming terrain disadvantages and mathematical disadvantages with advanced weapons. The magic of a lifetime was fear itself, but in the present life it was merely a trivial being hunted by humans.

Risk and measurement were meaningless now, and there was no reason to be afraid of strong magic.

Humanity had military technology that could easily remove any magic object.

It's Infinitus if it's just a problem. He's so deceptive, no weapon of humanity has ever worked on him.

“The Higgs and Wolves and the Grem forces have been contacted to move to the front. ”

I turned my head to the dispatcher's urgent report.

“Is he okay? ”

“With the support of the Cloud Air Force, we can make progress. ”

Good news. If their troops come up, we can squeeze the horses tailing Zenbe's troops back and forth and eliminate them.

I smiled gladly.

Even though there was no detailed command system, everyone was doing their own work.

“Tell her I'll be happy to greet her when she comes up. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

Later, three units were added to the front and a total of five units formed the front. It's still under siege, but since then, there have been six legions of old Cloud troops marching on it, and countless others.

Obviously, this battle was to end with the victory of the human army.

< Continuous Battle. > End

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