In front of the naval firepower to be processed by the human army, flying objects crashed into the foliage.

The surrounding sea was drifting with the bodies of burnt horses and their blood, and the soldiers were more excited about unilateral combat and more vigorously hurled cannonballs and mana beams into the air.

In addition, the horses were slowing down as if they were tired from long distance travel, and even those who plunged into the sea with all their strength were coming out.

If the horses were human, they would blow a lot of laughter at you, but all I did was look at the situation in a bold manner.

Currently, flying creatures attacking the human army were thrown away in a salvage-style manner.

Easily removing it was not something you would like to do.

The new continent we're heading to is likely to be filled with unimaginable magic.

‘How many of us can make it back alive? ’

Of course, the human army also formed a massive army. But I still wondered how long I could withstand the endless hordes of magic.

As I sigh deeply, Esther turns to look away.

“Grand Duke, what's the matter? ”

“Never mind. ”

I immediately cut off the conversation with harsh words.

My concern was not to be blurted out.

If we told them that the place we were going to go was going to be their own grave, the military's morale would be severely demoralized.

“Oh, yes · · · · · · · · ·. ”

I looked at the battlefield and said,

“What's the situation? ”

“The exact report isn't coming up, but it looks to me like our troops are doing quite well. ”

I knew that from the look of it.

Actually, I was just asking a question.

“Good for you.”

“Yes. Perhaps the first battle will return to our perfect victory. ”

“Yes. Of course. ”

The first obstacle facing humanity was a landing operation.

Our landing site was on the north coast of the New Continent, where we built port facilities and forts during the former Chronos invasion.

Infinitus couldn't have been prepared tightly because it was a very shaped and reliable landing site.

The only problem was that, in any war, landing operations were the hardest and most costly.

We couldn't put a lot of power into them all at once, and the landing force was in a pretty cluttered state at the time.

Moreover, the enemy that was preparing was dense and kept on going.

It was a very demanding task for land troops to scatter and come ashore to face such enemies.

‘That means you can't land anywhere else. ’

The biggest obstacle to landing operations here was that there were not many landing sites.

It was due to the depth of the nearby sea resulting from the flow of ships, the topographical characteristics of the landing site, and the landscaping facilities, which made it the most suitable location, that the choice was not very wide.

But what worries me even more is that this amphibious operation does not even have that narrow option, so it must be targeted at one place.

That landed just before the Battle of Kronos.

The reason was simple.

By the way, this is the only one with an abutment, and it's the only way to get to Infinitus.

That's why we could never make another landing site.

‘Please, I hope Infinitus is stupid. ’

However, this was nothing more than hopeless expectations.

Infinitus wasn't such a fool I'd seen before.

Even though we came from abroad and don't know much about the knowledge of the world, we couldn't know where to land.

I went to the Bridge Operations table and looked at the map above.

Current location is 230 km from the landing site. It was approximately three days before the landing operation began.

In other words, after three days, the human army faced the first challenge.

“The witches are retreating! ”

An Elven agent reports that I turned my head to the windshield.

As you can see, the horses that attacked us just moments ago were stopping the fight in the order of the strongest and exiting the surrounding area.

Although it was an abundance of magic, it didn't seem to be a gift for everyone who was sent here with a simple salutation.

"Infinitus, you bastard. He doesn't seem to know that the most vile man in the world gave it to him. ’

But I soon understood and moved on.

Infinitus has only recently come to the world of harmony.

Of course, there was no way to understand the basic etiquette of our humans.

“I won!”

Everyone on the bridge got up and congratulated them on their victory.

He seemed pleased to have won the first battle perfectly.

Of course, I pretended to be happy holding Esther in my arms.

It's one of the few chances to embrace her legally and unequivocally.

* * *

Three days later, the human army arrived on the coast of the New World.

An endless expanse of jungle terrain and a large fortress alone in front of it.

I looked at the place and looked at it in shade.

The place that should be full of witches is quiet enough to look like a bitch now.

I would be somewhat relieved if I could fly around the mountains and run around the New World wildlife, but I couldn't even see it, so my anxiety was only greater.

Obviously, my senses are picking up a lot of magical energy.

Then the edit screen appeared right in front of me and Cloud Grandfather appeared.

“Siege, I presume?”

Grandfather was able to understand the reality as a seasoned longevity.

It was definitely a siege system. The hordes of magic hid in that vast jungle, waiting for us to land.


“This is crazy. A siege system of witches? Is that even possible? ”

Grandpa Cloud now seems to have noticed the seriousness of the situation.

Until now, the objects we face have only seen numbers.

However, the habits of the magical objects here have been thoroughly compromised.

He looks intelligent as if he's being commanded by an experienced commander.

“I don't know. I've never seen it before. ”

“Well, the chief of staff said the same thing. I've never seen anything like this before. What should I do about it, anyway? ”

“Are you sure it's okay? We can't just go back. We have to do something. ”

“What do you mean? ”

“Let's start with the shooting. Not just cannon fire, but Mana Beam alone. ”

I asked you to attack only with Mana Beam to save your battle supplies.

Mana beams can be used again as long as the essence is charged over time, but regular shells must be loaded a month's drive to the transport ship.

I liked saving the cannonball, especially when it was hit hard.

“Better that way. I see.”

After a short while, all of humanity's Mana Beam weapons were aimed at the jungle at the front.

While I was waiting with my finger on the table, I groaned as I watched the Mana Beam saturation being released briefly.

When attacked, an enormous number of flying creatures were flying with their wings flapping, covering the southern skies.

Soon, within the fiery jungle, land-based horses protruded to shore, and some long-range attackable ones were firing biobeams at our fleet.

“As expected · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

However, the long range attack by the witches did not do much damage to our fleet.

The number of objects capable of ranged attack was low, and the destructive power was not very high.

So most of the power was greatly diminished before touching the hull, and some powerful living beams were only smeared on gloves, but no more.

Mana Beam, on the other hand, was causing considerable damage to the magical objects.

The power was much stronger, and the magic was dense.

Moreover, large fires in the jungle area have done them harm, and have done them a great service.

I see flaming creatures everywhere. After a while, they burn and die.

As the situation advantageously flowed, Esther smiled brightly and looked at me.

“Isn't this another victory for the human race? ”

Victory is assured. The human army is mounting a Mana Beam attack that burns to the ground nearby in the jungle, but the number of horses is growing in my senses.

In other words, even though it was pointlessly burned, it was a proof that the horses were still being pushed into the battle area.

I couldn't help but get tired of being the one who had to go through it.

“I don't know. It's who pushes the boundaries first. ”

To be precise, it meant that we would determine how long our saturation lasts, and how long our magic would be in the combat zone.

Mana Beampo Energy Source and a never-ending horde of horseshoes.

I was very curious as to which side would prevail.

The majority of magic goods are also replenished, but the Mana Beampo energy source of humanity also recovers naturally over time.

But in view of the situation so far, it was definitely the dominance of the magical swarm.

They are continually increasing their numbers as they take fire damage.

Besides, horses don't just play the target role. The flying horses could fly in and attack us.

“Flying monsters are attacking! ”

Esther gave orders to everyone on the Magic Broadcast in her ship in the situation report.

“Fire at will! ”

Then I added one more word to her command.

“Calm down, but always check your essence energy balance. And they do precise, understated shootings to avoid wasting energy. ”

Esther watched me turn off the broadcast mic.

“The brute force of the witches is rare. Are you sure?”

“It has to be to be okay. Let's trust the ship's defenses for now. ”

Humanity's ships are designed to withstand the brute force of witches.

Thanks to you, your Movement Speed is slower than a normal ship, but it's definitely as defensive.

The human group also included a number of outstanding Mana abilities.

If they were in a hurry, there was a way to get them to march.


The Mana beam in the sky decreased a lot.

Whether the situation is intuitive or not, Old Cloud has also ordered all ships to increase fire precision and be aware of the remaining energy.

Thanks to this, the damage inflicted by flying horses has been greatly reduced, but the Humanitarian Army has been able to sustain its energy state enough to sustain combat.

That's when Old Cloud contacted me.

“Looks like we're going to have to use the final stage. What do you think? ”

I opened my eyes wide. Final weapons are chaos bombs that cause massive explosions.


“But we can't just stay like this, can we? I must warn you.”

I couldn't understand, so I frowned.

It was a little early, but it couldn't be consistent just by staying afloat.

We're obviously here to get rid of Infinitus, and we need to clear a path first.

“How many centuries? ”

“There's about 600 of them combined. But we'll keep supplying from the rear, so it doesn't matter if you use some now. ”

“Yes. Let's write it down. ”

I was in favor of Grandpa Cloud's opinion.

The final stage of the human army was no longer a massive chaos bomb.

Now that I've mastered a new technique called Lucera, it doesn't seem to be a big deal this time.

“I see. But just in case, I need you to step out of the convoy for a moment." Once the first shot falls, the magical interference will get worse. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

When I got up from my seat, Armida woke up with me.

“I'm coming with you. ”

“And you?”

“Yes, it's an important plan. This sister needs to show off her skills. ”

I tilted my head.

“Dangerous. ”

Armida opened her eyes with pride.


“No, it's dangerous to get caught in an explosion. ”

“I know that much. Brother, don't you know who gave humans the recipe for a massive chaos bomb? ”

It was a Valkyrie.

They've been deployed to the human army and taught us all sorts of advanced techniques, including how to manufacture a large chaos bomb.

“Okay, but be careful. ”

“Don't worry. He'll take care of himself. ”

“Okay, let's go. ”

Soon I left the bridge side by side with my sister Armida.

The crew could have been in danger if we both left Siam Nidas, but it didn't matter.

The Valkyrie's bounty is much stronger and more powerful than the Humanitarian warship.

Here, Esther even has her own prosecutor, so she thought she would cope well with the situation.


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