The Grand Prince Has Run Away

I'm not working with Italy.

It was in the ruined palace of Kara.

This land, which was like a stalk oasis in a barren desert, has since been abandoned to humans and has become a more seedy place than any other desert.

I put firewood in the fireplace and set it on fire.

A thick smoke gushed from the burning dry branch, but it soon burned with a lively flame.

“Ugh, mmm. ”

On a dusty bed, Italy, a Nazi body, wakes up in agony.

Not long ago, she was forced to peel Zod's shell because of me.

It was strange if he was fine.

“Are you up?”

Italy, who was touching her forehead, looked at me and twisted her whole body to cover herself.

Her face, looking at me now, was filled with embarrassment, not venom.

Perhaps his naked shame preceded his grudge against me.

“You, you? ”

“Yes, it's me. ”

“So it wasn't a dream? ”

“Yeah, that actually happened. ”

“Why did you do that? ”

I look at my pathetic mollusk, looking at the crooked exterior that distorts my face and puckers my mouth.

“Are you disappointed that the power you have gained is gone? Tsk, I thought I'd be thankful to be back in my original body. ”

“Give it back! I don't need this weak body! ”

The grudged shouts of Italy echoed through my ears and were consistent with neglect.

“I'm sorry. I can't take it back. ”


“It's annoying.”

“Excuse me?”

I glanced calmly at the echoes of the twins.

“And frankly, we're not all that happy, are we? Well, I need a pretty corner to do me a favor or not. ”

“This guy. ”

“What's this guy? A man should be ashamed. I've been in a death fight for a while, and if you're willing to give your life for a thousand, 10,000 thanksgiving, where the hell is this guy? ”

Itaria shouts in an outrageous voice.

“Then kill it. ”



I took a look up and down at the beautiful Nazis of Italy and gave them a heartfelt remark.

“Degenia wants me alive. Anyway, he's got a soft spot. I'm a problem because I'm weak to women. Strangely enough, I can be forgiven as long as I'm pretty. Is this a disease, too? ”

I looked everywhere with one hand to see if you understood me.

He was probably looking for clothes or a mattress to cover his body.

But there was no such thing. I cleaned it all up.

And some of them are now burning with dry firewood in the fireplace.

There was no particular reason. I'm disappointed when she wears clothes.

“Nothing. They must have taken everything when the royal people fled. ”

Itheria opened her eyes and shot at me.

“Humans. What do you want from me? ”

“I don't know. What do I want? ”

I questioned myself, but I didn't really want anything to be clear.

“Do you want my body? ”

Hot, I glanced at the exterior. This woman got on a plane today.

“He sees me as a very strange man. There's no such thing as a moral leader in the world. ”

“Hmm. The dog will laugh. Maybe you would have left me alone already. ”

I got up out of bed. That's not fair.

“Hey! Say something that makes sense! I'm conscious now. The real body is at Polkin Gateway, not here. But how do I touch you? ”

Italy snorts, looking carefully at me as I put the firewood in the fireplace.

“Tsk. Lies that make sense. ”

“Of course, I'm so good that I can use my physical strength even when I'm conscious. But there's a Phil, right? Phil is also important for deep, intimate physical love between men and women. Anyway, this woman is a real unpleasant woman. This is what the Valkyries are for. Tsk tsk tsk.”

I put my tongue to the appearance of a relieving face.

I don't know if I should be relieved that the woman who became Jordanian after throwing everything away is keeping her body clean.

Italy opened her eyes and looked at me.

“Fine. I'll believe you first. But I have one question for you. ”


“Who the hell are you? ”

“Why do you ask? You know me well. ”

“Of course, I know that you're a cheating, cheating duchess. I also know that I'm a cruel, self-centered selfish person. But you were always getting in the way of my work like that. For what reason? ”

That's because Italy and I were walking the opposite path.

She tried to destroy humanity for revenge, and I tried to save humanity for myself.

Of course, we were destined to meet enemies on many battlefields.

“Well, they must have been good couples in their past lives. ”

Italy knocks the bed down with all her might.

“I'm not asking you to joke around! ”

“I'm not kidding because I want to. ”

“What do you mean? ”

“It's simple. You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Let's have a conversation. ”

Italy turns to me with a serious attitude.

“Tell me, I'll believe you. ”



I stopped picking firewood and walked to Italy.

Well, I'm begging you, there was nothing I couldn't do.

“I've lived an era of destruction, just like you. ”

“I know that much. You're living. ”

“Not now. A long time ago. Ten years, to be exact. ”

Italy snorts immediately.

Ten years ago, this world was living in a time of peace.

“Are you kidding me? ”

“Look, you don't believe me, do you? They're wasting their time for nothing. I'm an idiot you don't believe. ”

As I turned the pack, Itheria hurriedly called me back.

“No, go on. ”

“Never mind.”

“Are you upset? ”

I frowned and sat next to her.

“But it's about this time. ”


“It was 10 years ago, and it's now. I live in a time where the past is the future and the future is the past. ”

Italy gives me a glimpse of suspicion.

I didn't seem to deny it, but I still didn't seem to believe it.

“Joe, good. So?”

I looked out the window with my own self-conscious eyes.

“It wasn't the same at the time. I stopped that huge swarm of magic with a spear knife. What do you think? Phew. Everyone died miserably, and I also went to the last place. ”

“No, you're dead? ”

“That's why I'll tell you later, so you can hear me out. ”

I rambled on about the age of destruction that I had experienced in my previous life.

With news of the appearance of a swarm of magic flying from the Great Desert, all until the last moment of my death.

As the story progressed, the Italian eyes shook strongly.

The desperate story of my past life was so similar to the era of her demise in the previous world.


“And then I looked back up and I woke up back to who I was 10 fucking years ago. It was all his fault. ”


“My sword. You know?”

“The celestial armor? ”

“Yeah. He's been playing tricks on me for nothing. But I can't complain. I just figured it out, but I wanted it back. Phew.”

As I tried to lay my forearm on the shoulders of the chubby Italy, she struck me straight in the hand.


“Anyway, I made preparations for today, and today I am once again faced with the age of destruction. Well, I've learned some truths I didn't know before. ”

“And everything you've done so far? ”

“It's for today. And that's why I'm fighting you. You tried to open an age of destruction for revenge, and I tried to stop you, so of course you had to confront each other. That's why. The reason you and I have always been enemies. Are you done?”

Italy smiles.

“Ridiculous. ”

I woke up from my seat.

“Anyway, I told him everything. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Actually, I don't want to relive those memories. The era of destruction that I experienced was a series of sufferings that even the parasites in my stomach had to live a harsh life. ”


I glanced at the interior.

“It's not funny. ”

“No, a parasite. ”

“That's what I'm saying. Cover yourself.”

As I approached the fireplace again and put up the prepared soup, I looked at the Italian slither.

“What are you going to do? ”

“As I've always done. ”

“Are you going to save humanity? ”

“Humanity's salvation is shit. Of course, I've said a few words out loud, but I've never actually fought to save humanity. They all fought for me. I will continue to fight for myself, and I will be saved from all of the universe beyond mankind on the day I triumph over it. ”

Italy tilts her head.

“Will the universe be saved? ”

“Yes. I'm going to kill all the gods of heaven. ”

Italy opens her eyes wide.

“You kill the God of Heaven? ”


“Be capable? ”

“Not right now, of course. But maybe someday. ”

I grabbed the passing worm by the foot.

An item that frowns when you look at a dead bug that exploded.

Soon after the miserable dead worm was resurrected by the gesture of my hand, I opened my eyes in horror.

“Oh, how did you do that? Did you give the insect infinite resilience? ”

“No. I just turned this bug back for a moment. Now it's just enough to revive a bug that I just killed, but not for much longer. ”

In a more surprising speech, the exterior had a whitened face.

As far as she knows, there's only one way to turn back time.

“Stop, really? Did you realize the chaos and emptiness? ”

“No, I just regained some of the power I had forgotten for a while. And I intend to reclaim that power again. ”

Eterna opened her eyes, looking at me.

“Who are you? Who are you? ”

“I don't know. You won't believe me when I say it, but I'll give you one hint: the goddess of heaven, Degenia, she deserves to kill my servant herself. ”

There are only two beings that can be obeyed by Degenia, the goddess of heaven, in the whole world.

Lumenox and Metheria, the creators.

But they couldn't have had the heart to remove the heavenly gods.

Every god in the heavens is a devoted servant to them.

If so, I looked among other beings, but I could not believe there was one.

“Crazy bastard.”

I swing the soup with a long branch. I put it in a pot and handed it over to Itheria properly.

“Okay, enough of my unbelievable talk here. What are you going to do? Are you going back to Infinitus? ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Itheria does not have any answers.

To be honest, I didn't want to go back to him.

“Come on, they're your enemies, too. Of course, the gods of heaven gave you cause, but the ones who ended up destroying your world are chaos and void. ”

“Is that why I'm acting so weird? He tried to kill the enemy by working with the enemy. ”

“Not at all. Strategically correct. Besides, people tend to think of my allies as enemies who betrayed me more than their enemies. I didn't even have a choice here, so I deserved to join them. ”

“Thank you for understanding. ”

I said that, but I wasn't grateful at all.

I spoke alongside the italian soup.

“But now I have a choice. ”

“You're a hard enemy, too. ”

“But it's better than the last one, right? ”

When I drank hot soup all of a sudden, I lay down on the bed.

Italy lowered her spoon and stared at me.

“What are you doing? ”

“To sigh. ”

“By my side? ”

I made a ridiculous face.

“Tell me how many times. I'm just a conscious person. I can't help you. I don't want to do anything. ”

“But you don't have to sleep next to me, right? ”

“Oh, come on! I can't help it. I'm conscious. As long as I'm conscious of you, no matter where you are, no matter how far away you are, I have to be by your side. Consciousness transcends space, where I want to be. ”

Itheria tilts her head to see if it's faint.

“Then why aren't you conscious of me? ”

"It's not easy," he said. How easy it is to forget what a person would forget. ”

“Of course not · · · · · · · · ·. ”

“Moreover, my consciousness is realized in the world through connection with you. Plus, I can't stay away from you. ”

Itheria watches me carefully for suspicion.


“Relax. I can't hold your hand and do anything right." ”

“Phew, got it. Then there's nothing I can do. ”

Soon after I grabbed her hand, Italy sent a suspicious glance.

“I thought you didn't hold hands. ”

“I didn't catch it. The conscious mind has no natural form. How do you hold hands? ”

Itheria raises her hand.

“Then what is this? ”

“Connection, exchange, or accidental contact. And what I see with my hands is not just a part of my consciousness. Never touch. There are no hands in the ritual. ”



Italy nods, seeing my true gaze.

“Good. Got it. ”

When Itheria was tired and lay down again, I had a nasty smile in my mouth.

I am definitely conscious at the moment.

But consciousness must return to my body at all times.

We can't just keep floating around unconscious.

The only problem is that consciousness doesn't have to go where my body is.

Even if my body comes to a conscious place, the result won't be any different.

< I'm not working with Italy. > End

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