The Grand Prince Has Run Away

The rebels of humanity save humanity.

A mountain pass in the Lumen Kingdom.

The area was sparsely populated with a large crowd.

They were composed of ages ranging from old people to babies who were supposed to be breast-feeding now.

However, they were worried about their future with the same fearful gaze.

It's because they were a family of Elven agents who were helping Kronos in the war against humanity.

They knew too well what happened to the traitor's family.

It was death.

“Raydoan Shadea! ”

“Lloyd Eject! ”

The heavily armed soldiers roam around and check the numbers, calling out their names one by one.

While most responded briefly with a surrendered voice, some Elves were afraid of what was to come and asked questions.

“What brings us here?! ”

However, the soldiers repeated only a brief, overwhelming reply, as instructed in advance.

“Soon you will choose. To die for the sins of leaving a traitor in the family, or to live for all mankind. ”

“Yes. What does that mean? ”

“Don't be silly. You may live and die, but think well. ”

An elven crowd that only looks at the soldiers leaving with their eyes wide open.

Princess Ignes, who was watching this from afar, asked me with a voice mixed with concern.

“Grand Duke, what are you going to do with them? Are you really going to kill everyone for treason, as far as I'm concerned? ”

You're welcome. I immediately waved my hand and expressed my denial.

“Did I get shot in the head? Kill them?”

“But they usually kill the families of traitors, don't they? ”

“That's what fools do when they're comfortable. No matter how cruel I may be, how can I kill these poor resources? Don't worry. Even if you insist on killing me, I'll never kill you. ”

The wisdom I gained while experiencing the age of destruction is that if I can use it, I have to use it thoroughly.

Because irrational behavior, like taking them to the moral compass and the legal compass, is not going to help them survive at all.

The Elves gathered here today have too much to do for mankind to survive.

I don't know if there will be those who insist on not doing it, but I didn't intend to kill them right away.

It can also be used as a human shield.

“Okay, I'll trust you. ”

Ignes gives me a big relief in my honest answer.

Although I have now overturned the family of traitors, everyone gathered here was a member of the Lumen Kingdom.

Soon after the summoning, the soldiers came to the command headquarters and posted a report confirming the list.

It was a very simple task, but it took me a long time to get my final report up.

There are tens of thousands of them.

I looked back at the numbers and totals divided by tribes.

“26,000. Quite a few.”

Duke Fabious, who was checking on the list together, says a word.

“More now in the Kingdom of Ides. ”

“About 50,000, then? ”

“A little. According to reports, the Kingdom of Ides is somewhat outnumbered. ”

I straightened my head up and down the list.

The children and the elderly were subtracted.

Duke Fabious glances back at me.

“Why? Will you spare the old? ”

I shook my head.

I was not the kind of human person who thought I was older or younger.

No, their fate is even more severe.

I can't even make a choice. I have to become a human shield.

“They will be used as human shields in the end. ”

Duke Fabious frowns.

“Hey, don't you think it's too easy to talk about such cruelty? ”

“I can't help it. The age of destruction is usually a cruel time. The Age of Doom will never stop being an old man and a child. They all die in agony. That too, very equally. ”


“Yes. A world so perfectly equal. So the humans don't have to find their own hell. If we create a perfect world, it's hell. Hehe.”

Duke Fabious gazes back at me.

“You sound like you've been there. ”

“Yes, I had a dream. The nightmare.”

“How do you feel about having nightmares? ”

“It's disgusting. ”

I signed the final report and handed it over to the driver in front of me.

“My announcement will come soon. Keep everyone quiet and make sure there's nothing wrong with the magic loudspeaker. Everybody needs to listen up. ”

“Yes, I will do it without errors. ”

“Okay, go. ”

The driver who received the payment report ran over the organization and announced my message.

After a brief check, I stand on a platform overlooking everyone.

They were the pride and pride of the village not long ago, but the times have beset them with the mantle of a traitor.

They were poor in some way, but I couldn't help it either.

After a calm atmosphere, I stopped for the first time.

“I know how you feel. It will definitely be unfair. You've only sent your family to Kronos because of your strong faith, and you've become a traitor to your slumbers. It's unfair. I understand a hundred times. ”

Contrary to my expectations, when I presented empathy and understanding, everyone showed some relief.

It was properly conveyed that I was not willing to kill them.

And it's true.

As you all know, they never sent their families to Kronos to destroy humanity.

“But the times have turned your families into traitors to Kronos, and they've turned you into a family of traitors. Unfortunately, this is also true. ”

Once again, everyone showed their insecurity. The only family of traitors is death.

“But rest assured. Fortunately, we are going to give you a chance to be a hero again to save the world, beyond the dimension that gives you the opportunity to unveil the traitor. As you have been informed, you have a choice to make here. Walk the path of a traitor or live the life of a hero. Selecting the former

Under national law, he will die miserably, and he who chooses the latter will enjoy his riches. ”

Everyone became noisy.

I mean, it's like saving a life.

In fact, you don't choose death over the choice of life and death unless you're crazy.

Then an old elf stood up and raised his hand.

So armed soldiers rushed to sanction the old man who had cut off my speech, but I stopped with my paper.

“What is it?”

“Though this old age is a humble identity, there are years of life to come. ”

“Long. Short business. ”

You hear a short laugh around you, along with my instructions.

And soon came the question of the Elf.

“The Grand Duke asks us to live a hero's life, which means the victim. What are those sacrifices? Is it death, or is it worse than death? ”

It was a sharp question.

I cleverly wrapped it up as a hero, but even that life is incredibly dangerous and painful.

But soon they will know, I honestly replied.

“Both, both. ”

The Elf's expression stiffened greatly.

“What the hell are we supposed to do? ”

“You will be a warrior. ”


“That's right. Every one. As warriors, your families have marched to Kronos with no more than their swords to fight. ”

It was cruel.

Killing each other and killing each other, who could easily accept this fate?

Soon another voice of concern arose from everywhere, and the Elves spoke to me on behalf of their feelings.

“But they are my family. How can we fight them? ”

“But they're trying to kill you. If they open an age of destruction, mankind will perish, and you will share the same fate. Now, how do you make a choice? Kill one family with your own hands, save the rest? Or are you going to keep quiet and kill the whole family? Too bad.

This is what you have to choose today. ”

The Elf glances at the other family members who look at him with pitiful eyes and closes his eyes.

“That's... ”

As soon as everyone saw the gap, I hit right through here.

“But we don't have to fight each other. ”


“If your family goes to Kronos and returns to the arms of humanity, then there can be no tragedy in killing each other. Isn't that right?”

“Yes, but how will you convince them? ”

I grabbed the microphone and went down to the old elf.

“You must convince them. Honestly, they're the ones who want to kill your family, so they can surrender to Kronos? Because they don't know what they're doing, and they're playing tricks on Kronos, so they're doing it. I promise you this. Although you may live as warriors,

My dear, the day your family returns to Kronos, it will be a great reward and a free life. ”


“Of course. If your family's back in Kronos, you have no reason to fight in a dangerous battlefield. There's no point in sending you to the front. You just have to convince them. Then everything will be settled. And of course, that persuasion is something that we're all going to offer. You just have to convince your family. ”

My hopeful message turned the color on everyone's face.

I was doomed, but I could escape by persuading my family to go to Kronos.

Here I have promised a great reward for being a hero, and I can't ignore it.

“What happens if we refuse the offer? Will you die here? ”

“No. Your life and death will be determined only by your family's journey to Kronos. I promise you, we will never harm mankind because you are a family of traitors. The only people who can harm you are your family who have gone to Kronos. ”

The Elven Old Man stared at me with trembling eyes.

He seemed merciful, but he knew that I was doing something very cruel.

Nothing was as cruel as making a family kill their family.

“You are as cruel as they say. ”

“I know, but don't be so grumpy. Chronos' time of destruction is crueler than ever. So I have no choice but to force you to make this choice for humanity, for everyone. And this is also for you. They won't be able to kill you if you're human. They'll surrender. In other words, you

I mean, most people live. ”

As I clapped my hands, the soldiers carrying the money packets walked among the crowd and handed out one gold coin.

Then the Elven Man shakes his eyes.

“You're not asking me to kill my family for money, are you? ”

“No, it is a payment for the training schedule you will receive and for your service as a soldier. Whatever it is, you should get paid. ”

Then, the hesitant crowd took the gold coins and pretended not to.

I have no reason to hold a conscience over my salary.

But the reason I gave this money away was a little different.

Although the salary was right, it was intended to drown their complaints.

If you get paid, you will receive more military training, and if we provide you with a fair wage of labor, your hostility will be greatly reduced.

The war I'm going to use them for is psychological warfare.

There is a reason, but nothing wrong with being generous.

Soon after my speech, I returned to my seat.

“Not bad. You're all very good at following. ”

Princess Ignes said I was just sitting in a chair and replied.

“Yeah. It's not the worst thing for them. You gave us a chance to live anyway. If you do well, most of you will survive. ”

“Thank you. In fact, my mother worries a lot about handing over their list. ”

“There's no reason for you to thank me. I just made the most reasonable choice I could. ”

“But you could have committed treason and killed them all, right? ”

“Of course, emotionally. But I'm not that romantic. We have no feelings for humanity. We have to be completely rational in order to survive. ”

Princess Ignes leans on me quietly.

“That's ironic. I can't believe that reason looks like it's saving so many lives. ”

“Of course it is. In fact, it kills a lot more people with emotion. The resentment, the timing, the jealousy. But if we do everything rationally, there's no reason for an innocent person to die. ”

“But emotion is also important, right? ”

I was right, so I shook my head.

The reason I am able to handle this reasonably without being moved by emotion is because I am underpinned by the pure emotion that saves my life.

That is, if I convinced my family to come back to Kronos, I would be more likely to live, so I could do this.

Yes, my desire to humiliate everyone for being filthy is saving them and saving humanity.

“Yes, the world is complicated in that way. I don't know what makes the world a better place. Look. Those human traitors are going to save humanity, aren't they? Hehe.”

“Yes, what is it? ”

“I don't know.”

“Could it be a person's mind? ”

“Yes. Of course it's in there somewhere. ”

I concluded the conversation with vague positivity.

You can't just cut off ambiguous human emotions.

But one thing is clear:

I mean, I have no idea.

< Let the traitor of mankind save mankind. > End

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