“Still, I shouldn't have been without it. ”

Zambe snorts immediately.

“That's what Grolmog did, too. ”

“Is it true? ”

“Of course. You never know that trading will make you rich. ”

“No, I don't know. I know that Ash has lived a long time in Kara, a trading city, but he doesn't. How do other Orcs who've lived on Orc Meadow all their lives know that? Of course, if you say a verse, you'll understand it roughly, but you can't really understand it unless you've experienced it. Maybe with an enemy of humanity.

You said you couldn't trade, so you probably lost your way. ”

Duke Fabious interrupts again.

“That's right. You never know unless you've experienced it. Trading was certainly something you could do, Zenbe. ”

“Enough. I don't want to hear any more of that. I'm quitting anyway. ”

It was difficult in many ways.

Grolmog appeared strong but somewhat lacking in governance, and Zenbe was relatively weak, but had an outstanding appearance in governance.

So now was a good time.

Grolmog needs to be stronger for humanity, and Zenbee is well within his reach beyond perfection.

I turned my attention to Duke Fabious.

“But what were you two talking about here? ”

Zambe teased me.

“Don't talk back! Humans, you always talk when you're in trouble. ”



“When? I was just wondering. Grandpa Fabious has been thinking about climbing the Mind Master lately, so he's trying to show you where the problem is, what he's struggling with, and how I can help him humanely. ”

Duke Fabious sighs a long time.

“We were actually talking about it. ”

“Why? Is there a blockage somewhere? ”

“Our minds are like a huge network of people's causes intertwined with each other, and we've been discussing how important a cause is inside. ”

It was a very difficult story. In order for a person to be born and be reborn as a human being with one personality, he had to have a lot of interactions and experience. The answer was vague when we asked him to discuss the importance of one.

Just because there is no small relationship does not mean that man is incomplete as a human being, it is because ignoring each one has an adverse effect on the whole.

The whole is a collection of things that are made together.

“So what did Zambe say? ”

Zambe gives you a pout.

“Of course, none is as important as the rest. Human. You know that, don't you? that the whole thing is done through one medium. ”

“But that's the ideal logic, and it's not real, right? If the whole thing ignores one, there are many bystanders. ”

“But the one I ignore is myself. If the whole ignores one of me, I will eventually leave, and eventually the whole will understand. ”

That's why it says one is as important as the whole. For me, one of me is more important than the whole. And my collective is the whole.

I turned my attention away from Duke Fabious.

“So what does Grandpa think? ”

“That's what you just said. I agree with Zenbee a hundred times, but in reality, it is mainly the wind that ignores the individual. The same is true of our human memory. Humans accumulate a lot of memories throughout their lives, but losing one of them does not have a big impact on that person. ”

Zambe immediately reacts.

“No, if you ignore one like that, the whole cannot be established. ”

I looked at Zambe.

“Let's not dwell on ideology. We live in reality, we don't live in anomalies. ”

“Then prove it to me. ”

I cut off a lock of Zambe's hair.

“I just pulled out one of her hair. What would that feel like? ”

“Not really · · · · · · · ·. ”

“What if I cut off her arm? ”

“Humans, you will be regarded as the enemy. ”

“You see, the difference between a single hair and an entire arm is this big. In fact, a lock of hair doesn't really matter. ”

Zambe's stubbornness breaks and she grins her head. When I experienced it, it seemed like I understood what I meant. Humans are not shocked that a single hair has fallen out.

“Sure. Definitely not much of a hair. ”

“No! It matters! ”

It was Duke Fabious who shouted and stopped Zambe from speaking.

I looked at the duc like he was some kind of idiot. I was just in favor of Duke Fabious's theory, and the Duke was reacting to it.

“What are you talking about? Grandpa's right. ”

“No, I was wrong. ”


“Not a single hair. Some people in the world cry because of a single hair falling away. Background You don't know the sorrow of a man who lost a lock of hair, but I do. That's why one is important. ”

My gaze went up on the duc's face and touched his shiny head. I made a big mistake. In the presence of Duke Fabious, you should never take certain body parts for example, but you did so carelessly.

I swallowed a dry saliva.

“Oh, yeah. Not important at all. It matters, admit it. ”

Zambe quietly snaps her chin and concludes today's brief debate.

“In the end, does one importance mean that it doesn't have absolute significance, and it varies within the whole notion? The way of the world is strange at all times. ”

I pricked Zenbee's side. Now I see that Zambe is the cruelest.

“Stop. Don't you have to realize that by looking at the situation? ”

After all, the truth of the world is cruel in some way. Most truths originally hurt, but in this case, they gave birth to one great sorrow.

So on the one hand, I resent the sky. The sky hides the truth in great pain and prevents human access.

* * *

With the bureaucrats working all night, I was able to start the first meeting the next day. The meeting was only moderately ongoing because there was only a small problem with the ceremony, but it was just a mistake to get over it.

The first person to get a say in the round table was Grandpa Cloud. The old man who heard the truth from Savannah began to speak more seriously than ever before.

“I hear many people are dying everywhere because of Chronos' wickedness. Though they are the saviors of humanity, they are not even the masters of the rights to human extinction, I think I can no longer see their evil deeds. ”

While the majority nodded in favor, Ilpane protested.

“Grand Duke. It could just be a mistake, right? It is reasonable to first listen to Chronos and then add the opinions of representatives from other countries before we conclude with each other. ”

Grolmog's mouth twitches.

“You have no place in this. ”

“You have my permission to be here. ”

“That's not what I meant. Aren't Elves friends with the Valkyries? That is why your words are inherently unfair. ”

“Shouldn't the Valkyrie be the only adversary left? ”

“Who? The victim? But what would you say except the victim? You Elves are always blessed by the grace of the heavenly city of Kronos, so it's easy to say, but not the victim. ”

Shura, who was sitting in the guest seat on the outside of the round table, stood up and said.

“Lord Ilpaine's opinion does not represent our Kingdom of Ides. Please note the benefits. ”

Shura shuts her mouth, and Ilpane grunts.

“Your Majesty. I just said it as a representative of all Elves. ”

“Which elf? On the side of my kingdom of Ides. Or the other one. ”

At Shura's sharp point, Ilpane clams his mouth shut. The Elven Kingdom, other than Ides, is the Lumen Kingdom, the representative of the forces of light.

If you say Ilpaine represents the Elves of the Lumen Kingdom, he should leave the Kingdom of Ides. They're both hostiles.

I decided to act as the organizer. Opinions should be broken logically, not qualified. Moreover, it should also be used as a force for mankind in the future. There was no need to break my heart here.

“Shura. Don't let the empire breath. The nature of this position is not a group of politicians with representation of the state, but the ability of individuals. As Lord Ilpane has won the right to speak, you can say what you want. ”

“But · · · · · · · · ·. ”

“Well, it's not a political gathering. ”

Ilpane who smiled at me continued to speak.

“As you know, this case is too big. That's why we need more justification, and consensus between our stakeholders. That way, we won't have to talk about anything else. ”

The Duke of Cloud grins his head.

“That makes sense. We definitely need to hear Kronos' side of the story. ”

I looked at my sister Armida, who was with me as a guest. The only Valkyrie here. It meant arguing with Kronos.

Armida stood up and expressed her opinion.

“Our Kronos is very sorry about what happened. But I don't think humanity and Kronos are pretending to be. ”

Zambe steps out.

“But so many people died. I think there are a lot of people to solve just by talking. ”

“I know. So I need you to find a solution here. ”

Grolmog reacts as soon as I do.

“I can't find a solution. The dead don't come back to life. ”

I immediately protested.

“If you say it like that, it won't solve the problem at all. The confrontation will continue. ”

Grolmog stares at me sharply. I'm arguing Kronos, as I'm best aware, so I can understand it.

“So we pretend we don't know the victim's death? ”

“No. Let's agree on the right line. ”

“Is it really possible to come to an agreement? ”


“So how do we deal with this? ”

I looked at Armida.

“I don't want big things for Kronos. I'm going to ask you a very small favor to confirm Kronos' sincerity. ”

“What favor? ”

“Leave this world. Far, far away. ”

Armida said with her eyes wide open.

“Brother, do you think that makes sense? We came into this world with a mission to protect your people. If you leave like this, your job will be done. ”

“So it's only been 100 years. ”

“100 years?”

“Yes, just 100 years. We have no choice but to doubt Kronos' intentions. For humans, 100 years is a very long time, but for immortal sisters, it's a short time, isn't it? I think I can keep it simple. ”

My offer seemed simple, but I could never accept it as Chronos.

Of course I can accept one, but then I thank you. It means the extinction of humanity will be postponed for 100 years.

“But copy Diaga. ”

“Don't bring up the Valkyrie. I can't even believe that Valkyrie exists anymore. How many years has it been? Look, nothing happened, right? Of course, I don't know if something serious will happen in the future, but I will try to stop mankind. As you can see, our humanity's power has grown so strong that it can never be compared to the past.

It is. ”

Armida sighs deeply.

“Fine. Let's say our Kronos leaves this world for 100 years. What does that mean to you humans? ”

“The past will be forgotten. Then we'll have a chance to reconnect with Kronos. But not right now. The images of the victims who died in the past events are being remembered by the humans who are alive today. The emotional burden of reconnecting with Kronos is too great at this point. Of course I do.

Political burden. ”

Armida hesitated to see if she understood what I meant.

“There's a good reason. So you're sure you only have to leave for a hundred years? ”


The impatient Duke Fabious jumps to his feet. The Kingdom of Bastein recently lost tens of thousands of lives to Kronos. He didn't want to end this with just a hundred-year banishment.

“White cotton. Do you have the right to decide this situation this way? Not long ago, tens of thousands of our people were killed. How am I supposed to see those families, end up like this? ”

“But we can't just cut off from Kronos like this, can we? And if the conflict continues like this, there will be war. What about the damage? ”

That's right. When we go to war with Kronos, humanity suffers great harm.

That's why I'm writing an oil book. to build a cause for continuing war against Kronos, not peace.

Duke Fabious grits his teeth.

“What if Kronos refuses your offer? ”

“You can't refuse a simple offer like this, can you? ”

“But what if I do? ”

I slowly glared at Armida's sister.

“Then it means Kronos has other intentions, and we and Kronos must cross a river that can never be returned." ”

“Such as?”

“I will prepare for war with Kronos, for the survival of mankind. We can't keep dangerous people around us. ”

Duke Fabious snorts and sits back down. I was still dissatisfied, but it seemed to be acceptable as I was discussing war.

But Armida shouted.

“Sister, are you sure? War?"

“I mean, it's such a simple proposition. He's only been gone a hundred years. Then we go back to the way things were. I'm trying for you. ”

“Okay, so that's only 100 years? ”

“Yes. I don't want it anymore. ”

“Got it.”

When Armida left for Kronos to post a report, I smiled bitterly. Chronos, of course, will not accept my offer, so I have an excuse to wage war on Chronos of humanity.

I looked at everyone.

“Well, let's continue with the rest of the meeting. The next agenda is the coalition building agenda in case of war. ”

* * *

< Offer to Chronos. > End

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