It was a deep night.

I was on my way to the Desert of Death, leaving Kara without anyone noticing.

The desert of death was a desolate land with no people around it and vast sands spread out.

It was the best place to have a secret meeting, and I could easily spot the tail in case it was there.

I've never seen a place quite like this since I met the Savannah forces.

Unfortunately, I have a tail.

They weren't hostile to Nana or the Savannahs, but they were pretty annoying.

‘This is a great time. ’

I stared at Duke Cloud and Grolmog, who were chasing me in public.

“I'll go alone. I told you not to come. ”

The Duke of Cloud heavily clears his throat.

“A journey to explore the great truth. It's gonna be hard to walk alone. ”

“Oh, yeah. And you have enemies, don't you? If you encounter that enemy unexpectedly, it will be quite dangerous. We must protect it. ”

Grolmog's churches have made quite an impression.

That Orc grandpa was treating someone as a walking prank outside.

“Never mind. I can handle sending an assassin from Kronos on my own. ”

“But that Valkyrie invited us, didn't he say? You're not the only one going alone. ”

“I'm worried about you. I'm afraid I'll have to reprimand the boar in front of Savannah again. They're not even real kids, and all they do is eat that night meat. ”

Grandpa Cloud and Grolmog stare up at the distant sky, making sure they can't face each other.

It would be a shame for them to even think about it.

The Prosia Monument Tower fought so hard that the house flew over a young piglet that only hunted it.

I would not have been so frustrated if I had determined to be the owner of the pig in that fight.

Eventually, the wild pig was eaten by dung flies.

I eventually ignored the two of them and fled with all my might towards the meeting place.

It's a trick to get rid of, but the two of you chase after each other in a dazzling fashion.

I turn and scream from the air.

“I'll tell you later, so don't follow me. You heard it yourself, Gun. It's the same thing, right? ”

Old Cloud shudders.

“No, a man's words are different from 'ah’ and 'eh’ different laws, but how can it be the same as hearing them directly? ”

“That's right. In fact, the tone also means a lot of different things. I'd rather hear it myself a hundred times. ”

I opened my eyes sharply.

“After all, will you follow me? ”

“I invited them over, and they're just responding. ”

“Well, it's not polite for the three of you to go alone with your daughter. ”

Of course, the Inspirants were right, but when I think about the face of the whole human race, I had to put it aside.

Apparently, Savannah is very excited about us.

I could never do something like live pig talk there.

I can't help but tell her I'm disappointed.

I clenched my lips and spread three fingers.

“I promise you three things instead. ”

“What promise? ”

“Number one: don't fight like children. Two: Save your horses. Number three, show your face in one-to-one top-down frontier of Prosia. If you don't protect any of them here, I'll kick them out immediately. ”

Old Cloud and Grolmog look each other in the eye.

“Got it. Don't worry. ”

“Good. Now we begin. Just follow me.”

When I flew back to the place I promised, the two old bastards followed me with a big smile.

For those who were stuck in the soul master's sight, listening to Sabondia's insights that had reached the harsh first was a precious opportunity like meeting an oasis in a barren desert.

Of course I didn't want to miss it.

* * *

When I arrived at the meeting place, I was able to see a glittering floatation in the orange light.

Unlike the providence of Kara Kingdom, he was drawing a curved curve, full of large and small essences throughout the hull.

I even forgot to greet Evelyn on the way out.

“Hey, why does this guy have so much essence? ”

“Well, there are many functions. ”

“A lot of functionality doesn't necessarily mean a lot of essence, right? ”

“It contains powerful, high-cycle magic. ”


“Yes, I can see that. Oh, I can't see. ”

I looked at Evelyn.

“Can't you see? ”

You take out the hood Evelyn prepared.

It was as small as a sack of grain, but it looked like it was left on its head.

“Put it on your head. ”

I turned the hood upside down.

“Do I have to use it? It's gonna be awkward. ”

“Yes, I do. We can't let anyone know where our stronghold is. In fact, one of our outside organizations knows its location. ”

It was inevitable that Evelyn would say this.

Because I promised to do what she said.

I took the other hoodie and handed it to Old Cloud and Gromlog.

“Write it down.”

My grandparents were shaking, but they didn't use it fast enough.

“Do I have to use it? ”

“Stay here if you don't want to. ”

“I see.”

The two grandparents hesitated for a moment and finally put on their hoods.

The blindfolded self was difficult to entrust to a stranger, but more than that, there was a greater longing for a soul master.

And by the time we got there, we had hoods, but they didn't really matter.

Just by reading Mana's flow, the Mind Master is not that bad at judging things.

The last time I put the hood on, Evelyn led us into support.

“Come with me. ”

After feeling Evelyn's energy toward the cockpit leaving us in the floating seat, you expressed a little concern.

“Are you manipulating Evelyn? ”

“Uh. I came alone to be safe. ”

“Are you sure you're not on the ground or something? ”

“Don't worry. Much better than you. ”

You feel the buoyancy rising in the air behind Evelyn's piercing voice.

And at some rate, a little dizziness of a familiar feeling came over.

This dizziness was almost similar to the side effects that usually occur when moving space.

The only difference was that the dizziness was much less.

“You've arrived?”

“Yes, I'll be there soon. ”

“Good to be quick. ”

I pretended to be nothing, but I was really amazed in my mind.

Spatial movement is eight cycles of high-level magic, and the stimulus is quite heavy.

So it takes a lot of Mana energy to move through space.

The power of the Coponian forces to be able to procure that much essence seems immense.

‘Well, that's enough to take on the heavenly city of Kronos. ’

Soon, the float slows down and begins its descent.

Soon, the buoyancy stops with a dull sound, and Evelyn steps out of the cockpit.

“How was it? Safer than you thought? ”

“Yes. Reasonably. ”

“Come on, then, let's go. Sabondia is waiting for you. ”

“What about the hood?"

“Take it off later. Not yet.”

With my head held high, I still wear a hood and follow Evelyn off the pedestal.

The feeling of cool rushing in.

It was pretty cold in the late summer weather.

“Is this the land of ice? ”

Grolmog, who was following me, said a word.

“No, the air on the ice doesn't dry up here. ”

“How would Grandpa know? ”

“I spent my youth there. ”

Evelyn overhears our conversation and releases Pinzan.

“Backbone. I told you not to tell me where it is. ”

“No, I just felt like that for a second. ”


“Okay, okay. ”

Evelyn stops somewhere.

Silent mechanical and metal friction sounds after a while.

Soon there was warm air, and we came in somewhere.

When the machine beeps again, Evelyn says,

“You can take it off now. ”

As I took off my hood, I could see the long, square passageway.

The road we came in was blocked by a large grated metal hatch, which was quite thick.

“Hmm · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

Evelyn gestures at us as she walks ahead.

“Come with me. ”

While following Evelyn, we met many people.

They were mostly Blood and Dark Elves, but when they saw us, they ran like hell.

“You're Grolmog, right?”

“I see."

“I'm familiar with reputation. It's an honor to meet you. ”

Grolmog was a great hero to them.

A death divided from darkness is a trait of Savondia.

The people following her would usually belong to the forces of darkness, so she could not have not have heard of Gromlog, the most powerful warrior of the dark forces.

Grolmog grins and looks at Old Cloud, and I stab him in the side.

“Old Orc. Don't taunt me. If you fight here, you'll never see either of them again. ”

“I just saw it. ”

“Not that I can see. ”

Grolmog sighs briefly.

“I see. I'll be careful. ”

Oh, I don't know how to protect these two old men.

Earlier, I came together and asked you to take me with me, but now I quickly enter Battle Mode because I have achieved my goal.

“Over here.”

After a long march, we stand in front of a small iron gate.

I had a hunch that there was a copy of Bondia in here, so I trimmed my hair instinctively.

It wasn't that I wanted to look good, but it was just something I always did before I met a beautiful woman, and it just came naturally as usual.

“But how do I get in? ”

Old Cloud looks closely at the door and looks embarrassed.

I thought the door was right, but the handle on the door didn't run separately.

I'm having a hard time building this hillbilly grandpa.

I calmly pointed to the button next to the door.

I have seen these automatic doors grow weary of the heavenly city of Kronos.

“Just press this. ”

When I pressed the button, the door opened like it was split on either side.

Seeing the rise of a new civilization, I entered the room, admiring the two old men.

The room was smaller than I thought.

Of course, the four remained wide enough to enter, but there was not much room for decoration and it was narrow, compared to the imperial palace's dedicated reception hall.

Is that her? Is that Savannah? ’

I looked at the gray-haired woman sitting on the chair in front of the reception desk.

Thin enough to be fragile. Her skin was pale, and her long, white raw hair touched the floor.

But she was as beautiful as a Valkyrie.

Dark black eyes and dark eyelids that seem to fall in.

Above the jagged jawline, the cardboard was situated in a beautifully flowing shape, while the thin, red lips drew a cozy arc.

I looked at the staff in her hand.

A sack shaped like a weave of thigh bones on the head of a triceps skull. It was the image of the Longevity Deity Ross of the soul displayed in the Sacred Hall.

‘Sounds about right. ’

Evelyn approaches Savondia and bends her waist deeply.

“I brought it as you ordered. ”

“Are they?”


Sabondia, who calmly got up from her seat, slowly approached us, resting on the ground as Ross.

“I worked hard to come a long way. Now, come and sit down. ”

Me and the two old ladies walked along Savondia to the reception table.

All three greet the Valkyrie not so eagerly, but she is just as burdened.

Savannah was the only person in the world to become a soulmaster.

Of course, even the two Valkyries in the heavenly city of Kronos were soul masters, but they were not just powers at birth.

Of course, it was nothing compared to Savannah.

I sat down and looked at Savondia for a few moments.

“But are you really a Soul Master? ”

Savondia nods with a small smile.

“That's right. Can you believe it? ”

“Uh. I heard the soul master had a ghost on his forehead, but I didn't see it. ”

Immediately, a dazzling orange glow emanated from Savondia's brow.

The two old men who watched me breathlessly swallowed dry saliva.

Definitely a Soul Master.

Of course, it could be deceptive magic, but if it were, it would have been discovered by us many times.

We're not so immature as to discern the power of deception magic and its unknown origin.

Old Cloud barely said a word.

“So much for power that knows no depth. How can such energy exist in the world? · · · · · · · ·. ”

Grolmog speaks.

“I've never seen you before in my life. I've never seen such power in nature. ”

“No, this power is also one of nature's forces. Nevertheless, the reason you haven't seen it is because you can't feel it or see it yet. ”

Savondia says that and closes her eyes, Grandpa Cloud and Grolmog are greatly disappointed.

Understandably, the energy she just saw was an unknown energy emitted only by the Soul Master.

There was no time for the two old men to see each other again.

No, I never thought I'd see you again.

Savondia stared at me for consistency and silence.

< Draft of Sabondia. > End

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