Only the ruins remain where the Valkyries passed.

I stopped the entire army and watched the scene. I sighed for a short while for their excessive destruction.

The magical device that created the anomaly could have been covered in rough flowerpots, making it inaccessible. I doubted whether there would be any evidence to prove the truth.

I shouted at Italy, gazing at the actions of her fellow Valkyries with a proud look on my face.

“Shouldn't we leave some evidence? ”

“Total destruction comes first. I don't want any more casualties. ”

I slipped my cheeks.

Although it is reasonable to assume that the destruction of the fog-generating device is definitively to prevent further harm to life, Aeteria said it had to be authentic.

“So how do we catch this guy? ”

“It's obvious who the culprit is. ”

“Who? Sabondia? ”

“I know. Well, I'm sure it's that obvious. ”

I hid only sour energy in my mouth.

I'd like to badmouth you, but I can't do anything about it now.

If I defend the Sapponians here, I'll just make a scrape booth for nothing.

“We don't need to be here anymore, since you guys are working things out anyway. Then good luck. I'll go back and cheer you on some popcorn. ”

When I said that, I turned around and replied like Italy was calling me.



“I told you. This could be the end of Savannah. ”

I stopped walking and blew the whistle.

“Huh. Will you investigate me? ”

“All of them, including you, of course. ”

I squirm at one mouth.

“What's wrong with you? I'm the one who's been helping you chase down Savannah. ”

“There are no exceptions. Everyone.”

I looked at Katrina and Armida alternately.

“Are you still going to be there? ”

“I just told you there are no exceptions. ”

Katrina hears our conversation beside her and rushes into a furious rage.



“You're going to investigate us? ”

“Of course you are. You used to know her. You're here now. Besides, you've been chasing him for years and you haven't even found his tail. Shouldn't we find out if he's incompetent or something else? ”


Katrina tries to grab her by the collar, and Italy puts her hands on it.

“I'm here on Nemisona's orders. You'd better listen to him. ”

“What if you don't want to hear it? ”

“For what it's worth. But this time it won't end with being kicked out of Kronos. It's about treason. Katrina. Even if you fall as a lowly creature, your life is precious to you. Even Bourne knows his life is precious. ”

Katrina takes her hand to the pouch of Idron's blade in Biagnang.

I grabbed Katrina's hand in haste, what could have been a great foul month if I had left her like this.

“Hold on.”

“How can you bear it when you hear that? ”

“So you want to go to war with Kronos? ”

“There's no reason not to. ”

I wiped my face against Katrina, who was grinding her teeth.

This woman really can't wait.

The Valkyrie forces here, along the Italy, overwhelm our power.

“If we go to war with them here, Princess Ignes and Princess Sierra will die. In addition, tens of thousands of people were killed. Are you ready for that? ”

“They can't do that. ”

“I'm just saying that I think I will. ”

When I heard that, Itheria stared at me.

“One thing I've noticed is that people are amazing. ”

“Hmph. I used to eat a lot of rice. So you get the vibe. ”

“A good human being, why doesn't he listen to us? If you cooperate with us, you'll have the richest movie of your life. ”

I twisted my lip.

“I still have enough to enjoy in a rich movie. ”

“But it's a rich movie that will soon vanish into thin air. Like this fog. ”

I slowly looked at the sky where the fog lifted.

While the daylight was illuminating the earth, I could see a lot of buoyancy floating towards us, as if surrounded far away.

It was the Valkyrie's private ships.

And you see Uruvos stretching endlessly below it.

They were looking around with a fierce gaze, a sheep that would keep no one out of here.

“Well, the rich movies themselves are hopeless. The richest movie that's about to disappear is even more ridiculous. ”

Itheria, who was leaving, paused for a moment and stared at me.

“What do you mean? There's a bone in the horse. ”

“You literally gave it back. ”

“I don't think so. ”

“Maybe you got stabbed with something. ”

Italy narrows her eyes.

“Anyway, I don't like him. So I don't want to see it, but I keep seeing it. Is it fate? Is it bad luck? ”

“It's just a bad story. ”

“Better that way. ”

After Italy's disappearance, I glanced at Kalun and Evelyn, standing far away.

I think it's jammed. I don't know how to get them out.

If anything happens to Callan and Evelyn, the forces of Savannah will be in danger and I will never be safe.

* * *

Me, Katrine, Sister Armida, and the two saints were specifically invited to the providence of Italy, Kaloviras.

Horses are invited, it was a thorough investigation.

Armida's angry sister yelled at Italy the whole time she was following her, but the reply was to shut up and follow.

“Itheria, don't you know this is a breach of our agreement? ”

“No, Junsu. The prosciutto allowed it.”

“Don't be ridiculous! Prosia would never allow a stupid show like this. ”

Itheria smirks at her screaming sister Armida.

“What kind of show? ”

“Don't you know you're heavily involved in the land? How many carriers have you sent down, how many Urubosses? ”

“Of course, it was too much, but not on the ground. It's our nature. It can't be all ground work with Savannah, can it? Isn't that right?”

Armida became deaf and dumb because she wasn't wrong.

The situation in Savannah was a top priority for the heavenly city of Kronos.

I looked at me, ignoring Armida, the face of Italy's boiling face.

“Did you say backbone? You come with me. I'll interrogate you myself. ”

“Are you with me? It's an honor, but why? ”

“You're the most suspicious. ”

“In what way? ”

“There are so many in so many ways. ”

“Then so be it. Here you go.”

Itheria leaves me with her group and takes me somewhere.

It was a small room surrounded by rapid walls and ceilings, with two tables and chairs for interrogation in the middle.

Sitting in front of me in Italy, a female elf in the room approached me to help with the interrogation.

“Give me the black one on your waist. ”


“You're here to be investigated. Of course you can't wear a sword, right? ”

I pulled the urine cord out and put it on the table.

When the elf woman reached for her hand, I grabbed the hilt and said,

“Take it, but touch the dust and you'll die. ”


“There are no survivors of the man who touched my sword. Oh, there's one. In front.”

Itheria opens her eyes to live because her heart ached.

She has suffered heavy injuries from a john strike.

Luckily, she survived with the help of her comrade, but it was a great humiliation for her.

Itheria lets out a female elf who doesn't know what to do and asks a question.

“Let's talk about the sword first. Where did you get that sword? ”

“I got it in the Sacred Hall. ”

“Has anyone seen it? ”

“The one who saw for herself is Princess Ignes. Indirect viewers now have thousands of paladins and STDs, including Ser Burg. I had no illumination in my hand when I went in, but I was there when I came out. ”

“I see. I believe you. ”

I laughed.

“Isn't it too easy to believe? ”

“No, it doesn't matter. The sword, as we know it, reaches you in whatever form, only accepts us, the servants of God. ”

I grabbed the yo-yo and made a fuss.

“Really? Don't you have any respect for its owner? ”


“Why am I human? Or is it something else? ”

Itheria stares at me quietly, her chin twitching.

“I'm asking the questions. You answer. ”

“Okay, keep asking. ”

Italy picks up the paperwork and turns it over.

It was more than a handful of papers, and there was a bunch of letters that looked like broken eggs.

It looked like there was a deep background check on me.

“We have deep questions about recent advances in the civilization of human technology. It's too soon, but it just so happens this case is tied up in time with the Savannah incident. So, a little civilization advancement in human technology started with you? Is it a coincidence or a necessity? ”

In the Italian question, I scratched my nose.

It was because she was touching something too sensitive from the beginning.

Today, the advancement of humanity's dazzling wizardry technology has been greatly appreciated by the forces of Savannah.


“Are you admitting that you're Savannah's bitch? ”


“Then why not? ”

“You heard that in the process of helping Kronos, Savannah was about to destroy the world. And as much as we humans are concerned with survival, we never cease to care about means and means. That's why I tried something else. In other words, preparing for the future. ”

I'm such a jerk.

Although I can assure you that the contributions of the modern Mado civilization developers were substantial, most of them were made by my hands.

I have embraced all sorts of sordid technologies across the continent through large amounts of money and increased identities, and the collective nature of those technologies was the modern Mardo civilization.

Moreover, Savannah's contribution was merely a trigger, and I was prepared for this.

Italy handed over a copy of the document.

“But some technologies are unclear in origin. ”

“Which one? ”

“Number one, mace. ”

“Oh, that's from Armida's sister. In the past, when the Kingdom of Robos invaded Kara, we needed a weapon to fill that gap with so much power. ”

“So where did the idea come from? ”

“I don't know. I think I saw it in the library when I was in Imperial Noble School, but I don't know. Take a good look. There are only hundreds of thousands of books I can try. ”

A suspicious eye gives you a copy of the document.

It seemed to pass for the fact that Armida was involved and the volume of hundreds of thousands of books.

And it wasn't a very distinctive invention.

“The following is a railway system. I don't know where this came from. ”

“That's odd. I bet you had a producer. ”

As I shudder, Italy picks a blade from her tongue.

“There was. An old man who died a third lifetime as a wizard without a name. But isn't that weird? A low-level wizard who's hardly known to the masses is creating massive horseshoe items like the railway system. ”

“No. As a third-rate wizard, I was able to build a railway system. ”


“Everything that the old wizard has made is a one-cycle payment. The railway system is unprecedented. Why on earth?”

“That is, I can only make such things. Did I make them? ”

I looked up at the ceiling and said,

“Anyway, he was a great old man. Mana had no talent, but no one was as good as trying to overcome her limitations. Eventually, that effort met me late and saw the light, and became a noun for history. Honestly, I admire the old man. I'm trying to make a point. ”

Italy coughs.

“Good. Let's talk about support next. ”

“He was built by a secret research agency in the Kingdom of Kara called Area One. ”

“Where is it? ”

“If you tell me, it's no secret. ”

“That's suspicious.”

“It's just that you're sensitive. Humans have every secret they want to keep. But if you want to see her, I'll show you the way. Only allow me to ask you questions about tourism and the situation. The rest is state secrets. ”

“Fine. I'll take care of it. ”

Itheria took it easy again. But I was never careless.

A common interrogation technique is to cautious the opponent and then stab him with a will.

“Next is your walk. You've interfered too much with our work. Especially during the Civil War, there were more than a few questions. ”

“What? Hiding your identity and getting involved in the civil war? Or fighting you? ”


“I'm sorry, I didn't go to the Grand Duchess of Lupeth hiding my true identity, but I went to the Grand Duchess of Lupett to reveal my true identity. And the only reason I fought with you was to help my sister Armida of the Prosia faction. Well, Princess Sierra did me a favor. ”

Itheria snores.

“All right. Let's say the latter. Why did you help the Grand Duchess of Rupert? The Emperor was your uncle back then, wasn't he? ”

“But Erisa, the Grand Duchess of Rupert, was the woman I loved. She's in love with someone who's getting married. ”

“A woman with blood information? ”

“Of course, it's not something you would recommend, but that's what people do, right? And there was no point in taking power at all. Well, there are no parents or siblings in front of power, but it's nothing between the legs. ”

My answer flowing out into the liquefied oil was somewhat embarrassing.

Obviously, I had a lot of doubts.

But I've always been prepared for this day, and put my selfish lust into everything for humanity.

No matter how much Italy researches me, it's not easy.

I didn't have any evidence, and there were endless answers with my self-interest that I could understand.

Then an elf jumps into the interrogation.

“Italy, I've got one. ”

Italy rises.


“Yes, he has demonstrated that he is a force following her with his own mouth because he is not conquered by the spirit. ”

“Got it. Lead the way. ”

Urgent departure of Italy. I swept down her face looking behind her leaving the interrogation room.

I'm perfectly prepared, but if information comes from Evelyn or Callan, it's a different story.

After all, me and them, we have connections in many forms.

< Surrounded. > End

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