The Grand Prince Has Run Away

Central Church collapsing into nothing.

Central Church troops and Josrahim bishop troops encountered each other on a plateau.

Two horsemen riding on a white-colored plain with recently fallen snow.

They meet in the middle of both camps, storytelling with each other, blushing their faces and returning to their camp.

Apparently, he only insisted and missed the final negotiation.

Evelyn, who saw this scene at the top of a nearby hillside, said a few words to me she was accompanying.

“After all, it looks like there's going to be a battle. ”

“Of course. We came all this way, but we can't just leave each other, can we? ”

Evelyn picks up her pile of snow and says it with a flowing tone.

“The priests are nothing. If we show each other the virtue of conceding, we can avoid war, right? ”

“No, it's because they're priests. ”


“You have virtue and great conviction in your heart. Then it is man who can do all kinds of terrible things. ”

“Not out of desire? ”

“Of course desire is right, but they don't know themselves. He's trying to hypnotize himself into doing great justice. Terrible tragedy, but comedy. ”

“Comedy. Anyway, I'm glad it went as planned. ”

I sat on a rock nearby and said in a comfortable manner.

“Well, not fortunately. I'm just happy that this battle will give the world a greater chance of being saved. ”

Evelyn approaches me.

“Well, we're doing great justice, too. Hmph.”

“Yes. If the world is saved, I can bury it, too. So don't forget. That anyone who picks a knife for someone else gets tired of it. A man must raise his sword for himself, to fight to the last moment. ”

“But they're willing to die for God. ”

“Yes. I firmly believe that God will send them to heaven. It's a bargain. Give me a ticket to Heaven instead of me dying for God. ”

“But will God give us the tickets to the kingdom of heaven? ”

“I don't know. But surely God never promised. ”

Honestly, I think it would be incredibly bizarre for God.

You have to give a vote of celibacy that you don't have because of a one-sided commitment you don't even know about.

“I don't know if they're all going to hell because God is ridiculous. ”

“Of course I will. God forgives traitors, but he doesn't forgive sickness. ”

Evelyn glances at me.

“How do you know that? ”

“You can tell by the logic of the world God created. The traitor survives, but the disease dies. Just like them.”

If God really existed and God had clearly envisioned and made this world, I mean, it would have been completely unreasonable.

The disease must die in this God-made system.

“Oh, what a cruel god. Isn't it too much to live smart and kill ignorant? ”

“I'm not talking about that. The question is, are you wise or not? I've learned a lot, and I've made smart people sick. ”


I point to the armed priests who are in two separate camps beneath the mountain.

“Look at them. They're well-educated kids. I studied enough to read the codex of creation, no matter how much venereal disease. And now he's fucking doing it. ”

“I don't think so. So what does God say is the value of wisdom? ”

“I don't know the details, but you know the way the world works. I would never do something like that if I knew how the world works. Honestly, I can't be embarrassed. ”

“That makes sense. So why does God want us to know the logic of the world? ”

I tilted my head.

“I don't know. Maybe there's a divine value or a wind in it. Whatever the system is, it has the desires and values of the person who built it. ”

“What are those winds and values? ”

“I don't know. Just trying to find my way around. ”

At that moment, you hear a roar of saturation shaking the earth with a great scream.

The Central Cult forces are blowing horns to announce the start of the battle.

Immediately, a group of metal cannonballs and shotguns were scattered over the heads of the Central Church troops advancing.

Soldiers who will bleed to death like firewood.

Despite the devastating damage, the commanders continued to push forward, encouraging the troops.

Evelyn bites her lips tightly.

“What a fool. Why are you always running around like that? You're just standing there getting beat up. ”

“Lack of strategy. The Central Cult doesn't understand anything about a new war. ”

Bishop Yosrahim's troops, on the other hand, were building up to a deadly Mage launcher, just waiting for the enemy to arrive.

Bishop Yosrahim's army received a new strategy from the Yosrahim Empire, so they know how to fight.

But I didn't seem to know it at all.

I would have dug a trench and waited.

But that alone was enough to take on the Central Church troops.

At the moment, the Central Cult soldiers were just leaving the artillery strike area, almost melted down by the subsequent heavy artillery fire.

“It's already done. Don't you want to try that? ”


Soldiers who marched with the glory of God duck behind nearby hills or rocks, crushing the march to see if they couldn't hold out much longer.

The cavalry commanders have repeatedly ordered you to advance with your sword, but it is of no use.

The soldiers were afraid of death and did not venture ahead of the commander's slow-moving sword, and the commander died as an appropriate sacrifice in front of the enemy's long range gunfire before consuming and slaughtering the hidden soldier.

Soon after that, the Central Cult forces have secured their range and have begun firing weapons.

Thanks to this, the Josrahim Chieftain Army is taking damage, but it was a meaningless attack.

Bishop Yosrahim's army is holding the lead in a firefight.

Central Cult artillery were weak in numbers and were heavily hit while securing range.

What was even more remarkable was that the Central Cult General Command panicked with a rapidly collapsing allied force.

They did not respond well to the current crisis, but only raised their hands to the heavens in hope of victory.

‘He's a real piece of shit. ’

I knew it was good to come.

I don't know what they're thinking about praying in this situation.

Of course I did once, but I know it very well.

It's meaningless shit.

Obviously, we need to get rid of the bomb. The bomb dies with everyone, not alone.

I quickly pulled out the yo-yo, and Evelyn said,

“What are you doing?"

“We must end this battle before there are more sacrifices. ”


“Er, bomb removal. ”

I flew a squadron straight for Central Church Command.

The flaming yojo swiftly sweeps past the Central Church Gun Command, praying holiness with a scent of marijuana.

The bodies of the fallen senior commanders along with their heads.

The deputies who witnessed this scene stumbled around and gave the order to retreat in unison.

All command units have been eliminated.

Then the next order was to retreat from the army.

After I caught the sack of Jojo's Blood, Evelyn spoke in a gentle tone.

“But there was humanity. ”


“It was to save the soldiers, wasn't it? ”

I shed blood, shaking the tide.

“That's right. Soldiers are useful. ”

“Save him because he's useful? Then why did you just kill the commanders? They're pretty capable men, aren't they, General? ”

“A general who forgives a shield, but does not give orders, cannot be forgiven. Crazy bastards.Why pray when so many soldiers are dying on the front lines? I can't catch my ankle later if I have to kill a tribe like that. ”

“Not really.”

I watched the central order retreat together with the sound of retreating horns.

Fortunately, they are alive now, but their tragedy is not yet over.

The seven halves of a warrior occur shortly after the battle is over.

Soon a cavalry set out from the Bishop of Yosrahim's camp and began chasing the Stragglers.

The hunt for the Stragglers has begun.

‘Priests do whatever they want. Or is it because you're a priest? Anyway, I don't know what's going on in their heads. God misunderstands the sins he didn't commit, and he's good at them. ’

* * *

The Stragglers are marching into Divinum Castle powerlessly.

The sound of groaning of wounded soldiers coming from all over the place and relaxing with the fact that they're back home, Pickup's sexually transmitted from everywhere.

The priests who were waiting hurriedly rushed to practice the Bible, but they were short-handed and did not benefit all the injured soldiers.

I saw this scene from afar, and I spilled a word.

“The sacred law cannot be tooled." ”

Sexuality used by astrologers is more effective at healing than any other magic.

So it was a necessary ability in preparation for the age of destruction, but there was one big problem.

Unlike magic, it cannot be tooled.

Therefore, there were often times when the treatment was not adequate.

If there is no Oracle or if there are not enough hands, I cannot accept it.

Of course, there is a law telling us not to use the Bible as a tool.

The Central Church banned the act of making magic armor by the sacred law as a grave sin.

because they think it's blasphemous.

Evelyn glances at me.

“What are you talking about? ”

“Well, evil has to be fixed. ”


When the armor of the Bible is made, many people benefit.

Anybody can get quality treatment anywhere.

This is one of the reasons why I want to take control of the Central Church.

Even if many pagans die in this temple, the world will benefit even more if we eliminate this evil law.

Human hands have limits, but no machines.

“Grand Duke!”

I heard a voice calling me from a distance.

It was the paladin Neil.

The soup was flowing, but it looked like there were no injuries on the body.

“Hey, you're alive. ”

Neil approaches me and bends at me.

“Thank you. It's all thanks to your advice. ”

“So you didn't go into the Death Zone? ”

“Yes. As I was racing through the artillery, I quickly stopped my troops because I saw several of the fire hydrants you mentioned. ”

“Well done.”

“Yes. I almost killed my men in droves. I saw another troop rushing in from the side, and it melted exactly as you said it would. ”

“Yes. It's a fast-firing magic bomb designed to do that. ”

Neil approaches me.

“Grand Duke, what happens to us now? ”

“I told you before. I lose.”

“But the Central Church clearly told us that there is God's blessing. ”

“You're kidding.”


“No, honestly, if there was a God's blessing, you wouldn't have lost the last war, would you? ”

Neil stammers.

“Well, yes. Then who the hell is winning? ”

“The holy and holy side. ”

I wasn't drooling on my mouth, I was blowing shit up.

But I can't help it.

They believe in words like holy and sacred rather than rational strategic logic.

“Where exactly? ”

“I don't know. The saints say it's Lord Burg's camp now, but I don't know. ”

Neil frowns quietly.

“Well, Ser Burg is a man of faith now, and he has a lot of faith in him. But with only 6,000 men, can we win? ”

“What does it matter if there are fewer troops? The saints say God lived there. ”

“Not at all. Yes, I understand. ”

It was Neil who convinced him.

It looked pathetic, but it wasn't a bad thing.

If word of this gets out, Lord Burg's support will grow.

This is why I need faith.

It is too convenient for a speaker to tell, even if he is lying miserably.

“Goodbye. Your men await you.”

“Yes. I'll see you later, then. ”

As Neil leaves, Evelyn throws a word.

“Ridiculously, I believe you. ”

“That's why powerful people like us need faith. It's nice and comfortable.”

“Not really.”

“Well, let's go, too. I have a lot to prepare. ”

I followed Evelyn to the Sanctuary.

Soon the time will come for Ser Burg and the Council of Salvation to enter this temple.

After losing so miserably in the last battle, the Central Cult won't be able to go out and fight anymore.

Then there will be a battle at Divinum Castle, and whoever wins this battle will rule all the churches of the world.

The End

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