The Grand Prince Has Run Away

Conflict now, Ser Burg.

Soon after, there was a major announcement from the Central Church. The fact that Cardinal Griffin was assassinated and behind the assassination is part of a religious organization, including the Knights of Doom. If it's a problem, it's that they were identified as followers of Cardinal Griffin together behind the assassination, which was not a problem at all.

If all the churches stick together and drive as criminals, even the innocent will be guilty.

However, even the Central Church did not touch the Temple of Salvation as much. The Book of Salvation is stronger than the whole Church, and I promised to control it.

Randord graciously thanked me in front of the portal tower while standing on the outskirts of Divinum Shrine. He is currently being nominated and wanted for being behind the assassination of Cardinal Griffin, but thanks to me, he was able to escape Divinum Sanctuary safely.

“Grand Duke, I will never forget this grace you have saved me from. ”

“Come on. I know you're innocent. I'm just sorry I didn't clear my name because I didn't have the strength. ”

“No, saving my life is enough. ”

With my head held high, I asked Ranford.

“Okay, where are we going now? ”

“I'm going back down to my hometown to hide. ”

“It must be very dangerous back home. If I were Archbishop Grander, I'd send a coronation home to get you. ”

Landford looks gloomy. Apparently, he didn't have a sharp plan.

“Yes · · · · · · · ·. Sure, but you have to be careful. ”

“Don't do that. Go to the Yosrahim Empire. ”

“The Yosrahim Empire? ”

“That's my world. It's also the center of Cardinal Griffin's forces. Go to the Lord of Light within the Yosrahim Empire as soon as you can. Maybe they'll protect you. ”

“But I was placed behind the assassination of Cardinal Griffin. ”

I laughed bloody.

“Will they believe the Central Church's notice? I don't believe you. It's a fairy tale. Only then will you realize that Cardinal Griffin's death will not be dull. But I'll call you if I don't know. I'll prove your alibi. ”

“Thank you."

“Then go. Take care.”


Ranford thanked me again and again with the paladins behind him, and Josef approached me and said,

“Sir? What are you going to do about sending Lord Ranford to the Yosrahim Empire? ”

“I'm trying to save you. You're part of the same faction, Yosrahim. My Light Cult won't let him down, will they? ”

“But when Lord Ranford arrives, they will know that the assassination of Cardinal Griffin is no surprise." ”

“Yes. That must be why you're so angry. The priests in the Yosrahim Empire believed in Cardinal Griffin as their father did. ”

“Fear, too, I suppose. that they can be purged like Cardinal Griffin. ”

I tapped Josef on the back like he was a freak.

“Of course. They are Cardinal Griffin's followers of the bone marrow. Even if I were Archbishop Grander, I would never let that happen. ”

The next thing the Light Force in the Yosrahim Empire will do is struggle. Snakes with flying heads have all kinds of seizures until they lose their last breath. I just need to guide their actions in the right direction.

Right where I want to go.

“If I'm wrong, I'll die in Divinum Sanctuary. ”

“Yes. The forces of light in the Yosrahim Empire account for more than three times the forces of light. It'll be worth a look if you two stick together. ”

“Could it possibly lead to devastation? ”

“Almost there, of course. Everyone's gonna lose their minds and go crazy. Perhaps there will be a great war in Divinum Sanctuary that will be recorded clearly in history. It's a matter of life and death, so it won't cover the fire. ”

Josef stared at me fearfully.

“Brother, what do you hope to gain from the religious wars ahead? ”

“Religious Reformation. And keep the Central Church under my control. ”

“Are you trying to have the whole world? ”

“Uh, just for a moment. ”


“We need it. Let's go, then. ”

I put Josef in the car with a blank face and headed to war instead of Divinum. Cardinal Griffin's death has done the trick, but there's still much work to be done. I had to prepare for blood loss in my own way, and I had to plan the reconstruction of the Central Church after the blood death.

* * *

I let Josef stay in the hotel, and now I go to Lord Berg. Because he had something to do with it. The aspect of this religious war I want is the fear of blood and chaos. The more people who make a scene, the better.

Now Lord Burg yells at me as soon as he sees me.

“Back up! What the hell is going on? ”

I blocked my ears at the castle that burst out of the Oval Office.

“Why are you yelling all of a sudden? You scared me.”

“Why on earth did Cardinal Griffin die? ”

“How do I know that? I'm gonna find out. What the hell is going on? ”

Lord Burg shakes his head.

“I don't know. Lord Ranford and other Cardinal Griffin are told to grow dissatisfied, and I should be able to trust them. They're Cardinal Griffin's henchmen, aren't they? ”

I looked at Sir Berg in strange ways.

It was Ser Griffin who was to investigate the death of Cardinal Griffin. He's responsible for all of Divinum Sanctuary's security.

Now, however, Lord Berg was discussing Cardinal Griffin's death as if it had been heard from someone, not his own.

“Don't you know? ”

“I was excluded from the investigation by order of Archbishop Grander. ”

Well, even if I were Archbishop Grander, I'd have taken Lord Burg by now. If you give him the infamous Cardinal Griffin assassination, we don't know what will happen.


Now Ser Burg stares at me.

“Are you Archbishop Grander? ”

“Well, I don't know. ”

“Is that you, then? Or both. ”

I screamed.

“Why? Is he dragging me in? ”

“You two met closely before, right? ”

“We met. There was Archbishop Mernan next door. ”

“That makes three. ”

“Oh, come on! I'm not! It's really unfair to say it like that. ”

“Then tell me. What was the secret conversation back then? ”

“I told you before. The Empire has no choice but to help Cardinal Griffin. Cardinal Griffin moves for four halves of Imperial opinion. ”

Ser Burg now rolls his eyes quickly and speaks to himself.

“Then what is it? Even if Archbishop Grander assassinated Cardinal Griffin to sever the ties between the Empire and Cardinal Griffin, the Book of Salvation remains. ”

Despite being excluded from the investigation and with no evidence, Sir Berg was now well aware of the nature of the case.

Yes, it was a sharp point. The Book of Salvation appeared to be a follower of Cardinal Griffin, so there was no silence in the assassination of Cardinal Griffin.

As long as Archbishop Grander is not a fool, he cannot assassinate Cardinal Griffin without sympathizing with the mighty Book of Salvation.

“Aye. Why do you keep trying to frame Archbishop Grander? It could be someone else, right? ”

“Only the Archbishop has doubts. ”

“But if you look closely, you can find it, right? ”

“You know, you're the backface. ”

I jumped from my seat.

“Why would I kill Cardinal Griffin? Honestly, why would I kill Cardinal Griffin? How much money have I spent on him so far? I'm about to blow all that money. I'm going crazy, too.”

“Sure it's not you? ”

“Of course not. What a loss I have in this situation. Money, but the opportunity to carry the Pope on his back flew away. This is gonna suck for me, too. ”

“So it was Archbishop Grander's doing as a dictator. How could you do such a reckless thing to get rid of the Book of Salvation? And why hasn't the Book of Salvation seen any movement since? ”

I carefully sat on the entertainment couch.

“Honestly, the Temple of Salvation is easy to seduce. ”

“Are you saying that the Book of Salvation betrayed Cardinal Griffin? ”

“It's not treason. What do you expect from a bunch of punks and mercenaries? Just throw me a decent piece of meat and I'll shake your tail. And it seems to me that there have been recent disagreements between Cardinal Griffin and the Book of Salvation. ”

Lord Burg has now concentrated on my words.


“Yes. When I met Cardinal Griffin a short time ago, he asked me to build a new armed force to replace the Liberation Shrine. If there was no quarrel between the two, he wouldn't have asked for it. ”

Lord Berg's head twitches to see if there's a reason.

“So Archbishop Grander used this feud to capture the Savior's Shrine and carry out this assassination? ”

“Well, there's absolutely no chance of that. No, it's quite high, to be honest. ”

Now Lord Berg takes a long sigh and picks up the documents on his desk.

“Anyway, the Empire needs my help. ”


“An order has come down from the Central Church. Dismantle the order of the bishops of light within the Yosrahim Empire and arrest everyone on the list. ”

Archbishop Grander was moving quite quickly, not like an old man. Perhaps Archbishop Grander had this opportunity to root out all of Cardinal Griffin's forces.

But that's not gonna happen.

The remnants of Cardinal Griffin must gather their strength to attack Divinum Sanctuary.

“But you know they're innocent now, Lord Burg, don't you? ”

“But if we leave them alone, there could be massive blood loss at Divinum Sanctuary. ”

“Will you accept injustice? ”

Ser Burg slammed his desk with all his might.

“Then what should I do? A lot of people are dying! ”

“I'm dying enough if I don't. ”


“The Kingdom of Calligo. You do know that the Kingdom of Caligo recently declared war on the Lumen? ”

“Yes, I know. But?”

“Thanks to this, Archbishop Grander and Archbishop Meenan were able to defeat Cardinal Griffin. ”


“By the way, it was Archbishop Meenan who ordered the war on King Calligo. I know because I was involved in that war. ”

Now Lord Berg has lost his words and swept his face off. Even in war, many people died.

“This is insane.”

“I stopped a civil war, but I'm still dying. Civil war is war. ”

“So what do you want to tell me? ”

“It's simple. People are dying anyway, so what if we just let it go?" Honestly, Divinum Sanctuary has been so comfortable. That comfort corrupted religion, and caused millions of people to suffer. Don't you think we need a lesson in history by now? The corruption of religion is a terrible thing.

The next generation will know if they're making blood. ”

I've now avoided the gaze of Lord Berg.

“But Divinum Shrine must not be desecrated. ”

“They've already been defiled. I think it's time to wash that stain off with blood. ”

“What about the price of the blood? ”

“And what's the price of the blood that's flowing now? What kind of national pig is the blood flowing in the civil war in Caligo? ”

Lord Burg has now closed his eyes.

“But it's too heavy for me to bear. ”

“Who said alarms and burdens? All you have to do now is close your eyes. I don't care what it takes. ”

“Backbone, what's wrong with you? ”

I got up from my seat and opened my base as hard as I could.

“I'm sick of it, too. How many people die before Divinum? The Urubos case, the previous case. I still am. How long are you going to do this shit? Let's get this over with. At least get justice. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

I've been silent and consistent with Lord Burg now.

“Fine. But if you must go, I will take your army into the Empire." I don't care if Ser Burg kills hundreds of innocent people now. The world is filthy anyway. But remember one thing. Now, Ser Berg, the moment you embrace this injustice, God dies. Is he dead already? ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

I've been shaking my head and leaving Ser Berg's office, but a smile has appeared on either side of my mouth. I know Ser Burg now. I will shoot him. He's a very wise and just man.

Although he is hesitant now, he will gladly draw his sword once his mind is cleared. Of course, you may wish to remove the remaining members of Cardinal Griffin's party within Yosrahim by order of the Central Church without obeying me, but then we can rescind our pledge and prevent them from entering the Cult Army.

D. It is natural for the Empire to block entry into the territory of other forces for security purposes.

In the meantime, the forces of light within the Yosrahim Empire will gather an army, and then war.

Regardless, blood loss must occur. Many interests are intertwined, so I don't know which direction they flow, but the result is one. The Central Church will now move from my grasp.

* * *

< Conflicting now, Sir Berg. > End

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