The Grand Prince Has Run Away

The Book of Salvation that entered Divinum Castle.

Early in the morning, Devinum Castle was beginning its usual routine.

The streets were somewhat empty at the end of St. Prosia's Day week, but there were still many pilgrims wandering around, and the noise of merchants selling goods against them made a commotion inside the castle.

A group of armed forces were entering the castle of Divinum. It was the temple of salvation that had just changed the nature of the organization.

They march into the city streets as if they were marching through a military parade at the West Gate without being inspected.

“What did they say? ”

“I don't know. If it's called the Liberation Shrine, it must be some kind of paladin organization within the Church. ”

The villagers came out and watched because it was an interesting event.

Dozens of aerial knights were flying in the sky, with over 100 magical armored vehicles and magical tactical vehicles marching with confidence.

The inhabitants of the city who had never seen this scene before were very curious.

There were also those who were greatly pleased with this appearance.

It was Cardinal Griffin.

He expressed his admiration from a distance, looking at the temple of salvation approaching the temple instead of Divinum.

“That's fantastic. ”

I said a heartfelt word that I looked at with him.

“How do you like it? It's the Cardinal's army. ”

“It would cost a lot of money to weaponize it. Are you sure you're okay with that? ”

“He's our ally. And the Cardinal has a lot to do for me. This level of service is too weak. ”

Instead of a commotion, not during the time of Cardinal Griffin, he came out to the front gate of the temple and looked at a group of priests.

I was smiling joyfully as I imagined myself as the future Pope in the presence of those who tease me with anxiety.

“No one in the Central Church can ignore me now. ”

“Aye. The army that introduced me to it. But you have to do me a favor. A force of light and a force of darkness holding hands. ”

“Don't worry. I will do everything in my power. ”

“Fine. I'll trust you, then. ”

Soon after, the procession of the Salvation Tabernacle stopped at the front gate of the temple instead of Divinum.

Soon after the gates opened, a number of the newest armed forces and knights appeared, lined up in front of Cardinal Griffin.

Alon came out on behalf and made a funeral for Cardinal Griffin.

“The Temple of our salvation. I'm here to take orders from Cardinal Griffin. You may give the order at any time. I will follow you with all my life. ”

Cardinal Griffin himself steps forward and grips Alon's hand tightly.

Although Alon is said to be a paladin from a humble mercenary, the story changes if he has an army this small.

The Leaflet of Salvation was not just a horse-drawn paladin-level organization.

World-class army armed with state-of-the-art weapons.

Many of them have long combat experience or Mana abilities, so the power is beyond imagination.

Now Cardinal Griffin was able to turn the entire Castle of Divinum into ruins if he decided to.

Even with all the troops in Castle Divinum, we cannot defeat the Liberation Shrine.

And this is a great power for Cardinal Griffin.

Humans shrink before great violence.

No one can ignore Cardinal Griffin now.

“Welcome. Please take good care of him. ”

“Yes, I will do my best. ”

Soon after, a large number of knights and troops rushed out from the front gate of the battle in place of Divinum.

Since the Leaflet of Salvation is holding a helpless protest in front of the Divinum Temple, it was like my troops in the sanctuary who came out to suppress it.

The temple of salvation confronted them with a tense gaze, touching the hilt and spear in their hands.

He smiled widely at Cardinal Griffin and said to his troops in the Holy Land.

“Come on, calm down. They are your allies who will guard Divinum Sanctuary with you. ”

However, the sensitivity around you did not go away.

Soon, a horde of knights emerged from the war instead of Divinum.

It was Ser Burg and the knights who followed him.

When Lord Griffin heard the news to his servants first, he raised his voice to Cardinal Griffin.

“Cardinal Griffin. Why are you causing such a big commotion? This is in front of Divinum. ”

Cardinal Griffin now walks towards Ser Berg.

“Sorry. I was just going to say hello, but I didn't expect such a big commotion. ”

Now he looks around the ever-expanding Library of Salvation and says,

“Your Eminence, with this many armies, you call that an excuse? ”

“But I got permission from the Church. ”

“Whose permission was that? ”

A sinister smile spread over Cardinal Griffin's mouth.

“It's me. I am the Church. ”


“It's me, Cardinal. I can allow you to enter or exit the Paladin Shrine from my side. ”

Now Ser Burg has asked for it.


“Why? Were you thinking of me as a kite, too? I'm Griffin. Even if I put you in a spot of bother, you'll never die. ”

Ser Burg was no longer in control.

Cardinal Griffin was a high priest within ten fingers of the Church of Light.

Despite the fall, some paladins had the right to be treated as dictators.

Now Lord Berg looks at me in alternation, avoiding the latest means of transportation and stages from the Temple of Salvation, and follows me on a swift pursuit.

“Grand Duke!”

Now I stop running away from Ser Burg's shout, and I look back at him with a sudden glance.

“Why are you shouting so loudly? Here in front of the most sacred Divinum in the world. Speak softly.”

Lord Burg now points to the temple of salvation with his thumb.

“You? You did. ”

“What else did I do? ”

“Are you the only one who can provide me with equipment of that size? ”

“Well, it is, but it's not my army. It has nothing to do with me. I just gave him the equipment. ”

“That's the problem. Who would sleep peacefully with an army like that in the sanctuary? ”

“I had my moments, too. ”

“What reason? ”

I glanced at Cardinal Griffin, who welcomed the group to the Book of Salvation.

“Cardinal Griffin was originally a friend of mine. He baptized me with light himself. ”


“But you just crashed because of me. Then I'm sorry. How can you pretend not to know when you want to? So a little bit, a little bit of help. ”

“Is that a little bit! ”

“Of course, it's too much for others to see. But I have big hands. It's so annoying. ”

Now Ser Burg has wiped his face.

“No more excuses. What the hell are you gonna do about this? ”

“Why would I? ”

“Don't be ridiculous. You have no idea, do you? If Cardinal Griffin had an army with that kind of equipment, you don't know what would happen? ”

I rolled my eyes.

Obviously, this has caused a surge of power in the Church towards Cardinal Griffin.

“Well, a little incident, a little accident. Cardinal Griffin is ambitious. ”

“A little?”

“No, a little too much. But a power struggle in the Church wasn't even yesterday, so why are you acting like this? And all I did was give him a weapon. ”

“The weapon has changed the direction of the central power in the Church. This is definitely a political violation of the Church. How do you explain this? ”

I pleaded unfair.

“No, what's wrong with the guy who sold you the knife? Honestly, just because some priest became Pope, that's the blacksmith's ball that made his sword? It's because the priest was so good that he became the Pope. I'm working on some really weird logic. ”


Now I have my ears pierced by Lord Burg's repeated shouts.

“I didn't block my ears. Stop yelling. ”

Lord Burg looked me in the eye now.

“Tell me the truth. What the hell are you up to? You didn't tell Cardinal Griffin you gave him a weapon for nothing, did you? ”

“Of course, I don't want anything. ”

“What the hell is that? ”

“I told you before. The movement of the material cult is unusual. The case nearly destroyed our empire. We can't just sit here and do nothing. As long as we're not Crucian Carp, we have to be prepared for the same thing not to happen again. ”


I tasted it beautifully.

“Cardinal Griffin had no choice but to resist the material sects and lead to the integration of forces of light and darkness. And the Central Church listened to the concerns of our empire. I had no reason to do this. But you almost chewed us off at our last meeting, right? ”

“Yes · · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

“Then tell them to watch the Central Church. Or tell them to end their fights inside the Church. Why the hell did you come to my empire? Honestly, I wasn't gonna say this, but do you know how many people died in our empire in the last civil war? Hundreds of thousands of people, even the ones that aren't in the statistics.

Hey, and I'm still killing people, right? I'm not a serial killer, and this is terrible. ”

Ser Burg is now coughing.

“Hmmm. The last civil war has brought sorrow to our order. ”

“So try to understand. It's not like our empire was involved in any religious affairs. We just did what Cardinal Griffin asked us to do. It's very unfair to talk about political violations. ”

“Of course, I understand the Empire's position. But I assure you, You're making a big mistake this time. ”

“No, why? ”

“Cardinal Griffin is not usually an ambitious man. There's going to be a big commotion in the Church. And your empire won't be safe if you become the Pope much later. Cardinal Griffin never forgets a grudge. ”

I know that.

So, as soon as the Leaflet of Salvation took root within the Central Church, I was about to remove it.

Cardinal Griffin is a dangerous man to keep alive.

“Don't worry. I've got the safety on.”


Safety is Evelyn.

She thanked Cardinal Griffin and was ready to snap her neck as soon as she saw what else to do.

And there is more than one safety device.

I had a high-ranking hand not known to the outside.

Of course, we can't use it right now because we have a situation, but if the timing is right in the future, he will step forward and grab the Central Church in a hurry.



“A nine-cycle holy monk. ”

That said, Lord Berg's eyes now open wide.

“Are you kidding me? A nine-cycle scribe hasn't been in the world in hundreds of years. ”

“I'm serious. I got you. ”

“Who the hell are you? ”

“Yes. I will send them to the world at a later time, under the support of the saints, and then you can go see them. I can't come out into the world right now. First of all, I don't want it. ”

Lord Burg has now swept the grounds.

If he was a nine-cycle saint, he could take the position of the Pope any time he wanted.

A nine-cycle saint is considered sacred.

If such a person comes into the world under the support of the saints, the direction of power within the Central Church will be greatly shaken.

“Can't I see you first? ”

“No, why? ”

“If she is, I have to protect her by my side. ”

“Huh, protection? Do you know whose house the nine-cycle saint is? If you want to hurt him, you have to be about my size. All you need is one good eye to the underworld. ”

“Yes, but. ”

I turned my base to sag.

“Anyway, don't worry about anything. There will be a lot of incidents and accidents, but eventually it will pass. ”

“Can I really trust you? ”

“Trust me. If you don't trust me, trust that nine-cycle scribe. I've lived a slightly curved life, but I'm not a bad person. The moment the old man shows up, all the confusion will calm down. Okay?"

“Phew! I see. ”

I took a sigh of relief, seeing Lord Berg now.

In other words, Lord Burg was responsible for all the security of the Church, which was the most disturbing element in the journey of the Church of Salvation.

If we could just get his cooperation, the Leaflet of Salvation could swing around freely.

‘Well then, Lord Burg will join the Savior's Shrine now. ’

< A Leaflet of Salvation entering Divinum Castle. > End

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