The Grand Prince Has Run Away

Money, wealth, circulation, this will buy the economy.

Immediately after the attempted assassination, I Purged again.

It didn't matter whether the assassin was beheaded, whether the intelligence services were incompetent, or who were trying to assassinate me.

You can use it as an excuse for your planned purge.

And if you keep purging like this, you'll end up dead too. My Purge schedule includes all supporters who share my interests.

There are only two fates for those behind the assassination. Someday I'll die on my Purge schedule, or I'll just bow my head and follow me.

But I think it could be an electron. There's no way those bastards are just getting out of here trying to assassinate us.


Screams echo in the dungeon.

There are more than 30 nobles who have been arrested for this assassination. They confess their sins, one by one, in the agony of death.

Of course, they may not be behind the assassination, but they are a force against me. When they disappear, my work will be easier going forward.

A torture technician rubs his bloody hands against me.

“Grand Duke. I got a confession from Duke Edwin. ”

Birch Bryan examines the documents from the torture technician and says:

“That's right. Duke Edwin's handwriting confession. ”

“Then it is decided that Duke Edwin is behind this assassination. ”


I was pouting.

“Bastard. How dare you kill me? All stakeholders are under house arrest, and all their territories are confiscated. ”

“Yes, I'll take care of it right away. ”

I woke up from a raid.

“And how did the reform work go? ”

“We're working on it. ”


“Earl Berk, the current head of intelligence, is responsible for the assassination. Turns out they were against us. ”

“Huh. Was there a chief of intelligence in this prison? ”

“Yes, I will be executed with Duke Edwin. ”

I shifted my steps shaking my head.

“Somehow, in the Empire, my rumors are terrible. Turns out the head of the Intelligence Service did it. ”

“Do you want to add a new title? ”

“Yes, it's a frame-up. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

“Bastard. They're framing everyone. That's why he's dead. ”

Birch Brian looks at the torture technician.

“It's a frame-up. Can you get a confession from Earl Berg?" ”

“Yes, of course. ”

“I see. Then I'll believe you. ”

I left the dungeon and placed a bag of gold coins on the table. Bonus for advisory technicians.

When I got out of prison, Birch Brian said,

“I don't think it's Duke Edwin. ”

“Well, there's no distribution for that man to assassinate me. I can't even get my hands dirty anymore. ”

“Could it be the Marquis of Lembert? ”

I shook my head.

“The Marquis is not that infamous. He'd rather go head-to-head with me, like a one-on-one battle. Besides, if my assassination goes down, he'll be a handful. He won't be able to pull off as many heads. ”

“Then who is it? ”

“I don't know. You have to know what's inside people. Either way, if I die, it'll be profitable. ”

“Then there's a good chance he's a successor or a supporter of another emperor. ”

“Uh, not gone. If I die, they'll think they can drive out the Scarecrow Emperor and make an emperor of themselves. But he's not the one who's out in the open. I guess he's just gonna have to put a knife in my back. If he's dirty enough to even attempt an assassination, he'll be planted there. ”

“Yes, I suppose so. ”

I look at the bird behind me, Brian.

“Anyway, make sure the intelligence reform is clear. The perpetrator of the assassination has no intelligence to cut his tail off. No, it could have been implicit. Even though there are rumors of my evil within the castle, the intelligence services have done nothing. Twice the coincidence, you have to think about the inevitability. ”


“And by the way, After the close of the attempted assassination, we will make a public announcement, so make a list. ”

Birch Brian opens his eyes wide.

“At this time of year? ”

“Yes. You should go with the whip and the carrot. You die when you open your eyes, and you get a reward on my side. We need to be sure.”

“Yes, I understand. ”

“And as soon as Duke Edwin is executed, send his own men personally to take care of Edwin's territory. ”

“Yes? Why? ”

“I told you I'd give Edwin's territory to Birch. ”

Birch Brian bows.

“Thank you!”

“But just remember one thing. It seems like a big reward, but it's just a small reward. ”

Birch Brian raises his head.


“From now on, land is small, commerce and industry are big. So don't settle for big land, but grow commerce and industry. It means don't become a farmer like the old nobles. If you don't, they'll slaughter you. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

“I'll take off some textiles and textiles later, so good luck with that. ”


Edwin's territory is close to the capital, but within reach. Given the saturation levels near the capital of many industrial complexes, Edwin's territory needs to be industrially urbanized to aid its capital, Hwang Sung.

It's just a slight blemish on the point blocked by the Lumenox River, but you can let go of the bridge.

We need to lay down some bridges to connect the Empire and Gangnam anyway, so we can assign one to Edwin's territory.

Moreover, Edwin territory is only a few of Gangnam's central areas. The majority of Gangnam's roads pass through the territory, so developing Edwin's territory could provide a platform for Gangnam to grow significantly.

“Anyway, now that we've got Duke Edwin, we're done cleaning the south bank. ”

“Yes, the Gangnam side is our strong support base, except for a few territories. ”

“The problem is the North River. There's still plenty of them to take care of. ”


Gangbuk is full of forces against me during the previous civil war.

In the last civil war, my war was based on the support of Gangnam and the North. That's why a lot of people are gonna die anyway.

“I have a lot of work to do. Move your ass.”


Duke Edwin and his supporters were eliminated, and I made a public announcement immediately.

Though I was told to reward the people of the Old Kingdom who had resurrected the leaning empire, those who were named on the list were the ones who helped me in the last civil war and succeeded in the revolution.

Gangnam and Renovation.

Many of the nobles were rewarded for their many lands and high positions, and many of the Gangnam tribes rose to prominence.

It's kind of a stock issue. Since the dawn of the Civil War, the Gangnam have been with me, so they have to be rewarded more than the Repairmen.

But the people who would receive the greatest reward were the hardened Independents of the Karl clan, some of whom were my direct men.

It's ironic.

I never imagined in my past life that the hardened Independents would be so loyal to me. He was my political adversary back then.

Moreover, the hardened Independents never say that the amount of time it took to free Karl's territory. No, jokes make me feel very uncomfortable.

Now these are the essence of empire power.

Freeing Cars will be a great loss to them.

It would be obvious, but I had no choice but to laugh.

In the past, those who wanted to free Karl's territory somehow became the core of imperial power, and now they were the first to stop Karl's independence.

I expected it, but I didn't expect it to be so obvious.

‘Son of a bitch. Look at you shifting. ’

Anyway, people have to stand in line.

The Independent kids in the Gyeongseong Gang used to be mistreated by cars in the territory. He came from an unnamed rural aristocrat within the Empire.

Such a hardened Independent stood in front of me and became a pillar of empire power. My youngest son, Prince Brian, became the Duke of Yosrahim with only nine people, and the other nobles went up a level or two.

Not to mention the barons and knights with the birthdays.

In order to have this much success, they had to have built a country, but they stood in line once and got struck by lightning on a rainy day.

On the other hand, the nobles of the cooperation clan, my central force in the territory, cannot even give a business card to Independent Kyongyang. They didn't follow me. They didn't settle down.

Indeed, the world belongs to those who fight. Of course, if something goes wrong, you'll run away, but whoever wins that fight has the world.

On the other hand, those who evaded the fight, such as my comrades and Duke Edwin, are merely maintaining or being slaughtered.

* * *

After the 2nd Purge and the announcement of the 1st Communion, I entered into a nationwide development plan.

The goal of the primary economic development plan is to connect the empires by road and rail. Here were 300,000 people and enormous funds.

Construction experts advised me to postpone the construction for the spring of next year as it could get poorer if it started in winter, but I forced it.

If we postpone the construction because we are concerned about the poor, the nomads from the civil war will die of starvation and cold this winter.

The bad parts can be solved by step-by-step reconstruction, but the dead never come back to life.

I also announced a full second economic development plan. It was a light manufacturing development plan, including the textile industry.

Moving forward, I was about to begin the automation of agricultural production using horsepower tools.

Then the number of workers needed per unit area would be dramatically reduced, requiring a new industry to save these unemployed people. The light industry.

If this plan succeeds, the Empire people will be able to wear well and wear well beyond just eating.

Light manufacturing goods such as clothing and shoes will be produced in bulk and traded at an unaffordable price. Here, even agricultural automation is preceded, so food is cheap.

The greatest cost to farming is reduced, so the price of grain has fallen.

Of course, the nobles who own the farm may collude to set a high price for grain, but they will die.

I'm not dying by my sword, I'm dying by trade.

I'm going to leave a big trail of grain in a foreign country.

If the people want to live well, the food must be cheap first. If food is expensive, nothing will die or be eaten. The people are busy eating. They won't be able to buy anything else.

Therefore, if the price of food becomes expensive, the nobles who own it will die with me.

I also announced here a new city plan. The plan was to develop a new city on the outskirts of Hwang Sung.

The reason was simple. I tried to fortify the castle, but it was because there was no deserted land.

Of course, we needed the migration of Hwang Seong residents, and to do so, we needed their houses and living quarters.

Fortunately, there was a place that was worth it.

The name of the test railway route that was temporarily opened in the last regime is unknown plains, and it is a great place to build a large new city with a smooth water supply and a flat area.

Moreover, the area around the plains was blocked by mountains, making it easy to defend and easy for the land to retreat to build underground defenses.

And the crucial thing was that it was very close to the castle. It's about 10 kilometers away, so you can get there in less than 30 minutes by old-fashioned horse riding.

I was going to build this place into a center of light manufacturing along with the township I now own. We'll need a prosperous job, so there 'll be a crowd.

I was going to put the bridge here and connect with Gangnam. The livestock produced here must be scattered in Gangnam, as well as the escape route for the future era of destruction.

“Okay. It's okay. ”

Once this development plan is complete, all munitions supplies, except military weapons, will move quickly to the front of the Merteria River. The route where a large swarm of magic later invaded the Yosrahim Empire.

But it's not enough. Heavy industries also needed to develop facilities to produce weapons in large quantities, and the Great Wall of Metheria to defend the borders of the River Metheria should be transformed into a stronger fortress.

The problem is that it costs a lot of money, but it doesn't matter. Soon the Empire's finances will be in good health.

There was a tremendous amount of money in the market right now with the construction of roads and railways. As I was going to activate the light mill and develop other new cities, the financial income from it could not have been a joke.

Now I'm just pouring money and supplies on the market. This means war, naval and no business.

An enormous amount of money and wealth circulates rapidly within the empire, but the economy will be poor and exhausted. It's going into the boom phase.

Money, wealth, circulation. If these three elements mix well, there is no economic problem.

If there is a problem in the economy, one of these three elements is spotty. That's why I'm putting money on the market, making money, hitting traffic.

< Money, wealth, circulation, If you do this well, the economy will live. > End

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