The Grand Prince Has Run Away

I'm full of shit.

A few days later, the Royal Air Force of 160,000 Lupets led by Boran entered Dagon Plain by the defeat of 130,000 Emperors led by Duke Reddin.

With this, only the guards guarding Hwang Sung were able to stop the Royal Air Force.

During the last of the tedious civil war between the two factions in Bahá 'h, Edwin's castle was entirely vacant.

Dagon Plain was a region on the north bank of Castle Edwin. If this place is passed over to the Air Force, Castle Edwin will be cut off from the war supplies that were carried by the ferry.

Surviving here will only make more meaningless sacrifices, so you have no choice but to surrender as commander of Castle Edwin.

‘Hmm. You've done a good job of constructing the port. ’

The northern ridge of Edwin Castle.

I smiled satisfactorily as I watched the port under construction.

Reconstruction of the destroyed port was essential for a smooth delivery, so Earl Mihart expected to take the ball, but it was much faster than he expected.

There were already large vessels that could have flown, and warehouses and loading facilities were almost completed.

Somehow Earl Mihart seems to be able to surrender easily.

Once the harbor is completed, the supply ship through the Lumenox River River is restored, allowing for a stable escort out of the water temple.

‘Anyway, it's a celestial outing. ’

But it was also meaningless. Even if the harbor is repaired, supplies won't come until the Air Force takes the Plain.

Dagon Plain is the next system. Hwang Sung will soon be surrounded by the Grand Air Force, so there is no way he can transport supplies from Hwang Sung to Edwin Castle.

“I'm worried, by the way. Hwang Sung must hold out until our troops go. ”

In my own words, Birch Brian replies.

“He'll make it. The Royal Guard Commander defending the castle is Duke Pines. He is not someone who will easily take the castle. ”

Duke Pines is the few swordsman in the world with the finest master swordsmanship, but his qualifications for longevity are not very high.

It's called celestial autonomy.

That's why I was serving as the commander of the Guards. The guards don't have to fight for nothing.

“Well, his lack of finesse will affect the soldiers as well. You'd be proud of yourself as a guard. ”

But man was an emotional animal. So there are elements like military deception, which have a profound impact on combat. Perhaps the guards have some pride in being the best swordsman in the Empire, and they have no pride in being the best in the Empire.

If it's a problem, it's when the pride is too high. If you give up the water war in your pride and choose all-out war on the plains, you have no choice. But I didn't think I'd be this proud.

In the meantime, the Emperor's army has only broken once.

There was an example like this, and I was not expected to have the balls to fight.

“Only the last battle after that. ”

“Yes. I'm risking an empire, and Duc Rufett is fighting. The winner of this fight will be the owner of the empire. ”


At that time, a knight hurriedly ran to the northern cliff.

“Grand Duke, a messenger from the Duke of Rupert's faction. ”

“The messenger? What's the matter? ”

“This is an important matter, and I will meet you in person. ”


Birch Brian looks at me.

“What's going on? ”

“Well, at best you don't want me to cross the line. If we attack here, we're a threat to Duchess Rufett. ”

“I'll do that, though. ”

There was little difference in power between the Karl clan and the Royal Air Force. And if we go from here to Dagon Plain, we will take the rear of the Air Force.

If I leave here, this war ends here.

But I won't. Then we'll have to have two fierce encounters. Once with the Royal Air Force and once with the Empire.

“You have to convince them. Let's go.”


I went straight to my military conference room. It is said that all the commanders of the Karl family are gathered there to hear the main message of the messenger.

* * *

As I entered the military conference room, I could see the commanders sitting round the table. I walked to the commander's seat, receiving their gaze, and I tapped Milton on the shoulder.

“But what did the messenger come for? ”

“I don't know.”

“Why? He can't talk to you either? ”

“Yes, Commander Jan will speak directly to you where you are. ”

I tilted my head and sat in the commander's seat.

“Then tell the messenger to come in. Let's hear it somewhere else. ”


Soon, a knight enters the door and bows down to everyone.

“Greetings to General Karl. ”

“No more greetings. What the hell are you doing here? ”

“I'm here to give you an urgent status report on my troops. ”


The knight raised his head and looked at me.

“There was a minor incident in our camp. ”

“What accident? ”

“This is a wagon overturning accident. ”

I frowned.

“Are you kidding me? ”

“But the Grand Duke and his three sons were on board the wagon, scouting the front lines. ”

The Grand Duke's three sons were his eldest son, General Commander of the Royal Air Force, Boran, and his brothers, Ivan and Lutz.

Erisa jumps to her feet in shock.

“Are your grandfather and father okay? ”

“I don't know the details. However, since the emergency call for all military commanders has been issued on this matter, it seems obvious that this was an unusual accident. ”

Erisa squats helplessly.

I asked.

“You summoned us all? ”


“Who? I heard that Duke Rupert and his three sons were in a wagon accident? ”

“This is Earl Holland. ”

“Earl Holland? ”

“Yes, the Earl is currently temporarily in command of the Grand Air Force of Rupert. ”

Of course. Earl Holland was the general commander of the Royal Air Force not long ago. He would have thought he would be good at leading the army in the absence of Duke Rupert and his three sons.

Except for one anxiety factor. It's a little strange that Duke Rupert and all three of his sons were in a wagon accident.

“Does that mean Earl Holland summoned us? ”


“Got it. Get out. ”

As the knight went out, I told Birch Brian.

“Birch Brian. ”


“Send a spy to investigate the Grand Duke of Rupert's camp immediately. ”

Erisa wakes up.

“Jan! Are you questioning us? ”

“I don't doubt you. ”


“It's only a matter of time before Earl Holland takes command of the entire army. ”


I shot Erisa.

“I told you before, didn't I? You have to get rid of the aftereffects. ”

“W, no way · · · · · · · · ·? ”

“Yes, it could be treason. Bird of Jack, isn't it? ”

I glance at the object with a pale, bleached face as I sweat coldly. Zack is intimate with Earl Holland.

Jack speaks as if he were defending Earl Holland.

“Grand Duke, Earl Holland is loyal. ”

“Loyalty is the heart of man. And people's minds change very easily. especially as Earl Holland. ”

“But · · · · · · · · ·. ”

“It could be the life of everyone here. If you know something, share it. ”

Bird Jack hesitates and opens his mouth.

“His Holiness recently told me that Hye-in was very blurry because of a woman. ”


“At this rate, the Air Force could lose big. And eventually the Grand Duchess of Rupert said he was going to end the civil war. ”

“I see you've got a problem with that. ”

“But our army is winning now, isn't it? ”

“That's why I'm gonna be so sick. because a woman named Italy is disappearing everywhere, and the Air Force is advancing against the Earl's expectations. And in the history of the newly born empire, when the Grand Air Force is victorious, the Earl opposes the war to be victorious, loses a great deal, and records his incompetence as an outcast from the General's office.

It will be. ”

Bird of the eject looks uncomfortable.

“Grand Duke, you're speculating. ”

“Let's be careful. because if we go there without knowing it, we may have to run away or bow down to the enemy. ”

“But · · · · · · · · ·. ”

I spoke to all the generals.

“We have no way of knowing the situation of the Air Force. We don't know why there was a wagon accident. We don't know why there really was a wagon accident. So we don't move until we know for sure. ”


At that time, a knight rushed into the conference room and bowed down.

“Commander Jan. A messenger has arrived from the Grand Air Force. ”

“Uh, we're already there. ”

“Looks like the other messenger. ”

I opened my eyes.


“A messenger from the writer Reysen. He's outside the gate right now. ”

“Reysen? What brings you here? ”

“I'll see you in person. ”

“Yes. Tell them to come in now. ”


While the knight was taking the messenger, I asked Bird Jack.

“If it's Leesen, he's the commander of the 3rd Army, right? ”

“Yes. Commander Boran's closest. ”

“Then you are more reliable than the messenger sent by Earl Holland. He's the man in the wagon accident. ”

“Probably. ”

After a while of silence, a knight enters the meeting room.

All the commanders who saw him thundered. It was because he was bleeding all over.

The knight bowed down and shouted at me with all his might.

“Commander Jan! It's the reverse!”

“Reverse hair?”

“Earl Holland led an army to raid a commanding officer and slaughtered three feeble brothers below the Grand Duke and all the rebellious generals. ”

I wipe my face, and the meeting room is quiet enough.

Holy shit.

At Duchess Rupert, a regime of empires dances in reverse fury, where Earl Holland makes his move toward the Grand Duchess of Rupert.

It's a damn rich story.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, my son Reysen was slaughtered there. ”

“Is Bird of Reyes dying? Then who sent you? ”

“The next Ein sent me. He was at the scene of the crash, but luckily, he escaped safely. ”

The owl nods his head as he hears this conversation, and Erisa shouts at the knight who came as a messenger with a ferocious face.

“What about you and my dad? ”

I turned my head to see if the knight was shameless.

“All the major commanders who were there have been killed or taken prisoners. ”

“Me, everyone · · · · · · · · · ·? ”

“Yes, just before advancing to Hwang Yosrahim, His Majesty was ambushed while gathering all the generals to hold a meeting about the attack on Hwang Sung. ”

Immediately before Erisa shed tears with a stiff expression, the sound of my wailing echoes through the meeting room.

“Your Majesty! My heart is full of fury. Why did you leave me? I was lying in a ditch like this, and I didn't repay you enough for your granddaughter's love to be my wife, and you're going so smoothly! ”

Everyone was surprised and stared at me with a glance at the sound of the forgotten dog, Earl Brian, Earl Higgs and Earl Mihart.

Bird of the eject rushes to you.

“The Grand Duke?”

“You're cylindrical and you're cylindrical! The world was right in front of us. How could His Holiness? ”

“Calm down. This is not the time. ”

“Of course. I will avenge the deceased Duc Rufet. All hands, get ready to march! The target is Earl Holland! Death to Weightlifting!”

I pulled the yo-yo out of that spot and raised it high. I was all puzzled by the way I looked, and I bent down.


“Then it's all dismissed. Let's finish preparing for battle by tomorrow. ”


The commanders have all left.

When the meeting chairman finished with Earl Higgs and Earl Mihart scraping their heads, Earl Brian approached me.

“Grand Duke.”

I put the jojoe back in the knife, unraveling the sheep's face of when it happened, and scraping my head off.

“Oh, we're in trouble. ”


“Another axis of authority called Duke Rufet has collapsed. This is gonna be a problem. The nobles who stood beside Grand Duchess of Lupeth will begin to gather again. I told you to kill me several times, but I didn't kill him, so I'm making this shrimp. Ahoy!”

“But there's nothing you can do about it now, is there? We need to take action. ”

I tasted it.

“Where's the time for action? We need to move fast. ”

“To where?”

“Duke Rufet's Territory. ”

“What about Hwang Sung? Before, He must have gone to Hwang Seong. ”

“But things changed. Earl Holland would have sent troops to Rupert by now. As Earl, Lupette territory is more important than the current palace. ”


“Yes. Let's not let the enemy get what he wants most. Hwang Sung is safe anyway. Earl Mihart is also busy picking up troops, so he won't be able to attack the castle right now. ”

Birch Brian nods.

“I suppose so. ”

“That's why we have to hit Rupert territory. Of course, I don't know if I'm going to hit it or save it right now. ”

“Yes. When are you going to leave? ”

“Right now. Manpower will leave in three hours. Go get ready."


As Birch Brian leaves, the rest of me in the conference room alone puts a nasty smile on my mouth.

You could easily crush the Grand Air Force led by Earl Holland if you do this well.

If I eat Rufet and Jodam Fortress across the street, the Air Force will be cut off and the supply lines will be lost. But the world can't blame me for taking out the Air Force. I'm just avenging the infamously deceased Duchess Rufett.

‘Even Duke Rufet. That's what kills people. Why did you leave it and give it to me? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Anyway, goodbye. ’

But it's not something you don't understand. From the perspective of the Grand Duke, my advice would have sounded interlocutory.

< The reverse hair is so damn rich. > End

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