The Grand Prince Has Run Away

Gangnam Defender entering Edwin Castle.

I marched towards Gangnam, leaving a group of troops to defend the territory of Gangnam, including Townsend territory.

So the number of troops I lead totals 50,000. Along with an army of 80,000 led by Birch Bryan and Lord Refent on the Gangdong side, it totaled 130,000. Although they are somewhat less fortunate than the Gangnam defense forces, our side could be viewed as extremely advantageous.

We march when the lords of Gangnam respond to us based on strong supply routes, but the Gangnam defense forces do not maintain the supply lines properly, so they try to pillage the surrounding territory and remain strong.

The power of these two armies is indeed different, and here I am armed with a powerful weapon of horses.

To be honest, it was an excessive act with 130,000 people.

150,000 Gangnam defenders could simply be wiped out by a manoeuvre led by Birch Brian.

Nevertheless, the reason for mobilizing many troops was to obtain the surrender of the lords of Gangnam and capture Gangnam on the vehicle.

In fact, occupation requires a lot of troops.

“We are messengers with the message of Prince Hihon. The Duke says he will surrender. ”

“There is no surrender among nobles from the same country. Tell them to go back and rewrite the pledge documents, not the surrender documents. Surrender makes me look like I'm too impulsive. ”


Many of the lords of Gangnam have surrendered to me, but I never accepted it.

It wasn't because I didn't want to surrender. I didn't have to accept the promise of surrender.

The promises of obsolescence are not solemn for fraudsters, and treaty documents are hard and can't be used for processing.

Of course, it is somewhat helpful, but not just human emotions.

Since they were from the same country anyway, if I had promised to cooperate, I wouldn't have to trample on my opponent's pride and surrender.

Of course, if I go out too gently, I don't know if I'll get tangled up someday, but I thank you.

It's best to remove the sprouts of afterlife early.

The next time they open up to me, I'll blow their throats out. Then the rest will be long enough.

‘Well, it's better to concentrate on the Gangnam defense force now. Even if I beg for supplies now, I am an elite Imperial soldier. ’

The defense forces of Gangnam have finally regained their senses and are marching towards Edwin Castle. Perhaps they will avoid all-out war and settle down based on the castle, but they were wondering if they would resist properly.

Edwin Castle burned down all the munitions to me, just like any other southern city close to another stream, and the harbor was completely destroyed.

Although it was good to approach Gangbuk, at this rate, it was harder to get supplies than in the wandering days.

While traveling in the Gangnam region, they received compulsory supplies from local lords, but were not surrounded there.

But it was also a must have. If we run into our troops on the plains, we'll be swept away by the rough Armored Chariot.

It was better to meet us at Castle Edwin, where defensive facilities were well built and some troops could be sent to the North River.

But it's only for a little while. Soon, Grand Duke Rufet will take over the north side of Castle Edwin. Then the Gangnam defense forces will be left in solitary with Castle Edwin.

What do we do now? ’

On an ambitious night, I planned ahead with a strategy map in my barracks.

Unlike I expected, the Gangnam defense forces were camped out in Castle Edwin.

Even the ships that changed my supplies, and soon the Grand Air Force will take over Castle Edwin's Gangbuk, there was one area of great concern.

Earl Mihart, the master of defense.

If the defenders of Gangnam don't surrender eventually, I'll have no choice but to attack them myself, but Earl Mihart's presence never ceases to elude me.

The Earl was a master who guarded the fort against a large horde of witches without any support.

The supplies to Edwin Castle are not going well, but there is no peace of mind.

“Tsk. Is he over there? ”

The simplest way was to infiltrate and eliminate Earl Mihart. But it is a pity that he is so capable.

Though I was regarded by the Empire as a master swordsman and a general, not by me.

I had hoped that Earl Mihart would defend the Great Wall when the time of destruction would come.

Humanity survived a long time if the Kingdom of Bastein defends Fort Polkin and Earl Mihart defends the Great Wall of Methyria.

I scratched my head.

“I hear Earl Mihart is quite stubborn, by the way. Anyway, the good guys pay for it. ”

At that moment, a voice came from outside the door of the barracks.

“Grand Duke, this is Bird of Brian. ”

“Yes, come in. ”

I've allowed a visit to Birch Brian.

His comrades met with our western army yesterday, but they were unable to speak properly to Lord Refent and his nobles.

So I secretly put in a call to come now.

“I heard you called. ”

“Oh, I need to talk to you. Now, sit down. ”


Birch Brian sits across the table.

“But what happened? Is this about attacking Edwin Castle? ”


“But isn't it easy to take over Edwin Castle? because at the time of the previous occupation, we identified all the emergency exits, and we planted a casualty. ”

I focused on a small solid line from the strategy map to the river.

Now the inner circle we planted in Edwin Castle has purchased an old bathhouse building and dug a tunnel that leads to the Lumenox River as an excuse to repair the interior.

If I penetrate through here, the gates will open too easily.

“Conquest is not the problem. We must surrender.”

Birch Brian nods.

Even in his mind, he had no choice but to prefer surrender. When 150,000 elite troops come towards us, the power of the Karl family benefits greatly in terms of size and elegance.

“We have to, but will Earl Higgs give in easily? Earl Higgs is a nobleman of pure Yosrahim lineage who is loyal to the Empire with all his life. ”

“No, it's only a matter of time before Earl Higgs does. My loyalty to the empire has left me no choice but to come. If I am emperor, the empire will remain, but if Duc Rufet is emperor, the empire will be ruined. ”

Birch Bryan nods again to see if it's in tune.

There is still hope for the Empire, and I will pledge my allegiance to the Emperor now, but if the Manpower is confirmed, then Earl Higgs has no choice but to surrender to me.

I am the only way to protect the Yosrahim Empire.

“So what's the problem? ”

“Earl Mihart. ”

“Do I need to care about the old man? Earl Mihart has 60,000 troops, Earl Higgs has 90,000 troops. If only Earl Higgs decided to surrender, he could easily defeat Earl Mihart. ”

“But what if you insist that you will never surrender? He's got a lot of pride, a lot of character. ”

Birch Brian sighs a little.

“Do you want the Grand Duke to have Earl Mihart? ”

“Yes, absolutely. ”

“Why? Even though Earl Mihart is a master prosecutor, I don't think there's any talent left in the empire. ”

“That old man has a special ability. Master of defense. Bastein royalty for a fortress. ”

Birch Brian tilts his head. Although confined to defensive warfare, Earl Mihart did not seem to understand the equivalent of the world-renowned strategist Duke Bastein.


“Yes. Masters of defense don't know until the war breaks out. We have to defend the castle by fighting our enemies, so we know that he's a master. ”

It was very ambitious to assess the importance of technical strategies such as rapidly expanding castles and selling pirates.

Normally, I'd be treated like a slave among generals and commanders.

That's why the current commanders often don't even know their names until the fortress fires.

Especially in the Yosrahim Empire.

The Yosrahim Empire wanted to invade another country, with little to defend. So Earl Mihart was only judged by such a master test until a time of chaos and destruction came within the Empire.

I could tell by the reaction of Birkhoff Brian. Even though I explained it to you like this, he was still giving suspicious looks.

“But didn't Earl Mihart put the Plain of Forrince to rest on your strategy? ”

“That's because I avoided all-out war and took the bypass strategy. When I hit Gangnam, the Earl decided he had no reason to defend the Porins Plain and left the troops behind. To be honest, the Earl was a fool if he stayed. ”

“Well, strategically, it was right to give up Forrince Plain. ”

“Anyway, find a way to convince Earl Mihart. He's a vital part of building a new empire. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

As he finishes his conversation, Birch looks around and whispers in a small voice.

“But what happened to you? ”

“What about Katrina? ”


I shrugged.

“It ended awkwardly. ”

“Didn't go well? ”

“We got rid of the Italy, but life is on the line. My last blow was a little awkward. ”

If I'm being honest, I came back from the dead.

Did you know Valkyrie Mode is so strong? If it hadn't been for the last time, it would have been on my side.

Birch Brian looks at me with a very embarrassing look.

It's hard to understand that I, as a human, pushed the Valkyrie to the brink of death.

But I never asked questions out of my mouth. Prince Brian is not so oblivious.

“I see. And the Valkyrie, who followed you to help you? ”

I waved my hand.

“It's hopeless. They say he's the strongest in the yin family, but he's got a Valkyrie following him around. After all, those behavioral Valkyries missed the teria. Oh, my God, did you really think those pride Valkyries were gonna splatter against me as a human being? Anyway, I haven't been able to open my mouth for a while. ”

Birch Brian looks away from me, rolling his eyes.

“Oh, yeah. ”

“No. I don't know if it's going well. It was a triumph at the time, but it also included a little bit of coincidence. Very, very little. If the first human victory against the Valkyries involves such a coincidence, it's not uncomfortable. Next time, I will definitely catch it with my intact skills. ”

At the time, I fought Italy to remove the dark hands of Nemisonada and Italy that stretched out to the Yosrahim Empire, but it also had the symbolic significance of man's first victory against God.

Humanity must defeat God, so that humanity can be free from God in the rain.

If I had accidentally killed the bacteria at the time, the meaning would have been greatly diminished. There's an excuse for coincidence.

That's why I have to eliminate the italian with my own strength. Only then can we begin to resist those false gods.

“I see. But what happened to Katryan? I heard you left the Emperor's army.”

“Yes. He left it all to me. I'm here, and she doesn't have to come out. ”

Birch Brian sighs for relief.

“Then this bloody civil war will soon be over. ”

“Yes. All the interruptors are gone. ”

“I'm glad.”

I glanced at the sliding log.

“Why? You don't want a war all of a sudden? ”

“Would I like a war because I'm honest? Whenever I see the dead on the battlefield, I feel frustrated. There are rumors that the north side of Gangnam is very miserable. ”

“Yes. Both factions are fighting to the death. ”

Birch Brian glances at me.

“Strangely, there were not many deaths on the Gangnam side. ”

I did.

On the southern side of Gangnam, only 150,000 defense forces chased us, and there was no combat.

I only made a few major territories, so I bounced right after I took them.

Of course, some soldiers died while occupying the territory, but not only did they inflict casualties of mass casualties, but they also did not create a wretched battlefield with blood and corpses.

“I don't go to war with pride. Honestly, if you win a strategic victory, you don't have to keep fighting, do you? ”

“I don't think so. ”

“The battle is over once the goal is achieved. Anyone who makes killing a person for the purpose of combat is a waste of a soldier's position. Anyway, remember? I despise the man who spills so much blood to win a senseless battle. It means the head is stone. Okay?"


“Then go. I need to rest, too. ”

“Yes, I understand. Rest well."

As soon as Birch Brian left, I lay comfortably in bed.

My body doesn't feel like I've been electrocuted a few times in the last Italian battle.

For the time being, you have to take care of yourself.

< Gangnam Defender entering Edwin Castle. > End

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