The Grand Prince Has Run Away

What Happened at the Banquet Hall (2)

“Grandpa, you're here. ”

Duke Rupert smiles brightly and greets Erisa.

“Erisa, welcome. How have you been? ”


Duke Rupert glanced at Erisa in a meaningful way. I tried to put my hand on Erisa's shoulder, but she refused and was embarrassed.

I pretended to be cool.

“Grand Duke. My Erisa is so ashamed. ”

Duke Rupert scowls at his granddaughter with an angry look on his face.

“Erisa. It's the family business. Then why do you think only of yourself? ”

“Ha, Grandpa? ”

“You're all grown up now. Don't you think you're a little old to be bragging? And Grand Duke Jan here is the only match for you. For your family, there can be no more pillows for your life. ”

Erisa lets out a deaf snore.

“You can marry someone else. ”

“Another royal? How do you know that the crown will fall into the hands of this grandfather or the apocalypse? Once again, your only pillow is the Grand Duke of Jan. I can't be certain of what the rest of the kingdom will become. ”

It was Duke Rufet who was secretly dreaming of conquering the continent. As expected, the Grand Duke did not intend to end it with a single Yosrahim Empire. If not, I won't try to end the kingdom in another country by my own hand.

“Grand Duke. Don't worry about Erisa. I'll convince him myself. ”

“Phew, I see. I'll leave it to you for now. But you must see the end of this war. Otherwise, you'll be very angry with me. ”

The threat of Duc Rupert was only to Erisa. On the surface, she's the only one who opposes the marriage. I would not have opposed the relationship with her if it weren't for marriage.

Duke Rufet shakes his head, looking at Erisa, who is still unwilling.

“Anyway, let's end this here. Let's talk about this again. ”


“I heard from Zack that you're trying to cut a deal with Kara? ”

“Yes, if essence and magic skills are secured, they may be able to raise funds. ”

“Well, we don't have enough war money these days. But is that possible? By the way, the White Mask has rejected my alliance offer. ”

I smiled bitterly.

“Alliance offerings and trade weigh very differently. You can do it. Well, if it doesn't work out, there's a way to do business with other countries, right? Other countries want essence and magic skills, so you can make enough trades. ”

“Not really. But you can't do magic. Our technology cannot be exposed to the outside. ”

“What about the essence? ”

“That's possible. ”

“If so, there is no problem with concluding a transaction. ”

Duke Rupert wipes out his beard.

“Then it doesn't matter. But are you sure about that? It must be very disruptive for the Yosrahim Empire. ”

“Yes, it's simple. There is a desire to dualize trade. ”

“Dual coins?”

“Yes. I'm a trader, and the real deal and the commodity deal is done by someone else. ”

“No, why? ”

I replied as if it were natural.

“It's an asset of the Lupets, so you have to do it in the Lupets. If I'm involved with someone else in the transaction of goods and money, there's definitely going to be some noise. ”

“Come on, you'd better be clean about the money. I think I'd rather do that. Then you'll have to make a deal. I'll take care of the rest. ”


Duke Rufet looks at Erisa as he sleeps.

“What do I dislike about someone so deep? Tsk tsk tsk.”


“But this! ”

As the two elders approached, I asked Duke Rupert to excuse me, and I took Erisa to the banquet hall on the other side.

“Hey, what are you doing? What girl doesn't know? ”

Erisa throws a hard bargain.

“Why am I marrying Jan? ”

“But for now, you have to pretend to do what Grandpa wants. ”

“I don't know. I hate Jan. ”


“I like strong men. ”

I tilted my head.

“I think I'm strong enough. Am I the Master Prosecutor? ”

“What's strong about Jan? You're stuck with my grandfather. ”

“Do you want it to open? ”

Erisa turns her head to pack.

“Anyway, I don't like Jan. Mr. Jung, if you want to get married to the Lupets for your future, I will introduce you to my sister, so marry her. ”


“I'm Lia. She's the sister of a distant relative bee, and my grandfather loves her very much. ”

“More than you? ”



“Yes, you're much more beautiful than I am. ”

“Then I understand. I can't help it. ”

Erisa shouts.

“Jan! ”

“Why? You don't like me? ”

“But this is no courtesy to a lady. ”

I wandered around.

“Where's the girl? ”


“So what do you want me to do? ”

“You have to look a little sad. ”

“That's a shame. Okay?”

“Oh, really! ”

“Bye-bye then. ”

I waved my hands away. I liked her better when I had a prettier girl.

At that moment, Erisa grabbed my wrist.

“Jan. ”

“Why? We're done here, aren't we? ”

“No, are you going to Kara soon? ”

I hold my head back.

“Maybe I should. ”

“I'm coming with you. ”


“I want to see my teacher. ”

There is only one person in Kara who could be called a teacher. It's me.

“What's with the complexion? ”

Erisa opens her eyes wide.

“Sunbae? How do you know my credentials? ”

“I heard. Hoveo's my friend, right? ”

“Ahh · · · · · · · · · · ·. You heard from Professor Hubeo. ”

“Okay, then? ”

When I tried to leave again, Erisa grabbed my forearm.

“Come with me to Kara. ”

“No. Who's going to lead our troops when you get there? ”

“You've got Jack. ”

“Zack is just a reinforcement for our troops. ”

“But · · · · · · · · ·. ”

“Never mind. You stay here. There's nothing good about seeing a white face. ”

“No, why? ”

I glimpsed Grand Duchess Rufet enjoying the banquet in the nobles' basket.

“Do you think your grandfather will end up in one Yosrahim empire? Eating the Empire is just the beginning. ”


“To end humanity's 1500 years of division by unifying the continents. That means the backbone will eventually become your grandfather's enemy. ”

Erisa nods for a moment and shouts.

“No! ”

“Why? Don't you want to be enemies with your master? ”

“There's that, too. We will never be your opponents. I'm sure Grandpa's dream will be frustrating. ”

He was watching exactly.

Honestly, I don't think Duc Rufett is much of a match for me. Although it is a bit tricky that it only possesses some of Kronos' power, Kara's skill level is not great.

To be honest, the horseman's horseman's horse-drawn horse-drawn carriage brigades are over. You just have to push it away with a heavy body. Of course, the drones and chaos bombs are in trouble, but this was already being developed in Kara.


“We only use magic technology in the armory, but Kara also uses magic technology in all industries, as well as in the military. Kara's capacity for production and supply is far beyond our wildest imagination. ”

He was also right. The Grand Duke was using his useless weapons in this civil war, but the hydrophobic side was not too threatening. The force was only about 130, and even though the cavalry was an important battle, it was only a thousand.

But Kara pulls out almost infinity in an instant when the war begins.

Whether it's nonmilitary equipment or chaos bombs, the Royal Lupette Air Force will be mass-produced at a level that cannot be followed. Moreover, all of Kara Kingdom's troops are being reborn into the Mobilization Squad, and all of the supplies are being mechanicalized.

Even if the Grand Air Force of Lupett is fortunate to take over the entire continent, they will immediately enter the Mansion Road as soon as they declare war on Kara. Once Kara is finished with the Grand Air Force, the rest of the Independents will take care of it.

But Kara is the world's largest essence holder, the second largest producer and the first importer. As I expected, if Kronos even needed an essence on the ground to begin this task, the Grand Duke would eventually have to go to Kara.

“But the Grand Duke will go. ”


“If you don't conquer Kara's kingdom, you can't become the master of a unified continent. ”

“Then I'm going to stop him. ”

“Suit yourself. Sure."

I left the bewildered Erisa and went out to the crowded banquet hall. Erisa is quite smart.

We've only met a few times in the background, and we've only spoken a few words, but we know exactly the power of Kara Kingdom.

Nevertheless, the way the country is strengthened is not complicated and immense. Knowing the essence is the secret to empowerment of the state.

* * *

One early winter day. I prepared to return to Kara. It's been a while since I've been to Kara. So I was packing with excitement.

I've got news of a contact. It was not a big deal, but a person from home.

“On Carr's territory? ”


By the way, I send word soon. I've been coming to Rufet for months, and I don't know if I've ever sent anyone. No matter how much I try to reverse it, I don't know if this is too much.

“Got it. I'll go. ”

I tied up my bag and went outside.

Then I swept my face off to Karl's visitor in the reception room. I had two people waiting for me, and they were both unwelcome guests.

“Knight Donovan! Greetings to Grand Duke Jan. ”

I look down at Donovan, kneeling on one knee with a stunning face.

Donovan was a knight who was like my paw in my past life, and an icon of betrayal that went behind my back in the age of destruction.

When I left Karl's territory right after I returned, I threatened to kill him with a flowing tone, but I don't know what kind of wand I came here for.

“Oh, Donovan. What are you doing here? ”

“I pledged my allegiance to Grand Duke Jan. I came here to keep that oath. ”

“But you're here too soon, aren't you? ”

“I'm sorry. I heard the news earlier, but the Grand Duke's name is so heavy, I've just come to see him. ”

I couldn't believe it. Donovan must have tried to change the flag as the situation on the front flows strangely.

It was such a waste of blood in the urinal choir. I've ordered my escort knights.

“Wrap it up and send the car back to the territory. My father will take care of it. ”


Donovan is dragged out by the escort knights and yells at the whales.

“Grand Duke! How could you abandon me? I am a loyal species. ”

“Okay, bye. Let's never see each other again in this life. ”

I look at Brian, kneeling down on one knee, firmly against this commotion. This guy is supposed to be clearing magic from Jores Island, but I don't know why he's here.

“Aren't you the birdie of Brian? ”


“What are you doing here? You're my static son, Josef's apprentice, right? ”

Birch Brian was famous for being an Independent from the territory. So the last time I stopped by the territory of Cars, I saved his life and pulled it out, and now I'm here to take it back.

“Duke Josef lost the flag of independence to Karl, but Duke Jan raised the flag of independence. So I'm going to follow Duke Jan. ”

This is crazy. I've been beaten up like that before, and I've been an Independent again. Human beings, of course, did not change easily.

“If you come this way, nothing like that happens, does it? Heard you were killed by someone. ”

Birch Brian shakes his eyes wide. If the fact that he is alive is known to the outside, I am in trouble as a backbone. I'm the one who killed him and let him live on Jores Island.

“All you have to do is destroy the Yosrahim Empire. ”

“What if we can't destroy it? ”

“I forgive you for your death. ”

“Ah? If you block your ears when the bell rings, you won't hear the bell? Is that what you want to say? Even if you die, the damage will be to you. ”

“I'm sorry."

Honestly, it doesn't matter. I'm not a kneeler for the Yosrahim Empire, and I needed someone anyway, so it seemed better to accept it. Brian is useful in many ways because he has the skills of a master prosecutor.

Of course he'll say it, but what kind of father did I live up to? Use it if you need to.

“Good. Then we're here to help Erisa for a while. Just don't move the army until I get back. All we do is protect. ”


Good. I was a little preoccupied with sending the whole army to Erisa, but now that Birch Brian is here, I can safely leave for Kara.

After that, I went straight to Kara in business.


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