The Grand Prince Has Run Away

The sound of a bell ringing in Lupette Castle.

As soon as I was assigned to the mercenary army, I took a position in the White Captain. The abilities I demonstrated left me strong enough to be a commander of the thousand, but I did not give up my position above the White Captain because I was not sure of the doggodai and its limitations.

But it's not a bad thing. If they doubt me, the day will come when their purpose is to be fulfilled.

Then I showed more suspicious behavior. I didn't fit in with the mercenaries at all, and only did my assigned training and work and I stayed indoors and didn't go out.

And he didn't watch his tone. I was set up as a mercenary from the Billionaire Kingdom, but when I talk to others, I always mix the words of Josrahim Hwang and the authentic car with those of the province.

“Hey, boss. I'm going downtown for a drink. Do you want to come? ”

I replied with a grave expression to a bald mercenary's servant.

“There you go. You're on your own. ”

“Do you hate the boss' liquor? ”

“I don't hate it, but I don't go to cheap bars. It tastes like shit.”

“Oh, my gosh. He's got a big mouth. Someone might think he's a wealthy nobleman. ”

I shot the bald mercenary sharply.

“Hey, do you want to go around the barracks for a drink? ”

“Never mind. Let's just go our separate ways. I don't know what it's like to be social.How have you been a mercenary all these years? ”

“Go quietly when you go. I can die. ”

The bald mercenary grunts and leaves with his fellow mercenaries. However, the rear horse came in not too bored. Not only was this gossip about me coming out of my mouth, but it was even an insult.

It was a long way away, thinking I couldn't hear it.

It's going according to plan. Having a lot to say about me behind my back means I'm attracting attention around me.

I grumbled alone, without the other mercenaries touching my side.

“Cheap mercenaries. Who are these lowlifes trying to hang out with? ”

It was a typical way of saying things in my past life. The mercenaries who were passing by came to talk to me about whether they felt bad.

“Hey, what did you just say? ”

“Did you hear that?"


I was surrounded by three mercenaries. I took my hand to the pouch of jojojo's blade and threatened.

“Just pretend you didn't hear that. Hundreds of mercenaries have died tangled up with me like you. ”

“What? That's bullshit. ”

“It's true.”

In fact, it's a lie. In my past life, I've had thousands of mercenaries killed in my hands. Including unnecessary intent means far more than tens of thousands.

A young mercenary gasps.

“Let's see what you got. With hundreds of kills, the four of us can handle it easily, right? ”

“You're going to get hurt. ”

“You'll see who's hurt. ”

“Then I understand. ”

As soon as I said that, I flew over and kicked the young mercenary in the face with my feet. With its flying teeth, other mercenaries rush to the hilt, but no one draws their swords.

It's because they couldn't resist my lightning bolt attack and lay flat on the ground.

Soon, many mercenaries gathered to watch. I kicked a fallen mercenary in the back with all my might and yelled at everyone.

“Take a good look. He tangles with me, he dies. ”

I walked towards my room through a group of grumpy mercenaries. That's enough. With so many gatherings, the words I just said will spread in an instant.

And you'll get attention from intelligence. I, the mercenary, have spoken of disregarding the mercenary, so I can call that suspicious enough.

Since then, I've been acting suspiciously.

I ate a meal with a high-quality meal technique that was never found by mercenaries at all, and I often spoke with the noble's tone that didn't match that of mercenaries. He also stopped by the restaurant where the nobles went and got kicked out, and in front of everyone, he was not hesitant to gossip about Catherine, the saint.

And not long after that, my tail caught up with me. Using assassin technology, it was obvious that someone from the Public Intelligence Department was dispatched.

* * *

‘Why don't these bastards approach me like this? ’

As time went by, the tail that was chasing me continued to grow. It was clear that the plan was working, but the problem was to wander around. At first, I thought they would come for me soon, but they didn't come no matter how long I waited.

So I eavesdrop on their conversations, and they tell me to wait until I make contact with another spy. As soon as I made contact, I tried to destroy all the surveillance that the Empire had planted on Lupette Castle.

This is absurd. I've done a lot of suspicious things over the years, but I haven't done anything to be mistaken for a spy.

And honestly, a mole reveals himself so publicly? A spy never behaves like me after being a fool.

However, in a certain way, it is understandable. It was a sensitive time before the civil war, so I couldn't help but look suspicious.

What are you gonna do? We wait. ’

I've decided to have a time of patience. I could have been mistaken for the fact that I acted quickly here.

I was in a position to run away from the world as Duke of Virtue. Of course, because of his arrogance, he had a setting that revealed his usual behavior, but he should never approach it first.

If I reveal my true identity, I'll be able to live with the suspicions of Duc Rufett.

My bloodline was indispensable to Duchess Rupert, but for that reason, I had no choice but to take a look at the boundaries. I am the son of Grand Duke Karl, the foreigner of the empire, and the nephew of Emperor Yosrahim.

And that day soon came. One night. A middle-aged man came to my room with several articles.

“Are you Philippe? ”

I asked the middle-aged man the reverse question.

“Who are you? ”

“You don't need to know. All you have to do is follow me. I have a place for you to go. ”


“You know it when you go. ”

I put my hand on the pouch of Joseon's blade some time ago. The opportunity I wanted came, but I didn't intend to be caught lightly.

Yan, the Duke of Duck, will die according to religious law the moment he is caught. I'm acting Duke of Karl Jan, so you should do as he does. Running away.

Oh, I don't know what this is, by the way. I feel confused by my identity that I have to postpone myself.

“You cannot leave until you know why. If you want to take me, then tell me why. ”

A middle-aged man kicked his tongue.

“Tsk, tsk. This fool still doesn't understand. Follow me quietly if you want to live. ”

I acted out a tense expression and then made a lifelong look.

“Did Gear figure out who I am? Persistent bastards. But I can't let them catch me. ”

The middle-aged man was pressed back against me.

“Are you going to rebel? ”

“Of course. You can't die like this, can you? ”

When I draw the tide, the knights draw their swords as if they had all promised.

“You're a spy. You're finally showing your true colors! If you do not surrender now, I will execute you here. ”

“Can you really stop me? ”

I wrapped a 15-centimeter aura blade around the jojojo blade.

A knight opened his eyes and shook his mouth.

“Seo, you can't be a master · · · · · · · · ·? How can a young man like you? ”

“The answer is no. If you don't get out of my way, I'll cut you all off." ”

The knights split in two and opened the road. They seemed to know that they couldn't stop me.

I slowly walked down the open road, and as soon as I opened the street, I ran down the hallway.

The knights immediately burst into flames.

“Espionage on the run! Come out and get me! ”

Soon after, the mercenaries who were staying in the lodge opened the door and came out. However, the situation was so sudden that everyone was unarmed. I knocked and kicked the mercenaries in front of me, forcibly opening up the runway.

“Get out of my way! I'll slaughter anyone who stands in my way! ”

Every road I walk, mercenaries look baffled. Everyone was staring at what all the fuss was about in the middle of the night.

But some mercenaries who recognized me went into the room and came out with swords. For them, I was an ugly white captain. You wanted to catch me because it was a good opportunity to save your past life.

But those mercenaries couldn't stop me. By the time they pulled out the knife, I was already leaving the barracks.

As I move beyond the barracks, a loud bell rings. It was an emergency call.

There are mercenaries protruding from everywhere, and the cavalry rushes to pursue me.

‘Sons, you better keep up. ’

I ran back and forth between the wall and the wall. The cavalry is chasing you, but the streets are not closing. At this rate, I thought they would miss me.

They're pathetic. If you ride a horse, you'll have to chase after them. I don't know if you're slow enough.

‘Well, they'll come after us. ’

I made it through another wall into the city. It seemed like an entertainment hall, given the number of taverns that were illuminating nearby.

I just happened to be winking at the bar woman outside the door and running toward the mansion.

“Someone should recognize me, by the way. ”

In the mansion was the Grand Duke's mansion and many noble mansions. There won't be anyone who recognizes me among their owners, so I was able to find out who I was so that I wouldn't be spotted.

And the most arrogant of the dogs were the young nobles who spent time with me in school. I had a lot of classmates and seniors who knew my face because I was so notorious in school.

“Here comes the intruder! ”

Knights and soldiers protrude from all sides. It was because the bell was ringing throughout Lupette Castle as if it had been transmitted by an emergency species that started in the mercenary barracks.

I lured these troops away and continued toward the mansion.

"Hey, isn't this the place? ’

I stopped moving halfway. The mansion that asked me to leave didn't come out because of the shabby mansion. Lupette Castle didn't come a few times, so the road is a bit strange.

Soon after entering a narrow alleyway, I kicked through the walls of a nearby house and climbed onto the roof of a nearby three-story house. After a short trip, I climbed to the top of a temple tower and looked for a mansion.

Spacious mansions from afar. I smiled a little.

“There you are.”

I blew myself up again. He then moved onto the roof of the building and headed to the luxury mansion.

“Here comes the intruder. Shoot!”

A myriad of arrow baptisms flew to me. I ducked and dodged, aiming for the commander who ordered the single arrows fired. It was ridiculous to order an arrow from a city like this. While many soldiers are chasing me.

If I was a superior, I would have blown that commander's head off.

‘I can't tell if he pees. What if an ally dies in mass with a blind arrow? ’

But I could not have been hit by an arrow, and those who died had nothing to do with me. I just had to get to the mansion.

But getting to the mansion was not so easy. It was because the children who were chasing me were so slow that it was hard to lure them. I had to be caught in a very dramatic scene, but the pursuers were not following me at all.

But who am I? I'm Jan Sergio Karl. You must get what you want.

Soon after, the rope led the troops into the mansion.

“Intruders approaching the Grand Ducal Palace! ”

“The Grand Duke is in danger. Go get the assassin! ”

I was recently transformed into an assassin. I was a little offended by the soldiers' mothership, but I got some good information anyway.

The Grand Duke could have been a very dramatic performance.

Soon after arriving at the Grand Ducal Palace, I swooped over the wall and ran over the garden path the guards were waiting for.

“Stop the assassin! ”

I have an army of guards approaching me. I crossed them like a swipe and dodged the spear, eventually breaking into the Grand Palace.

“Assassin intruder! Kill him!”

There were countless troops and knights inside the building. I pierced the path, swinging the yo-yo. However, he did not go up to the second or third floor where the Grand Duke would be staying.

Dozens of people have been caught rushing out into the back yard of the palace under cover of several knights due to my Mana sensitivity abilities. It seemed likely that there was a Grand Duke among them.

And as soon as I walked out the back of the street, I smiled in repentance. At the moment, Duke Rupert was conducting a family escape.

I went straight after the Grand Duke's party, blocking the way, and headed for the Parrot-faced Duchess, who was aiming for the razor wire.

< The sound of the bell ringing in Rufet Castle. > End

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