The Grand Prince Has Run Away

Fort Lar Rescue Operation.

As dawn broke, we flew to Fort Lar on the support of a dozen teenagers who were waiting. Following me, the group faces blue with a swarm of reel spiders as far away from Fort Lar as they can see.

It was natural. In the age of destruction, it was a scene like any other day, but it was a scene of horror for the living.

Armida came to me to see if she was bored too.

“Brother, can you do it? I've never seen a herd like this before. ”

I hold my head back. It was not impossible at all, and it was definitely something to do.

“Yes, I can do that. ”

“Hundreds of thousands of people in this crowd. Then you know there are more people guarding her, right? ”

“Uh. Even those working in other realms would add up a lot." ”

“Do you know what you're dealing with? ”

I smile with a slight lift in one lip.

“Think of it as a sense of hometown. ”

“Fragrance? My brother's finally mad? ”

As Fort Lar approaches, I get up from my seat.

“There is such a crazy world. Now get ready. We need to start a rescue mission. ”

“Phew! I don't know. Your brother can handle it. ”

I head straight for the Dependent Control Room. Then he grabs the magical communicator in the cockpit and starts giving orders to all the floaters flying with him.

“Once again, Reel Spider's tongue stretches to about 10 meters. Never go below 30 meters, except when rescuing. ”


When I heard the pilots' answer, I looked up at the central command building of the fortress.

“Well, then, we're about to begin the operation. It's not hard, but it's a dangerous operation, so no one makes a mistake. There is no reason to die or get hurt unless you make a mistake. ”


I looked down at the keep through the cockpit window. The reel spiders are making a huge stir in our presence.

But it only extends its tongue, and it has not attacked us. Reel Spiders can't attack floating floaties.

A confident support unit has begun to surround the Fortress Command building in an orderly fashion.


I've ordered a shot at Reel Spider, occupying the keep's roof. Reel spiders convulsing in a bundle of grenades. As soon as the rooftops were cleared out, I put the 1st Pilgrimage I was riding on on the rooftop of the Fortress Command.

“Here we go, rescue operation! ”

As the real operation begins, the rooftop door of the Command Fortress opens, and the guns with the Magic Ammo launchers quickly pop out one by one. Nazir and the soldiers he led. They push Reel Spider's body to one side of the rooftop to clear a spot for the float to land and wait for us.

Soon after the first buoyancy landed on the command building, I opened the rear hatch with Armida's sister and went out.

“Hey, Nazir. How are you?”

Nazir and his soldiers, who had seen me in person, came to me with a touching face. These were soldiers who served as my direct subordinates during the war against Kara and Robos. It was strange for me to come to save you if I didn't like you.


“No more greetings. Quickly retrieve the food and water from the float. ”

Immediately, Nazir and the soldiers entered the rear door of the first buoyancy and moved the food and water. Soon after all the supplies in the first boat were removed, the injured and workers came out of the command building and boarded in the first plane. I checked exactly 14 passengers and yelled at the cockpit window.

“Then take shuttle 1 to the outskirts and fire support! ”

When the first plane came into the air, it switched seats with the second.

I looked around the rooftops and looked at the buoyancy battle scene. They stand still in the air, drawing the attention of the reel spiders, and as some reel spiders climb over the Fortress Command building, they fire flares to eliminate them.

‘It's as useful as I expected. It's expensive, too. I'll do my best in the Age of Doom. ’

I smiled as much as I could. It was relaxed, surrounded by large magical objects, as it was in the time of destruction.

The majority of reel spiders climbing to the rooftop of the Fortress Command Building are being easily eliminated by the intensive firing of the support troops, and some are also being eliminated by the soldiers' power grenade launchers.

Of course, the ease of operation was greatly enhanced by the fact that there was only one type of magical spider, and the absence of flying magical attacks, but it was not the reason to dismiss the power of the stimulus. Honestly, I never would have come to Fort Lar if it weren't for the support.

And I've been adding more and more attacking options to the human side. At this rate, I thought that the age of destruction would never be hopeless.

Duke Fabious and Hubeio walk out of the second shuttle, shortly after landing. Hubeio looks nervous, but he clears his mind of fear with great relief from the stable rooftop combat situation.

As the soldiers move the supplies, Duke Fabious whistles to the ministry.

“These foster kids are amazing. I wanted to die here when I saw a horde of magic objects, but I'm surprised. ”

I shrugged.

“Well, it's just a rescue. But don't be careless. You could get caught in a sudden burst of magic. ”

Duke Fabious looks at the large crowd of reel spiders stretching out to the plains and nods.

“Don't worry. No matter how much I've experienced the whole battlefield, I can't be too careful here. ”

“Not really.”

Immediately, I looked outside the building and opened my eyes and pulled out the Magic Shot Launcher. It's because some reel spiders saw themselves building a pyramid towards the floating raft floating in the hollow air one by one.

It can be dangerous to support if you leave it alone. I alerted the proponents through a magical two-jet communication and fired a magical grenade launcher at them.

‘Where are these bastards plotting? ’

When the second plane took refugees and left, it landed on the rooftop of the building. When Shra and Alieta got off there, I approached Alieta.

Asran, Alieta's lover, had a variety of explosive ranged magic attack options.

“Alita. The reel spiders are building a tower of support. Examine it and if you see such spots, blow it away with Asran's magic. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

I looked at Shura.

“Shura, you will escort Alita. ”


The explosive arrows of Asran explode from all sides, leaving the remains of Reel Spiders flying everywhere. Thanks to this, the boosters were able to be safe in Rib Spiders' tower building strategy, and were able to rescue the workers smoothly.

But I couldn't be more satisfied. Alieta had to give all the fronts the ability to tackle Reel Spiders' collective strategy, even for ordinary soldiers.

‘I'll have to make a magic bomb launcher that can fire explosives. ’

Explosives are possible from three cycles of magic, like fireballs. The mace fires a cannon with a one-cycle detonation spell, of course, but that was possible because it was not a long-range detonation magic, but rather an internal detonation.

This also means that you have to build a Magic Grenade launcher that fires a Class 3 explosive bomb, but the problem is that the efficiency of high-cycle magic Mana is relatively lower than that of low-cycle magic.

It was expected to consume a lot of essence to supply these weapons throughout the military.

But if you want to prepare for the future, you have to. Didn't you just see Reel Spider's strategy for support? Never, the lack of essence did not mean I had to quit.

Moreover, recent trades have improved the supply of essences in Kara, and I was able to gain a large amount of essence after this battle. Of course, a magical weapon of this magnitude can be supplied to the entire army.

When the last 13 appeared, Nazir approached.

“Sir, we've unloaded all 13 supplies on the float. ”

“Injured soldiers and workers to be transported to the rear? ”

“All 182 are on board the float. ”

“Good. Let's all withdraw, then. ”


As Nazir and his troops retreated through the rooftop corridor into the Fortress Command building, I sent a distress call to retreat the boosters. As soon as everyone enters the building, you lock down the iron on the roof and follow the group out.

Duke Fabious looks inside the building and speaks to himself.

“Your fortress is well defended. ”

I gave Duke Fabious a piercing glance.

“Don't spy on me. If the Duke does something like that, he'll lose his temper. ”

Duke Fabious said with a handsome expression.

“I want to do it so badly. Even for a commanding officer these days, why are you so defensive? ”

“It's the keep.”

Duke Fabious circles with his fingers.

“But you have to think about money. This is the only way to save money. ”

The Fortress Command we're moving now is made of a mixture of common stone and cement. It was nothing special, but it was something else. The normal horses were so thick that they could never be breached, they were covered in defenses.

Of course, it cost a lot of money.

“It means that Kara is trying to resolve trade imbalances that much. You buy these materials from your Bastein Kingdom or countries on the continent. So tell King Bastein something nice. My kingdom of Kara does nothing to ease trade imbalances with other nations. ”

Duke Fabious looks embarrassed.

“What are you talking about? ”


“Tsk, got it. ”

Soon we arrived on the first floor. I saw Nazir waiting in front of the entrance to the underground passageway and approached.

“Are there enough supplies? ”

“Looks like you'll last the day. ”

Today's shipment of supplies was about 13 tons of food and water. Seven thousand people were not enough to eat and drink enough, but it was enough to last a day. For the last two days, the soldiers and workers who were starving were like living water.

I tapped Nazir on the shoulder.

“Tomorrow will be much better. I'm coming three times tomorrow. ”


I was going to finish my rescue mission today. I needed to give the Dependents time to refine their strategy, and I needed to rest because of the fatigue and lack of sleep caused by long movements.

Today's operation was conducted with the aim of giving hope to the soldiers and workers in Fort Lar, so there was no need to overdo it at this point when the operation was perfectly successful. If you do too much damage while operating, it will affect everyone's morale badly.

It is a bit of a concern that Reel Spiders are advancing to the vicinity of Jabal Fortress guarded by only Birch Brian and Bayan, but it is not worth worrying that a large group of venomous disease troops led by the paladins of the Central Church will soon arrive and are heavily guarded.

“182 people were rescued and rescued today. We can be rescued soon, so don't give up all hope! ”

As you head down to the underground shelter, you hear soldiers chattering all over the place. They were giving away my food and water to my colleagues and laborers, inspiring hope for salvation.

When the soldiers see me leading the group, they rise up in unison and pay their respects with a touching look on their faces.

“Sir, you're here. ”

“I knew you would come. ”

I shook hands with my former subordinates and encouraged them.

“Of course I'm here. ”

A soldier throws a joke.

“But I didn't expect you so early. ”

I also sighed a little prankster.

“Thanks to you, the damage is urgent. The nation's top secret has been compromised. Anyway, when we get back, do we really have to value it? Okay?"

“Yes! I understand. ”

“Well, let's just hang on for a few days. We can all make it to the rear in the full moon at the latest. ”


The morale of the soldiers who saw me and the group rises greatly. When my colleague who was out on the operation spoke, he was anti-Semitic, but he clearly believed me when he saw me.

That's what's left of it, of course.

Duke Fabious said something to me.

“You've got a lot of trust in your men. ”

“They used to be my direct reports. You know, Polkin Gateway Workshop. These were the soldiers mobilized back then. ”

“Oh. So you were trying to rescue them by exposing them to the state's secret foster care? ”

I waved my hand.

“That's not true. ”


“We could have saved him by now. That's it.”

I abandoned many of my men in the age of destruction. At the time, it was something I had to do to survive, but I didn't feel well either.

Even if I'm a psycho, I'm a human being.

But now I was able to rescue my men. I have enough skills.

Of course, this made Kara's military secrets known to the world, but I don't really care. The side effects here are something I have to deal with well, and even if it's not transportation support, there are a lot of special secret weapons. Right now, Kara Kingdom is either under construction or a secret weapon purchased from a friend of your sister's.

It remained not bored.

‘Let's focus on the rescue operation for now. We can deal with this later. ’

The next day's rescue operation went smoothly. Once the Reel Spiders' Tower Building strategy was broken by Alieta's Asran, there was no way for them to attack the providence.

It was only a minor accident when the dependent pilots landed prematurely, but it was not a big problem as the float was not severely damaged and had no loss of life.

And eventually, when we were 14 days old, we ended all rescue operations. It was a perfect rescue operation with no casualties.

But it wasn't the end. We still have a large group of reel spiders to defeat. This was a difficult operation unlike the last one.

< Fort Lar Rescue Operation. > End

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