The Grand Prince Has Run Away

The chewing gum just keeps going.

I returned directly to Kara, leaving the Orcs to Azzai Zambe. I was a little anxious, but Ulvar couldn't really play anymore.

You scratch your nose as you follow behind Kara Portal Tower. I should have gone straight from Braam to the Yosrahim Empire to report, but Gear was chasing me.

I'm a friend who drops out of school, but I don't know what's wrong with me lately.

“Hey, buddy. Aren't you going home? ”

“We still have work to do. ”


“Let's see what other decisions the kingdom has made, Kara. Things have changed a lot since Grolmog disappeared, haven't they? ”

I put my hand on Hubeio's shoulder.

“Kara's policy doesn't change. Maintains a strong alliance in three conditional countries. ”

“But you don't know that. The balance of power is again leaning toward our empire, and we may think differently in Kara. ”

“So when Kara makes her decision, she goes straight home? ”

Hubeo rolls his eyes.

“Well, I'm going to stay until graduation. ”

“Oh, you want to save your girlfriend's graduation? ”

“What do you want to do with your girlfriend? I'm just a professor at the Imperial Noble School. ”

“That mission, what do you say we do it now? We have to go teach the kids, right? ”

“But I also have a mission as an emissary. ”

I said irritably.

“It's gone. ”

“Build it. I can be your liaison. I can discuss other matters. ”

“Nothing at all. Don't worry. We're sold out. ”

“Then how about a progressive redefinition of the diplomatic relationship between our empire and Kara? Raising the consulate to the embassy would have a positive effect on our interactions with each other. ”

“The Ambassador is your job, not ours. We already sent an ambassador. The Empire sent the projections because of their pride. ”



“Is there anything else? We could have a new trade agreement, or a technical cooperation agreement, right? ”

I sighed deeply.

“Phew. You don't want to go home like that? ”

Hubeo gives you a long face.

“No more than no. I have to get married as soon as I get home. The family already has a date for the wedding. ”


“Six days before graduation. ”

“So you're going to hold out until then? ”


It looked so pathetic. I don't want to run away from home because I don't want to get married, but now I'm willing to decide my country's ambassador. Even though I follow my friend Gangnam, he resembles me too much.

“And then what? Honestly, can't we just postpone the wedding date back to the family? ”

Hubeio's eyes narrow to one side.

“I don't know. What do I do? ”

“First confess to your favorite girl. I'll do it on graduation day. ”

“No. If my great-grandfather finds out, he'll be in trouble. ”

“Then just close your eyes and get married. You said your fiancée was pretty. ”

Hubeio flirts with me.

“Jan. That's the problem with you. I don't know human emotions. How can a man's mind change so easily? ”

“I don't know about that. Obviously, whatever you're doing right now, it's not helping the situation. I don't want to marry because I like a woman. But when I confess my love, I won't be ashamed. If you do this, you won't die or eat. ”

“I know. I just need time. Time to make up your mind. ”

“There was enough time. You haven't done anything. ”

“Hey, so what do you do? I can't disobey my great-grandfather's orders, and I can't marry a woman I don't even care about. ”

I pounded my chest. What a bunch of motherfuckers. I'm trying to get both, so I can't figure it out.

I realized one thing through my friend Hubeo. The Milkman might be a greedy man's affliction. I can't make a choice because I want to take this and that.


Then Hubeo suddenly panics and snaps his butt back.

“What's the matter again? ”

Hubeo trembles, his hands pointing to the other side of the tower.

“Hey, there. Ghosts.”

“A ghost? Really? ”


I stared at Hubeo's direction in a firm stance. Like Hubeo said, you see a black-haired woman over the observatory ledge. A space tens of meters away from the ledge. If there was a woman standing there, she was either a ghost or Armida's sister.

I relaxed and screamed.

“Sister! What are you doing! ”

Armida's brokenhearted sister said to me in a sparkling voice as Paul flew in.

“Brother, I'm bored. ”

“Oh, again? ”

Armida's sister who landed in front of me complained.

“The kids won't play with me. Shura only practices swordsmanship, and Padilla only watches the state. ”

“There's Alita. ”

“He only practices archery by Shura's side. ”

“Then maybe you should train. Your sister doesn't tell you not to train. ”

Armida's sister gasps.

“I'm busy on a mission. ”

“My goodness. What are the chances of someone like that getting bored? ”

“Anyway, I'm bored. For three months without my brother, I've only seen the store myself. But no guests. ”

That's a little serious. Not electronics, no guests. Even though I have a lot of money, this is once. In the future, I will also have to build a final defense base for myself on Jores Island, and I will secretly be paid for entertainment and other miscellaneous activities. Excited to save for the future and not to live in poverty in the future

You have to save it.

“Really? I'm going to have to run this business. ”

“Brother! I'm bored. ”

“Oh, I'll play with you later. I need to talk to Padilla about my business trip right now. ”

Armida swells her cheeks.

“Sister, are you serious? ”

I shoved Hubeo's back.

“Then play with him. Hubeio, I'm looking for something to do. Can you do Hubeio? It's a good spy opportunity for the Mind Masters of Kara Kingdom. Good luck."

“Ahh · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

Armida looks up and down at Hubeo, turning her head.

“Me. I don't like milkman kids. I'm annoyed.”

“Oh, really. What's wrong?”


“I need to have a quick word with Padilla. ”

“Then I'll go with you. ”

This pair of leeches stuck together. I don't know how to send this sister and this friend away. Looks like I'm gonna have to spray some flies soon.

“Okay. Follow me. Instead, you should be outside when you talk. ”


As I descended the Portal Tower, the two of you chased after me.

Armida's sister talks to me on the way down the stairs.

“By the way, brother, you've really become a Mind Master, as rumored. ”

“Has the rumor reached this far already? ”

“Yes, I sleep a lot. I'm the mind master of my brother. ”

I shook my head pretending to sigh deeply. Orcs secretly know how to make people feel.

“Oh, I told him to shut up, but he ended up blabbing. These Orcs are secretly mouthing off. ”

“By the way, do you know how much I've been bullied by that rumor? Before you came, they were just practicing without talking to me. Oh, come on. The kids are poisonous.”

I gave Armida a strange look.

“Really? Then you should start practicing as well. I'll watch your back. ”

Armida's sister looks ridiculous.

“Oh my brother. You don't know who I am? I'm Armida.”

“Whatever it takes. My sister might get beaten up by Humans sooner or later. ”

“Huh. Me? To humans?"


“That's ridiculous. What kind of joke is your brother making? ”

I said to Armida like I was bruised.

“Sister, have you heard the rumors that Grolmog is missing? ”


“That's where Old Orc went after the Soul Master. And last year, Grandpa Cloud disappeared, too. You can't beat a Soul Master, can you? ”

Armida's sister stirs her hands firmly.

“Ah. Don't talk nonsense. How can a human be a soul master? There are only three Soul Masters among our Valkyries: Prosia, Nemisonna and Savannah. ”

I hurriedly stopped Armida's words.

“Are you crazy?"


I looked at Hubeo, who was following me.


Armida stares at Hubeo, who is young to live.

“Did you hear that? ”

“No, not at all. I've been having a lot of trouble lately, and I can't get anyone else to talk. What the hell are you talking about? ”

“Really? I wish I hadn't heard that. ”

Hubeo turns his head and whistles. I heard it too.

But it didn't matter. Hubeio is fearful enough to know the existence of the other Valkyries, even though he has been completely silent so far.

* * *

As soon as I heard that I had arrived at the palace of Kara, Padilla ran in a hurry. As soon as she saw me coming into the room, she held me tightly. It seemed that after three months, her emotions were heightened.

“Master, are you all right? ”

I took her off and said,

“Well, I'm glad you're here. ”

“That's good. And you said you were a Mind Master. ”

“Yes, thank you. ”

Padilla gives you a very ferocious face.

“You did an amazing job. ”

“Don't be silly. I like my family. If you're going to be a swordsman, you have to do this. ”

I secretly boasted of my lineage. Honestly, my family will never kneel anywhere. My father is a great god who recognizes me on the continent, and my younger brother Joseph is a great genius who I think will be born in the centuries, and I do it with a sword.

This is quite a decent lineage.

“So is my Charles, right? ”

Eventually, Padilla's interest gathered with her son, Charles. I feel like I'm second in line to Padilla these days. It didn't fall under the dog, but I'm disappointed.

I immediately turned to talk.

“Now, let's talk business. We have a lot to talk about. ”

“Yes, please tell me more. ”

“We've ruled out the urgency. The Orcs won't attack anywhere for a while because of what Grolmog left behind. ”

Padilla's face is glowing.

“Does that mean Kara's safe? ”

Actually, Kara was safe from the start. I merely promoted a crisis for myself, for the world.

“Not yet.”


“The Orcs haven't disbanded the army yet. That 300,000 troops are still a threat to Kara's kingdom. ”

“But you went on behalf of the chief, right? He wouldn't have attacked our Kara. ”

“Of course, the chances of war are greatly diminished. But no matter how big a chieftain Zambe becomes, he can't decide everything on his own. My love for Kara is only good, and my duty as chief is to me. ”

“Oh, I see. ”

Padilla hesitates to make sure she understands easily. Queen Fadilla, however, could not deal with all policies as she wished.

“Anyway, you can't rest assured. So we have to try not to start a war. It means never let go of the tension. Okay?"

“Yes, I understand. ”

“That's why I made a trade agreement with the Orcs for friendship with the Kara Kingdom. ”

Padilla confronted me straight.

“Will you be able to trade with the Orcs now? ”

“More than that. They say they're building trade routes and trade equipment, so the trade volume will increase dramatically. So get me an extra 50,000 tons of food. ”

“I bought an extra 200,000 tons, if not more. ”

I opened my eyes wide, startled.

“200,000? Why?”

“Kara's population continues to grow. It's been 3.6 million years. ”

“Is it the migrants again? ”


I touched my forehead.

I think I heard 3.4 million yesterday, and I just heard 200,000 more. No matter how well Kara lives, the population is too steep.

This is not good. There's a big hole in food security. If we stop the export of food from other countries now, Kara will face a very serious famine.

But it can't be stopped.

The vast majority of migrants are now coming from the Great Desert of the Middle East. That is why we are stopping these immigrants, which means that we will all die in the age of destruction.

Kara needs a lot of labor to develop anyway, so I thought we should try to solve this by increasing food production in our own way.

“What is the plan for the development of Jores Island now? ”

“Less than half the area where the magic was eradicated. Construction of walls and cities has only taken place in the early stages. ”

“What about farming? ”

“We are planning to produce 120,000 tons of grain this year. But we're constantly working on it, so it's going to be more next year. ”

“Then even if you put a lot of labor into it, make sure that your food production for the next year is at least 500,000 tons. ”

The hesitant Padilla nods for a moment.

“Yes, I'll try. ”

“And get about 300,000 tons more during this harvest and stockpile them in storage. I don't know what's gonna happen. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

I thought I'd done all the important stuff. Then I asked the last question.

“By the way, how's the magic truck coming along? ”

“I'm almost done with my development. We're in the process of making and testing the machine. ”

“Pretty fast progress, huh? ”

“You're in a hurry, I just switched the body from the glove cart I'm working on. ”

It doesn't matter if it's built quickly in any way. A Magic Truck needs to be built in order to make the trade with the Orcs a reality. The wheelbarrow equipment currently in use will never be able to sustain its future trading capabilities.

Of course, I had thought about railroading while living in Ulvar, but I quit with a big disadvantage.

Most Orcs wander around their nomadic lives and hunting lives in small tribes. Of course, the railways that require a large number of floating populations and have a fixed history are not suitable for them.

“Then mass produce when development is complete. Magic truck's in a hurry. ”

“Yes, I'll tell him that. ”

I have another urgent matter to attend to. I grabbed Padilla's wrist and headed toward the bed.


“Make a second one. The more heirs to the royal family, the better. ”

I said that and roughly put Padilla on the bed. It was three months of firewood. All I saw in Ulvar were fighting female Orcs, and my wife looks pretty.

< Chewing gum bills continue. > End

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