The next day I woke up at the mountain plains. As I opened my eyes, I woke up to the void I felt in my side and stamped the stained blanket. Alieta was nowhere to be seen in the family.

When I feel anxious, I hear a voice outside. I heard the footsteps, and it was Alita.

“May I come in? ”

“Hmmm. Yeah. ”

Alieta walks in the door with my permission. She holds a large tray, filled with food. Apparently, he got up early and prepared a meal.

“Western, come and eat. ”

I scratched my nose because of the strange fishing. It was a rather absurd title, but I didn't feel bad about it.

Alieta laid out her food neatly on the dining table near her bed. It was thick and smells good. It was different from my cooking just for calorie consumption

I sat at the table and opened my eyes wide with a bowl of soup. Food made from mountain village ingredients has a deep flavor.

“Hmm. The food tastes almost like Zambe. ”

“Yes? Who is he? ”

“Yes. The owner of the Orc Packaging Wagon. ”

Alieta's ears sag. Orc males are famous for not caring about homework. Of course, I couldn't cook well.

“I'll try harder. ”

“No, it means you're a good cook. I'm pretty good at cooking because the ash isn't Orc. I'll introduce you later, so you should try it. Amazing.”

“Oh, Zenbee. Okay."

Alieta chewed on Zenbe's name several times. I thought I would go and learn how to cook.

Anyway, I was fortunate to have a woman who cooks well around me. Great Desert cuisine is so exotic and irritating that I was easily fed up with it, I was able to enjoy continental cuisine at any time with Alieta Gazero. Of course, Shira and Armida know how to cook continental cuisine, but they're not just mouth-watering.

I couldn't.

Especially, Armida's food is absolutely not for me. She cooks food in the order of poison recipes.

I kept eating and looked at Alieta's fingertips. A little dirt lies between her fingernails.

I sighed a long time.



“Come with me later. ”

Alieta shakes her head.




“Cooking is not done with clay hands. ”

“Oh, yeah. ”

After finishing my meal, I began to find and bury the bodies of Alieta's men near the village. I thought I'd feed them to the crows, but what can I do?

Alieta wants us to bury a grudge against an evil that might have happened in the future.

‘I come here and do all kinds of things. ’

I shoveled with sweat. There is no inefficiency in me being a master prosecutor.

But the bigger problem is that there are many arm holes left. It was the moment when the assassins became resentful. If they killed him, they'd have to go after him. I don't know why I did it.

It seemed like karma. Honestly, I've never been behind the scenes. After completing another deep tomb, I brought the corpse and placed it inside.

While I was covering the dirt, Alieta placed a wooden tombstone in front of him. There was a phrase engraved with my name and respect, but I wasn't interested in it, so it was just my job.

Soon after the seal was completed, Alita held up a short prayer.

“Please come to heaven. ”

I took a break and approached Alieta, who was depressed.

“Do you have any snacks? ”

“Wait a minute.”

After praying angrily, Alita brought a basket full of food. Inside was a small wine jar, sausage, bread, and baked bacon.

I drank wine from the jar and ate the sausage from the well.

“Alita, what are you going to do? ”

Alieta sits next to me with her knees together.

“We must avenge our men. ”


Alieta lowers her gaze. Vengeance against Nemisona was almost impossible, even if she was a saint.

“I don't know. Maybe we should get some company together first. ”

“Is it a gathering? Honestly, who would want to fight the heavenly city of Kronos? ”

“Somewhere. ”

I put my arm around her shoulder for a while.

“Just follow me. I don't want to leave Nemisona alone anyway. ”

Alieta frowns at me.

“From the Grand Duke?”



“I have a grudge. In so many ways I didn't know. Besides, if we leave her alone, we'll keep doing the same thing. He'll seduce someone he trusts to form an organization like yours. ”

Alita bites her lip tightly.

“I'm not going to stand by and watch. ”

“So come to me. I can move the kingdom of Kara and influence the world. It'll help you get your revenge. Of course you're helping me. What do you think?”

“Yes, I'll follow the Grand Duke. ”

Alieta made it so easy for me. She didn't have anywhere to go anyway, and it's not gonna be easy to start a new organization.

Of course, the followers would flock like clouds if they used the title of the saint girl, but they were meaningless. Gathering under the name of faith, I could never resist Nemisona, the leader of the Faith.

I shrugged her shoulder.

“Good thinking. ”

“No, thank you more. Actually, I was stuck alone. ”

“I'm not alone, I'm alone. And when you go to Kara, you have friends. Two Catholic girls and a Valkyrie sister. ”

Alieta frowns. Turns out the Valkyrie was the enemy that killed her men.

“The Valkyrie?”

“Armida's sister. The faction against Nemisona. You know you're a pro, right? ”


“Over there. Dark Valkyrie. ”

Then Alieta's face lit up. She doesn't need Nemiso or anyone else.

“And the truth about who I am to her is a secret. Of course, it doesn't matter if it's known, but something bothers me. You know, my past? ”

“Yes, I know. ”

I woke up from a raid.

“Well, let's start again. We must hurry to finish it by nightfall. ”

Alieta's eyes widen.

“Can you do everything by nightfall? ”

“Yes. I'm good at digging graves. ”

“Still, it's a lot more than 400. ”

I rolled my eyes.


“Yes, that's all I need to put all my dead men together in this mountain. ”

“Ahh · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

I swept down the gutter in embarrassment. I've been digging in the ground all month. Even for me, 400 was a herd.

But there was only salvation, whether it was fate or not. The villagers of the mountain village who were temporarily leaving town for blackmail and bribery of assassins returned. I paid them a fortune to collect the bodies and to dig them up.

And shortly after building all the servants' graves, Alieta sanctified this mountain village. To honor the men who died protecting themselves.

Oh, these guys die early and make a fortune. In their past lives, they were humanity's enemies.

* * *

A few days later, Alieta and I returned to Kara. I took a deep breath with her into the Exciting Office.

It was time to introduce Shura to my new lover, Alita. I couldn't help but worry about how she would react.

Of course, there was nothing in Padilla that Shura actively connected the two of us. But they were friends, and Alita was part of the forces of light that killed Shura's mother. I can't guarantee Shura's welcome.

“Hey, I'm out. Everything okay? ”

“Brother! Where have you been? ”

Armida started yelling when she saw me. Seeing his eyes open, he seemed pretty angry with me who had been missing for a few days.

However, when I saw Alita following me, I opened my eyes and looked curious. You recognize that Asran is the bow she's holding.

“Brother, isn't that the Elven Bow Asran? ”

“That's right."

“So it's Alita, the one who went missing the other day? ”

“Yes. Say hello to each other. This is Armida. This is Alieta.”

Alieta politely greets Armida's sister.

“Hello. I've heard so much about Armida from the West. ”

Armida's sister gives you a sudden look of embarrassment.

“Uh, Mr. West? ”

“Yes, I am White's wife. ”

I wiped my face. I should have warned you not to shout, but I forgot.

Armida hurriedly ran toward the outdoor training ground.

“Shura! Your sister's married! But it's Alieta, the goddess of the wind who went missing last year. ”

Shortly after, Shura, a trainee at the outdoor training ground, rushed into the office with a request.

Shura's body was trembling like a thorn bush. I was the one who refused to marry her in the old days. I couldn't help but get angry because I suddenly brought my wife.

“Master? Marriage? ”

Alita leans back, crossing her arms with me.

“Hi, I'm Alieta, your wife. ”

Shura looks at the two of us in shifts with narrower eyes. I swallowed a dry saliva in the fierce eyes that reminded me of the eyes of a falcon. Today, Shura was not the Shura she had always seen.

“Master, are you really married? Without saying anything to me? ”

I hurriedly shake my hand, looking down at the shimmering da-han.

“No, there's a reason for that. ”

“For what reason? ”

“It was a lot because there was no one-sided side. I don't know. Alita married me. ”

“Right? Well, the Master wouldn't have married me and Padilla first. ”

Alieta spills a word.

“But the heavenly beings were allowed. What does that mean? ”

Shura's face crumples. If celestial beings have allowed it, it is definitely a wedding, regardless of whether they are married or not.

“Are you sure?”


Shura sharply shot Armida's sister.

“You're not a teacher, are you? ”

Armida immediately denounced the injustice as if it were unfair.

“No. He would have warned you if it were me. ”

“Then who is this celestial being? ”

With Shura's fierce voice, Armida's sister looks embarrassed.

“I don't know. Are there two Valkyries? There are over 200 people in Kronos, the city of heaven. You're assigned one by one to every god in heaven. ”

“Is that so?"


“So is there any way to break the engagement? ”

Armida replied, looking into me and Alieta.

“Not at all. ”


“Another celestial being can challenge the marriage. Then the marriage will be put on hold until the two of them come to an agreement. ”

“Oh. Then perhaps you can make it possible for Professor Armida not to marry you. ”

It was like a command.

Armida shot me in the eye. It was like a conjecture about what he was doing out there and what he was doing.

Alieta hurries out.

“Hey, Lady Yingyang. Why did you call off someone else's wedding? ”

“Does it make sense to have a wedding regardless of the other person's doctor? ”

“In religious law, yes. You're a saint, too, so you should keep your faith. ”

Shra has thrown up a pack.

“It doesn't matter. Anyway, I will never allow this marriage. ”

“What right do you have? ”

“I'm the first woman in the master's class. ”

Alieta looks very embarrassed.

Whether it was a force of light or a force of darkness, the first woman in the Elven Society had a great right to speak. So no matter how much the male side tries to enter a new lover or side room, it is impossible without the permission of the first woman.

“On what grounds do you claim to be the first woman you've ever met? ”

“Haven't you heard the rumors? I was the Master's lover before I became a saint. ”

“I'm sorry, I haven't heard that rumor. ”

There is a strange tension flowing between Shra and Alieta.

Shura turns her head to me.

“Master? I'm the first woman, right? ”

I rolled my eyes. Technically, no. Before Shura, I had many other lovers.

“I don't know. I can't say there hasn't been before. ”

“Except Princess Sierra! You're done with her! ”

Shura turns on the heat and turns on the water. The relationship between me and Princess Sierra had nothing good to do with Armida.

Armida looked at me with a ridiculous face.

“Your brother? Did you touch Princess Sierra, too? ”

Alita's face suddenly brightens. If Princess Sierra is her first lover, then Shura's claim is futile.

“Whiteburn, Princess Sierra is the first woman, not you, right? ”

I waved my hand decisively.

“No! I never touched her. ”

Armida's sister gives a suspicious glance.

“I don't think so. Every time I see him, it's like fighting a brawl. I think something happened. ”

Shura yells at Armida.

“Master! Whose side are you on?! ”

“No, it's not. I just had a weird feeling. ”

“Stay quiet if you don't know! ”

“Okay, I'm sorry. ”

Armida's sister gently turns to see if Shira's sharp voice is dead.

Shura pushed Armida even more.

“Teacher, will you call off this marriage? Are you going or not?”

“Well, I could do it, but · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”


Armida answered with a mosquito crawling voice.

“I was wondering if everyone would like to have a wedding. Then you two don't have to fight. Isn't that right?”

“Ah! Sister! Why are we not talking to you? ”

I screamed.

However, regardless of my doctor, Shra and Alieta gave and received strange eyes, and soon after a satisfactory smile put on their lips, they shook hands in good faith.

Shura sticks a chalan in her waist and says,

“There was a way. What do you think of the Lady of the Wind? ”

“Yes, I agree. ”

I looked at the two saints with a stunning face. I heard that there were no permanent or permanent allies, and the two women who fought like they were killing each other a little while ago formed a coalition line as soon as they got the right understanding.

“I'm against this marriage! ”

* * *

< Shra and Alita. > End

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