The Grand Prince Has Run Away

I have her life or death.

‘These assassins, however, are fundamental. ’

The assassins rotate around and repeat the strike deviation. Thanks to this, the Allita party was unable to take a fatal hit in a single attack, but the effects of accumulating fatigue are present. Assassins, on the other hand, fight only a few, so many can rest well and maintain their stamina.

As time goes on, Alita's group is finished.

No matter how strong Asran is, the secret palace is, the Alieta you use will be useless.

‘With that stupid woman. Is it time to take care of Asran Mana? We need to get the hell out of here. ’

Alieta has now confined Asran's magic to herself. With only a handful of people attacking, Mana is less efficient if she uses heavy magic, but that's not how it works. The only way to get rid of the Assassin troops and reduce the rotation is to eliminate them every time they raid.

It was they who would eventually be defeated if they continued to allow it to happen.

“Hurry, we must get out of this valley! ”

At that moment, the arrow drops sharply over Alita and the paladins' heads. Assassins who were on ambush in advance started attacking.

The paladins swiftly raise their shields, building a circle of defenses, but not enough. Assassins have taken advantage of the terrain.

The paladins made no choice but to travel through the valley road as they continued to inflict their wounds in the baptism of raining arrows.

I quietly curl my chin as I watch the battle from afar.

‘Bobbits, they don't know how to hunt, they just keep crawling into their limbs. This is why kids who are only trained at home become stronger are no use at all. ’

At that moment, an assassin who was hiding behind a rock near them rushes out, pulling a dagger into a paladin's thigh, and swiftly pulls away.

After a short while, the paladin is left behind by injuries, and the assassins rush in like bees. Alieta hears Asran trying to save him in a hurry, but the paladins' shields block their sight.

“Make way. I'm coming to save you. ”

“Holy Lady Alieta. Please don't mind our lives. Even if we all die, if only she survives, we can rebuild the organization. ”

They are paladins who do not even care for their comfort and devote themselves entirely to Alieta.

But I don't know if they know. that they are bringing Alieta to the extremities with all their heart and soul.

Assassins who scramble wounded paladins and retreat immediately. They scoff at Alita, staring at them as if to kill them, and then disappear into the surrounding forest.


A young paladin falls down, grabbing his leg. Apparently, he fell into a sudden bobbit trap and injured his foot.

The middle-aged paladin shouts in a hurry.

“Are you all right?”

The young paladin looks at the ankles and feet with the skewers piercing him, and he grinds his teeth.

“Ugh. I'm done." Go. ”

“I see. Then fulfill your mission to the end. ”

“Yes! I'll see you in heaven, then. ”

“Yes. I'll see you in heaven. ”

The arrows of the assassins spill into his ambush, left alone, in a fierce rage. Soon, the young paladin, who had countless arrows like a hedgehog, fell down.

Meanwhile, Alita and the paladins rush down the nearby mountain from the ambush.

Soon, a large group of assassins chased them.

“Make every effort to clear a path! ”

“Don't let any of them live! ”

Another thrombus appeared on the hillside slope. It was ambushed by the small crowd of assassins who were waiting.

A battle so close to home that Alieta was unable to use Asran magic properly. Eventually, she was forced to wage a melee war with Asran, and the burden of the paladins escorting her grew even greater.

“Ugh. These bastards! ”

A paladin kneels on the cold ground, with his abdomen and back pierced by the swords of the assassins running on three sides. An assassin's swiftly flying sword slits the paladin's throat deeply.

As the severed paladin's head circles through the bloodshed, Alieta pulls on Asran's protest with all her might.

“Die! Savages! ”

Soon, a magical arrow fired from Asran pierces the back of an assassin's head, following her gaze. But that wasn't the end. The magic arrow rises into the air, plunges it back into the air, and pierces the body of the other assassin from its head to its lower body.

Subsequent speeding attacks of Alieta are being poured out on assassins who were staying away from the paladins.


Assassins dying screaming out loud. The surviving Assassins hurl themselves into the forest on a rapid slope. Asran's magical arrows hurriedly pursue it, but they are worthless. Most of them fade away into the dark air after being struck by a wooden pillar, and the rest of them lose their purpose.

Surviving paladins couldn't resist the unique ways of combat they had never experienced before.

Despite a short engagement, many colleagues lost their lives in constant combat, and only deep despair survived among those who survived a situation where little hope could not be grasped.

A paladin counts his comrade who died in this battle and says during the battle:

“Three dead this time. ”

Then the middle-aged paladin, who appeared to be the commander, grabbed the paladin by the collar.

“So what do you want to say? Is that a pity, or do you want to run away? ”

“Oh, no. ”

“Shut up and remember. If you are safe, the organization will be rebuilt. So don't mind the dead. Just stick to the mission. ”


The middle-aged paladin approaches Alieta, his eyes wide open.

“My Lady, it must be hard, but you must go on. ”

“Ha, but. ”

“I thought you said it wasn't time to lose hope. Come on, cheer up. If you go down this mountain, you'll find shelter. If you are there, you can easily stop the Assassins attacking, so you should be able to rest for a day.


Alieta shuts up, then turns around and starts moving again. The assassin's troops swiftly pass by where they were.

I tilted my head when I showed my face in the grass.

‘Rest area.' If I were Assassin, I'd dig my own limbs out there. ’

The number of paladins has decreased dramatically in a few battles. I could see that there were seven of them, just by looking at them. Quite a few, but they were all exhausted. It seemed like the Assassins' war effort was working.

“A little farther to the mountain village. There will be water and food, so hurry up. ”

After arriving shortly, the mountain farmhouse was lit by fire. Alieta and the paladins smiled brightly at the vigilantes guarding the area and some of the soldiers in the region. He seemed to think he had lost his mind.

As they emerge from the darkness, a soldier leads the vigilantes.

“Who are you?”

The middle-aged paladin stepped forward.

“We are with Lady Alieta. We're being chased by the evildoers. We need help. ”


The middle-aged paladin draws his sword at the soldier.

“I thought you said the path of the Great Lady Alieta. Show some respect. ”

“Oh, yeah. I see the Great Sage.”

The soldier bows with the vigilantes on one knee. Alita comes out and raises them up.

“It's not polite to be in such a hurry. It's dangerous, so hurry up and get out of here with the villagers. ”

Then the middle-aged paladin shouted.

“No! Now is the time to mourn one person. ”

“But they're innocent people. ”

“No. They are the faithful who must obey the gods. ”

“But if they're here, they're all dead. ”

“He is also the will of God. ”

During the confrontation between Alieta and the middle-aged paladin, the British soldiers and vigilantes captured the water tank they drank.

“Come on, stop it. Let's get you thirsty. ”

A middle-aged paladin saw a branch full of cool water and swallowed it dry. They were so thirsty they couldn't even salivate their mouths.

But I didn't drink it right away.

“Clean water? ”

“The water in our mountains is all clean. People from other parts of the world come and drink it, but they don't get a ride. Hahaha.”

When the foot soldiers sniff it out, the paladins rush into the water tank and drink it as if it were hanging.

I looked at the paladins like they were middle-aged and wiped the branches off with a clothespin. And as soon as I poured the water in and handed it over to Alieta, a boulder hit me from somewhere.

“Who are you?”

At that moment, the dagger, which was drawn by the British Army, sank deep into the ashes of the middle-aged paladin.

Frightened paladins and vigilantes rushing towards them. Dozens of Assassins soon flew into the air in the village, hurling rain and axes at the paladins.

Puck. Puck. Puck.

Alieta and the paladins have been ambushed at the expense of money. With axes and rain all over their bodies, they try their best to prevent the assassins from attacking, but they are lacking in power.

Meanwhile, the assassins who had been following behind began to attack. It seemed to be the tomb of Alieta and the paladins.

“Kill them all! ”

“Protect Alieta! · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

One of the paladins, who was chanting, knelt on his knees, vomiting blood. The paladin looks at the cistern with frightening eyes, and an assassin's sharp sword strikes his neck.

Another paladin collapses, blurring his vision one by one, to see if something's wrong with his body. Poisoned.

Alieta hurriedly flies Asran's magic to save them, but even the nearby assassins are unable to mount a proper protest.

At that moment, Assassin in the Black Mask sneaks up behind her.

“How dare you! ”

A middle-aged paladin who spews blood and blocks his sword with his whole body. Alieta aims for the assassin in the black mask, but she has to take a large step back with several assassins flying and attacking her.


Alieta fires her magic arrows indiscriminately, wondering if she was excited about the death of a middle-aged paladin.

The Assassins are defeated by invincible energy. Immediately, a massive, intangible projectile fired from Asran melts away as dozens of assassins are trapped in it.

“Get rid of her! ”

A few moments ago, a powerful and frightened assassin rushes towards Alieta in unison. All paladins die or die before the cruel slayer. All that was left was Alita.

“Everyone, stop! ”

Everyone stops and looks back at the huge shout of life. Soon, I pressed down on my hood and went out into the bushes.

An assassin stared at me.

“Who are you? ”

I swooped down the bottomless pit.

“I don't need to know. I just need to say something. ”


“I have her right to life and death. So everybody back off. ”

The assassins who were near me pointed their swords at me, spreading their spray.

“Do you want to die? ”

“I'm sorry, but I have a really bad feeling when that woman dies with other people. If there's a woman I can kill, I'll kill her myself. You guys just go home. ”

“Heh. Crazy bastard. Die!”

The Assassins around me rush at me in unison. A sudden rush of intense aura erupted from my waist and caused me to rotate greatly. Fibonacci sprinkles all over the place, splinters of the Assassin's corpses falling off the larynx.

I drained the blood from the clothing collar and walked forward.

“Oh, you guys. If you say it like that, I won't listen to you. When you say something nice, just go. You're going to make a lot of money this time.Everyone needs to be strong. ”

An assassin glances down at Aura Blade in the brig.

“Senior, master · · · · · · · · · ·? That, too. ”

I tried to shoot the assassin I just recited.

“Malmi? What are you so upset about? We humans love rounding them up and beating them to the top. Assassins don't have kids. ”

“Hit them all! ”

The rain and arrows pouring down from everywhere hit my leather coat and bounced off in vain. I cut down the assassins in front of me and took a wild step toward Alieta.

The blood is thick, and the bodies of the wretched mortal pile up. Even Alieta, who was getting help, took a step back, afraid of me.

As the unilateral assassination continues, the terrified Assassins retreat. I realized that it couldn't be done in a frontal battle. I was the Supreme Master's Swordsman when I rounded up and was wearing leather armor and a coat that could not be harmed with any weapon.

It was suicide that the Assassins continued to fight me.

An old assassin exclaims, trembling.

“Party, who are you? ”

“Can I tell you? Then you're all dead to me. ”

“Well, well, well. ”

“I'll let you live if you go. I'm from Assassin, too, and I don't hate Assassins very much. ”

The old assassin opened his eyes.

“Wait, it can't be Evelyn from Sagal? ”

Evelyn of Sagal is the star of Evelyn. Very few people actually saw her, but it was common sense for everyone to know that she was a master prosecutor.

I frowned.

“Hey, do I look like a woman? ”

“No, I'm not.”

“But where do you put Evelyn? ”

“That's... ”

The old assassin opened his eyes.

“I don't care who you are. Stay back. If you interfere with our mission, we'll have no choice but to kill you. ”

“Kill me? With what power? If I do, everyone here will die before they leave this mountain. ”

The old assassin withdraws trembling as I burst into life.

“But · · · · · · · · ·. ”

“Hey. We didn't fail the quest just like this. If you tell your client that the quest failed because of me, he'll pay you back for everything. So don't die for nothing. Just go back. ”

“Are you sure?”

“Uh. The client who hired you will know exactly who I am. And you know how scary he is. ”

The old assassin looks back at you in exchange for his companion Assassin. Instead of fighting me and killing everyone, he thought it was better to believe my words.

“I see. But if it's a lie, you'll always see us again." soon. ”

“Rest assured, it won't happen again. ”

“Very well. Then we'll leave. ”

“Good thinking. And tell the client I'll take care of it myself. Maybe it won't end disappointingly. ”


The assassins immediately scattered. I shot a magical arrow at Asran, as if Alieta could never miss, but it got in my way.

Fishy Sagre grunts, her face distorted with magic arrows.

“You! Why are you protecting those wicked people? ”

“Did you not hear me say I was going to save them? ”

Alieta points Asran at me.

“As Lady of the Wind, I command you. Go after them now and kill them all. ”

“Hehe. Why? ”

“I don't know about you, but they're dogs of men who want to destroy humanity. They're unforgivable. ”

I smiled, Pic. This woman is also quite good at comedy with a serious face.

“Ah? You're a threat to humanity, should you kill it? ”


“Okay. All right. ”

I aimed the yo-yo at Alieta's neck. Her eyes flutter.

“Party, you? ”

“Why? You told me to kill those who threaten humanity. You may not know it, but you are the threat to humanity. ”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Hehehe. Anyway, the world is fun. Who did what? The evil, cruel assassins helped to save humanity, whereas the stubborn moral saint, the saint, came to his senses to destroy humanity. ”

Alieta, who did not know the English language, drops her hand.

I put a terrifying smile on my mouth and ended the tide.

“Come with me first. Let's eat and decide if you're going to die. ”

< I have her life expectancy. > End

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