The Gods and Families of the World Are All Slimes

Chapter 178: God's Domain Change

Divine consciousness swept to the material plane, and there were devout slime believers everywhere.

They were praising the greatness of the Slime Lord, and the strong power of faith was born from them and was absorbed by the statues of the Slime Lord everywhere.

The power of these beliefs will be transferred into his body through these idols, transformed into points of faith.

Many idols have begun to have a trace of divinity because they have absorbed too much power of faith.

If this kind of idol is melted away, even a complete divinity can be extracted.

Of course, Zhang Yifan would not do such a stupid thing.

An idol with a divine nature is far more valuable than a little bit of divine nature.

This kind of idol will continue to be warmed up, and it will be able to automatically release its magic.

That is the supreme treasure that absorbs the power of faith.

And using these gods, he can easily condense many clones.

As long as he has enough idols, one day he will be able to incarnate like Monkey King.

It's just that they are blowing monkey hair, but what he lost is a statue of a god.

Overlooking the realm of God, after years of management, the Slime Land is no longer the backward scene it used to be.

There are newly-built cities everywhere, tall and solid walls, towering buildings, and prosperous slime sect temples.

Residents of the Slime Land are no longer dominated by the three major races of Steel Slime, Spiked Slime and Gangback Slime.

In fact, with the exception of the steel slime that had just given off in the second spring, the other two types of slimes had already withdrawn from the private realm of God.

In many plane tombs in the Flame War Zone, Zhang Yifan occupied many planes in the name of the Slime House to raise these slimes.

He is currently planning to let the Slime House recruit students from major colleges and universities in the form of employment, and recruit some graduates to train these dependents for him.

"When the students of this super summer camp graduate, maybe many of them will become my employees."

Thinking about it this way, he should have treated them better before.

such a pity!

Time cannot be repeated, there is no if in life...

Now living in his private God's realm are powerful slimes such as lava slimes and ice crystal slimes, and they have at least the potential to develop to the ** level.

There are only two exceptions to slimes——

Fire dwarf slime and flower fairy slime.

These two creation race slimes, even if they are only Tier 1, he will happily cultivate a large number of them in the private gods' realm.

Who makes science and technology the fighting power?

Zhang Yifan is quite satisfied with the development of Private God's Domain.

"It can be seen that King Gumbuo and Athena Gumbuo are still very competent as rulers."

Inadvertently released a trace of breath, and instantly attracted the slimes to bow down in prayer.

The voice of respect and respect, like a wave, sweeps across the slime.

"My lord is back! Praise you, the great Lord of Slime!"

"Great Lord of Slime, may your kingdom of God always be strong!"

"Lord of Slime, our creator, may your light never dissipate! The kingdom of God is high, and the fire of God is immortal!"

"The brilliance of my lord Slime, you are omnipresent and omnipotent. You are the center of the world, the immortal eternity, and you are our eternal faith."

"Our Lord is the absolute supreme being, eternal, glorious, and the only true God in the world!"

"My lord! Please accept the most humble belief I have ever waited for!"

"My **** is supreme, your humble servant offers you sincerity!"

They knelt down one by one, calling for the holy name of Lord Slime.

The voices one after another impacted the whole world.

The slimes kept praying together under the leadership of Athena Gumbo and King Gumbo.

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The name of the Slime Lord floated in the air, thrilling.

Especially those slimes who were born in the last few decades.

In the past, Zhang Yifan often revealed miracles in God's Domain to earn faith points.

However, as his strength increased, he had to do more and more things, and he never showed the saints as frequently as before.

These young generation slimes have been just listening to his god's name and singing hymns, but they have never had a chance to see his true face.

Now I get such an opportunity, one by one is extremely excited.

The voice is louder than the other, I want to show my piety in this way

The power of faith is permeated in the air, so thick that it almost condenses into liquid.

Those idols absorbed the excessive power of faith and radiated dazzling divine light.

In the thousands of divine light, Zhang Yifan showed his figure.

The sky was densely covered with auspicious clouds, exuding surging energy, and a giant **** stood in the air.

Exuding supreme power, a pair of eye-catching eyes.

Seeing Zhang Yifan’s real body revealed, the slimes became even more excited.

"He is eternity, He is glory, and He is the only true God in the world!"

"The Lord of My God Slime and the Supreme God of Truth!"

"Your divine power has remained unchanged from ancient times to the present, your divine fire will never die, and your faith will always flourish."

"Your humble believer is here to pray, thank you for your attention."

Zhang Yifan waved his hand, and the great blessing technique was cast to cover the entire God's Domain.

The dazzling divine light caused the slimes to faint with excitement.

"My people, I have received your faith, and you have done a good job! Now, prepare to accept my gift!"

He crushed all the remaining pure godheads in one hand, and the godhead powder fluttered into the gods below with his big hand.

These divine power powders were absorbed by the entire Divine Realm and the slimes living in the Divine Realm.

The environment of God's Domain has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the aura in the space has become more concentrated, permeating with an indispensable sacred atmosphere.

Those slimes felt even more that a certain boundary in their bodies was eliminated, their whole people became more energetic, and there seemed to be an unprecedented power in their bodies.

The slimes kept kowtow more religiously.

Their heads slammed on the ground, "Great Slime you for your gift!"

Scattered white light of faith rose from the top of the slimes, merged into the statue, and transformed into a massive amount of faith that penetrated into Zhang Yifan's body.

After doing all this, Zhang Yifan dissipated the real body projection and returned to the kingdom of God contentedly.

Absorbing these pure godhead powders, both his private gods and the slimes have been substantially improved.

The concentration of spiritual power in the private gods has reached an astonishing nine points, which is already comparable to the level of many gods in the kingdom of gods.

At this concentration, both minerals, animals and plants have a tendency to transform into divine materials.

This material is often used to make secret treasures, even in high-level gods, there is a big market.

The slimes in God's Domain all gained a trace of the blood of the gods, even if it was just a trace, they gained the possibility of transforming into a sacred species with a high probability.

Once it changes, their strength will change drastically.

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