The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 939 Let’s go to China quickly

Xia Shu's father was transferred to the Institute of Surgery. The head nurse specially left the only suite ward for Xia Shu's father. She secretly paid for it herself and asked the doctor to separately list the bed fee and pay it in the outpatient clinic, not including the total hospitalization fee.

Malignant tumors pay attention to three aspects of early treatment: early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment. Xia Shu's father's gastric cancer is currently in the early stage and has not spread yet. The effect of surgery is very good.

This made Xia Shu feel better, but he was still very sad. He was the pride of his parents when he graduated from school. He was admitted to the Union Medical College and stayed in the imperial capital to work after graduation. But now he has neither money nor a wife, which makes his parents worried.

"I'll show Professor Yang the film." Xia Shu's mood stabilized.

Nurse Cai said: "I have shown it to the professor. The professor said that in the early stage, the effect of the operation is very good. You don't have to worry. It is minimally invasive and done under laparoscopy."

The capable head nurse has arranged everything well. Xia Shu is very grateful to her. At this time, he is really confused and feels very uncomfortable. In addition, he is not familiar with the hospital, so it is difficult to handle things. Fortunately, there is a head nurse. help.

When Yang Ping is free, he will tell everyone about the cases he encountered at the Municipal People's Hospital, because they have a strong warning effect.

The case of the fish bone lets everyone know that daily work requires a rigorous attitude, and you must not ignore some details, especially when you are not doing anything, you will feel that some rules and regulations are useless and do not abide by them.

The case of Balloon Man is actually similar to a tension pneumothorax. The formation of a tension pneumothorax is that the entire chest, including the skin, has been connected, and the chest cavity is the same as the outside world. A valve is formed at the connected wound. When inhaling, the valve opens and the outside world The gas enters the chest cavity, and when exhaling, the valve is closed, and the gas that has just been inhaled into the chest cavity from the outside cannot be discharged. In this way, the gas can only go in but not out, and more and more accumulate in the chest cavity, and finally it seriously affects breathing and leads to death.

Tension pneumothorax is an absolute emergency. During on-site first aid, a thick needle is often inserted into the chest to exhaust air, and closed chest drainage is performed immediately if conditions permit.

The "balloon man" encountered at the Municipal People's Hospital is a type of subcutaneous emphysema caused by chest trauma. The mechanism is similar to that of tension pneumothorax, but the process is different. This type of subcutaneous emphysema is formed when the wound on the chest wall reaches from the inside to the outside. With subcutaneous injection, the skin is not broken, and the chest cavity is not connected with the outside world, but is connected with the potential gap under the skin. At the same time, the lungs are also broken, and the air in the lungs will leak out.

Chest wall wounds also have valves. This valve opens when exhaling. When exhaling, the gas leaked from the lungs enters the subcutaneous through the open valve wound. When inhaling, the valve closes, and the gas that has just entered the subcutaneous cannot be absorbed. Inhale the chest cavity, so that the subcutaneous gas accumulates more and more, and finally spreads to the surroundings, and the skin is continuously stretched during the diffusion process, because the skin of the human body is continuous as a whole, and severe patients can bulge the entire person's skin. , the whole person is like a balloon.

Because there is a break in the lung, some of the leaked gas accumulates in the chest cavity, forming a pneumothorax. The main danger of pneumothorax is that the chest cavity loses negative pressure, and the accumulated gas compresses the lungs, causing the lungs to be unable to expand, and eventually death due to inability to breathe.

The Institute of Surgery is seeing more and more patients, all of whom are undergoing operations that cannot be performed or are afraid to be performed elsewhere, because there are too many patients, and the scheduled operations have been queued up to a year later.

There are so many patients, and they are all high-risk patients. Without a strict work system and rigorous work attitude, medical accidents can easily occur.

So medical safety cannot be overemphasized.


America at this time.

Li Gaoyang was very dissatisfied with the unbelievable decision of the elders. Not only Li Gaoyang was dissatisfied, but also the young people in the entire company were dissatisfied.

Perhaps these old men were old and had lost their fighting spirit. Li Gaoyang secretly held a meeting with the Young Faction, and then wrote an application. Everyone signed their names, hoping that this application could be used to persuade the elders and cut off the mess quickly.

The company has been too busy recently. There are so many companies under the BG Group. Li Gaoyang originally worked at a very fast pace, but now there are unprecedented challenges. As the helmsman of the family, he is already under great pressure.

After Li Gaoyang handed the application to the elders, he hurriedly took a private plane to Rochester, Minnesota.

The annual physical examination that had just been completed was over, and Mayo's medical team made a phone appointment for Gao Yang to go to Rochester for an interview.

This is just the routine work of the medical team. As the leader of BG Company, according to previous years' habits, he does not need to travel like this. After the physical examination, the medical team will come to his office in New York to communicate with him face to face and tell him Current health status, and then give some medical advice.

But this time is different. Mayo hopes that Li Gaoyang can move to Rochester in person to facilitate communication among the medical team.

In the spacious office, Li Gaoyang met the team of doctors, who explained and suggested the results of each organ involved in the physical examination. The last person left was Dr. Johannessen, a neurosurgeon. Li Gaoyang and Johannessen are also old friends. I see him every year for my physical.

The results of Li Gaoyang's routine physical examination at Mayo have come out. An MRI on his head found a mass, and the location was very bad.

Sitting across from me now is Johnathan, the director of Mayo Neurosurgery and the top neurosurgeon in the United States.

The black and white MRI image on the electronic screen was as scary as a devil in Li Gaoyang's eyes. He didn't dare to look directly at it. At this time, his head was just buzzing.

His wife was waiting for him outside, not knowing exactly what had happened during the medical examination.

"Dr. Johannesson, I'm ready. Just tell me."

Johannessen held an electronic pen in his hand. He thought for a while and said: "Mr. Li Gaoyang, unfortunately, I am a doctor and must remain objective. If you have any adverse reactions while I am introducing the condition, you can tell me immediately if you have any adverse reactions." Tell me to stop, even with a gesture."

''Thanks! You name it, I can handle it. "Li Gaoyang had a determined expression.

"Sir, we found a tumor in your skull right here. It is currently estimated to be about 0.1X0.2X0.1 cm." Johannessen said slowly, trying to make Li Gaoyang hear clearly.

Li Gaoyang tried his best to appear relaxed and said: "It's just a big sesame seed. Do you need to open the skull to cut it off? It's okay. Arrange the operation as soon as possible. I will arrange the work."

He is not an ordinary person, but the head of the BG Consortium, a super rich man, and a very important figure in the United States. He cannot be frightened by a small tumor.

Johannessen was not in a hurry: "Sir, if it's just an ordinary tumor, we don't need to go to such trouble to let you take time out of your busy schedule to sit here and chat. This tumor is not somewhere else, but in the medulla oblongata of the brain stem." , and in the nerve cell mass of the medulla oblongata, this part is very special. It used to be a restricted area for our neurosurgery. With the development of medicine, surgery can now be performed here, but only in some so-called relatively safe areas. Surgery, this area actually remains a very dangerous area for us.”

"Is it dangerous? How dangerous is it?"

Li Gaoyang's heart was already beating, but he could barely maintain the relaxation he felt just now.

"We are currently unable to determine the nature of the tumor, but judging from the imaging findings, brainstem diffuse endogenous medullary glioma is the most dangerous and terrifying brainstem tumor. There was no sign of it during the last physical examination, but now It has grown to such a big size, which means it is growing very fast. If you don't do surgery, your breathing and heartbeat will stop. If you do surgery, it may stop on the operating table."

Johannesson finally revealed the seriousness of this brainstem tumor.

"Are there any other methods, such as cell therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy?" Li Gaoyang was a little anxious.

At least in BG Company, there is no treatment in this area whether it is a marketed product or a laboratory. I don’t know if Johannessen knows other methods. After all, Johannessen is the best neurosurgeon.

Johannessen shook his head: "No, it's either no treatment or surgery. Even the most advanced ion knife can't do anything. When the ion knife penetrates the brainstem, it will inevitably cause path damage."

"Is surgery okay?"

"Because it is deep inside the nerve nucleus, the current success rate of surgery for this kind of tumor in the world is extremely low, and there are very few doctors who can do it. The success rate of my current animal experiments is less than 5%."

This kind of success rate was tantamount to suicide and animal experiment, and Li Gaoyang felt cold in his heart.

"There is currently only one doctor in the world who can perform this kind of surgery, and the success rate is 80%. Almost all successful cases currently come from him. He is my mentor." Johannessen said step by step.

Li Gaoyang's eyes were full of despair, and then there was a trace of anger: "Dr. Johannesson, your humor is a bit too much. Dr. Meister passed away three years ago. Is it interesting for you to make such a joke with me?"

Johanathan shook his head: "No, no, no, I am serious, I am not joking at all. This moment is very serious, and I have more than one mentor. Meister is my teacher for training as a specialist, and this A doctor is my current mentor."

"Then hurry up and arrange the surgery for me. Which hospital is your respected teacher at? Johns Hopkins? Or Massachusetts General Hospital?" In short, Mayo definitely does not have such a person.

Johannesson said: "My mentor is in China. He will not come to the United States now. We invited him to perform surgeries several times, but he refused. The patient must be sent to China."

''China? "

Li Gaoyang was very surprised. During this period, everything had to do with China.

"Yes, he is Professor Yang Ping from Sanbo Hospital, the only one who can save you, so you can only go to China for surgery."

Johannesson said word for word.

"Sanbo Hospital Yangping!"

Li Gaoyang was a little dizzy. Is it such a coincidence? How could it be him?

"Mr. Li Gaoyang knows this Chinese doctor?"

Johannesson saw Li Gaoyang's face change immediately when he heard Yang Ping's name. It was so uncertain and extremely ugly.

Li Gaoyang finally failed to calm down and shook his head in panic: "No, I don't know him. It's just hard for me to understand why the best doctor for treating this disease is in China?"

"There's nothing surprising, it's just the fact. He is the only doctor who can treat this disease. No other doctor dares to operate here and still keep you alive." Johannesson expressed clearly.

Li Gaoyang said feebly: "What should I do now?"

"Go to China to find him!"

"Can you help arrange it?"

"No, you can only contact him yourself, because not long ago, Professor Yang's hospital has canceled its business cooperation with all our American hospitals. There was an insurance company that cooperated with him, and he could go to China for treatment through the insurance company. But I heard that this insurance company recently withdrew from the U.S. market for some reason, so you can only try your luck in China as a private person." Johannessen was helpless.

"What do you mean by chance?"

Li Gaoyang didn't understand. He still had to try his luck to see a doctor.

Johannessen said with a wry smile: "I can only describe it this way, because when I go to China through private channels, I don't know if I can make an appointment with him to see a doctor and perform surgery on you. After all, he has a huge number of patients. Even if you can make an appointment, I don't know." Can you wait so long?"

"Please think again, Dr. Johannesson, is he the only one who can do this?"

Li Gaoyang has never been so passive and helpless.

Johannesson thought for a while: "There is a German doctor who has made great achievements in this field and is at the top of the world. Apart from Professor Yang, I am afraid he can be ranked second in the world. There is also an Australian doctor who is ranked third."

''Great, let's invite students from Germany. "

Li Gaoyang finally saw hope.

"But I must tell you clearly that the success rate of this German doctor's operation is about 8%, and the limited success cases either have extremely low IQ after the operation, or require a ventilator to maintain life. In short, they are unable to take care of themselves after the operation. ." Johannessen said matter-of-factly.

The second one is only 8%, and the third one goes without saying.

"Actually, eight percent is already a very high level. Do you want to invite this German doctor?"

Johanathan asked seriously.

"No no no!"

Li Gaoyang didn't want to become a moron, or lie in bed and rely on a ventilator to maintain breathing, and there was an 8% chance of having a heart attack. This was too exaggerated.

But the person sitting in front of him was none other than Johnathan, the director of neurosurgery at Mayo and the best neurosurgeon in the United States. His words could not be wrong.

"You can only go to China to try your luck?"

"That's the only way! In the past, you could have asked him to come for surgery, or I could make an appointment for you through our hospital. But that's not possible now. He has cut off all contact with us."

"Has anyone successfully made an appointment privately?"

"Yes! - Last month I recommended a patient to go there and let me check his appointment time."

Johannessen looked through his notebook: "I have made an appointment for August next year."

''Unfortunately, he has too many patients. We have a lot of patients from the United States alone. Everyone has fatal diseases. There must be a priority. This is the only way to make an appointment. This patient died last week. , there was no time to wait for the surgery. "

Li Gaoyang was about to cry but had no tears at this time.

When you get to their age, you'll understand why!

This was what Rolf said when he was dissatisfied with the senators. There was no need to wait until he was old. Right now, he fully understood the decisions of the senators.

In front of life, it seems that everything is just a cloud.

''Go to China quickly, you don't have much time left. I don't know if my personal relationship can help you, but I will try my best. "

"Thank you, try your best, it's best if you can help."

"I'm sorry, can I make a call?" Li Gaoyang was trembling all over.

"No problem, you can go to the room over there to fight, or I'll leave for a while." Johannessen needs to respect his privacy.

Li Gaoyang could no longer care about so much, and dialed the secretary's phone with trembling hands: "Urgent withdrawal of our application, urgent withdrawal!!!"

Elders, I am willing to work with you to be a kind person.

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