The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 904 Hunting

Headquarters of BG Corporation in the United States.

The intelligence collection on Yang Ping became more and more extensive and detailed, and one piece of intelligence after another was sent to Li Gaoyang. He now had a headache and was in a dilemma, what should he do.

With the help of a think tank, Li Gaoyang finally made sense of the complicated information.

The reason why Yang Ping is so stubborn and refuses to accept Loneffe's invitation and has no interest in any of BG's conditions is probably related to a Chinese company behind him.

Ruixing Medical, this company came into Li Gaoyang's sight, and intelligence showed that this company had a very close relationship with Yang Ping.

When Yang Ping was in need, this company provided funds almost continuously.

Moreover, this company's ability to make profits is quite strong. It has only emerged recently, and the speed of its rise is shocking.

It occupied a large market share almost at lightning speed, and then rolled out a long and wide product line.

Initially, it started with orthopedic sports medicine products, then developed to the entire orthopedic product line, then to the entire surgical product line. Finally, the entire company's product line expanded to various medicines and equipment, and it has a strong tendency to grow into an international giant. .

This company is the strongest backing for Yang Ping's scientific research, because it not only provides funds for Yang Ping's medical research, but also provides hardware support for his medical experiments.

Currently, this company is researching the most cutting-edge biological 3D printer. The research on this kind of biological 3D printer is only to cooperate with Yang Ping's scientific research plan.

It seems that this company is only part of Yang Ping's huge scientific research plan. Therefore, Li Gaoyang can conclude that this company is probably the most important part of Yang Ping's entire scientific research plan.

We underestimate this Chinese doctor too much. We are facing a system, not a person. Li Gaoyang said with squinted eyes.

Rolf, who was sitting opposite, was very ashamed: This is a major mistake in my intelligence. I thought about things too simply.

Li Gaoyang looked at the thick piles of intelligence materials on the table and fell into deep thought.

It seems that it is impossible to introduce Yang Ping, because he has his own independent and complete scientific research system, and he does not need to take refuge under the name of BG Company. Moreover, his lack of interest in the United States is not just said casually, it is true.

Since he doesn't care about the United States or BG, why would he come to the United States?

The truth is very simple. If you think about it from someone else's perspective, just like Li Gaoyang himself, if a Chinese company offers him a very high annual salary and invites him to work in China, he will have no interest in China and is not used to life in China. He is in the United States. He is still a shareholder of the company, and his income is much higher than the so-called annual salary, so why did he go to China?

If Yang Ping cannot be introduced, we can only take another path: steal all his scientific research results, and then severely suppress him and his team.

To suppress, we must compete, and this competition will be a competition between one system and another system, not a competition between individuals.

However, the information is too large and complex, and what can be seen so far is only the superficial phenomenon. Li Gaoyang is not yet able to fully understand the connection behind the information.

For example, there is an independent scientific research fund behind Yang Ping. This huge fund has only one purpose: to provide a steady stream of funds for Yang Ping's scientific research.

Li Gaoyang found it very strange because the fund's funding sources were very wide, and there seemed to be no strong connection between the funding sources.

According to intelligence, there are many companies that have injected capital into this fund.

There are Chinese local companies, such as Anning Group and Changxin Mining, as well as the Duke Fund from Europe, the Kuok Group from Southeast Asia, and the European Duke Fund has injected funds in installments reaching one billion euros.

For a researcher, one billion euros is definitely a huge amount of money.

With so many fund providers behind it, who is the leader behind it? Li Gaoyang really couldn't think of it.

Not only Li Gaoyang couldn't figure it out, but even Rolf, who specialized in intelligence collection and analysis, couldn't figure out who was in charge, that is, who was the real big boss.

For example, BG controls numerous pharmaceutical companies and medical biology laboratories through various means.

If a professional intelligence agency conducts some analysis, it can still clarify the context and find out that the biggest boss behind it is BG Company.

However, judging from Yang Ping's intelligence analysis, it is impossible to identify the leader of the entire system, but it is certain that Ruixing Medical has a very close relationship with Yang Ping.

The strategy given by the think tank is to attack Ruixing Medical and weaken the strength behind Yang Ping. However, even if it attacks Ruixing Medical, it does not seem to pose a threat to Yang Ping, because there are many consortiums surrounding him. From a financial point of view, The strength of Anning Group far exceeds that of Ruixing.

The opinion given by the think tank is that only by attacking Ruixing can the power behind it surface. Ruixing is the most important part of it. In the words of China's Sun Tzu's Art of War, if you attack it, you will save it.

The boss of Ruixing Medical is a powerful person. He was able to bring Ruixing to such a scale in a short period of time, which is not something ordinary people can do.

According to intelligence, this person once led Ruixing to dismantle the siege of a giant company and turned defeat into victory. He showed no mercy and pursued the victory to maximize the results and lay a good foundation for Ruixing's development.

Whether Yang Ping's space-guiding gene is real or not, we must take action. His medicine and equipment fields will sooner or later be our biggest threat. Surrounding Rui for medical treatment, have you found a suitable candidate? Li Gaoyang decided first He has already won the approval of the elders for his aggressive approach.

There are several candidates. Hans from the giant company is Chinese. He has fought against Ruixing before. Although he failed in the end, he at least has experience fighting against Ruixing. He is currently at the African headquarters of the giant. If he is used, we will I think he will be able to avenge his shame. Rolf suggested.

Li Gaoyang flipped through the candidates' files. He had actually read the information many times. He had read all the piles of information on his desk many times.

I don't want to use a defeated general. The risk is too great. Our opponent will be stronger than ever. Don't underestimate the enemy. Hans simply cannot control a hunt of this scale. Li Gaoyang shook his head.

How about Meineke? He is the hunting king of BG. He has no defeat yet. Many European and Japanese companies have been defeated by him. His operational skills are very good. Rolf suggested.

Li Gaoyang shook his head: The opponents we face will be unprecedented. Meineke is not familiar with China, and his experience is mostly with European companies.

I think this woman is good. I have read her file. She is the most suitable general to lead this battle. Li Gaoyang handed the information in his hand to Rolf.

Gan Fengyi?

Rolf did not expect that the person Li Gaoyang chose was Gan Fengyi, and he ranked Gan Fengyi at the bottom of his recommendation.

This person is on the recommendation list because she is too capable, but she has a fatal weakness. Rolf reminded.

It's stated in your intelligence. I know that she has close contact with Huang Jiacai from Ruixing and may have a romantic relationship. Don't worry too much. In the face of huge interests, this relationship is vulnerable, not to mention a possible love affair. I only care about whether this person is capable enough. This woman is the most suitable candidate. I will arrange a time and I will meet her in person. Li Gaoyang has already decided.

Are you going in person? No, let the CEO of the giant company talk to her. Rolf was very surprised.

Mr. Rolf, you didn't see the level of this war and thought it was the same as before. No, I have studied this information for a long time. I am sure that we will face the most difficult enemy to deal with, surrounded by these enemies. Power, we still can't figure out the relationship, would we have been like this before?

Why Hans failed miserably was partly because of his lack of personal ability. More importantly, he underestimated the enemy. If you look at their confrontation at that time, Ruixing was able to make all Chinese hospitals remove the giant's products from their shelves.

Ruixing is a tiger disguised as a pig, so we use Ruixing as an assault point.

Underestimating the enemy before a war is the biggest taboo.

Li Gaoyang said seriously.

You are worthy of being BG's general. Now I know why the elders like you.

Rolf shrugged.


Zhang Lin and Xiao Wu's operation speed is still maintained at three to four operations per day. Yang Ping has tried to let one of them perform the surgery independently, which can at least increase the operation speed to six to eight operations per day.

But they couldn't perform the surgery alone. Their performance was completely different from that of two people on stage at the same time. It was like a different person. They had no confidence and were timid. They couldn't perform the difficult operation at all.

There was no other way, Yang Ping could only let the two of them take the stage at the same time. The two of them took the stage at the same time, full of confidence and momentum, and they could successfully perform most operations.

Safety first, since they are all elective surgeries anyway, and there is no rush to rush the surgery, Yang Ping decided to train them to take the stage independently at a suitable time in the future.

During the hospital-wide discussion on Friday, the Department of Orthopedics presented several good cases this time, one of which was cobalt poisoning after artificial hip replacement. This case of cobalt poisoning was once featured in the American medical drama House It has appeared in many medical dramas and medical novels, but it is actually rare in reality.

This case has been confirmed, but because it is relatively classic, Tan Boyun brought it out for everyone to learn from.

This case was diagnosed by Tan Boyun. Tan Boyun is still very capable, but has a bad personality. However, as Director Han said, this person is suitable to be the boss, so Director Han handed over the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics to him, and he did a prosperous business. I have never had any disagreements with anyone, and I have never had a conflict with Director Han. I respect Director Han very much and get along very harmoniously with Director Han.

Yang Ping looked at the operating room for a while. Zhang Lin and Xiao Wu's operations were very safe, so he changed clothes and left the operating room. On the way, he met Tang Shun. Tang Shun said he was going to the operating room to see the operation, but he was actually going to see Liang. Fatty, Fatty Liang often invited Tang Shun to dinner during this period.

When Yang Ping arrived, the discussion had already begun and the conference room was already full.

Yang Ping came a little late, but there was a seat reserved for him in the first row, and everyone wanted him to participate in the discussion, even if he said a few unhelpful words.

The atmosphere was very lively, and speeches were given regardless of professional title. Even interns could participate. If you ask your director or other directors, don't worry, you won't have any shoes to fill.

Not only will he not give you small shoes to wear, but the director will also give you a little attention because he is afraid that others will say that he gives you small shoes to wear. This is the culture of the hospital.

Dr. Zhong happened to introduce a case of cobalt poisoning in the Department of Orthopedics on stage. The patient was 58 years old. He had a lot of symptoms and had been to many hospitals. From the medical records, the history of his current illness had already written a whole page.

Unexplained fever, hypothyroidism, swollen lymph nodes in multiple parts of the body, reflux esophagitis, zero vision in both eyes, zero hearing in both ears, heart failure, etc.

There are a lot of symptoms in front of you, and the patient also has psychiatric symptoms.

This patient was admitted to the CCU of the Department of Cardiology due to severe heart failure. After rescue, the symptoms of heart failure improved and he was transferred to the general cardiology ward.

A lot of other symptoms still haven't improved at all, and the doctors in the cardiology department also have headaches. They can only call for help from all departments in the hospital and organize a hospital-wide conference. The consultation invitation form for the hospital-wide conference was sent to the orthopedics department. Director Tan said to go and have a look. , and then diagnosed as cobalt poisoning after artificial hip replacement.

Director Tan spent little effort in diagnosing this disease. Faced with so many complex symptoms, he grasped a past history of the patient: the left artificial hip replacement was still metal-on-metal.

He immediately proposed to review the X-ray of the patient's left hip joint and detect heavy metal ions in the patient's blood.

The test results showed that the cobalt ions in the patient's blood were more than 1,000 times higher than normal.

Anteroposterior and lateral X-rays of the left hip joint showed that the metal-on-metal artificial hip prosthesis had been severely worn.

Metal-on-metal artificial hip joints are rarely used now, because the biggest problem is that the harm to the human body caused by metal debris caused by wear is still uncertain.

Now most of them are ceramic on ceramic, or ceramic on polyethylene, metal on polyethylene.

There was a time when some doctors liked to do metal-on-metal large femoral head replacements. This kind of prosthesis also has certain advantages, that is, it generally does not dislocate, has a very wide range of motion, and can squat at will.

Because this patient was young at the time, the doctor said that metal is more wear-resistant, and he felt that the range of motion of his hip joint was better, so he used the artificial joint as a normal joint and often engaged in sports, which led to overuse and excessive wear of the artificial joint. .

After obtaining the diagnosis, Director Tan later performed an operation on the patient, a revision surgery on the left artificial hip. Director Tan showed the photos during the operation and found that the entire tissue around the hip joint had turned black, which further verified the diagnosis of cobalt poisoning.

After Director Tan removed the black tissue, he replaced it with a ceramic-on-ceramic artificial hip joint, and the patient's symptoms slowly disappeared.

PS: There were garbled characters in the last few paragraphs, but I found them in time and corrected them immediately.

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