The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 876 The sky is blue waiting for misty rain and I am waiting for you

The fire was too big, too many fire trucks were dispatched, and almost all the city's firefighting forces were dispatched, so the fire became major news.

Doctors, nurses and inpatients are all paying attention to the fire. The emergency center of Sanbo Hospital has been dispatched to participate in medical rescue.

Patients in one ward could see billowing black smoke in the distance from the windows, and they gathered together in twos and threes to discuss.

It is said that a fire broke out in a large warehouse of a factory. The fire is getting bigger and bigger and has a tendency to get out of control. The items stored in the warehouse are temporarily unknown. In order to prevent an explosion, the public security officers are increasing their efforts to evacuate the surrounding people.

The fire scene has been broadcast live on the news, but the scene is too dangerous. Even the host of the live broadcast was forced to move to a safe place. He could only watch the fire scene from a distance for the live broadcast, so the information he obtained was limited.

We have just connected the front line, and with the efforts of the firefighters, the fire has been controlled to a certain extent.

With joy on his face, the host brought the good news to people in the city, who were all paying attention to the fire.

Lan Xueping and Lao Xiao's wife Wang Xiaojing stood by the window, staring at the black smoke in the distance. They felt uneasy. When they heard the good news on the TV, they turned to look at the TV on the wall.

Look, the fire is under control. I said don't worry, they will be back soon. Wang Xiaojing comforted Lan Xueping.

Wang Xiaojing just called back to the fire brigade. The person on duty was the new Xiao Guo. He learned from his mouth that the fire brigade was now fully mobilized, so he was left to guard the house alone. He didn't know what was happening on the front line now. Have been waiting for news.

This kind of waiting without knowing the situation is the most painful. Lan Xueping has just completed the operation, and Wang Xiaojing can't show too much anxiety. Now that she has received the news that the fire is under control, it must be a lot more reassuring.

Just as everyone's tense nerves were relaxing a little, suddenly, there was a flash of fire in the distance.

Then there was a huge roar, and a mushroom cloud rose into the sky. Even from such a distance, people could feel the shock of the scene. The patients who were watching immediately started chattering, not knowing where they got the news.

On the live TV, the host was obviously stunned and didn't know what happened.

Is this--an explosion?--I hope everyone is safe.

The host was in a daze for a moment, adjusted his mood and spoke to the audience.

The door to the ward was open, and Lan Xueping and Wang Xiaojing could hear loud discussions outside.

Didn't you say the fire was under control? Was this just now?

I heard that there were flammable and explosive contraband in the warehouse, and there was a sudden explosion. Many firefighters were inside and didn't come out!

One patient got the news from someone who didn't know where he got it, and said it in a sad and regretful tone.

The news immediately spread throughout the ward, and Lan Xueping also heard it. She felt as if she was being pricked by needles and felt very uncomfortable.

Lao Xiao's wife Wang Xiaojing's heart also tightened, and she suddenly ran out of ideas. He originally didn't want to call Lao Xiao or disturb his work, but now she had to pick up the phone and dial Lao Xiao's number with trembling hands. The phone kept showing as unanswered and could not be connected. Wang Xiaojing clenched her hands into fists and felt obviously dizzy in front of her eyes.

As a logistics personnel, Xiao Guoqiang, although he did not enter the fire scene, he should be waiting around to provide logistics services to everyone. If there was such a violent explosion just now, if Lao Xiao was nearby, would it also happen -

Wang Xiaojing didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

What's wrong? Lan Xueping became even more nervous when he saw that Lao Xiao's wife had a strange look on her face.

It's okay, they are busy. They have experience. I heard that the people inside have been rescued and they all evacuated safely. Wang Xiaojing lied.

Now there are only two of them, and all the men are on the front line. Lan Xueping has just completed the operation, and Wang Xiaojing must pretend to be calm, so as to stabilize Lan Xueping's anxious heart.

But it was obvious that Wang Xiaojing was already feeling uneasy anyway. She held her phone tightly and dialed the fire brigade again. Xiao Guo was also very anxious: I'm still waiting for news. No one has called. Come back, sister-in-law, don’t worry, brother will be fine, don’t worry!” Xiao Guo comforted Xiao Guoqiang’s wife.

At this moment, as a family member of a firefighter, who is not worried?

Many patients or family members gathered in the corridor of the ward and were discussing. Wang Xiaojing walked to the door, intending to eavesdrop on some news.

There was contraband inside, and the firefighters didn't even know it.

Did there just be an explosion?

Yes, the explosion was so loud, you didn't hear it just now.

I heard that many firefighters died. It's a pity.

Yes, many firefighters didn't have time to evacuate, hey!

After hearing such news, Wang Xiaojing suddenly felt dizzy. She tried hard to hold the door and steady her body. When her head was clearer, she returned to the ward and sat down.

The TV was still live, but the host's hair was messy and she didn't know how to continue. The explosion just now had disrupted her thinking. Until there was no latest news, she could only pray with the TV audience, hoping that everyone would be okay. .

Wang Xiaojing called Lao Xiao again, but still couldn't get through, which made her even more nervous.

Sister-in-law, are they okay? Should they be okay? Lan Xueping suppressed her anxiety.

Wang Xiaojing suppressed her panic and said, It's okay. They have experience and must have evacuated safely.

The two women were already mentally broken at this time, but in order to take care of each other's emotions, they tried their best to hide their panic.

doctor's office.

Some people ran to the window to look, some called and sent WeChat messages to ask about the situation. Everyone was concerned about the fire. All ambulances from the emergency center had been dispatched and the helicopter had disappeared. They must have gone to participate in the first aid.

Everyone in the Department of Surgery is on standby!

The order from the hospital leadership has been issued to the department.

As the director of the department, Yang Ping has also received a call. There must be casualties at such a large explosion site, but the situation is unknown now. The emergency department and burn department have been dispatched, and all other departments are on standby.

I heard that the scene was very tragic, and many firefighters did not evacuate. A trainee said.

Didn't it mean that it was already clear in advance that there were contraband inside and everyone evacuated safely?

I just didn't figure it out. I thought there was nothing special inside. There were many firefighters putting out the fire inside.

Where's your news? You're talking nonsense here.

There was a young graduate student who did not want to hear such news and was extremely disgusted with Guipei students spreading rumors.

This is not what I said. I have an acquaintance who was among the people who were evacuated. The explosion occurred shortly after they were evacuated. He saw with his own eyes that many firefighters were inside but did not come out.

Then how did I hear that a captain got the news that there was contraband inside and urgently ordered everyone to evacuate safely?

I don't want to hear bad news either, but that's the news I got.

Everyone, don't make any noise - stay still, the ambulance will be back soon, everyone must go to the front line for rescue, no nonsense, the latest news, the firefighters and the people are fine, all evacuated in time.

Zhang Lin shouted that his so-called evacuation news was fabricated casually, and he had no definite information at all.

Teacher Zhang always gave accurate information. Everyone felt relieved when Zhang Lin said this.

Where did you get the information? Song Zimo asked.

Zhang Lin said randomly: Internal information!


Sanbo Hospital is about to face a major rescue. Nurse Cai throws away the crutches she has been using for many days and immediately joins the fight.

The head nurse was a careful person. She immediately sent Sisi’s mother and two nurses to take care of Lan Xueping and Wang Xiaojing. At this moment, the families of the firefighters must be worried and frightened. Moreover, after hearing the news, it seemed that it was very bad. What if? Something is really going on. These two women cannot bear the blow and need someone to accompany them throughout the process and provide psychological counseling.

The news coming from all directions is not very certain now, but the situation is definitely serious. After the explosion, almost all the emergency centers were dispatched. This is not good news.

Sister-in-law! None of them have come back, and I don't know. I can't contact everyone.

Wang Xiaojing called the fire brigade for the third time, hoping to get some news. Xiao Guo who answered the phone had already started crying. He was guarding the house alone, and there was currently no news.

The host on the TV was choked with sobs and continued intermittently: There has just been an explosion at the fire scene. We can't get any closer. Many of our brave firefighters are now in limbo. I hope they have safely escaped from the explosion scene -

''The fire is so intense that all our firefighters in the city have gone into battle. They are not afraid of danger. For the safety of people's lives, some squadrons are at the center of the fire source——


The host had choked up his voice and spoke intermittently, so the live broadcast had to be paused.

At this time, the sky was already a little dark, and the thick smoke over there was much bigger than before. The clouds in the sky were light black and began to gather together, as if there were signs of rain.

Lan Xueping held on to the walker, her whole body shaking violently. She didn't know whether it was because of her illness or fear. She just called Fang Liu, but there was no response. She also sent a WeChat message, but there was no reply.

There was only a message from Fang Liu in the morning on WeChat: Wait for me, I'll come back as soon as I can, don't worry! I'll be fine.

He must be busy, busy putting out fires, busy rescuing people. He didn't have his cell phone with him, so he didn't return the call in time. He will be fine. He will definitely be fine. He promised himself that he would take him to visit the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. , Lankoping kept telling himself.

At this time, Wang Xiaojing could no longer comfort Lan Xueping, because her own heart was in a state of collapse at any time. She stood next to Lan Xueping, her heart clenched tightly, and she could hardly breathe.

Sisi's mother and the two nurses accompanying them were silent and didn't know what to say at this time.

The thick smoke in the distance is getting bigger and bigger, and the sky is getting darker and darker, as if a heavy rain is coming.

Is it going to rain? Lankoping asked.

Wang Xiaojing nodded: Maybe.

They should be fine, sister-in-law!

Well, it's okay, they have experience.

But what's going on with you? Why can't you get through to any of your cell phones? A great fear enveloped the hearts of the two women.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and the woman standing at the window is getting more and more anxious, staring into the distance.

The sky is blue waiting for misty rain and I am waiting for you!

You must come back, absolutely! ——

The ambulance is coming soon!

Someone in the doctor's office got the red call and immediately shouted.

Except for those on duty, everyone comes to the emergency department with me!

Yang Ping rushed all the way with his colleagues from the surgical institute. The emergency department was extremely nervous at this time. Everyone was always ready. Xiong Sihai was anxiously waiting for the ambulance.

With the sound of sirens coming closer and closer, the ambulances came back one by one.

The trauma emergency center is the main force in the rescue, and Director Chi of the burn department is the main force at this time.

quick! Get on a ventilator!

Flat cars were pushed down one by one.

How is it going?

I don't know, it's a mess.

Xiong Sihai rushed to ask the ambulance doctor and the car doctor. The doctor was also at a loss. The scene was too chaotic. They did not enter the scene. The injured were rescued by firefighters and soldiers.

A tall and burly firefighter fell off the flatbed truck and shouted with a walkie-talkie regardless of his injuries.

Lei Bin! Fang Liu! Xiao Guoqiang! -——

You are all mute. Please answer me quickly. Please answer me quickly. The detachment leader roared with a hoarse voice. His entire face was black and there were glass shards on his face.

Captain Lei's team was at the center of the fire. They used water to open a way in. It's possible that they were in the center of the explosion and didn't come out. A firefighter answered choked with tears.

Damn it, didn't he say there were no explosives? Didn't he say there were no explosives? There are more than a hundred of my brothers in there.

We received a call from Captain Lei, telling us to evacuate as far away as possible, saying there were explosives inside.

''I also received a notification from their squadron.

Didn't they come out? Didn't they come out? the detachment leader grabbed a colleague and shouted.

I didn't see them. No one saw them come out.

Let me go back and I'll find it!

There are more than a hundred brothers in there, more than a hundred brothers!

The piercing sound of ambulances sounded one after another, and several more flat cars appeared at the entrance of the emergency department hall.

Lao Xiao, this is Lao Xiao!

One of the firefighters recognized the person in the car at a glance.

Pulmonary blast injury, put on a ventilator, quickly! the emergency doctor shouted.

Yang Ping's team immediately connected with each other. Now there is no separation of disciplines. Those who are capable of connecting will connect as soon as possible so that the injured can receive timely rescue.

Fang Liu, this is Fang Liu, Fang Liu--

Fang Liu was panting on the flat car, with two eyes exposed on his dark face.

They were all injured by explosions, and they were all put on ventilators and sent to the ICU.

Where's Lei Bin?

''Captain Lei was behind, and we found them in the northwest corner. Everyone was there, and no one was found missing or dead.

It turned out that after they rescued the people trapped in the fire, they opened a path with water and entered the center of the fire again, trying to control the fire. However, Fang Liu found that there was something wrong with the flames and smoke, and immediately realized that there might be explosives inside, so he immediately notified Captain Lei. Notifying other teammates, everyone raced against time to notify other squadrons to evacuate, and they themselves also tried their best to evacuate.

Just after evacuating the building and continuing to evacuate to the northwest corner, an explosion occurred.

Fortunately, they had evacuated far away at this time, but the air wave of the explosion still overturned them and made them faint. The arriving army found them and rescued them.

One after another, several more flat cars were pushed down from the ambulance.

Call the head nurse and tell Lan Xueping and Lao Xiao's wife, hurry up! Fang Liu and Lao Xiao are both alive, alive!

Yang Ping shouted.

PS: Bow and salute the fire heroes! ! !

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