The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 758 Brain surgery belongs to orthopedics

Yang Ping continued to discuss the case with Johannesson, the pencil in his hand never stopping.

This pencil is very magical. It is like turning on the fast-action mode. The speed is very fast. In a short time, more than a dozen anatomical drawings demonstrating the surgical steps are completed.

All the doctors were stunned, and even Johannesson was dazzled by the level of drawing.

A pencil, a stack of white paper, and just a few minutes to draw so many beautiful anatomy diagrams.

How did he do that? No one understands.

The operation has not yet begun, but this medical drawing skill has conquered most of the Mayo doctors. Their calmness began to collapse, and commotion gradually sprouted. Slowly, they crowded each other, hoping to see more clearly. Some people He even reached out, hoping to get a hand drawing to see what was going on.

The doctor who stretched out his hand knew it was impolite, but his strong curiosity forced him to do so, and there was already a small commotion. The reason for the commotion was obviously over the dozen paintings. If he didn't take advantage of the nearby If you take the first shot in the position, you may get nothing.

Everyone, be quiet, please! Robert held up his hand to maintain order among the doctors.

Regarding this behavior, Robert expressed his understanding. How could the Mayo doctors have seen such hand-drawn anatomy drawings before? All the medical drawings they had seen before were nothing more than the graffiti of kindergarten children in front of the professor's on-the-spot works.

Thanks to Robert's efforts and the excellent quality of Dr. Mayo, the commotion was suppressed and no one pushed forward. Everyone quietly gathered around the circle and listened to Yang Ping and Johannesson discussing the case.

Johannessen had no doubts about the feasibility of the operation. When he was in the magical capital of China, it was an operation that no doctor in the world could perform, but Yang Ping still performed it. The patient's heart stopped several times during the operation. , but Yang Ping seemed to have known it in advance and calmly rescued him. After the rescue was successful, he continued the operation. His courage and superb surgical ability completely conquered Johannessen.

The only question that Johananess is worried about now is whether the eyeball reimplantation requires the assistance of an ophthalmologist. Experts from Mayo Hospital discussed and recommended that an ophthalmologist come to the stage to assist.

“Need eye assistance?”

Johanathan asked tentatively.

Yang Ping shook his head: If it's not required by law and process, then try to avoid it. They probably don't have any experience in this kind of surgery.

I understand, then let the ophthalmologist stand on the stage and observe.

With Yang Ping's affirmative answer, Johannessen felt very relieved and no longer struggled with this issue. In Johannessen's eyes, Yang Ping was a god-like existence.

Therefore, whatever Yang Ping says is what he says, and he will not question it. In front of Yang Ping, he has lost the ability to question.

However, according to Mayo's expert discussion, two ophthalmologists must participate in the operation, one on the stage and one off the stage.

After all, this was Yang Ping's first time participating in Mayo's surgery. Only Johannessen understood Yang Ping. According to the hospital's rules, he had to do this.

Mayo's ophthalmology department is very strong, but it has never really done eye transplant surgery. They have only done similar surgeries in animal experiments. The real human surgery only completed dozens of artificial eye transplants. The surgical method of artificial bionic eye transplants is different from that of real ones. Eye transplants vary widely.

Next, Yang Ping and Johannessen had to finalize every detail of the operation, but the doctors around them were pretty good and there was no commotion.

Robert also secretly used his arms to form a shield to prevent the doctor from falling forward out of control and hurting Yang Ping.

After all the details of the operation were finalized, Johannessen scheduled the operation for the next day.

In the remaining time, Johannesson, as the host, led Yang Ping to visit Mayo Hospital. This was Yang Ping’s first time at Mayo Hospital, and the visit was a must.

After Yang Ping and Johannessen left their seats, the dozen pencil drawings left on the desk, like the works of top artists, were robbed by the onlookers.

You have never seen such exquisite hand-drawn anatomy diagrams. They are obviously just black and white sketches, but they are so realistic and full of three-dimensionality.

The skull, muscles, blood vessels, nerves, brain tissue, eyes, ears, nose, etc. are all beautiful and can be collected as works of art.

The entire surgical process is depicted in more than a dozen pictures, which is more vivid and simple than describing it in words.

Those who grabbed it were very proud, while those who didn't got it were very disappointed. Some people even tore the drawing in half in order to snatch it, completely losing the reserve and grace that should be expected of a top hospital in the world.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that not only can no one at Mayo surpass these hand-drawn drawings, but no one within the cognitive scope of Mayo neurosurgeons can draw such beautiful hand-drawn anatomy diagrams at such a fast speed.

Johannesson took Yang Ping and Robert to visit one building after another, floor by floor.

Mayo Hospital or Mayo Clinic Medical Center, this was the previous Chinese translation, and now the new and accurate Chinese translation is Miaoyou Medical International.

Miao means benevolent hands and rejuvenating hands, and you means protection and help. The word Miaoyou means that doctors with compassionate and benevolent hearts use superb medical skills to provide treatment and help to patients.

The person with this name must be proficient in Chinese culture, either a Chinese or an American like Robert.

This ranked first general hospital in the United States has a history of nearly 160 years. In addition to the medical center in Rochester, Minnesota, Mayo has branches in Florida and Arizona.

Rochester, Minnesota, is a small town with a population of less than 100,000. It is located in the cold and remote north of the United States. In China, it is equivalent to a small county on the 18th line. However, because of the existence of Mayo, its airport has the ability to take off and land Boeing A380 supercars. The runway for large passenger planes, because dignitaries and wealthy businessmen from all over the world like to come here for medical treatment.

In the hearts of doctors all over the world, Mayo is a holy place.

Unlike our country, most of the top hospitals in the United States are private hospitals. Mayo Clinic is not a public hospital, but a private hospital. It originally developed from a clinic, so its English name still retains the word clinic.

The management model of this private hospital is unique. It implements a board of directors management system, but the board of directors is not dominated by the government or a consortium, but is dominated by the hospital's doctors.

That is to say, Mayo's doctor group is the real voice of the hospital. They decide the candidates for the board of directors through voting, and also decide various major policies of the hospital through voting.

As a private hospital, Mayo's salary system is eat from the big pot, that is, each doctor's salary is fixed and has nothing to do with how many patients you see, how many medicines you prescribe, how many surgeries you perform, and how many examinations you complete.

This decouples the doctor's income from the patient's treatment costs, ensuring that the doctor's decision-making is independent and pure to the greatest extent, free from interference from external factors such as money.

Will Mayo cultivate a group of lazy people if they eat from a big pot? Anyway, the salary is fixed. If you do more or less, everyone will lie down and wait to die. In this way, Mayo will be forced out of business in a short time.

However, under this system, not only did Mayo not go bankrupt, but its annual revenue exceeded 15 billion US dollars, making it the highest-paid and most profitable hospital in the world.

Of course, Mayo receives a large number of social donations every year, and these donations are also part of the hospital's income.

In this way, Mayo's revenue is divided into two parts, operating revenue and social donations. It does not have any government funding, but only receives a few hundred million U.S. dollars in donations each year. Compared with a few hundred million U.S. dollars compared with 15 billion U.S. dollars, it can be seen that donations account for the proportion of the hospital's revenue. is very low.

So don’t think that Mayo can survive on donations. Donations of a few hundred million dollars are almost negligible.

Don’t think that Mayo has been doing charity. Where does the US$15 billion every year come from? It all comes from patients, and most of it is medical technical service income, such as surgical fees.

The cost of diagnosis and treatment at Mayo Hospital is very high. It is normal for surgical inpatients to pay more than one million U.S. dollars. For example, neurosurgery, cardiac surgery, and other surgeries with high technical thresholds, the operation fee alone is hundreds of thousands of U.S. dollars, and the entire hospitalization cost is, Two to three million US dollars is the normal price. If you encounter a complex and difficult surgery and need to be admitted to the ICU, it is estimated that tens of millions of dollars will not make a fuss.

Without high-end insurance, ordinary people would go bankrupt if they stepped through Mayo's door. However, not everyone can afford high-end medical insurance. It is exclusive to the rich.

There are also some ordinary Chinese people who come to Mayo for medical treatment. Before they come, they usually sell their houses to raise funds and make full preparations so that they can come to Mayo to receive the world's top medical services.

While chatting, we came to Mayo's Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology, which is one of the top-ranked departments in the United States.

They were the first to isolate glucocorticoids in the world, and won the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 1950. They were the first to isolate thyroid hormone, which was the second hormone to be isolated in human history; they discovered the relationship between insulin and diabetes. Similarly, the first use of insulin to treat diabetes was also their masterpiece - Johannessen introduced this heavyweight department.

It turns out that they were the ones who pioneered the treatment of diabetes with insulin, making diabetes no longer a terminal disease. Medicine is promoted bit by bit by these passionate innovations.

In ancient times, tuberculosis, diabetes, tetanus, etc. were all terminal diseases, while appendicitis and dystocia were also a narrow escape.

After visiting so many departments, visiting clinics and wards, Yang Ping found that many things here were different from those in China. The nurses wore uniform dark red or dark blue-green short-sleeved suits without hats.

Doctors always wear suits and ties when treating patients, and female doctors wear suits or skirts. No doctors were seen wearing white coats when treating patients, and no doctors were seen wearing T-shirts, collarless shirts, jeans or shorts.

All medical treatment here is by appointment only, and on-site registration is not possible. That is, it is impossible to see a doctor without paying for an appointment.

After visiting all the departments, Johannessen took Yang Ping to visit the operating room. As an expert invited to guide the operation, Yang Ping's visit was smooth.

Finally, Johannesson led Yang Ping to visit the Faith Family Sculpture Garden on the west side of the Gonda Building, where there are bronze statues of the Mayo brothers.

The correct understanding of the name of the sculpture garden should be: this sculpture garden is named after Fez to commemorate the Mayo family.

This sculpture garden was built with donations from the Faith couple to commemorate the founder of the Mayo Clinic, Mayo Sr., and the Mayo brothers who developed the Mayo Clinic.

In front of the bronze statue of the Mayo brothers, Johannesson invited Yang Ping to take a photo with him.


At this time, the Mayo Neurosurgeon's Office.

Why is Dr. Johannesson's mentor so young? He looks like he is only in his twenties. Someone asked his own question.

The muscular doctor said: People of the same age, Asians, especially Chinese, look younger than us. To be Johannesson's mentor, I'm afraid he should be about fifty years old. He just looks like he is in his twenties.

Regarding Yang Ping's youth, when Yang Ping was undergoing surgery in Germany, Europeans also felt that Yang Ping was good at rejuvenating his appearance.

Now, it is impossible for Americans to believe that Yang Ping, who is less than 30 years old, can be Johnson's tutor. The doctor training system in the United States is completely different from that in our country. You cannot directly enter medical school in high school. You can only graduate with undergraduate degrees in science, engineering or biology. To get into medical school, the original undergraduate program lasted 4 years, and the medical school lasted 4 years, a total of 8 years. That is, all doctors must have at least 8 years before they can graduate with an MD degree.

Some people work for many years after graduating from undergraduate degree before getting into medical school, and they are older, so there are almost no doctors under the age of thirty in the United States.

Fifty? Looking so young?

The white-haired doctor was very upset. He was also in his fifties, but now he was so old.

Comparing people with each other is irritating, and it is also suitable for the United States.

You can surmise that someone with more clinical experience than Johannesson must be in his fifties. The muscular man relied entirely on his own imagination, and everyone believed what he said.

How come we've never heard of his name? asked another tall, lanky doctor.

Muscular men have already been praised by everyone, so they appear to be very active: Many doctors in China specialize in surgery and do not publish papers. They appear low-key and mysterious.

I just searched for his papers, both in Science and other journals. All of them are top journals, but the papers seem to be all about orthopedics. One of the doctors expressed a different view.

Oh! Is that so? The muscular doctor was a little embarrassed.

How can he write a paper on orthopedics? Is neurosurgery a branch of orthopedics in China? asked the doctor holding half a hand-drawn drawing in his hand.

Some professional subdivisions are different in different countries. For example, spine surgery in the United States is a branch of neurosurgery, while spine surgery in my country is a branch of orthopedics.

That's right, their spine surgery belongs to orthopedics, and brain surgery probably also belongs to orthopedics. The muscular man nodded to show his knowledge.

It turns out that this is the case, and everyone finally understands.

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