The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 754 Four-wheeled cars and two-wheeled motorcycles

My brother-in-law originally only wanted to raise more than 300,000 yuan during his trip to Nandu.

I didn't expect that my brother-in-law was so talented, had such a wide range of contacts, and met such a great boss who was such a pleasure. He could directly donate to a school with just one meal.

The brother-in-law couldn't ask more questions, thinking in his mind that Yang Ping should have saved the boss's life, otherwise why would he be so generous.

In short, my brother-in-law is really no longer a recent graduate, but an expert with a distinguished status.

The next day, my brother-in-law and his colleagues left Nandu. On the way, they were still in a trance and could not believe that this was true.

After sending his brother-in-law away, Yang Ping had to get into intense work again.

As a doctor, he is too busy and works in other provinces, so he can't even talk about taking care of his parents. Fortunately, he has his sister and brother-in-law to take care of his parents in his hometown, so Yang Ping feels at ease and can devote himself to work without any distractions.

The number of patients in the general surgery department is increasing, and the volume of operations is very large. Now, an anesthesiologist and several nurses have been introduced.

Three operating rooms opened at the same time, from morning till night, to meet the needs of the department.

Liquan Hospital is also developing very fast. The 120 beds have long been full. Boss Cheng is now thinking about expanding the hospital.

After Boss Cheng incorporated the hospital into the entire Ruixing Medical territory, he once thought about changing the name because Liquan was his name and had a personal touch. However, Yang Ping thought the name was very good and put the name change on hold.

Although Liquan Hospital is included in Ruixing's group, Boss Cheng still calls the shots and serves as the actual manager of the hospital.

As a high-end hospital, it completely refers to the management model of foreign high-end private hospitals. Lao Cheng also invested a lot of money in the training of doctors. Boss Cheng hired a group of young doctors and signed long-term contracts, and let Yang Ping train them personally.

There are also some doctors who need to go abroad for gold plating. Boss Cheng is also generous and uses Yang Ping's connections to send doctors to the world's top hospitals for training, such as the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, USA.

The high fees have also made Liquan Hospital highly profitable. The small target of annual turnover of 100 million set at that time has long been exceeded, and now the target of 1 billion is expected to be achieved soon.

Originally, Boss Cheng built Liquan Hospital as an orthopedic specialty. However, with the development, this original intention could no longer meet the needs of development, and Liquan Hospital was changed to a high-end general hospital.

In order to support the development of Liquan Hospital, the group recently bought a piece of land and plans to invest 3 billion to build its own hospital and bid farewell to the history of renting. The number of beds will be expanded from the original 120 to 480.

Boss Cheng often laments that if it weren't for the guidance of an expert from outside the world, he would never have achieved the brilliant achievements he has today, and he might still be working around those dozens of hospital beds.

When Lao Cheng went to Taoism to inquire about his future, Lao Taoist sat upright, closed his eyes and meditated, and remained silent. He stretched out a finger incomprehensibly and pointed out the door. Boss Cheng followed his finger and saw - a poplar forest.

At that time, Boss Cheng was still confused and didn't know what it meant. It wasn't until he met Yang Ping that he suddenly realized it.

Master, really master!

That patch of poplar trees refers to the noble man Yang Ping.


More than ten surgeries were performed one after another, and they didn't get off work until almost seven o'clock.

After get off work, Yang Ping turned on his phone and checked if there was a reply to the paper in his email inbox. Unfortunately, there was none yet.

Yang Ping is not in a hurry for the time being. If these twelve articles are submitted, it should not be a big problem if a few of them are successful. He still has confidence in this.

As long as a few articles are accepted, the system can award tens of millions of points, and your experiments can continue.

There were no new emails, so Yang Ping went to the system library to read for a while. He didn't have many points and didn't dare to waste them randomly, so he logged out of the space after scanning hundreds of books.

At this time, the multinational WeChat group became active again, as if someone was swiping the screen in it.

[ @Oreo, what are you posting? It keeps flooding the screen. 】

Johannessen wanted to use this time to discuss the case of hemibrain. August, this guy, kept scrolling on the screen, which was quite annoying. He took a closer look and saw that it looked like some kind of advertisement. This guy must have a virus on his phone.

[ @Oreo, is your phone infected with a virus? ] Johannesson asked.

[ @Johnathan, your phone is infected with the virus, your whole family’s phones are infected with the virus. 】August confronts Johannesson.

[ @Oreo? ? ? ] Johannesson didn’t understand what it meant.

【What is this? ] Woodhead also asked.

[Stop arguing, hurry up and help me negotiate the price. I’m buying an all-in-one micro-steaming and baking machine on Pinduoduo. Please show your support and help me cut the price. ] August urged everyone.

This guy wanted to have some self-service food in his dormitory and wanted to buy an all-in-one micro-steaming and grilling machine. Robert recommended Pinduoduo because it was cheap.

He just wanted to send a link to everyone to bargain, but he didn't know that Johannessen always wanted to insert cases. There was no other way, so August had to swipe the screen first and then talk about it.

[If you don’t understand, please read the operating instructions. Dear friends, carry forward the spirit of internationalism and friendship and help Brother Ao chop the knife. He is in a hurry to place an order. 】Robert helped send out an operating instruction.

After all, many of these guys are rookies and need training.

Takahashi was a veteran and cut August directly.

【Wu Zi? 】Robert rolls the name.

[I'm still reading the instructions. ] Woodhead sent a sweating emoji.

[Hey, no wonder you always have difficulties in Level 4 of Chinese -] Robert expressed his sympathy. He has learned Chinese for so long and can’t even play Pinduoduo. He deserves it.

[Can I say a few words first? Why don't you post it first? 】Johnathan has something serious to do.

But August didn't appreciate it at all. Johannesen sent one message, and he sent several messages.

[After cutting it, I immediately stood aside. 】

This is forcing people to help cut it. There is no other way. Everyone has to read the operating instructions and follow the steps.

It made everyone sweat, and it took a long time to help him chop him, and the matter was finally over.

[John, how is the research going? Have you figured out the anatomy? ] Robert asked.

[How can it be so fast? I have already used all fMRI methods and am still in the process of image analysis. 】

Johannessen reminded him every time to call himself Johannessen, but this time he didn't bother to remind them. It was better to call him whatever he wanted, which was better than Dalang. These guys might give themselves an unpleasant nickname at any time.

[How do you usually study brain anatomy? I'm talking about the best method, why don't you use it? 】August finally stopped refreshing the screen.

August is a spine surgeon, so naturally he doesn't know the methods of a brain surgeon. Medicine is developing very fast, and there are so many different fields. For someone like the professor, it seems that apart from the professor, there is only one Maninstein.

Johannesson: [The best method is usually to cut the brain into countless ultra-thin slices, and then put each piece under the microscope to look at the cells. It is very tedious, but it is the best and most reliable. 】

Robert: [It seems that this method cannot be used in this case. 】

Johannesson: [We have rich experience in using fMRI to study the brain. Not long ago, we collaborated with the Department of Neurology on a project that used fMRI to detect lies. We have achieved success. Many of these technologies can be used in this study. 】

[However, it can be initially determined that this hemispheric brain does not have the structure of a complete brain, but it is not half of a normal brain. The anatomy has its own particularities, so the research time will be very long. 】

Yang Ping replied: [This state is the most troublesome. In fact, you can take a shortcut - as long as you figure out the location of each nerve nucleus, you don't need to figure out their functions. If you know the location of the nerve nuclei, you can find a safe gap. , so that the operation can begin. Of course, it is necessary to understand the function of the tumor-invading nucleus, so that we can predict the worst outcome before surgery and weigh the risks of surgery. 】

Johannesson made a frowning emoticon: [Professor, it seems that things are not that simple. My experience is all complete brain surgery. Now this half of the brain is completely unfamiliar to me. I have never done this kind of brain surgery. Surgery is like a newly graduated medical student. He is very familiar with the anatomy of the brain, but he cannot perform surgery. 】

Robert: [John, you used to be a four-wheeled car racer, but now you are driving a two-wheeled motorcycle. Will your four-wheeled car driving experience be useless? 】

Johanathan: [However, I have never driven a motorcycle, and I don’t know where the accelerator and brake steering wheels are for the time being. One day I finally know where they are, but I have never touched them, let alone touched them. How do I operate these things and dare I ride them on the track? 】

It seems that everything is right, but none of it is right.

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