The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 689 The Real God-Level Man

Dr. Ivan returned to the hotel where he stayed.

Doctor, these guys are so arrogant they don't take us seriously.

Just sitting down, the assistant Pavel said bitterly that the emotions he had accumulated in his heart were only released now, and he was complaining for Dr. Ivan.

A little-known hospital, a young doctor, actually saw Ivan as if seeing an ordinary person, and did not leave any special time for Ivan.

You know, no matter where Ivan goes, he will receive a grand reception, he is the god of plastic surgery.

How many rich and powerful people want to curry favor with Ivan, hoping to get his surgery.

Ivan waved his hand: Don't care about this, we can see Professor Yang without making an appointment, and after just chatting for a few words, Professor Yang left in a hurry. This is an ordinary thing in itself. In Professor Yang's eyes, I just Ordinary doctor, not the famous Dr. Ivan, you have to understand your identity, Pavel, all other things are postponed, I decided to stay in China for a while.

Do you want to stay for a while? Pavel really didn't understand Dr. Ivan's thoughts. He was left out today and wanted to stay.

Ivan smiled calmly: Not only do I want to stay, I also want to stay for a while longer to communicate with Professor Yang. His new technology is really great, you can't understand the value of this technology.

I have known Yang Ping from papers before, but now it is the first time I have seen a real person.

Seeing a real person, this feeling is even stronger. Yang Ping's thinking is a world higher than his own.

Pavel poured red wine into the goblet on the coffee table, and Ivan picked up the glass and took a sip gently:

Pavel, you are still young, you lack insight into everything, this Professor Yang is a god, a god-like figure.

Pavel is Ivan's assistant and also a student of Ivan, who used to be a student of Sedonov Medical University, so the two of them will not have too many scruples when talking.

No, doctor, why is there a better surgeon than you? Pavel's voice was a little shrill, unconvinced.

Ivan is a god in his heart, and no one else can surpass Ivan.

It's a fact. Although I haven't seen him undergo surgery, and we have only met for ten minutes so far, my insight tells me that he exudes an aura, which is the aura of a god. I respect a mortal who is like a god, but his aura is a real god, I have never seen such a person. Ivan is still reminiscing about the ten-minute meeting, it was ordinary and there was nothing exciting, But it is so unforgettable.

Decades of professional research on people's appearance and temperament have allowed Ivan to gain insight into a person's inner qualities better than anyone else.

Pawel, let go of your emotions. I am an ordinary person, but someone has raised me to a god. Today you met this man with me. He is a real god-like figure. Now I have the opportunity to be like a god. Men are friends, do you think I will let go of this opportunity?

You know that among the people you met today, there are two European faces, one of whom is Professor Maninstein's friend, Mr. August, a leader in European spinal surgery.

Ivan put down the goblet and spoke slowly.

Pavel was very surprised: But you didn't greet him?

August, even Pavel, who is not a spine professional, knows this famous name.

No, you can't say hello on this occasion. At that time, August's temperament was more like a student than a top scholar. In front of a man like a god, any brilliance will be eclipsed. August is no longer the leader. Character, I am not Ivan who calls the wind and rain, do you understand now?

If you look at his papers seriously, every single one of his papers is amazing.

There was a hint of excitement in Dr. Iwan's tone, and he didn't take the so-called coldness to heart at all. He was glad that he met Yang Ping so smoothly.

Pavel nodded half-understood. In short, since the instructor thinks so, he must be right, but he doesn't understand why Dr. Ivan sent him to an ordinary young doctor so casually. Be a man like a god.

Not everyone can see his own mentor, Dr. Ivan, even some celebrities may not be able to see Ivan.

Seeing Pavel's reluctance, Dr. Ivan shook his head in disappointment: Young man, you still have a lot to learn. As I said, as plastic surgeons, our understanding of human beings must touch human beings. Your inner temperament, the deepest part of your temperament, I am very disappointed with your performance today.


Pavel wanted to defend himself.

Let's go to the First Affiliated Hospital of Nandu Medical University in the afternoon. Ivan waved his hand and changed the subject.

Ivan's father never forgot about this hospital. In the 1950s, Ivan's father once provided brief technical support here.

After lunch, Ivan and Pavel went to Nandu Fuyi under the escort of bodyguards.

Facing the old photos of his father, Ivan found an old house, which was the only one left in Nandu Fuyi.

This old red brick house is preserved as a historical site and now exists as a historical memorial. Other old houses have been demolished and replaced with high-rise buildings.

right here!

Professor Iwan stopped in front of the red brick house, and some young students came and went in groups, passing by.

Everything has changed except for this old house, which is what my father always misses.

Back then, my father was dispatched here as a Soviet expert, and he always remembered this hospital.

I heard from my father that the hospital area here was full of red brick houses. At that time, the Chinese people were full of enthusiasm and passion, and they were concentrating on building their own country. After decades, this hospital, this city, is vast. The roads, the beautiful high-rise buildings, and the densely packed cars, they have done it, and the country has been built beautifully and prosperously. My father has always missed this place, and now he can rest assured that it is very good here. Professor Ivan stood in front of the red brick house and said to himself Talk to yourself.

Pavel was listening on the sidelines. As a younger generation, he no longer had much idea of ​​that period of history.

Ivan still has memories of the Soviet Union, but Pavel only knows about the Soviet Union from history books, and the country he was born in is Russia.

The sun shines through the gaps in the leaves and sprinkles the ground with broken light.

Dr. Ivan walked around the old red-brick house a few times. He came here for his father, fulfilling his long-cherished wish.

Go back to the hotel, I want to take a rest, I have to go to Sanbo Hospital tomorrow.

Ivan put away the old photos.

PS: After typing the words, I still need to continue to study Internal Medicine, the chapter on respiratory diseases has been torn apart in the past few days.

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