The stunt of peeling a lobster with only two chopsticks was definitely not learned by the doctors on the spot. Everyone took the teaching video and kept it for later study.

Yang Ping demonstrated the stunt of peeling lobsters in slow motion, and explained the main points in detail. The key to this technique is two points: familiar with the anatomy of lobsters, and practicing the level of chopsticks.

Everyone actually listened to the lecture like a class, and silently wrote down these points. Some people decided to buy some big lobsters tomorrow to study its anatomy.

Some people also started to try with chopsticks, but unfortunately the anatomy knowledge was not in place, and the operation level of the chopsticks was not up to standard. The lobster slipped and slid under the chopsticks, let alone peeling the lobster.

This is a stunt. Since it is a stunt, it is high-end technology and needs to be trained in a standardized way. Yang Ping told everyone not to worry and take your time.

I really did not expect it!

Eating a late-night snack and peeling a lobster actually aroused such a big reaction from everyone. After that, it will stimulate the strong curiosity of these doctors from time to time.

There are so many fresh things, this is just peeling a lobster.

Starting tomorrow, go home from get off work to practice peeling lobsters for an hour, and next time Professor Yang comes back, he will take the test. Song Yun officially announced.

This first lesson really starts with peeling lobster.

Qiu Ruo and Yu Yanwen were just watching magic, and they were dumbfounded.

Especially Qiu Ruo, who thinks that Yang Ping is a mysterious man, even peeling lobsters is so special.

The doctors tried a few times and found that this stunt could not be mastered in a short time, so they gave up immediately and used the traditional method to peel lobsters, otherwise they would not be able to eat a single lobster for this evening meal today. time to eat.

During the entire supper, Yang Ping used chopsticks to peel the lobster, and kept his hands clean without a single mistake.

I don't dare to eat this supper for too long. Everyone has to go to work at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning.

The young doctors of Xiehe are very hard working. They start work in the department at 6:00 in the morning, and they often get off work after 9:00 in the evening, and there is almost no rest throughout the year.

This kind of experience is a huge test both mentally and physically. One day I grow up and become an expert, and it is an endless operation. Anyway, this kind of day is endless.

Now everyone accompanies Yang Ping to have a late-night snack, which is a great respect for Yang Ping. Usually, Wangfujing is close at hand, so they don't have time to go out for a stroll.

At the end of the supper, Kong Weiquan received a call and looked quite nervous.

Everyone wiped their mouths and thought, does the department need support?

It happened that everyone was full and full of energy, and it was not a problem to have an overnight stay.

Just as everyone was eagerly guessing the task on the phone, Kong Weiquan answered the phone and said, Old Xiao's call, his son has a high fever, his wife sent his son to the emergency department of our hospital to see a doctor, but he hasn't entered the hospital yet, and his son is at the door of the hospital again. After a fall, it is very likely that his right forearm was fractured. Lao Xiao could not walk away on the operating table. Let us help him to see what happened to his son.

Lao Xiao is an associate professor of trauma and orthopedics. Today, the emergency department accepted several injured people from car accidents. Lao Xiao is currently undergoing surgery on stage, and it is estimated that it will be overnight. He received a call from his wife, saying that his son had a high fever, and Lao Xiao was on the operating table.

Old Xiao's wife may be in a hurry. She drove her son to Xiehe, parked the car, and carried her son to the emergency department. She felt dizzy, her mother and son fell, and her son injured his right forearm. He heard that his right forearm was deformed. Old Xiao's wife Also has a bruised face.

The traveling nurse in the operating room was anxious for Lao Xiao, and immediately called several orthopaedic wards, asking Lao Xiao's wife to take the child to the ward to find a doctor for a direct look.

But doctors in several wards were too busy to answer the phone.

The itinerant nurse had an idea and remembered that Kong Weiquan followed Song Yun out to dinner today, so she called Kong Weiquan.

Then what are you waiting for, let's go and see the emergency room. Song Yun hurriedly scanned the QR code to pay the bill.

The doctors at this table, including two operating room nurses, hurried to the emergency department. When they arrived at the emergency department, Kong Weiquan found an emergency nurse and asked where is Lao Xiao's son?

The emergency nurse said that they were queuing in the waiting area. Under the guidance of the nurse, everyone found the old Xiao's wife and child. The child was huddled in a chair, and the right next door was temporarily fixed with a splint, hanging over the chest, with ice packs between the two armpits.

The sister-in-law's face was bruised and swollen, and she put an ice pack on the child's forehead in her hand.

Song Yun was so angry, why did he let Lao Xiao's son line up.

He asked the emergency nurse to find an empty clinic and took the mother and son to the clinic.

Sister-in-law, why are you still in line? Kong Weiquan also complained a little bit that the nurses in the emergency department didn't take good care of themselves.

Old Xiao's wife was very reasonable and immediately said:

It's okay, they took me directly to the consultation room just now, but they were scolded by the patients in the queue behind, saying that we were doing something special, and I didn't want to embarrass them. The queue should be there, and I asked for it myself.

I'm sorry, we can't do anything about it either, said the nurse in the emergency department aggrieved.

Lao Xiao's son Xuan Xuan was only six years old. Because of a fever, his face was flushed, his nose flapped, and he looked stubborn. He wanted to cry but he couldn't hold back from crying. It made people feel pity and love, and it was funny.

What's the situation? Let me see.

Song Yun checked Xuanxuan's right upper limb, and after a simple physical examination, he judged that it was a comminuted fracture of the right radius and ulna.

Hurry up and take an X-ray, sister-in-law, Xuan Xuan has a double fracture of his right ulna and radius. Do you still have a fever?

Song Yun touched Xuanxuan's forehead again. The nurse brought a small flashlight and a tongue depressor. Song Yun checked Xuanxuan's tonsils, which were swollen in the second degree and had pus spots on them, typical of acute suppurative tonsillitis.

Acute suppurative tonsillitis!

If the temperature is not high, treat the fracture first.

I gave an ice pack to physically cool down, and the ear temperature just measured was 38.5 degrees, which dropped a lot. The emergency nurse said.

38.5 degrees, no special treatment is needed temporarily, the fracture is first treated, and then the acute suppurative tonsillitis is treated slowly.

Qiu Ruo and Yu Yanwen helped to deal with the bruises and bruises on the skin and soft tissues of old Xiao's wife's body. However, the emergency nurses had already done simple cleaning and disinfection. There was a small wound on the right knee that needed two stitches.

Song Yun asked Qiu Ruo and Yu Yanwen to help clean the wound and prepare for debridement and suture. After Xuanxuan's right forearm fracture was dealt with, he turned back and sutured his sister-in-law's wound, but the old Xiao's wife was unwilling and had to follow Xuanxuan. Walk.

Everyone took Xuanxuan to the radiology department to take a film. Song Yun said hello to the doctor on duty and helped to take an X-ray. When the film came out, it was really a double fracture of the ulna and radius on the right side, and it was severely smashed and displaced significantly.

Are you ready for surgery? Tell Brother Xiao. Song Yun picked up the phone.

The requirements for reduction of double forearm fractures are very high, and anatomical reduction is required. Simple fractures can be reduced by manipulation. For such complex and severe fractures, the manipulation is more clumsy and there is no way to restore them, so surgery is the only way to fix them with elastic intramedullary needles. Needle is not very good to wear.

Old Xiao's wife is so anxious that her husband is currently undergoing emergency surgery and cannot be contacted, and even if he does, he will not be able to help.

Song Yun finally made a phone call to explain the situation. It was the voice of the visiting nurse: Old Xiao is busy now and has no time to answer the phone. Song Yun, you can help make the decision, and treat it as you please.

The blood pressure is still not good-- Song Yun just finished speaking, and there was a shout from the operating room.

It is estimated that the patient Lao Xiao is undergoing surgery is not very optimistic, Song Yun hangs up the phone and thinks about how to do the surgery.

Yang Ping looked at the X-ray: No surgery, prepare for local anesthesia, I will give him a manual reset, do you have a small splint? It is best to have a small splint. If you don't have a small splint, you are ready to cast a tubular plaster.

This kind of fracture, what kind of surgery, how easy it is to fix it by yourself.

How to reset? Song Yun asked.

Can this fracture be reduced manually? In his concept, manual reduction of such fractures is not possible.

The doctors had not heard Yang Ping just now, but now they suddenly popped out a sentence, which surprised everyone again.

Method reset? Are you right?

Get out of the treatment room. There is really no treatment room. You can reset it in the clinic. Prepare a 5ml 2% lidocaine, a 10ml normal saline, a dressing bag, and a set of forearm splints. Yang Ping said it clearly.

There is no shortage of splints in the emergency department, and temporary fixation of fractures is often required, so all kinds of splints are available.

Old Xiao's wife heard that surgery can be avoided, and the psychological pressure is much less: No surgery, okay?

If her husband is present, she doesn't have to bother to make a decision. Now that her husband is not present, she can only listen to these husbands and colleagues.

Okay! Soon, do a simple local anesthesia, get it done in a few minutes, and go back to sleep. Yang Ping replied affirmatively.

Everyone went back to the emergency department, Qiu Ruo and Yu Yanwen helped find a free disposal room.

The doctors all worked in the emergency department, and they were very familiar with the emergency department. Everyone worked separately. A doctor found a set of forearm splints.

Yang Ping simply gestured the splint on Xuanxuan's left upper limb, which was very suitable.

Others have prepared local anesthetics, syringes, and sterile packs.

Yang Ping asked Xuanxuan to sit down and touched Xuanxuan's head: Don't be afraid, it won't hurt, it will be soon.

Xuan Xuan did not cry, he straightened his chest, gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and looked righteous and awe-inspiring. He didn't want his father's colleagues to look down on him.

Song Yun and Kong Weiquan are Yang Ping's assistants. In fact, Western medicine also has manual reset, so they have basic skills in this area.

After the splints and bandages were ready, Yang Ping drew anesthesia and gave Xuanxuan local anesthesia in the fractured hematoma.

After the anesthesia took effect, he held the far end of Xuanxuan's right forearm and Song Yun held the near end. After two or three minutes of resistance, Yang Ping handed over the far end of Xuanxuan's right forearm to Kong Weiquan. Freeing his hands, he pushed and kneaded Xuanxuan's right forearm a few times, and then installed the splint.

The whole process really takes a few minutes, and everyone thinks that it would be amazing if the fracture could be repaired, right?

Recheck the X-ray and see, it should be done. Yang Ping said confidently after tying the splint.

Because of the local anesthesia, Xuanxuan wouldn't be in too much pain. Because of his nervousness, his forehead was covered in sweat, and the sweat dripped to the side of his eyes.

Does it hurt? Song Yun asked Xuanxuan.

Xuan Xuan shook his head: It doesn't hurt at all, I don't feel it.

Why are you crying if it doesn't hurt? So many tears. Song Yun thought Xuanxuan was crying.

Qiu Ruo wiped Xuanxuan's tears with a tissue, but it was actually sweat.

Xuanxuan gritted his teeth and said stubbornly, I won't cry. It's all sweat. If you don't believe me, help me dry the sweat and try again to see if it comes out of my eyes.

This kid's words will make everyone laugh bitterly.

Xuanxuan was taken to the radiology department to review X-rays, and the right ulna and radius were really all anatomically reduced.

Seeing her son surrounded by more than a dozen doctors, old Xiao's wife felt that as a family member of a doctor, now is probably the most glorious moment.

Anatomical reduction, it's okay, take a bottle of Merrill back to relieve the pain later. Yang Ping instructed Song Yun.

Merrill can both reduce fever and relieve pain, killing two birds with one stone.

The anxious old Xiao's wife just now had her head still in a daze, so it's done like this? It's too simple.

Seeing the X-film at the opening, everyone has to admire it.

The operation is so good, and he can also reset this old antique technique. Who is this person? How can he look like an invincible god of war in an online novel.

This- can we go back? Old Xiao's wife was a little disbelieving.

It's alright! The splint is fixed for four weeks, and it is reviewed every week. Pay attention to the blood supply of the hand. If there is any problem, come to the hospital at any time. Yang Ping affirmed.

After Song Yun watched the X-ray, it was inconceivable that this level of fracture reduction was truly a stunt.

Sister-in-law, wait until you go to the emergency room for a blood test with your finger, and I will prescribe some Merrill Lynch and antibiotics for you to bring back. The fracture has been completely reset, and there is no need for surgery. I will tell Brother Xiao later that Xuanxuan's fever should be acute suppuration. Tonsillitis, you need some antibiotics. Song Yun explained to the old Xiao's wife.

What was originally very troublesome was made easy by Yang Ping.

Thank you, doctor. Old Xiao's wife still didn't know Yang Ping's name.

This is Professor Yang. Song Yun introduced.

Professor Yang, thank you, Xuan Xuan, thank you Uncle Yang? Old Xiao's wife was very polite.

Xuan Xuan was very polite: Thank you Uncle Yang, thank you everyone.

At this time, everyone remembered that Lao Xiao's wife still had a skin contusion on her right knee that was not treated, but was simply covered with a dressing for protection.

Sister-in-law, the wound on your leg needs to be treated now. You need to do debridement and suture under local anesthesia. It's also very fast. After the operation, you need to get a tetanus prevention needle.

Song Yun asked Kong Weiquan to prepare things. There are all surgeons here, and it is not a simple task to sew a wound.

The emergency department nurses are busy, and everyone prepares things by themselves.

Prepare the beauty line, don't leave a scar on the sister-in-law. Song Yun ordered.

I called the plastic surgery department to help me stitch the wound and give me a plan to remove the scar? A doctor immediately picked up the phone.

The wound is sutured beautifully and treated with as little scarring as possible. This is indeed the professional scope of the plastic surgery department.

Then hurry up! Let the plastic surgery department come to someone. Song Yun asked the doctor who called him to do so as soon as possible.

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