The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 650: Cheney's Cooperation

After the meeting, Professor Liang treated guests, and Director Hu paid for it and invited Yang Ping, Xiehe and several young doctors to have dinner together in Fengze Garden in Wangfujing.

Among those young doctors, apart from Song Yun, the others were Dr. Xiehe who participated in the Guilin animal experiments, and they were old fans of Yang Ping.

The whole experimental process of the spinal external fixator animal experiment can be described as cool. These doctors have done many experiments, large and small, and they have never felt so sweaty.

The whole experiment did not encounter any difficulties, and it went straight to the goal, which was so smooth that it was a little unbelievable.

During the meeting, several doctors heard that the Phase III clinical trial of spinal external fixator was carried out simultaneously in Europe, America and Japan, and they couldn't restrain their pride in their hearts. They were also participants in this trial.

On Sunday, Professor Cheney from the Minnesota Twin Cities Spine Center led a delegation to Xiehe.

The communication team included Cheney himself, a total of five people. As a routine communication, the size of this team is already quite large.

Professor Cheney has made outstanding achievements in spinal tumors, especially has rich experience in total vertebra resection, and is also a representative of the European and American schools of this technique.

Cheney has the standard advantages and disadvantages of Americans. He is full of energy and dares to innovate, but at the same time, he is arrogant and selfish in his bones.

At that time, he improved the surgical method of total vertebral resection, making his new surgical method the best total vertebral surgery method in the world. Professor Hu highly praised Cheney's surgical method, and he hoped to send people to Shuangcheng Spine center training, learning Cheney's new technique.

But the arrogant and selfish Cheney rejected Director Hu. Cheney said that he must give priority to satisfying the advanced education needs of Americans.

But this time, Cheney actually brought a collaborative project.

Director Hu said that the visiting team settled in a nearby hotel, took a short rest, and then started the communication between the two teams.

In the conference room of Concord Orthopedics, Cheney met Professor Hu and Concord's doctors. Yang Ping was also regarded as a non-staff doctor of Concorde and participated in this academic exchange.

The exchange meeting is divided into two parts. The first part is a salon-style academic exchange. Everyone communicates freely first, and then sends doctors to each other to give speeches, explaining some of their current research progress, sharing classic operations, discussing special cases, etc.

The second part is surgery, because the topic of this exchange is spinal tumors, so the surgery demonstrated is also spinal tumors.

As the home stadium of Xiehe, there are a lot of people, almost all the doctors, doctors and masters of orthopedics came to attend the meeting.

The whole meeting was conducted in English, and the English level of Xiehe doctors is very high. If you pull out any one, you can speak English very fluently.

Professor Hu, it's a great honor to see you again, how are you? Cheney held Director Hu's hand.

Professor Hu does not like Cheney, but this does not affect the academic exchanges between the two teams.

Professor Cheney, we are very nice and welcome to China. Director Hu was also very polite.

Like most exchange meetings, firstly, the leaders of the two sides meet and shake hands to show that the friendship will last forever, and then the personnel from both sides take their seats.

This is a regular exchange meeting, which is held almost every month, so the meeting reception is kept simple. There is only one bottle of mineral water on the table, and fast food at noon. The meeting ends in the afternoon and the Americans leave.

Of course, after the meeting, doctors from both China and the United States will be asked to take a group photo. Group photos are not only our habit, but also a necessary link for American doctors to participate in the academic meeting.

Generally, if an American doctor is invited to participate in an academic conference, he may not be given food and let him go to the street to get food by himself. This is absolutely no problem, and he will not have any opinions.

But if he was not invited to take a group photo throughout the meeting, he would definitely have an opinion.

Because American doctors are used to participating in academic conferences all over the world, the more conferences you attend, the more knowledgeable you are and the richer your experience is, which is a reflection of your career qualifications.

And if this American doctor has some kind of innovation and is invited to attend an academic meeting to give a speech on his new technology, then the more conferences he attends, the more successful and valuable his new technology will be promoted.

How to prove that there are many academic conferences attended, that is, the photos of these conferences.

After a few simple greetings, Professor Cheney, who was wearing a shirt and tie, couldn't help throwing out his willingness to cooperate:

Professor Hu, this time I bring a very good news. Around my new technique, I designed a new set of equipment. Don't you guys want to learn the new technique? This time there is an excellent opportunity, we Full cooperation can be carried out on new technologies and new devices, medical technology knows no borders, we must share new technologies, and let good technologies benefit people as soon as possible.”

Cheney was in high spirits. This time he came to China for an exchange, and he brought his new device, hoping to cooperate with Concorde to put the clinical trial of the device in China, so that the massive number of cases in China can be used to improve the device and shorten the FDA approval time.

China has a large population and extremely rich case resources. Cheney coveted the massive case resources.

New equipment?

Professor Hu had never heard of it before, and he didn't know when the arrogant and selfish Cheney was so enthusiastic.

Professor Cheney beckoned, and the accompanying assistant took out a picture-text document from his bag and handed it over. Professor Cheney handed it over to Director Hu: Professor Hu, take a good look. The desire for further study you mentioned last time, I have always kept in mind that if we can establish cooperation this time, I can give Xiehe a lot of training places, and the people you send, I will personally teach the new surgery of total vertebral resection.

When did Cheney have such a sharing spirit?

When will we have this noble spirit of internationalism?

With doubts, Director Hu took over the thick graphic materials and studied them carefully.

This exquisite graphic material introduces the new device invented by Cheney, which is actually a modular artificial spinal prosthesis after total vertebral resection.

Professor Hu, if we cooperate, the combination of our advanced technology and your rich case resources can make amazing achievements.

You operate with new equipment, and you will be the first in Asia to use this equipment.

It's a coveted honor.

Cheney said proudly beside him.

Director Hu is very calm and composed, he has no interest in the first application of new technology in Asia.

Although this is the way many professors in China are famous for, Director Hu is not interested in this method. He does not want to degenerate into academic capital by becoming the first person in Asia or China to use a certain foreign device.

After reading the materials, Director Hu had a basic understanding of Cheney's new technology, and then handed the materials to Yang Ping who was sitting beside him.

Yang Ping took the information and just flipped through it casually. This set of equipment is very immature and has many potential safety hazards. If it is not improved, it will not be able to obtain a clinical trial license from the FDA in the United States.

This is a common method used in European and American countries. They put immature medical devices in developing countries for clinical trials, accumulate data, and then improve them until they are mature before using them in their own countries.

Many are still under the guise of imparting advanced technology, making everyone think they are doing good deeds and be grateful to them.

How about it?

Professor Liang, who was sitting next to Yang Ping, asked sideways.

Professor Liang has retreated behind the scenes, and usually participates in these academic conferences only as an audience, not as a leader.

This device is extremely immature and has many safety hazards. It should not be able to obtain a license for clinical trials in the United States in a short time. Yang Ping told Professor Liang his opinion.

Professor Liang snorted coldly, very angry.

Director Hu also heard what Yang Ping said, because everyone was speaking in Chinese, which Cheney couldn't understand at all.

Hearing Yang Ping's words, Director Hu was very sure. Just now he felt that this set of equipment was very wrong and very immature. He was afraid that he might make a mistake in his judgment, so he asked Yang Ping to help him take another look.

Cheney, why is this device not certified by the FDA? Director Hu returned the information to Cheney, speaking in English.

Cheney said disapprovingly: This is a new device that has not yet been certified. It takes too long for clinical trial approval in the United States, so it is better to put it in China.

I'm sorry, Cheney, in China, the approval process is also very strict, not as easy as in the United States. Director Hu said coldly.

Cheney was a little displeased: Don't you guys want to learn our latest tumor surgery method? If we cooperate, we can give you a lot of places for advanced study, and we are doing a great cause. We will put it in China for clinical trials, and we can add equipment. The progress of the application will allow many patients around the world to enjoy the benefits of the new technology as soon as possible, and Professor Hu, you will also publish many papers because of this cooperation, and become the leader of the new technology in China.

Cheney, your device has many flaws and does not meet the standards of clinical trials at all. You may not know us in China. We also have very strict management of these three types of devices. Your device can't even pass my test. Let alone pass the audit.

Director Hu was neither humble nor overbearing, and his tone was very tough.

Don't say that you don't need any of your new technologies now, even if we are eager to learn your new technologies, we won't take this as an exchange.

Cheney originally thought that the cooperation could be easily negotiated, but he didn't expect to be frustrated.

We can provide a sum of money, and there is no limit to the number of papers you can publish as the first author. Professor Hu, I only brought the sincerity of cooperation for the sake of our friendship. To tell you the truth, I cooperated with us. People are waiting in line. Cheney's tone was very arrogant.

It seems that cooperating with you is to think highly of you, you don't know how to flatter you!

Director Hu smiled slightly: Oh—then the matter is simple. You ignore us and find those who are queuing up to cooperate. We are not interested in this project, let alone queuing up.

I don't think you understand this document at all. It contains the essence of all my new technologies. It is no exaggeration to say that there are not many people who can understand it, because most of them do not have the knowledge and experience in this field. Ni's thinking is a bit rogue and overbearing.

The free communication between the two sides is still going on. Some doctors in Xiehe are very active in face-to-face communication with several American doctors in order to practice their spoken English.

Members of Cheney's team, four other doctors, two attending physicians and two residents.

In the United States, there are only two levels of professional titles for doctors: resident doctor-is receiving training and is not qualified to practice medicine independently; attending doctor-has completed training and is qualified to practice medicine independently, and is responsible for all his medical activities. Doctors do not have professional titles In the process, the attending doctor is lifelong.

The two resident physicians were still in the training period and just came out to see the world with the superior physicians, while the two attending physicians were experienced experts in spinal tumors.

Everyone communicated with each other and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Professor Hu, I have been to several Chinese hospitals. The current treatment of spinal tumors, especially total vertebrectomy, is very backward in terms of concept and operation. Some hospitals even do strict grading and staging of tumors. No, the operation is very rough and unprofessional, I am very worried about this phenomenon, so I have been thinking, what can I do for you, now is the time to do something, if we can cooperate, I can train your doctors, It is for the benefit of patients to pass on the best and most advanced technology in the world to you, and then you train other Chinese doctors to let them master the most advanced medical skills in the world.

And we teach you the technology for free, give you new equipment for free, and all we want is the follow-up data after surgery. In your Chinese words, this is a lucrative business.

Haven't you ever thought that the project we cooperate with can also carry out charitable relief. Those poor people who have no money for medical treatment can be operated for free if they suffer from spinal tumors. All they have to do is follow up according to our requirements.

Cheney's eloquence is very good, and his words are flawless. If something is to be done successfully, it must be packaged with fairness and justice. Americans are well aware of this truth.

Typical American Cheney is using this trick.

When Director Hu heard this, he seemed to be narrow-minded and immoral if he didn't agree to his request, and if he didn't implant his defective device into the Chinese body.

Mr. Cheney, you have spoken so well. Now I think your FDA is really an evil devil. It actually ruthlessly restricts your clinical trials. This has caused serious losses to the health of many American patients, and some even fatal losses. , So, you should be able to sue these shameless guys. Professor Hu looked filled with righteous indignation.

Professor Cheney looked at Director Hu, thinking that he understood what he said and was inclined to agree to cooperate.

Yes, I'm planning to hire a lawyer to sue them.

Professor Cheney couldn't think of a response for a while, so he hastily responded.

Besides, I feel very ashamed that you gave us such good benefits. This is originally an American benefit. How can we Chinese be so selfish and take advantage of this benefit, so if I agree to cooperate, I will feel uneasy. Director Hu Said seriously for a while.

No, Professor Hu, you don't have to be so sad. The Chinese need new technologies more than the Americans. Cheney comforted Director Hu.

The free exchange is almost over. Both parties are ready and can start to take turns giving lectures. Each person will only be given ten minutes, and the bell will end by then.

Song Yun asked Director Hu if he could start?

Cheney waved his hand, signaling to wait, he still needs to have a good talk with Director Hu.

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