During the ten-hour flight, Yang Ping slept for about eight hours on the plane.

August was amazed by Professor’s high-quality sleep. He can fall asleep anytime and anywhere, and he can also guarantee the quality of sleep. It is said that the professor used to stay up all night for surgery in the trauma orthopedics department. He could sit on a stool and close his eyes to sleep between two surgeries. Staying up all night like this can also accumulate a small amount of sleep.

The king-size bed in the master bedroom of the plane is indeed comfortable, allowing Yang Ping to sleep for eight hours with a very high quality.

When the plane was about to land, it was already past six o'clock in Germany. Yang Ping got up to wash up, and went to the airplane restaurant with August to enjoy a delicious breakfast.

Of course, no matter how delicious the breakfast is, two round boiled eggs are indispensable, which is indispensable for the professor's daily breakfast.

At seven o'clock, the plane landed at Munich Airport. Markus and the Duke's butler, who had been waiting for a long time, took Yang Ping and August to the Harlaching Orthopedic Hospital from the airport.

August asked Yang Ping if he needed to rest. Yang Ping had already rested well on the plane and refused to continue to rest, hoping to see the patient as soon as possible.

So, under the leadership of Marcus, Yang Ping and August rushed directly to the VIP ward.

Hearing that August's mentor had arrived, a huge team of experts came out of the doctor's office to greet him.

But according to the doorman, August took the mentor to the little duke's ward.

They went directly to the ward, and they were indeed pure doctors. This behavior made these dedicated German experts quite admire.

The crowd, headed by Professor William, came to the little duke's ward.

At this time, the young Yang Ping was already standing beside the bed for a physical examination, leaning over to auscultate his heart and lungs.

This is August's mentor? so young? Is it true that Chinese people have good looks?

A group of German bosses were surprised by the young faces, and it was impossible to ask others' ages.

Yang Ping took a ten-hour flight across Eurasia to meet the little prince of the duke family.

He was lying on a hospital bed, connected to various tubes, and ECMO maintained his life.

The titanium alloy was exposed, but it was sealed with a sterile medical film to prevent infection of the surrounding skin edge.

Yang Ping's stethoscope was pressed against the titanium plate sealed by medical film, and he auscultated the sound of heartbeat through the titanium plate.

August stood beside him with a very low posture. From this point of view, this young man with an Asian face bent over to stop the clinic was undoubtedly August's mentor.

If they were not very familiar with him, it would be hard for everyone to believe that the low-profile German in front of him was August, which was too different from his usual image.

August saw that the other side of the bed was full of people, but he didn't see it, because Yang Ping's physical examination was not over yet.

Not only is the heart under pressure for the little duke, but because of the pressure on the lungs, the aorta and veins, the entire circulation is in a state of high load, which is why the doctor predicted that he would not live to be thirty years old.

Under high load, the heart ages prematurely.

Yang Ping looked up, and August took the medical record from Marcus, and presented it to Yang Ping respectfully with both hands. He wanted to announce to the German medical elites that standing here was his mentor.

Yang Ping is already very familiar with the little duke's medical records, but he still browses through the medical records. If there is no emergency orthopedic treatment, the heart will still not be able to survive this test. If the emergency orthopedic surgery is performed, all compression will be relieved, and the circulation will obtain a normal load, and the heart will still be able to persist. For a while, waiting for a possible heart transplant.

Emergency surgery can be arranged. Check whether the equipment is ready before the operation. You can do the first aid, and the second aid is optional. Yang Ping said after reading the medical records, speaking in Chinese.

He always speaks Chinese when he goes abroad, and only Chinese can accurately express his meaning.

Understood, Marcus has checked the equipment and there is no problem. I will confirm it myself later. Thank you professor for your trust. I will definitely help. August also speaks pure Chinese.

In the ward in Germany, the two communicated in Chinese, but the experts crowded next to each other couldn't understand at all and looked at each other in blank dismay.

The Germans were well disciplined. They watched the half-hour physical examination without making a sound.

Professor William, hello, everyone! This is my tutor, Professor Yang Ping from China. At this time, August introduced Yang Ping.

Yang Ping nodded and greeted everyone with Chinese etiquette.

In this kind of case, he only read it for half an hour and said lightly: Arrange emergency surgery!

This makes the spine surgeons who have participated in the consultation and discussion of the little duke for more than ten years feel miserable.

Let's go to the office to talk about his condition. Yang Ping washed his hands at the sink in the ward.

This is not a teaching round, and there is no need for everyone to stand by the bed and talk about their illnesses.

Dozens of experts followed to the doctor's office, and everyone wanted to see who August's mentor was, and how easy it was to perform this spinal surgery.

Spinal correction with ECMO, and this kind of spiral spine, has been proven to be too risky to operate.

The doctor's office in the VIP ward is very spacious. August presided over the meeting. The returning boss, sitting next to Yang Ping, said with arrogance: Everyone, please Dr. Marcus introduce Mr. Goldberg. illness.

The return of the superior doctor made Marcus more confident, and his voice was a bit louder.

Looking around at all the bosses present, Marcus began to report the medical records.

Marcus reported the medical records in detail from the main complaint, current medical history, past history, personal history, family history, etc., to physical examination, auxiliary examination, final diagnosis, surgical indications, and proposed surgical procedures.

Unlike other doctors, Marcus has seen Yang Ping in Malaysia, and he has also seen Yang Ping's surgery, so he admires his teacher very much.

Everyone is very familiar with this case. We have been in charge of it for more than 20 years. We have discussed it countless times. In the end, it was agreed that we had to give up the operation because the operation could not be performed. We have been waiting, and there may be a way when the medical science advances, and finally We waited until this moment. I went out to study during this period of time, and I learned a lot from following my instructor. I used to think that this kind of case was inoperable. After studying, I realized that this case can not only be operated on, but also can be treated in ECMO as an emergency. With the support of the surgery, the load on the circulatory system is completely relieved, allowing the heart to maintain itself for a period of time.

As an authoritative figure in spinal surgery, August is full of aura.

Germans have always been very disciplined, so as the head of spine surgery, August, although others have seniority than him, they are a little bit dissatisfied with him in private, but at this time, in such a formal occasion, everyone will use August For respect.

And Yang Ping, as August's publicly recognized mentor, no one will question his identity because of his youth, and everyone is concerned about how to do this operation well.

The risk of this operation is too high. In addition to spinal correction, the entire thorax needs to be corrected. We need to know the details of the operation and conduct necessary discussions on the feasibility.

Professor William did not deny the operation plan. He felt that he could not complete it, and he could not mean that others could not. August is not a brainless person, and it is not nonsense to worship young people as mentors.

Moreover, Auguste hadn't done anything for the little duke for more than ten years. How could it be possible for the Chinese to do it for no reason.

The rationality of the Germans was at its best at this time.

Professor, please explain to everyone. August spoke to Yang Ping, his aura was completely extinguished in an instant, and the switching between the two temperaments was very smooth.

This is a spiral spine. It is indeed too difficult to correct it in three-dimensional space, but it is not impossible. The operation will be a bit complicated. The osteotomy requires anterior and posterior joints, and the thorax requires artificial prosthesis. Doctor Ao, release the surgical map. Yang Ping spoke Chinese, and August translated Yang Ping's words into German.

August responded and connected the mobile hard disk to the computer, and Yang Ping's hand-drawn drawings were displayed on the screen one by one.

Every Chinese word on the hand-drawn map is marked with German translation by Auguste.

Dozens of pictures, when put on the seventh, no matter whether it is an orthopedic surgeon, a cardiac surgeon, a cardiologist, or a respiratory physician, they all feel a little restless.

They each have different concerns, but they all showed obvious surprise.

These pictures are extremely exquisite, and at the same time, the performance of anatomy is very fine.

How can the masters who often look at anatomical atlases not know the level of drawing? This kind of high-level hand-drawing can be taught in medical school with drawing.

The spine surgeon, staring at every step of the spinal correction, the design of the osteotomy is amazing, combining the anterior and posterior, the steps are clear, and the minimum damage is used to correct the spine to normal.

During the orthopedic process, the deformation of the spinal cord was also clearly analyzed. The combination of osteotomy and spinal cord deformation minimized the deformation of the spinal cord as much as possible.

In short, the level of spinal surgery shown in this picture makes everyone present feel ashamed.

Cardiac surgeon Constantine marveled at the profound understanding of the heart in the picture, the understanding of the heart, what pathological and pathophysiological changes will occur after long-term compression, what changes will occur in the structure and function of the heart after the compression is relieved, and the understanding of the heart. The final countermeasures are clearly analyzed in the picture. There are many things that Constantine did not understand before, but now he suddenly understands them.

The design of the artificial thorax not only ensures the volume of the thorax, but also takes into account the coverage of skin and soft tissues. Even the assembly method of the artificial thorax is tightly connected to protect the blood supply of the soft tissues. It is implanted in bulk and then assembled.

Every detail is almost exhaustive, and the rare watertightness.

Cardiologists have never seen surgeons have such a deep understanding of the physiology of the heart, especially the sudden decompression of a sick heart that has been under pressure for a long time, resulting in a series of new problems and the resolution of new problems.

A respiratory physician pays attention to lung problems. After reading these pictures, he fully understands the state of the patient's lungs, how it became what it is now, and where it will go in the future.

Yang Ping didn't need to explain too much, these pictures already explained everything.

From time to time, there were admiring gazes, not to mention the instructor's surgical ability, the study of the little duke's entire condition was so in-depth.

This should require a large number of similar cases to gain this understanding, but as far as they know, there is no second case reported in the world for this rare case. Obviously, this young professor is using a single case as the research object.

But how could he spend more time researching than everyone present.

Everyone stared at the picture without making any sound. They were just trying to understand the picture in their hearts.

Can I take pictures?

asked Professor Lloyd.

Of course, and everyone can copy these pictures after the meeting. August was satisfied with everyone's performance.

You are the chief surgeon of the folding man? I have seen this kind of osteotomy in papers, Yang's osteotomy?

Professor Lan Bo once read a paper by a Chinese doctor, which was consistent with the principle of osteotomy, and the case in the paper was extremely difficult to fold a human.

Other spine surgeons seem to be waking up to the fact that everyone is aware of this paper.


August nodded: those are only the early cases of the professor. Most of the cases handled by the professor are difficult cases that others gave up. They are classic cases of traditional surgery. If it is not emergency surgery, the professor no longer uses traditional surgery. Everyone should I have seen the professor's masterpiece, the external fixator of the spine, if it is not an emergency operation, using the professor's new technology, everything will be more wonderful.

Everyone was dragged to the spinal external fixator again. They had just understood this technique, and many miraculous techniques were all the masterpieces of this young man.

The triple bureau case I told you, the doctor who successfully solved it is Professor Yang. August strikes while the iron is hot.

Everyone sighed, as a spine surgeon, having any of these items is enough to make colleagues look up, and now all these items belong to him.

Alright, don't worry about bragging, get on with business.

Yang Ping reminded August.

August immediately stopped promoting his tutor's outstanding academic achievements, coughed a few times, and obediently returned to the topic:

Everyone, do you have any comments on the operation?

It seems that the difficult problems that everyone cares about must be answered in the picture, and the operation position is mentioned. According to the picture, it has been very thoughtful.

This kind of severe deformity, no matter what the position is, the operation is very difficult, especially when preparing for the joint osteotomy. Constantine was deeply affected by it, and it took a lot of effort to remove the ribs.

Yes, this kind of deformity makes many simple operations complicated, not to mention complex operations.

When everyone returned to the surgical operation, they found that it was very difficult to realize the operation on the picture.

Any perfect surgical plan will ultimately be realized by the hands of doctors.

So no one dares to do this surgery in the world. It is difficult in theory, and even more difficult in operation. He is the jewel in the crown of spinal surgery. August also found it difficult.

For example, with such a deformed chest cavity, you need to loosen the soft tissue structure in the front of the spine under thoracoscopic surgery. The heart is crowded together, and the operation may not be able to unfold? Professor Lan Bo thinks that this kind of loosening is difficult to achieve.

It's too risky for you to loosen the large blood vessels under the microscope. Once you enter these narrow spaces, it's difficult for you to obtain the ideal spatial positioning, so the loosening will be full of dangers. Constantine thought about these issues unanimously.

Germany's top experts look at the problems deeply. Indeed, these are all problems.

There is another biggest problem that everyone dare not mention, it is too impolite.

How old is Professor Yang?

Is it the beauty of the face, or is it really young.

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