The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 599 Harrahim

Orthopedic Hospital Harlaching, Munich, Germany.

The little duke has a special status, and his family is one of the top medical school sponsors in Germany. Such a prominent figure, and a major operation, needs to be discussed by the professional leaders of these hospitals. What's more, the clinical practice of spinal external fixation The experiment will depend on the approval of several bigwigs.

Going to Munich to discuss the little duke's surgery?

Is there something wrong with August's head? Just when everyone defended him as the leader of the European spine, did he feel a little dizzy and lost his way?

It is impossible for the little duke to undergo surgery. Whether it is the difficulty of spinal correction or the accompanying visceral risks such as heart failure, under the current surgical conditions, the operation cannot be successful.

Among these experts is August's teacher, Professor William of the Charité Musculoskeletal Surgery Center.

They are too familiar with the condition of the little duke, and they have discussed it together countless times.

Since the notice was issued in the name of the German Society of Spine Surgery, everyone can only obey.

More than a dozen experts rushed to Munich from Charité Musculoskeletal Surgery Center, Heidelberg University General Hospital, Dresden University General Hospital and other top hospitals. These experts are all powerful figures in the German orthopedic field. August Specially competes with the British for the strong backing of the Society of Spine Surgery.

When these professors gathered around the conference table, they did not see August, and only Marcus appeared.

Marcus, where's Professor August?

Professor Lloyd of Heidelberg University General Hospital tapped his knuckles on the table, very dissatisfied.

Yes, where is August? Professor Rimbaud of Dresden University General Hospital also expressed dissatisfaction.

Marcus did not answer directly, and August repeatedly urged him to keep his itinerary secret when he left.

Professor August has gone abroad, and his itinerary needs to be kept secret. He said he will explain it to you when he comes back.

That's all Marcus could say.

Then what are we asked to do? The professors were very angry and discussed with each other.

Professor August is going to invite a foreign professor to perform surgery on the little duke. The technology used is the latest orthopedic technology. This technology is currently in the clinical trial stage. Professor August is seeking for the Harlash Orthopedic Hospital to do this. The quota for the clinical trial base of this technology, but whether it can be quickly approved by the German Ministry of Health depends on your support, Professor August asked me to show you the new technology approval materials in advance to save time.

How could Marcus restrain these big bosses? He spoke carefully, for fear of offending any of them. If it wasn't for Professor August's order, he wouldn't organize this kind of meeting.

Germany is the birthplace of Western medicine. The Germans are still proud, and the German medical profession is even more arrogant. They even look down on Americans, let alone others.

In order for the new technology to obtain a license for clinical trials as soon as possible, it is necessary to convince these bigwigs and get their votes.

And facing arrogant people, using arrogance to arrogance is a very effective way.

Therefore, in order to save time, August used this method to beat some of the big shots. These big shots always thought that without their support, August was nothing and couldn't beat the British at all.

He went too far and left us here without knowing where to go.

I thought August informed us.

He is ignoring us and lacking basic courtesy.

The professors present were full of anger and felt insulted in some way.

Professor Lloyd of Heidelberg University's iconic wavy blonde hair is like a lion.

Okay, now that we're here, let's see what August is up to. Let me chair this meeting, Marcus, and you will tell everyone about the new technology.

Professor William of Charité Hospital is August's teacher. Of course, he is facing his students, and August has secretly reported something to him.

Professor William was still able to calm down the scene, after all, Charité Medical School and Hospital is the most powerful force in the German medical field.

With the support of Professor William, Marcus became full of confidence, straightened his body, and projected the information sent by August onto the screen in the conference room.

This new technology is called external fixator for scoliosis, and it's a brand new surgery for scoliosis—

Surprised hiss, spinal external fixator?

The topic has attracted everyone. Some of these bigwigs once considered this aspect, but because it was too difficult, they were considered impossible to succeed and gave up. Now someone actually studies this? This is a dead end in spine surgery.

This technology has passed animal experiments and Phase I clinical trials. Phase II clinical trials are underway, and we are participating in Phase III clinical trials. Whether it is animal experiments or Phase I clinical trials, the data is very dazzling. Everyone, this is Aogu The information sent by Professor Ster, because it is still in clinical trials, please do not take pictures or spread it, this is the first clinical case, the Cobb angle is 176 degrees, if you are asked to treat it, how should it be treated—” Ma Ku He won the true biography of August, so he paused his speech at this time, which whetted everyone's appetite.

This 176-degree patient is a case with a very serious degree of deformity. How did the other party perform the operation?


Professor Lloyd's temper was quite violent, he almost ran away and rushed up to beat people.

Our time is precious, don't play tricks. Professor Rimbaud was more gentle.

Another dozen pairs of eyes were also staring at the screen eagerly. With such severe scoliosis, surgery is very difficult. Can any external fixator technology work?

Don't pause on purpose. This is August's shortcoming. Don't imitate his shortcoming. Continue to talk— Professor William's majestic voice.

Marcus is very satisfied with the effect of August's speech knack, which can be seen from the hateful eyes of the bigwigs present.

Well, let the black technology debut!

Look, this is the preoperative full spine anteroposterior and lateral view and CT three-dimensional reconstruction image. This is the image of postoperative orthopedics. Let's take a look, how is the effect of orthopedics? No segment is fused, and every intervertebral disc is preserved. , all the joints of the spine are active, this is the closest to a normal spine. Marcus has never been so confident in front of these big guys.

August is so awesome, he actually handed over the explanation of such advanced technology to himself, looking at the eyes of these big guys, like a country bumpkin who has never seen the world, it's so cool, Marcus looked at the audience with contemptuous eyes.

I don't know if they are doubting, or they haven't reacted yet. This time, everyone has no objection to Marcus's pause.

Everyone stared at the sharply contrasting spine on the screen, feeling like they were being photographed by P.

Is this true? Lloyd, who was originally irritable, was cautious.

Marcus released a series of images of Xiao Cui before the operation, two weeks after the operation, one month after the operation, two months after the operation, and three months after the operation.

The venue fell silent once again. Someone took out their glasses, put them on, and started to get serious.

After a few minutes of silence, whispers began.

This kind of black technology will take some time to digest. Marcus is not in a hurry. There are not many moments of such comfort, so the time should be extended as much as possible.

I'm afraid there will never be a moment when you step on the boss and rub it round and flat.

If they had scoliosis of 176 degrees, if they were to undergo surgery, they would definitely look forward and backward, and it would be difficult to make a decision.

The new method in front of me is so powerful that it almost ignores 176 degrees, and it has been corrected to normal.

At the beginning, some people doubted the authenticity, but everyone was familiar with August’s rigorous attitude, and he would not call everyone together to introduce fake technology, and he was still abroad, so he hurriedly asked his assistant to introduce new technology to everyone. Everyone voted to agree to the technology entering clinical trials.

Are there any other cases?

No one spoke, and Professor William broke the silence.

Marcus grasped the timing well and released the subsequent thirty-nine cases one by one.

I want to round and pinch your faces, I want to make your little hearts beat wildly, I want to make your eyes blur.

Marcus did it. A dozen professors were disturbed by a series of cases. They puffed their cheeks, stretched their faces, rubbed their eyebrows, and punched their own necks. Marcus sat down and waited for them to fully digest. .

Marcus acted as if he had created the technology himself.

Most of the cases here were witnessed by Professor August. You are familiar with him. He is a serious and cautious person. He will not easily call everyone without sufficient investigation and verification. His intention is obvious. Let the new technology Get a license to enter clinical trials quickly, because clinical trials are also being prepared in the United States and Japan at the same time, and we cannot lag behind.

Marcus took a sip of water and spoke slowly.

Slow down the case, do it again, and ask someone to prepare some snacks! Professor William interrupted Marcus's leisurely sitting posture.

The professors present are the most powerful in orthopedics in Germany, and now they have different expressions, some frowning, some resting their chins, and some slightly raising their heads and closing their eyes in thought.

Marcus, can you tell us about this technology, you should understand it? Professor Lloyd chatted for a long time, and finally said it.

Professor Rimbaud can't wait to ask.

Of course, counting, I am the second doctor in Europe to learn this new technology. At present, the number of doctors who can master this technology in the world can be counted on one hand. Marcus ordered his assistant to hand out the printed technical manual.

Low-key! William accused the high-profile young man.

Yes, sir. Marcus bowed slightly.

I want to know how long this case took, how the Irizarov theory can be applied in this way, and their osteotomy process, I need details?

Professor Lloyd was interested in spinal external fixation, but felt that it could not be realized, so he gave up early.

The whole process took three months. You see, this is two weeks after surgery, one month after surgery, two months, and three months. The spine is gradually straightened, which is amazing. Marcus recalled 176 degree pictures.

My God, 176 degrees, it can be corrected like this, without neurological dysfunction? Professor Lan Bo is very concerned about this issue, and he wants to see the patient's condition after surgery.

Marcus released the video of Xiao Cui before, during and after the operation. After the operation, Xiao Cui can bend over to tie his shoelaces, has a normal gait, the shape of the spine is very good, and the most important thing is to retain the maximum range of motion.

Any images of the heart and lungs?

Professor Lloyd couldn't wait to learn more about it.

Marcus cooperated and released the images before and after the cardiopulmonary surgery. They were not threatened by danger during the orthopedic process, and they were in a very good position after the operation and could perform good functions.

Could you zoom in a little bit? I want to see that external fixator! another professor body fronted.

Yes, is there any details on external fixators in the manual? How do they fit together?

Lloyd was the most active in the audience, because he had an idea, but the idea was wiped out by the difficulty, and he never thought about walking on this road since then.

The image of the well-made KitKat external fixator is zoomed in and it is very beautiful.

There was another booing, expressing admiration.

No wonder August is so arrogant. He left everyone here, and he can say boldly: I have gone abroad, and the itinerary is still kept secret.

He used this new technology to stun everyone, and he did it.

Where did August find this technology? I haven't seen it, and it's not mentioned in the latest paper. Lloyd is a gentle and elegant person.

This, Professor August will personally explain to you. Marcus said in an official tone.

Markus added: But you can believe that this new technology will spread from Harlaching to the whole of Europe and across the English Channel.

The last sentence is what German orthopedists like to hear the most.

They always hated Milton the shit-stirrer.

All you have to do is cast your precious vote at that time.

Each received a handbook, which had been translated into German by Auguste.

The technical details in the manual are very detailed, including the theoretical basis of osteotomy, application principles, operation details, technical principles of external fixator pairing, assembly methods, and various application scenarios. This is already a mature technology in a system.

Everyone wondered why those sitting here were completely ignorant. Could it be that he was so ignorant and so backward, why did August know.

Marcus, you just said, are you the second doctor in Europe to master this technique?

Lloyd asked.

Marcus touched his nose. It can be said that August is the student of the great god. He claims to be the first person in Europe to master this technology. August taught me the technology first. Am I not the second? ?

If you say it in a high-profile way. Marcus confirmed his identity.

I'll stay here tonight. You can arrange it. There are still many questions. Let's discuss it. Don't you mind? Lloyd decided to stay and understand the manual.

I'll stay too.

I stayed.



I'm afraid there's a lot I don't understand either, Marcus began to sweat.

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