The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 592: The First Person to Rock Climb

Yang Ping finished the throwing knife in Fuyi, and played basketball for two more days on Saturday and Sunday.

On Monday, Corey was busy with surgery. Fortunately, the two assistants were very helpful, so that Yang Ping had the energy to prepare for the project of cultivating muscle with stem cells.

Li Jun still didn't wake up, and Qin Xiaowei was still waiting in the family waiting area of ​​the ICU every day. Every time he saw Yang Ping, Qin Xiaowei would come to ask about Li Jun's condition.

The ICU once suspected whether Li Jun was brain-dead, but after an examination, it was confirmed that he was not brain-dead, which meant that there was a theoretical possibility of waking up, but in fact there was little hope of waking up.

Huge medical expenses keep rolling forward, and to maintain Li Jun's life, the expenses will increase.

The part at his own expense was too big, and Qin Xiaowei began to realize that the one million he got would eventually be exhausted, and he needed money to save Ah Jun.

He wanted to get the remaining five million as soon as possible.

Since Li Jun hadn't woken up, he couldn't help by waiting by his side, so he put all the remaining money into Li Jun's hospital account, and then told the ICU doctor that he would leave for a few days to continue raising money.

He emphasized repeatedly that he would not give up, and that he would call him once the medical expenses were tight.

Then Qin Xiaowei signed a document. If Li Jun's condition changes, the ICU will try its best to rescue him, and the doctor can make a decision without waiting for Qin Xiaowei to sign.

The doctor in the ICU believed that he did not give up on the patient, because no one would pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to the account when they gave up. They usually left quietly and then turned off their mobile phones.

After leaving the ICU, Qin Xiaowei lingered in front of Yang Ping's office for a long time before mustering up the courage to knock on the door and enter.

Qin Xiaowei?

Yang Ping was very surprised.

Qin Xiaowei sat down and said, Professor Yang, I will go out for a few days to raise medical expenses for Ah Jun, and I will be back in about three days. I will definitely not give up on Ah Jun, definitely not! If there is any change in his condition, please do your best My efforts to rescue, and then give me a call, my mobile phone is activated at any time.

Qin Xiaowei was afraid of leaving by himself, and the hospital would abandon Ah Jun if his condition changed.

Although he had already signed some entrustment documents in the ICU, Qin Xiaowei still felt that he had communicated clearly with Yang Ping when he left, because he trusted Yang Ping very much.

Yang Ping didn't know what he was going to do, and it was not easy to ask, but he just promised him that he would try his best to rescue Li Jun when Li Jun was in critical condition.

As for what Tan Xiaowei was going to do and how to raise money, Yang Ping could not interfere with him, which was beyond the scope of the doctor's duties.

Qin Xiaowei is an adult and has his own judgment ability.

This time Qin Xiaowei left for three days to inspect the rock wall for freehand rock climbing.

Unarmed rock climbing is a very dangerous sport. In addition to technology and physical fitness, scientific and perfect preparations are also required.

After signing the contract, Qin Xiaowei has not seen the rock wall to be climbed with bare hands.

But as the first freehand rock climber in China, he has the confidence to complete the contract and get the money.

He really needs that money!


In the northwest of Nandu Province, here is a mountainous area.

Qin Xiaowei stood at the bottom of the cliff and looked up at the rocky cliff. It was indeed a good place for rock climbing, and it was more suitable for rock climbing than any rock wall he had seen before.

More than 900 meters, like a knife cut, extremely steep, standing tall at 90 degrees vertically, without a single plant on it, it is unexpected that there are such rocks in this mountain.

It's all granite. The quality of the rock is very good. We have already swept it once. There are no bushes or any looseness. It is very suitable for freehand climbing. If I am not old, I would like to try it too. Pass it to Qin Xiaowei.

Qin Xiaowei took over the telescope and observed it from top to bottom, from left to right. Indeed, there was no shrub or weed on the entire rock wall, and the quality of the rock looked very good to the naked eye.

Not far away, they built a tent as a temporary base, as a base for preparations for rock climbing.

The two returned to the tent, drank water and rested.

The free-hand rock climbing this time is a cooperation between an outdoor sports brand and a video platform. The outdoor brand advertises, and the video platform gathers traffic. Each gets its own place. Aron’s company is one of the few companies that professionally operate outdoor extreme sports videos, so it is naturally valued by both parties, so The two parties entrusted Aaron to find someone who could climb freehand.

In this circle, no one is more suitable than Qin Xiaowei.

Technology, physical fitness and age, Qin Xiaowei is the best choice.

This new rock wall has never been climbed before, and it is necessary to open up a route, and the opening of a route is very important.

First, use a drone to observe the entire rock wall in real time, and draw up several routes; then Qin Xiaowei will try to climb several routes in person.

When trying to climb, there is a safety cable protection, which is relatively safe.

But when it comes to climbing, there is no safety wire, and even pitons are prohibited. It is purely real bare-handed climbing.

Some people have to prepare for many years to climb such a new rock wall with bare hands.

When Qin Xiaowei and Aaron were resting, there was a rustling sound.

A middle-aged man with a slightly fat body was dragged and supported through the woods and came to the position of the tent.

Boss Zhou is here!

Aaron patted Tan Xiaowei, and the two got up to greet Boss Zhou.

Boss Zhou is the owner of the well-known outdoor sports brand Surface Warrior. He is a native of Nandu and has been engaged in outdoor sports clothing and equipment for more than 20 years.

Brother Wei!

Boss Zhou let go of his entourage, stood firm, and took Qin Xiaowei's hand.

Boss Zhou!

It was the first time Qin Xiaowei saw him.

Brother Xiaowei, I have admired you for a long time. Today I finally met a real person, the first freehand rock climber in China. I have seen your video. It is very good! Mr. Zhou expressed admiration.

Qin Xiaowei was obviously a little shy, and just said: It's all bragging from insiders.

Xiao Wei has climbed many rock walls in the north and south of our country. Xiao Wei has also climbed a similar one that is more than 900 meters.

Aaron helped to introduce, of course he didn't brag, Qin Xiaowei is really good.

Brother Wei, it's very difficult. There's no way around it. Netizens nowadays have high tastes, and they don't buy anything real. After this is done, you will be the spokesperson of our company. There will be many opportunities for cooperation in the future.

As Boss Zhou said, he took the binoculars, looked up, and got goosebumps all over his body.

Brother Xiao Wei is fine, but the preparation time is a bit rushed, can you give me some more time?

Qin Xiaowei is not good at socializing, and Aaron fights for Xiaowei. Everyone is a brother in the circle.

Boss Zhou shook his head and sighed: I also want to give it more time, but the situation does not allow it. The company's stock price keeps falling. If I can't take any measures to stimulate it, I will jump off this cliff.

Everyone, please everyone!

Boss Zhou bowed, looking pitiful.

Aaron still wanted to fight, but Tan Xiaowei tugged at the corner of his clothes, signaling him not to fight.

Because Qin Xiaowei is also eager to get the money.

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