The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 545 Should the surgery be postponed?

There are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings.

Sometimes it is like this, what is afraid of will come.

The door of the catheterization room opened, the old man was extremely anxious, his face was pale, he hurriedly asked Director Guan about his condition, and Director Guan explained the condition to the old man in detail.

The old man's body fell apart, leaning on the back of the wheelchair, dumbfounded, unable to wake up for a long time, only his lips were trembling constantly.

Yang Ping asked the nurse to quickly push the old man back to the ward and take good care of him, and then called head nurse Cai to see if he could contact other relatives of the old man.

At their age and in poor physical condition, they have to go to the hospital several times a year on average, basically in a precarious state.

My wife has entered the CCU, and his life and death are uncertain. My son is still in detention. Relatives and friends, who can I ask for help?

Head nurse Cai communicated with him for a long time and asked for several numbers, but when they called, they thought it was a scam call and hung up without saying a few words.

I had no choice but to wait for the old man to calm down and call his relatives.

These relatives don't have much contact with each other at ordinary times. When they receive a call, they either say that they are not in the city, or that they will come back tomorrow when they have time.

Whether he will come tomorrow or not is unknown.

The general duty of the hospital happens to be the vice president, Dean Sun, who has experience in handling these matters.

He informed the medical office to send an officer overnight to deal with the elderly.

And asked the medical office to contact the neighborhood committee where the old man lived during working hours tomorrow.

This patient is very special. He is not an inpatient or an emergency outpatient, but a family member of an inpatient. In the middle of the night, there is an emergency in the ward, and he takes the green channel for rescue.

The patient's husband is in a state of mental breakdown and lacks the ability to make decisions. The only son is currently staying in the detention center.

Other relatives could not be contacted.

Only contact the neighborhood committee and let the neighborhood committee take charge.

Dean Sun asked the first doctor Li Guodong to complete the medical records in time and write down the rescue records at that time, so as to avoid being speechless in case of disputes.

Dean Sun said that human nature cannot stand the test. Every patient may be the object of court proceedings against Bo, and every medical record may be court evidence.

Other things can be put aside first, and the medical records must be recorded in time.

In case the old lady did not pass through the dangerous period after the operation in the CCU, even if no relatives were present, at that time all kinds of relatives would appear, and each one was more enthusiastic than the other, as if everyone was the embodiment of justice.

Dean Sun has been a doctor for so many years, and he has also been the deputy dean for many years. He has seen all kinds of ugly things, so he has to keep his hand.

Contrary to Dean Xia's determination to forge ahead, Dean Sun is very conservative.

Li Guodong seized the time to complete the medical record. Dean Sun read it word by word, and asked Li Guodong: Dr. Li, according to what requirements did you write this medical record?

Li Guodong didn't know what Dean Sun meant, and said truthfully, According to the latest version of the medical record writing specification.

Isn't writing a medical record just to follow the medical record writing standard?

Are there other requirements?

Dean Sun shook his head: That's the minimum requirement, Dr. Li, let me tell you, for every medical record, you have to think that this patient will go to court to sue you at any time, and you have to write with this mentality in order to write it well. medical records.

Li Guodong nodded, and Dean Sun seemed to be right.

Dean Sun instructed Li Guodong to revise the medical records several times before finalizing the draft, printing it out and signing it.

After signing, Dean Sun read it several times, and told Li Guodong: The baby's operation will be stopped tomorrow, and I will tell you, Professor Yang, later.

Li Guodong didn't understand why the operation was stopped. If the needles were not removed in time, the needles would be in danger at any time, and the baby would be in great pain.

Dean Sun seemed to understand Li Guodong's expression, and said earnestly: You are still young, you don't understand many things, and you will mature slowly. This operation on a baby is not an emergency to save lives. It's okay to wait a few more days, and we can talk about it after things get straightened out. , if there is a dispute, wouldn't it make things worse?

Before leaving, Dean Sun said to Li Guodong: Dr. Li, when you are a doctor, don't work in a daze. You should learn from Director Kong in the Overseas Chinese Building.

After speaking, Dean Sun left the ward and went to the catheterization room and CCU for inspection.

Li Guodong was a little messy sitting in the office, he understood what Dean Sun meant.

Director Kong is indeed a legendary figure, and now he is the director of the internal medicine department of Huaqiao Building.

Sanbo Hospital knew that this person's professional level was very poor, the kind that was ridiculously poor.

But Director Kong has a sharp mouth and can ponder people's psychology.

So he has been promoted to chief physician by virtue of his two unique skills, a master tutor, and is currently working as a doctoral tutor.

During the years when Director Kong was the director of the Cardiology Department, his professional level was very poor, and he often said wrong words in case discussions.

But Dr. Corey didn't expose him, and no one reported him, and they were all willing to follow him.

Because he has a sense of loyalty, he can seek benefits for Dr. Keli, he can speak for the doctor at critical times, and he can take responsibility for any disputes in the department. With his mouth, he can resolve countless disputes, large and small.

During his tenure as director, Corey did not have a single lawsuit, and even complaints were very rare.

It's amazing!

There was an interventional operation. Director Kong performed the operation and punctured the patient's aorta. The patient died on the operating table on the spot.

In the end, the family members didn't say anything, not only there was no dispute, but they also sent pennants and fruit baskets.

In the medical field, he and Director Tang of another private hospital are regarded as legends.

Doctors do this, hey!

one word! Clothes!

Li Guodong has seen how powerful Director Kong is, but he can't learn it, really can't learn it.

It is a very common and common disease, and its treatment is very simple, and even junior residents can complete the treatment.

But director Kong said one thing after another, how serious the disease was, how difficult it was to cure, and finally he cured it.

Patients not only believed, but were grateful.

Sometimes even Gui Peisheng can't stand it, but they always discuss behind his back.

Director Kong's special ability made Dean Xia have to look at him differently. During the reform, most of the other department directors were dismissed and replaced by young and capable doctors. Only he was promoted to the director of the internal medicine department of Huaqiao Building.

He served as the director of the internal medicine department of the Overseas Chinese Building, and made great contributions to the hospital. From then on, no matter what the hospital did, it was very smooth.

For example, if you want to approve a sum of money, other hospitals cannot approve it, but Sanbo Hospital can approve it smoothly.

The Medical Insurance Bureau has strictly inspected other hospitals, and when they came to Sanbo Hospital, they all gave their thumbs up, a model of medical insurance.

Director Kong has a characteristic, he is generous to the doctors below, and he is responsive to the colleagues in the hospital.

If someone came to him with something, he would treat it as if it was his own, and never put it off.

Yang Ping, Song Zimo, and Xu Zhiliang returned to the department from the CCU, and Li Guodong immediately reported: President Sun said to stop Minmin's operation, should the operation be postponed?

It must be very painful for such a young child with so many needles on his body. Every time Minmin cries loudly for no reason, it is caused by the stimulation of the needles in some parts of the body during physical activities.

Although this kind of operation is not an emergency life-saving operation, the sooner the better.

And some needles, such as those in the heart, can be fatal at any time.

Dean Sun told me about this, and I have already told him, the operation will be performed as planned tomorrow, and don't delay the child because of tonight's incident. Yang Ping was also a little sleepy, and was going to go to the duty room to rest.

Li Guodong reminded: The old lady has a sudden myocardial infarction, the grandfather is in a trance, and other relatives are not present, in case—

In case there is any dispute, it is thankless.

Yang Ping looked at Li Guodong, he was right, from the perspective of protecting himself, it was the safest way to do so.

Yang Ping thought for a while and said to Li Guodong.

Dr. Li, it's right to be a doctor to protect ourselves, but we should stand more from the patient's standpoint. The sooner the operation is, the sooner the child will be out of pain. Make full preparations, and I will report to Dean Xia before the operation tomorrow.

Li Guodong nodded: I understand!

Surgery tomorrow as planned!

Song Zimo also patted Li Guodong on the shoulder.

The best way for pilots to protect their own safety is to never take off the plane!

Xu Zhiliang said to Li Guodong again: Dean Sun—the old slicker—learn from him—learn half at most.

Li Guodong's face turned red instantly.

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